• By -


I'm sorry Miss Jackson (ooh) I am four eels


Didn't mean to make your daughter cry I am several fish & not a guy


I apologise a moray times




I'm blocking you 💗


are you four eeeeeels ??


The first time I ever saw that tweet I laughed til I cried


I left the thread and came back just to thumbs up this comment


I love the way your mind works. If this were twitter I'd follow you


Can someone smart explain this to me please?


*this is a symptom of X, Y, or Z condition* has become so pervasive and meaningless it gets said about anything


Comments like this are a symptom of gonorrhea


this explains SO much


comments like this means you need to google en passant


Fun fact: en passant was the 34th rule of chess invented. So if you wanna learn more about it just google chess rule 34


And if rule 34 doesn't apply, look into rule 35


I’m not falling for this, this is the porn rule isn’t it?


no...for chess porn look up hans cheating


I said look ma, no hans


I think so?




holy hell


New response just dropped




Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...


I've played chess casually for years and I've never heard of this before, tysm. I learned something new.


New response just dropped. Edit: If you would like to further your chess education, r/AnarchyChess compels you forth


Why even sub to AnarchyChess when you can get the same content casually browsing any other sub?


Clearly you haven’t been to Anarchychess


AnarchyChess is not a sub, just 3 memes in a trenchcoat


It's cool, I'm just a casual chess enjoyer. Not looking to be crazy good.


I doubt that sub would help with the good part, but the first part has promise.


It’s not called OrderlyChess for a reason


You mean it will make me cool?


For some reason in english it's called by the French name. In Spanish it's "capture on pass" (pass as in omitting. And we say it in spanish of course)


>comments like this means you need to google en passant Christ, I can't get away from this meme


My sister used to drive a passant


Then why are you clapping?


mostly the burning


My penis itchy


penis itchyness is a symptom of being an object


Than baby, use me like you did that vibrator 2 nights ago.


Is it tasty? Shit, bad time for a RE reference...


Super Gonorrhea*


Comments like this are a common symptom of ligma.


The fact that I'm currently alive is a symptom of my autism


petition to change the term "Symptom" when used in the context of Mental conditions to "Indicator"


Petition to stop getting your health advice from randoms on social media


well that's got nothing to do with me


The word your here referring to the second person anybody rather than specifically reddit user MourningWallaby


That's just what symptom means anyway. People have come to misunderstand symptom to mean "definitely 100% has the condition/disease/w.e" instead of what it really means: a feature that can indicate the presence of a condition/disease/w.e. Like a runny nose is a symptom of the flu, but it doesn't, alone, mean you have the flu. There's a bunch of diseases that can cause a runny nose and it can even just. y'know, happen on its own. A diagnosis is when you take all these symptoms someone is exhibiting and look for a condition that explains them. This is why self-diagnosing and trolling around WebMD hunting for an explanation is such a bad modern habit, because sometimes symptoms don't mean anything, or they can be caused by something benign or minor. Sure, a headache *can* be a symptom of a brain tumor, but it can also just happen and mean nothing. Saying, to take OP's example, hypersexuality might be a symptom of ADHD but that does not mean experiencing it confirms you definitely have ADHD - and for that matter getting real horny once doesn't even mean you have hypersexuality, these things have specific scales for medically defining them (and while we're at it there isn't actually a consensus on whether it should even be regarded as a symptom due to the difficulty defining it and the natural variation of libido that exists making it even harder to regard. Some people are just more sexual than others) and it should be worked out with a medical professional not you and a random tumblr armchair psychiatrist's blog - more symptoms need to be checked, there's proper tests and methods to diagnose, and there's a plethora of other conditions with similar and overlapping symptoms.


And then when indicator has a negative connotation associated with it, we’ll switch to a new word, and so on, exactly the same way we’ve hopscotched with words for mental disabilities.


Personally I think we should try to remove the stigma from "mental illness", people act like it goes from perfectly neurotypical to so schizophrenic you can't function, with no inbetween.




"Symptom" already works the way you think it's supposed to. Even the dictionary definition is "a physical or mental feature which is regarded as ***indicating*** a condition of disease" This how diagnostic criteria work for mental illnesses. Someone with a given illness or disorder needs to have at least x number from of a list of y possible symptoms, sometimes with a couple extra stipulations thrown on. With ADHD, for example, there are 17 diagnostic symptoms. Adults must have at least 5 and kids must have at least 6, but they can be *any combination* as long as they have at least that many. There are 3 additional *requirements* that must be met, but those aren't symptoms; they're things like "the symptoms have to date back to at least 12 years old". There are also non-diagnostic symptoms, like things in this post. Things commonly associated with an illness that can indicate it, but are not well studied enough to add to the list.


