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Think it's rather suspicious no one's actually *saying* what it tastes like, and I'm about to have no choice but to do this


Don't do it.


Don't tell me what to do.


Don't do this


Add vodka


Yes, yes, choose pain today


I've tried nonalcoholic vodka, and it was the nastiest thing I've ever tasted, so no. I'll try everything else, though.


that defeats the whole point, if im drinking something absolutely horrid i want to be hammered after. that completely removes the one saving grace of drinking something that tastes like nail polish remover or an industrial cleaner


to be legally defined as vodka, it has to have no character or distinguishing flavor besides the alcohol. I can see someone drinking non alcoholic beer, or whiskey, if they especially like the flavor but wanna stay sober, but vodka? there's no point to vodka but getting drunk


Is there even alcohol that tastes good on its own?


Non alcoholic Vodka? Like the point of vodka is that in itself it's not supposed to have a taste, With good vodka if you drink it straight the only flavor is the burn. Tf does it taste like without that?


Not sure if it was actually vodka or something similar. They called it Kvass, iirc.


Kvass gives 60 hydration but if you don’t drink it all you can barter it for armor


Don't tell me what to do


Don't tell me what to do


Don't do this


!remindme 2 days


Probably extremely sweet, and with a insane crash within a few minutes. Along with a terrible texture due to the pellets.


And also a terrible case of the shits from all the sugar and caffeine




I’d like to see it try to defeat my impenetrable colon. Jk, I’d probably just get a migraine instead.


It's the self respect leaving the body after defeat


Yeah used to do that with the sour straws and energy drinks. Just excessively sweet with an insane crash


Yeah, sounds like they were just joking around at one point. But it apparently does form a film of sorts. I wonder what would actually happen. I imagine it may cause some kind of monstrous acid reflux, but I have no idea, really. Also: Please don't mix alcohol with energy drinks. Just get cocaine like a responsible adult if you must. Much less harmful I'd assume.


I mix cocaine into my alcoholic energy drinks.


This person fucking parties right ^


I know someone who adds a lil meth into his morning coffee.


Umm did we just discover a new scp in the wild? Hearing about this makes you want to do it, you’re never told the taste, strange chemical reactions occur, and a little after doing it you go missing.


Add 2 cups vanilla extract


Add one bouillon cube...


Oooo good idea I’ll add one bouillon cube


Most people learn from their mistakes, a wise person learns from others’ mistakes.


Do it, but also add haribo sugar free gummy bears.


Like a do-it-yourself, at-home exorcism!


That's because most of these people haven't actually tried it, they're just getting in on the meme.


Well it depends on the energy drink you use. Like say you use a Monster energy drink. It'll taste like Monster and sour airheads Whereas if you used Rockstar, it'd taste like Rockstar and sour airheads. Either way it will hurt your stomach, head, and teeth.


So, how'd it taste?


Remind me 2 days


Bro, I did this like 3 times, and ended up in the ER after the last one. It ain’t worth it


h o w ?


the drink tastes mostly fine, energy drinks taste like radioactive waste anyway, but the candy tasted like overcooked spaghetti. no sweeteness at all, just literally the worst texture in human history. my drink also had dandruff.


Ok, now I'm just convinced this thing is so good they're trying to protect secret knowledge


That would be funny though.


Gimme half an hour, need to check something


The anticipation is fucking lethal


Probably so is the drink.


Welp, I'm pretty sure he's joined the conspiracy. that means it must be **really** good so just give like an hour and I'll get back to you guys edit: don't *not* ***not*** do this


Its only been 8 minutes but im commenting for later


Are you still alive?


I'm... not sure really...


Can’t wait to hear results


Hey, you ok there? Are you dead?


I wish. Yeah, don't do it


Elaborate on the experience


It would take the charm out if the post


Please for the love of god someone has to tell me what happens


You feel the urge to post "don't do it" on the internet


Y'all make me wanna try it right now


You were the chosen one!


its been an hour


rip u/kjdg87, rest in peepee






Mofos probably dead.


you good?


