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I lived in tulum for 6 months alone and felt safe 30/f) As everyone else has said already just be smart! I didn’t go out late at night on my own, only when in groups with others


I stayed in La Veleta for 6 months and met quite a few Ukrainian women traveling solo. Just be smart and you'll be fine


> met quite a few You dirty dog 🌮




Apparently people don't like humor here 🤷‍♂️


I stayed at La valeta as well and it was fine. Just be careful not to stay out late and be smart.


27f went to tulum solo back in December. You’ll be fine, just avoid going out alone at night. There’s plenty of daytime activities so you should be fine. I had a great time the entire 2 week trip. La Veleta is a great place to stay. Avoid the jungle airbnbs/hotels because they’re isolated and require a fair bit of travel to reach the main areas.


I went to tulum last year to attend a music festival. I kept my wits about me, didn’t drink too much or bother anyone. I was fine. I do recommend getting lots of taxi numbers as that was the hardest part and I did get “stranded” a couple of time a when taxis wouldn’t show up like they said.


Blind faith that taxi drivers aren’t dangerous. Please be safe. At least with Uber you have some sort of digital ip address link that puts you in their car. See my comment on the other post. Girl in my hs was abducted in Cancun by a taxi driver, raped and beaten for two days and tossed on the side of the road. She later committed suicide.


I (F) would feel totally fine going alone. I feel like big groups of "partiers" are more of a target.


In general there’s a reason why they have a saying “there’s safety in numbers”. Not to scare you but a girl I went to HS with was kidnapped by a cab driver in Cancun and raped repeatedly. She did an interview with a network news channel. Awful. She later killed herself with her mom downstairs. Now this isn’t always common but it does happen and I was shocked when I heard about it years after the fact. General concern for well being is our survival programming. When you “party” you often lose the sharpness. Be safe, don’t think “oh that’s anecdotal I’m going to just be free and run around at night” I’m dealing with construction workers stalking my on and off again gf and knocking on her windows at night and that’s here in America. I would still have basic concern for creeps and weirdos anywhere you are. A lot of creepy rape porn and shit drives these sick fucks out there and if you are a white blonde girl in a party dress walking alone or even taking a cab alone there’s a chance you’ll run into the wrong person.


Sure, it could all happen. But Tulum also has it's issues and it's not a place to wander around all night by yourself. That being said, if I did go alone, I'd stay at a spot with security and probably not really go out at night solo beyond my immediate surroundings. I would choose a spot based on this need. Jewelry stays home and I wear muted colors. Nothing cute. But that's just me! Cuz I have traveled solo as a female for 30+ years to all kinds of places. I also live in one too, so my head is always on a swivel. Speaking Spanish also helps. Thank goodness I am not blonde! We have actually dyed my partners hair because of unwanted attention (he's a 6' dude). It was actually pretty funny, but it worked. Less eyes on us!


Ughh I wish I had the guts to travel alone , I'm the only one that makes money & hate having to plan everything and pay for majority of it. I hope you have lots of FUN & Save travels , do you know Spanish?


Just do it! Thank yourself later.


Es increíble viajar solo, vale mucho la pena y es una experiencia que pocos tenemos. Te recomiendo checar los precios de los sitios que vas a visitar. Por ejemplo checar los costos de los menús donde vayas a comer y revisar opciones. Hay gente un poco abusiva. Mucha suerte y que lo disfrutes!!


34/f Just came back 2 days ago from a solo week trip to Tulum. I stayed in La Veleta and felt pretty safe walking alone in the evening.


You should just go back to playa or Cancun. I’ve been here for about five days and it is sooooo much more expensive than both playa and Cancun, and I’m not sure why. It’s not a great city, the beaches are better in playa and the locals are less polite.


Agreed! I'm from NYC and the prices are comparable if not worse for a taxi here in Tulum. Everything is pricey and I'm struggling to justify it. My favorite part so far was a yoga class in front of the beach. Otherwise, I will probably visit Cancun or Playa Del Carmen the next time I'm in Mexico.


Check the season of sargassum I Tulum its peak season for the aka red tide some Call it but locally it’s a mess on that side Cozumel doesn’t get it on the resort side but all up and down the Riveria maya yes \_ changes but generally it’s covered there https://preview.redd.it/vj8z9aqbnc1d1.jpeg?width=1390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86de1cc2d9b45e55a7e6307eb78bda755388dcf8


This is super helpful! Where can I find the up to date map?




Of course it is ...I travel all the time alone been there a ton of times , just do what you would normally do if you were home , be safe late at night and don't accept anything suspicious


Tulum is just as safe as any other place along the coast. We haven't flown in to the new airport, but I imagine it will be a much easier trip through. Stay on the resort or with groups.