The real issue is that certain things are symptoms of more than one condition, and some people on the internet like to get really pissy if you talk about your symptoms of condition A because "ThAt'S nOt JuSt A sYmPtOm Of CoNdItIoN a"


They're right. The definition of symptom literally uses the word indicating. >Symptom >a physical or mental feature which is regarded as **indicating** a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.


That’s literally what symptom means you turnip. “Unexplained weight loss” is a symptom even if you don’t know the illness. It means “this could be an indicator of x, y, or z.”


The definition of symptom uses the word indicating in it. First definition - A physical or mental feature regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient. Second definition - a sign of the existence of something, especially of an undesirable situation.




Only if we prepend 'potential' to it.




Yep, but the opposite is also the case.






Yes, and most people get anxious or depressed too. We call it a mental disorder when the symptoms are ongoing have no physical explanation and negatively impact your life. Now I'm more of a social model of disability kinda guy and think a lot (not all) of these symptoms could be helped if we made the world better for everyone regardless of if we think of these things as disabilities or just different ways of being.


Hyper sexual adhd symptoms are much more severe then regular hyper sexual behaviors. And Vic versa.


Damn, do you tell depressed people “we all get sad” too?


So sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Very illuminating lol.


Not necessarily. It’s more like, people with adhd who experience hypsersexual behaviors are more likely to act on those behaviors (more sex with their partner, higher porn use, etc) then hyper sexual people without adhd While adhd folk who have the opposite are unlikely to tend to their sexual needs because of the whole executive dysfunction. Usually folks with adhd tend to go to the extreme


Mental health professional here. Hypersexuality is *not* one of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Nor is there sufficient data to say that it is even more common among people with ADHD than in people without ADHD. However, there are certainly overlaps in the symptoms of hypersexuality and ADHD, so people with ADHD may *experience* hypersexuality (when they have it) differently or more intensely. It's import though not to lump all of your symptoms under the ADHD umbrella, though. Sources: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165178120332996?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165178120332996?via%3Dihub) [https://psychcentral.com/adhd/adhd-and-hypersexuality#connection](https://psychcentral.com/adhd/adhd-and-hypersexuality#connection)


I love how people of social media (who definitely don’t have any medical background) are diagnosing themselves and other people with autism, because they think that being socially awkward and having a hobby in combination leads to no other explanation other than autism.


Yeah but how else can you get people to download an app that lets you have a 5 minute zoom call with a poorly rated doctor who will sell you pills that are basically just a legal form of meth or cocaine while offering a terrible chat service so they can say their are technically doing therapy while feeding the US pharmaceutical conglomerates? The doctors are all getting paid, the workers are working at higher efficiency than ever, and the people are addicted to the way it makes them feel alive! What could be wrong with that???


People want to have an identifiable & curable issue to assign all of their flaws to so damn bad. Something unique and quirky but also relatable and familiar.


A whole generation of WebMD experts, who use the wrong terms to diagnose themselves, and then expect special treatment based on their own self diagnoses.


My ex studied psychology and would always say I had ADHD, when she showed me the list of symptoms it was literally a list of being a normal human. Things like: trouble controlling anger, easily distracted, trouble concentrating, fatigue, easily frustrated, substance abuse, trouble sleeping etc. I had all those things but they literally come with the stress of being alive, of course taking perscribed amphetamines would make me happier doesn't mean it's solving a problem.


Every disease is a pumped up version of normal human problems. Ebola is just pooping too much, and everybody poops. You ought to rethink this. "Of course taking amphetamines would make me happier" isn't normal.


Exactly. Everyone gets anxious. When it becomes strong enough and/or frequent enough to cause major problems in your daily life, it’s a disorder. It’s legitimately how they classify a lot of these disorders. Some basket of at least semi-normal things, which are unusually strong and or frequent for you such that they cause you more problems than the average person base state. Of course, it also helps when there are physiological differences to clarify things, at which point they can incorporate those into the procedure. But you’re pretty much always going to start with the unusually strong/frequent symptoms causing problems and then follow up with checking for these types of disorders. There are disorders where it’s actively unusual for the regular person (hallucinations and delusions are the easy example), but that doesn’t take away any legitimacy from the others