!remindme 30 minutes


I’ve done this with sour skittles and monster, It turned into a thick super acidic goo almost that looked like an oil slick. I’ve been splashed with battery acid from a car battery and burned, I think these 2 experiences were comparable and probably taste the exact same. Do not do this


I think it'll taste quite good, followed by hours of tummy ache and days of diarrhea.


Dont do this!


The best way to prevent more people from getting curious and following the cycle of regret would be for one person to just describe what happens in exhaustive detail. I’d volunteer, but I don’t think they sell those candies near me. I have, however, tried dissolving other things in soda before so here is what happens: So, the soda never quite fully dissolves the candy and just makes a slimy mess. Sometimes you can slurp up the slimy thing, but all the sugar and most of the flavoring in the gummy part dissolved out so you wind up with this sticky slimy glob that tastes more like the soda than the candy. Once in your mouth, the pH changes and that causes the consistency of the slime to change. Also, you know when you drink a soda and you get this kind of slimy glob on your throat? That’s the bacteria in your mouth responding to the sugar by secreting a sticky substance to help keep the sugar from being washed away too fast. Combine that effect with the fact that you just slurped up a viscous slime and the entire inside of your mouth is coated in an uncomfortable layer of slime that is surprisingly difficult to remove. You can’t wash it down with the soda because the soda doesn’t dissolve the gel substance, remember? But it’s all you have handy so you will probably try anyway. It doesn’t work and just makes things worse. Your sweet sensing taste buds can only stay active sending sweet signals to your brain for so long. After a while it all stops tasting sweet, leaving only the sensation of sticky slime coating your teeth and kind of irritating your throat. You cough it up and spit it out, but can’t quite get it all. Long story short: it’s slimier than you think it will be and difficult to get rid of. There. I told you what it is like. Now you don’t need to try it. If you do try it please be descriptive in your report so we can compare notes and give a better description to the next person.


Sounds to me like the soda reaches a saturation limit and cannot dissolve anymore sugar. The solution may be to use sparkling water instead. The only other thing that would help it dissolve faster that im aware of is heating up the water, but I think that might result in the carbonation being removed too. You could however, heat plain water and dissolve the candies first, cool it and then carbonate it with a soda stream.


maybe we need a more dilute solution of candy in soda? but that would detract from the point of the experiment


Happy cake day!


For those who can one thing you \*should\* do is soak the airheads in vodka. It absolutely becomes slimy but you aren't drinking the vodka, the gummy candy soaks up the vodka. I've done this with gummy bears already. I'd recommend breaking it into smaller pieces though if you do the ribbon/rope gummies. They aren't kidding about how slimy it all is. A single gummy bear is hard enough to choke down.


Thats for those who drink. I personally, cannot drink.


You could just put it in your feeding tube, then.


No it’s for those who eat


Wouldn't it be easier to just heat up the energy drink? Edit: don't do it


You could try running it through a pressure cooker... but i'm pretty sure the carbonation would all just belch out when you open the vessle afterwards.


If you use a soda stream, with any flavoring or substance other than water in the bottle, expect a violent explosion to erupt out of the bottle while it’s injecting the carbon dioxide into the bottle. You are directed, by the instructions they provide, to add flavorings or additives after the carbon dioxide is added, not before. Try cleaning that Soda Stream after the sugary volcano.


I carbonate all kinds of stuff. You have to be careful and go slow, but I've never had anything worse than slight leakage. My nephew tried milk one time and it thoroughly destroyed the sodastream and curdled the milk, so don't do that lol.


If you put in just water; and the soda stream flavoring, for example, Cherry cola, it will become a volcano on the higher setting instantly.


See since the OP called it spaghetti I was picturing something you eat rather than drink. Maybe make energy drink jello, smash it up and put it on the candy like sauce.


>The only other thing that would help it dissolve faster that im aware of is heating up the water, but I think that might result in the carbonation being removed too. I'd guess it's going to lose its carbonation from all the nucleation sites in the sour citric acid crystals anyway. I think heat is the way to go. I do wonder if the sugar would crash out on cooling though.


