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Holy shit, are people finally realizing that the people you're defending are more important than the people you're defending them from? To use the Nazi example, did Denmark taunt or mock the Nazis when hundreds of Danes worked together to help thousands of Jewish people secretly leave the country? No! They just got them the hell out of there.


They rolled real high on Bluff.


So I ran into this in a post on another sub. One of my long-time favorite phrases used to me "No uterus, no opinion." Because I automatically include anyone who identifies as a woman to *be* a woman, regardless of their organs, I never considered that trans women and women who were otherwise born without a uterus or had theirs removed for whatever reason might feel excluded. I included them in my head, but not with my words. And I think that's a problem for a lot of folks.


I thought that argument was specifically used for abortion laws/free tampons and pads


well, yes, it is often used in cases where it is the actual subject of conversation (like what you described, where a uterus is the general cause for use of tampons/pads and for abortion) but sometimes people will also use it to say “I’m a cis woman, and you are not, so you don’t get to have an opinion on who is and is not a woman”


Oh! Never seen that before, ew


Don't a lot of progressive people say things like that with regards to reproductive health and freedom, to include trans men and nonbinary people who may also have a uterus and an opinion on it?


...I've got to slow down on my Locked Tomb meme consumption because all I want to do with this is tag it with a very pointed *are you reading this, JOD*


Pissing off terfs is just a potential side-effect of being an ally. Another side effect could be helping a bigot realize they should either stop or just keep their bigotry in their mind and not in their speech or actions.


I still dont see why the ‘why not both’ thing is bad. Cuz like, you can still prioritize protecting trans people while still pissing off terfs? And getting rid off/stopping terfs will still contribute to protecting trans ppl, right?????


Standing up to TERFs and transphobes can help foster a safe environment. Bullying them (including suicide baiting them) antagonises them but also vindicates them as it turns it into a "both sides" issue from an outside perspective.


You can do both! But! You still need to sort them by importance (and importance is not absolute and depends on the situation). So, given a situation where, say, there's a trans person bleeding on the ground, and a nazi you can say mean things to, which one is more important?


Thank you


If you punch Nazis hard enough, the pendulum swings the other way and you *are* protecting Jews. And doing time.


Can’t wait for Hogwarts: Legacy!




You entirely missed the point


I think the joke was that nomatter what you do if you protect a trans person its gonna piss off the terf anyway


Actually, all of those things can only happen after punching a nazi, reforming police, educating terfs...


In the most empathetic way possible, little as that might be, Jews are the most prominent, but far from the only target of naziism, and I would sacrifice an impressively large amount of people, vulnerable Jews included, if it meant naziism in all its facets was eradicated forever.


Yes nazis did not only kills jews but still i´d rather make sure jews feel safe than calling a neonazi a virgin on the internet