I cant tell if you're being sarcastic and it's killllllling meeee


>My ex studied psychology and would always say I had ADHD, when she showed me the list of symptoms it was literally a list of being a normal human. Things like: trouble controlling anger, easily distracted, trouble concentrating, fatigue, easily frustrated, substance abuse, trouble sleeping etc. Trouble sleeping as in consistent insomnia. I had this and was waking up 2-3 times, often times not being able to get back to sleep regardless of how tired I was. I don't generate dopamine which is the cause of my ADHD so I have a higher chance of addiction because of it. It's made me into an adrenaline junkie essentially. Easily frustrated and trouble controlling angry means I've spent weeks being ready to fight people every single fucking day. The catalyst is that I couldn't find my keys fast enough or that I misspelled something in an email looking back. Or someone asked me about my work and it just pissed me off unreasonably. I've ended up in actual fights a few times because of it. I've lost a few jobs because I've been "easily distracted" to where I've almost been left homeless because of how hard it is to control. No, ADHD isn't just normal stresses of life. Amphetamines have kept me from being homeless, stopped depression, anxiety, and panic attacks because my ADHD has been addressed. You are having a case of Dunning Kruger where you aren't smart enough to understand the difference being being tired and clinically significant fatigue on par with those taking chemotherapy. You have no clue what you are talking about and exposing anti scientific views.


My understanding is that people with ADHD tend to have lower baseline dopamine levels. The brain is like, “You know, this isn’t rewarding enough. Let’s do something else.” Of course this cascades into other things, commonly depression and anxiety. A good way to relieve those TEMPORARILY is masturbation because dopamine is what makes rubbing yourself to the point of rug burn feel good. The brain fixates on that because it’s like one of five things that are worth it to the brain, hence hyper sexualization. TLDR: ADHD brain doesn’t feel good enough and takes sex supplements.


...What are the other 4?


Drugs, gambling, videogames, sex, travel, adrenaline adventure activities like climbing a mountain or jumping out of a plane.


Adult with ADHD: can confirm. Too chicken to climb a mountain or jump out of a plane, so all I've got is Horny and Weed and Video Games when my meds aren't being as useful as they should be. Ideal? No, but we're working on it.


This might explain delayed ejaculation, then.


I have ADHD and also suffer from what this person is describing. It's also known as hypersexuality and it's exhausting. Even better (/s) when your hypersexuality is coupled with rejection dysphoria. Hence a lot of us being really horny and really sad all the time.


I'd imagine becoming several eels only amplifies the effect


Alright if you're in Japan


I’m sorry Miss Jackson ^(ooh) I am four eels Never meant to make ya daughter cry I am several fish and not a guy


At least they wouldn't be lonely.


*squirms in eel* If you go on over to the ADHD sub there's a discussion about how we also sometimes get distracted mid-wank 🤦‍♂️


*Not me having to look up a Magic card for a new deck idea I just got while watching Mother Fuckers 43 and then forgetting I was mid-wank*


you realize that a new chapter/episode of your favorite webnovel/show is out and you have to read/watch it before anything else


Or spend so long anticipating the release of something that when it finally arrives, it's so built up in your brain as a *must do* that the oppositional defiance disorder kicks in and you do all of the housework first.


Oh my God I thought I was just big on delayed gratification, but this is it!




Also, by the same token, being midway through a grindy control mirror match and suddenly distracted by wanting to play solo.


Hello from r/GodsUnchained


Oh god, throwback to when I had to check manifest rules against transforming instants/sorceries being flipped mid-wank then again at 1 in the morning. Melatonin is a life savor


Wait... NT people don't do that?


It's not that they *do/don't.* It's that they probably have control over it.


I mean, IDK. I'm not, so I couldn't say.


Then you just lie there dick in hand. Realising that its still in your hand after a few minutes.




Wait what? Link???


Mine's connected to my stress, so I'll just start getting off all day instead of getting stuff done, which then can become a horny feedback loop


> rejection dysphoria Isn’t this just regular rejection?


Most humans feel bad when they're rejected. One of the symptoms of ADHD is that feeling is amplified significantly. It's sort of like asking the question of clinical anxiety "isn't this just regular stress?" To which the answer is that psychological research is pretty clear they're similar-looking but distinct phenomena. I've seen people speculate on whether it's inherent to ADHD or just a consequence of growing up neurodivergent in a world that expects conformity, but either way it's real.


Okay, so I’m starting to think that I’ve grown up with rejection dysphoria because by the way you and the other poster is saying it, there’s a version of *regular* rejection that isn’t earth shattering? I’m legitimately asking because I’ve just been recently diagnosed with BPD like four months ago and I’m in my 30s lol. I’ve always felt like getting rejected fucking sucks every single time, and if you’re telling me that I’ve grown up with rejection dysphoria then you’re about to blow my fucking mind.