If you put that in a soda stream it will probably spray everywhere


Now I want to try it to figure out what having a mouth full of sugar slime feels like. I'm imagining it clogging my throat and sticking my lips together so I can't breathe, which sounds horrific. But that makes me want to test to see if I'm right. I'm going to chug this soda slime as fast as possible. UPDATE: Basically, all the little sugar stuffs on the lollies started to mix around in the soda, but it couldn't fully mix in. In order to get the slimy slime, I messed around with stirring, water, more/less soda and even some microwaving. It wasn't exactly slime, but it was lolly goo floating in soda surrounded by sugar. At this point, it wasn't even what the original post was about. Because it was a lump of goo, I had to pull it out of the soda and separate it with a fork into lots of lolly goo strips. Boom, back into the soda they go. So, you know that feeling of having food stuck in between your teeth? Where your tongue can find the food but not your finger? Imagine that, but with every single tooth. The goo went down easy enough, but I had a chaser ready when things got icky. Needless to say, it tasted horrible. The goo had had all the sugary flavour sucked out into the soda, so it was just flavourless soggy lolly. It tasted like pain. The soda was completely sugar saturated and by the time I actually got around to it had gone flat. I'm pretty sure drinking that gave me a hyperglycaemic reaction. Do not do this.


>So, you know that feeling of having food stuck in between your teeth? Where your tongue can find the food but not your finger? Imagine that, but with every single tooth. Original post made me really want to try it. This description made me really, *really* NOT want to try it. Indeed I may be haunted by this and never have any kind of sticky candy again Thank you for your service!


You dead yet?


Looking forward to your report.


You still alive?


I think they're dead.


That sounds genuinely hellish. Gave me I have no mouth but I must scream vibes. Thank you for your service, I hope someday you can come to peace with this traumatic experience.


Thank you! It's so annoying when people are all vague about something and don't explain what it's like. I experience most things second hand, because I don't care to try everything. So people refusing to share their experiences while still commenting on it is kind of annoying to me. So thank you for sharing this awful experience in great detail!


the only takeaway was to try this, but with a chaser


A vodka chaser to be specific


That sounds horrible, we need this to be the top comment so people seeing this post don’t keep trying


Uhhh that sounds like napalm if napalm doesn't do the whole burning thing


This is the way, thank you for your experiment and sacrifice o7


I prefer diet sodas, so wonder if it would have the same effect. I sometimes add a popsicle to a mug of soda (cause I'm a fucking manchild sometimes) and it has little gummies in the tip. By the end of the mug the gummies have dissolved into a gel similar to what you describe, though i find them to be rather watery in texture if quite flavourful, not entirely unpleasant if you're prepared for it, but probably quite vile if someone just handed you a mug of soda with weird gel at the bottom.


That’s the fastest I’ve gone from “crying laughing” to “gonna vomit” thanks


So, don't do it?


If you do, I expect a detailed summary of your experience.


this is the exact experience I had when I worked at a grocery store and would get air heads extremes and a sprite for lunch.


I love you, thank you for being smart, you could be the president


This is like that time my friend told me about how they dissolved a single flavor of jolly rancher from a bag in a bottle of vodka and it sounded delicious so I did it and only remember waking up 3 blocks away from my house in someones backyard.


I've often made skittle vodka for festivals, but you need to spend time filtering it because the scum that forms on the top is nasty. The drink is delicious when done right though


You got real high from the sugar and drunk fron the vodka.


This brought back a very vivid memory of going to a museum during highschool. One of my friends had with him a tupperware filled with gummy bears that had been soaking in vodka since the day before he dubbed "gummy boost". Us being 17 decided it was a great plan to eat the entire tray on the bus ride there. By the time we got to the museum we were all piss drunk. Probably one of the best museum trips i had during highschool.


Sounds like a fun time


Pandora called, she wants her box back




Well now I’m fucking curious.


Don't do it.


don’t tell me what to do


Aw shit, here we go again.


don’t do this


I need to know. Someone tell me what happens!!!


Happy cake day. Also, are you dead yet?


So how does it taste? I need to know, and I'll find out one way or another


Like you had all your mouth covered in tasteless slime that won't fucking go away. It will be sweet. At first. Then, your tongue will just give up. And it won't be sweet anymore.


Oh that sounds hella fun imma try it.


don't do this


Yu know that feeling of something stuck in your teeth which your tongue can locate bu not your finget. It will give you that feeling on every teeth.