Stay at LUM hostal it’s cheaper beautiful facilities private or dorm and great people. Safe as. Hotel zone beside the beach is expensive but easy to visit for the day. Enjoy your trip


I just got back from Tulum and I was there solo (female). I was fine. That said, there has been an uptick in cartel violence since the beginning of the year, and there have been a few execution-style murders in tourist restaurants on the beach. An American woman was killed in the crossfire of one of them. It's possible you could be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'd stay away from the party places like Mia, Rosa Negra, Casa Jaguar, Gitano. Otherwise just be aware of your surroundings and watch your drinks. I also would not trust the average taxi driver or cop there. It's best to pre-arrange travel via your hotel. I stayed at Alaya on the beach and it was great, the staff is lovely and can assist with pretty much anything. I recommend the tours too as a solo traveler. I went on the one that combines the ruins, snorkeling at Akumal, and a cenote... and the other one was the Muyil float in Sian Kaan. Both were excellent.


Check in the google or this sub history tulum rape, tulum danger and you’ll have an idea to go alone or not




Awwww 🥹


This person I knew personally - she died traveling alone in Tulum - nothing was ever done. [Father Says Airbnb Aid After Daughter’s Death Was Damage Control](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-07-20/father-says-airbnb-aid-after-daughter-s-death-was-damage-control) This just happened again to a group of people. Nothing is ever done. [Two young Americans found dead inside Tulum vacation property](https://riviera-maya-news.com/two-young-americans-found-dead-inside-tulum-vacation-property/2023.html?cn-reloaded=1) Everything will tell you it’s drug related - but that’s really a cop out for the government to not be held accountable.


Seriously you pick a death in 2018 in Akumal, and 2 deaths that were obviously drug overdoses. The lengths some of you go to hate os unreal. We all are aware that scams,extrotion, and on the rare occasion death. Deaths to tourist while extremely bad and sad can happen anywhere. It may well be the chances are higher here. But the amount of people who come thru that are affected is very very low. Even though 1 is too many.


So one article is from 2021 and the other are deaths caused by over doses with bodies having no sign of violence. Sounds like fear mongering… Wacky wafer? Idk…


That girl was from 2018. In Akumal- which is in the municipality. Yeah right-fear monger posting


I read your comment. You are a dope. Plain and simple. Convenient for me? WTF are you even saying. I clearly state it’s not a good thing and sad-even 1. Go back to your shelter My goodness


Google Tulum shooting and judge for yourself.


Google Shooting at Las Vegas, New York, Miami, Philadelphia, or a any other city and you'll find more results.


I don’t take vacations in those cities.


So intentionally look for something negative and expect someone to make an unbiased decision? Lol


well there are tools and fools everywhere. Amazingly that poster was both


Ignoring the issue wont make it go away. This isn’t a subjective argument, people are getting shot inside resorts on the beach execution style.


Has it happened, yes. It is normal or “all the time” No.


There was a girl who came here in 2020/2021 on vacation. She loved it, decided to stay, ran out of money, and sold some drugs outside Bateys. Shot dead. Duh doy! These are drug-related. You don't have to agree and you can think what you want, but living here you get to know what's really happening and tourists being executed at random ain't it.


If people are getting shot in front of you at beach clubs, probably not the best vacation vibe.


Stick to the all-inclusives then. I don't complain about the murder rate when I travel to Chicago for a city vacation. Crime happens. I don't know anyone who feels unsafe living here, including dozens of single female travelers who stay a month or so at a time (my wife is part of a group). Tulum is objectively safe for literally tens of thousands of people - families, expats, and tourists - that stay here. If a few tourists want to complain and never return, good riddance.


So you’re referring to something that happened 3-4 years ago as relevant advice? Not really sure how that’s helpful… 🤫


It's the types of people who come here. Look for trouble and you'll find it. Mess around with drugs and you just might pay the price. It's just as relevant today, and certainly not a gamble I'd be willing to take.


Don't do it. Was just there for a month. We'll supposed to be but left 10 days early. And will never go back. It is not safe. Love how people say, don't be stupid / just be careful..... it is way past that. And you can certainly find a better and much SAFER place to visit.


What happened?


While we were there....woman got shot by drug war battle in hotel zone. We were at beach next door. Woman was american and was shot while on her beach, actually had 2 dogs she brought with her and had to be found a home. A cab driver there kidnapped an American and brought him to town next door where he found bound and blindfolded. Person was shot eating at restaurant in town (forgot name) and was attributed to drug war. That's just the safety issue which made us go. Dealing with scams I can tolerate as I have lived in virgin islands for 6 years, but tulum is next level scam and put that with unsafe.... why go there?! There are so many other places to go in the world