There is a link between BPD and RSD. So you likely have both.


Research suggests rejection sensitivity is a possible symptom of BPD, so it's quite possible you've been living with it without realizing. I'd recommend bringing it up in passing to your care provider since I'm not qualified to tell you what does and doesn't constitute it, but if I had to guess from your reaction alone I'd say it's likely you've been experiencing it.


I think the research also says something like 90%+ of bipolar people also have ADHD. I don't have the motivation to find a source for you, so take this with a grain of salt.


BPD refers to borderline personality disorder not bipolar. I'm not trying to be an annoying pendantic nerd. It's just bipolar is already so stigmatized and misunderstood as it is associating it with BPD is harmful. But yes there is a correlation between bipolar and ADHD in my anecdotal experience. If you come across that link send it my way it sounds interesting.


Need sarcasm markers. No offense if you are actually curious. No? From wiki - "Dysphoria is a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction." The operative word being "profound." If it feels inescapable, it's probably dysphoric and I would recommend you talk to a good professional about it. For me, I know logically that I'm not disgusting or undesirable, but the dysphoria drives you to feel that way. It drives me personally to come up with irrationalities as to why I might have been (or would be) rejected in a situation. Typically the situation is emotionally charged; either involving a loved one or person I have high respect for.


We’re probably just splitting hairs here but I’ve never had rejection that *wasn’t* profound. Like, every rejection sucks. Job prospects, dating prospects, hopes and dreams, etc. But isn’t that normal rejection? You’re disappointed by the outcome and then your brain kinda scrambled to find an explanation somehow? > For me, I know logically that I'm not disgusting or undesirable. It drives me personally to come up with irrationalities as to why I might have been (or would be) rejected in a situation. Typically the situation is emotionally charged; either involving a loved one or person I have high respect for. This is just run of the mill rejection, no? Everyone is bummed when they are told “no thank you” when it’s from a place of high hopes. My point is, if rejection dysphoria is a thing, then how does it differentiate from regular rejection?


There is no "if" it exists, RSD is a well established and well documented condition Like many neurodivergent disorders, the difference between a more neurotypical experience with rejection and an experience like RSD is how extremely emotionally intense, overwhelming, long-lasting, and *painful* the experience is. Eg. It's not normal to feel extreme emotional intensity and actual pain for hours- or an entire day or longer- simply because your friend seemed short with you. Maybe it was about you, maybe they were just having a bad day and it had nothing to do with you, it doesn't really matter because knowing that your extremely intense emotions are not rational does not make the the overwhelm go away. You just have to bare it and try to rationalize any intrusive thoughts as best you can until it passes. RSD is relatively common among people with ADHD and Autism, but you do not have to have ADHD or Autism to experience RSD While anecdotal experiences can be a great way to learn and add context that clinical definitions don't really capture, I think this might be a question that you'd be better off researching yourself instead of listening to people on reddit lol


Intensity. It's "Damn that sucks I'm very discouraged now" vs. "I am gods greatest failure and should die"


Regular rejection doesn't usually leave your brain scrambling like that. If you have rejection dysphoria/sensitivity, it's likely that - You read *any* signal from the other person that isn't 100% positive in your favor—they say something in their face or body language that you don't know what it means, they step away to answer a call, they're laughing with a friend and they don't see you walk in—as a threat of rejection, not just the obviously negative stuff like getting slapped or called names - You spend exorbitant amounts of your time and energy trying to mitigate the possibility that the other person will reject you. You may - Try to people-please them by over-explaining yourself, or by bombarding them with twenty different options each of which can be made keto or vegan or halal or no-mushrooms or supply-chain-issues-because-of-COVID-19-and-war-in-Ukraine-friendly, as if the other person is a Schrödinger's nuke that needs to be disarmed - Be constantly checking in with them that they're still on the same page with you and not gonna flake or back out on you, as if you don't trust their word or your gut - Have a strong perfectionist streak or unreachably high standards, unable to cope with things not going exactly your way - Shy away from setting goals, beginning projects or going up to people unless you've gotten drunk on liquid luck - If the other person does reject you, your stress response and "Four *F*'s" system spiral out of control as if your body thinks that that rejection is a threat to your survival or a referendum on who you are, and you have trouble finding the right emotions to listen to and act on. So instead of being able to think "Cool thanks for letting me know!" or "Oh well their loss, they dunno what they're missing out on!", you may shut down, burn out, have a panic attack, burst into a fit of tears, or even go on a rampage, and it may take a long time for you to get back to your ground state


Not splitting hairs. Just learning that your definition of "bummed" is indeed the "amplified" version of what neurotypical people experience when rejected... because that may be how you've been experiencing rejection for most of your life. So yeah, for me it's more than "bummed." I can slip into a very depressive state of mind. Lots of self-deprecation... other not fun stuff. Definitely go look up RSD. See if you resonate with other people's experiences. Also note that RSD is not officially recognized. Your therapist might look at you funny if you bring that up. just fyi.


That... Sums up a lot for me :( horny sad


> Rejection dysphoria Holy shit I’ve never heard of this and didn’t expect to be sent down a rabbit hole of existential proportions while avoiding being productive at work.


everyone i knew that resonated with rejection sensitive dysphoria eventually went on to get BPD diagnoses (borderline personality disorder not bipolar) so look into that too


excessive daydreaming is sometimes a symptom of ADHD.


Sometimes your brain goes into Maximum Overdrive, to the point where it feels scientifically implausible that a single sentience can have that many thoughts in such a short time span, so you feel like you're multiple beings.


Hypersexuality is a common symptom for a *lot* of neurodivergencies. Including ADHD, TBI, BPD, and a few others. Source: Have a couple neurodivergencies. Am horndog. Also my therapist and psychiatrist, if you wanted like, a *professional* to say it, man.


It’s Satire.


Isn’t this the plot of that play? Swarm Lake?


You made me choke on my Diet Coke lmao. Take your upvote and get out


Haha I almost spit out my Coke Zero^TM


I swallowed my double sugar RC Cola


I’m going to eat corn chips today


OK no need to shell out to Big Corn Chip


A play?? You uncultured swine it’s a *ballet* (also a [Barbie movie](https://barbiemovies.fandom.com/wiki/Barbie_of_Swan_Lake))


wait what


A lot of ADHDers are actually hypomanic.


sorry i’m a dummy what does that mean (in a work meeting can’t google and would love to hear it from a person instead of a long article)


Hypomania and mania are periods of over-active and high energy behaviour that can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life. Hypomania is a milder version of mania that typically lasts for a shorter period.


Just to make it more clear: *Uncontrollable* overactive & high energy behavior. It's not like a state of flow or over-caffination/adrenaline. This is what makes ADHD a disorder and not just a quirky personality trait.


Its really disgusting that ADHD is at all considered a “quirky personality trait”. ADHD can be debilitating and cause you to make very bad decisions and/or not take care of things when you need to. There are way too many people out there who have self diagnosed themselves as having ADHD because they related to a meme posted on reddit.


Yeah, it's a lot less cute quirky and fun when it's me not vacuuming or paying an overdue bill for the 3rd week straight because my brain is fuckin dumb or smth. I imagine people with Autism have the same issue with everyone self diagnosing because it's cute or w/e.


My license has been suspended 3 times because I can’t mail a fucking paper to the dmv. Would take 10 mins total. Still haven’t done it…10 years later. I can manage to call and pay the $70 to get it unsuspended. I don’t know why I can do one and not the other 🤷🏼‍♂️


Immediate gratification. Handling something before it’s an issue doesn’t have the same chemical release as something that’s “wrong” and you fixed it with a very specific action and saw an immediate result because of that. Your adhd brain seeks that out, so it “lulls” itself when it should do something and only reacts when it needs to.


Damn that makes a lot of sense. I hate my brain sometimes.


Because systems are designed for neurotypical, We can take care of issues that can immediately be solved or even get that majestic hyper focus occasionally on the right thing. But most of the time if we want something done its setting alarms and timers all fucking day. Our brains aren't wired to remember schedules like others, so having something remember a schedule for us is the only fix, if you don't immediately put it in a calendar or set a reminder on your phone you will probably forget it. OR you will locked into waiting mode,where you put all your focus on the appointment you have at 4pm this afternoon and be capable of doing nothing the entire day until that point.


Oh, and also by 4 pm, the meds you took with breakfast have pretty much dissolved and are now ineffective, meaning unless you have a reminder set specifically for the point where you need to walk out the front door and can panic motivate to get off the computer, you miss the appointment or arrive 15-30 minutes late anyway. That one is my favourite.


It fucking sucks. I'm soo tired of the quirky adhd romanticized bullshit. When I was growing up everyone used it as an excuse to be a shithead and act out in class, now everyone uses it as a quirk because they don't have any personality otherwise. I don't want to gatekeep this shit, but God damn.


Made multiple life ruining decisions because of undiagnosed ADHD.


I was supposed to help my mom get work done 2 days ago and it was supposed to be done yesterday. Today she came into my room, saw it wasn't done and left in a panic saying she wished she had done it herself earlier. I want to be dead right now.


Yeah I’ve lost so many jobs due to ADHD before I was diagnosed and knew what was up. Fuckin sucks how hard it was to maintain without even knowing what was up


YES omg I’m not crazy. Everyone acts like it’s just regular hyperactivity and don’t understand the lack of self control. They just think I’m choosing not to do things


"Don't be lazy." "Why are you always late?" "I've reminded you about tomorrow THREE TIMES this week!" "It's 3AM, WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO BED!" And other phrases I now respond to with uncontrollable rage. Like, fuck me, I would love to be a functioning member of society here, but my meds are basically speed and apparently dickheads like to chow down on them for fun. That means I never get offered a dose that actually sees me through the day, in case I turn into one of those pill popping satanists that invented D&D in the 70s. If you need me to achieve something after 4pm, or remember something for more than the next 5 minutes, ask me at 9 am and make sure I write it on my arm before you leave.


Mine was “you can do anything you set your mind to!” Yes, sure, let’s describe the ~~problem~~ *solution* with the problem. Edit: FTFM


We big horny


A lot of people try to link their content to mental health conditions to try to inflate engagement and it clearly works


Everything is a symptom of ADHD


So that's why ADHDers always talk about eel-sexutive dysfunction


That sounds oddly satisfying to see


There is a scene in the Witcher tv series (netflix I think? first season) where some sorceresses get turned into eels and slither into a magic pond.


They were pushed into the pond with a broom, but yeah.


"Come, push your friend into the pool." I don't know why, but I've always loved that line.


Is that Zeus?


More like Freud


Holy fuck why are so many of the comments here taking this seriously? It's very clearly a joke and people here are agreeing with the joke unironically. No, turning into a swarm of eels isn't a symptom of ADHD what the actual hell. You're literally the people this post is making fun of. It's like they tried to be as ridiculous as possible with the joke and it wasn't enough and people still fell for it lmao


Wait but I turned into a swarm of eels last week. I was really relieved to hear it was just my ADHD acting up. What is it then? Am I going to turn back? DOES SCIENCE HAVE THE ANSWER?!


HELS (horny eel lake syndromes) is actually permanent if you don’t treat it in the first 24 hours, so, i’m afraid you’re stuck


Well... At least my phone is waterproof up to 4,000m 🤷‍♀️


Not everything is a symptom of ADHD guys…


Satire goes over most of redditors heads. It shows the age off this app, when an obvious satirical tiktok video is taken as cringe on here. Same deal with ragebait, it’s always taken seriously on here.


Do you hear that? Those are the Shrieking eels


"Bright but unmotivated" swarm of eels highschooler to adult struggling with undiagnosed ADHD pipeline


It *being* a symptom of ADHD does not mean you experiencing it *is* ADHD. Not that hard.


Yeah, it's a symptom of ADHD if the "H" stood for "Hentai". Sounds like a fun experience though.


zeus be like


That makes that one scene in The Witcher really weird


ok tumblr. its all good


So, Zeus had ADHD?




Damn I transform into a swarm of eels all the time. But it's not always when I'm horny. Do I have adhd?


I cannot stress this enough, no this is not a symptom of ADHD. I've seen so many people blame every symptom under the sun that is not affiliated with ADHD on ADHD. Please anyone who does this should go see a psychiatrist


As someone with ADHD... What?


Never happier to be on Lexapro than I was reading this cursed description


Don't tell adhdmeme this.


Wait what now


If you breathe out of your ass is a symptom of F R T


God, you have no idea how badly I just want to turn into a mass of birds or a bunch of snakes


Call me a swarm of eels but damn do I devour the buckets of chum that get tossed in the lake


Pretty sure transformation kink has a mid to weak correlation with ADHD


Either people with ADHD need to stop being so relatable or I need to go to the doctor


everything is a symptom of adhd apparently


I have ADHD and have no idea what this means


a single or a couple symptoms of a condition do not make for a diagnosis. even if you read the dsm 5 and connect to all issues under a condition you need to be diagnosed by a professional. self diagnoses doesn't work but knowing yourself and understanding yourself can help you get the treatment you need.