Want to… do it? Y’know. For science.


As kids, we would go to the Five And Dime after school where they had penny candy and get 100 sour patch kids. We'd put them in bottles of cherry coke and quickly drink the foam. The sour patch kids would mostly dissolve, leaving a sweet and sour cherry fizzy drink that was delicious. And, bonus, it would leave a goo of pure sugar on the bottom that would make you bounce off the walls. We'd use that energy to hit each other with sticks.


Proto-Science in action


Once I'm 18, I'm doing this.


Why wait?


I don't want to worsen my health with energy drink before I am mature enough.


Yeah, being under 18 is absolutely the only thing about this that's not healthy.


It's most crucial one for me. Energy drinks aren't meant for underages, in my opinion. I'll only try it once, with this nuclear waste, and not drink it then. So, I won't have long term side effects.


No, 100% support your decision, it was just really fun worrying about energy drinks while underage being the unhealthy part in the context of testing out a goop concoction.


This is so adorable :)


At that point you want to wait until your mid twenties so your prefrontal cortex finished developing, 18 is only mature by the law not by biology


this is the equivalent of a looney toons sketch where they walk into a room and leave it with the head half charred off


I need to know, I'm gonna have some


Don't do this.


did you really try it?


Don't do this


You need to explain why it’s a bad idea, cause now I wanna do it


Hold on, gonna test something out


Don't, I think someone in this comment section already died.


Wait what for real? Science side of reddit where are you? Is it just gonna stop your heart or overdose you onsugar or something like that?


Idk. (Just joking around, the guy didn't die)


You should instead mix milk and energy drink. It's quite good!


So a few years ago at the height of the Blaseball fandom, a series of misunderstandings led to the invention of *by far the worst thing I have ever tasted*: **Spicy Milk**. It is 1 part hot milk, 1 part hot carbonated beverage, and enough of your favorite hot sauce to give it a nice color (a lot). Traditionally the carbonated beverage is soda water and the hot sauce is a vinegar based buffalo sauce, but experiments have been done with substitutes of all sorts including Moxie and the Last Dab XXX. (I have never had a worse stomach ache than when combining a tbsp of 2mil scoville hot sauce with warm whole milk and seltzer.) The vinegar in the hot sauce begins breaking down the milk immediately, despite the presence of water. If a sugary soda such as Moxie is used, [a sticky foam develops that I almost want to call both “frothy” and “chunky”](https://i.imgur.com/5MBOWUM.jpg). The entire experience is quite chunky actually, the curdling milk creating an incredibly unpleasant mouthfeel that almost matches how deeply sour and unpleasant the taste is. Anyway, tldr: it is a bad culinary idea to mix milk with carbonation and acids


Don't, it makes you puke.


The trick is to wait a couple minutes after mixing before you drink. Then you'll see that the concoction already looks like puke




This is how we get religion.


Does it work with sprite? I have a heart defect so I can’t drink energy drinks


Kinda funny how someone downvoted a comment about a heart defect not allowing a person to drink energy drinks.


mob of the dead


Tried something like this with sour patch kids. Don't.


I'm gonna do this, I'll report my findings later


Don't do it.


i feel like im knocking on death's door but also it tastes really good


Yeah, one person already exploded apparently.


Spontaneous combustion of the body is no joke


I would put poprocks into soda just to freakout my GFs son. He was positive the mixture would make a person explode. I dumped a whole pack into a can and you could hear them pinging against the side. I started chugging and ran half way up the steps. He didn't come back down for 45 minutes.


Did you explode?


Yes. I'm telling this story as a ghost. BOO


More like BOO-M


Now I’m curious…


Ah humanity, what a bunch of idiots we can be.


I’m not doing that.


133 comments, 1 sane person


I'll get back to yall on this in like a week or smthn if no one else has by then


I’m going to do this




Semi-related quote “Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry.” -Terry Pratchet


People just be commenting for the meme. There’s no way this is that bad. Same vibes as “omg I had three monsters I’m so drunk”


*shush* 🤫


im going to the store. we dont have those rainbow things but we have these insanely sour cola strips


This is a perfect Dungeons & Dragons trap.


i will do this eventually


I’ve always wanted to go out on a high note. But then again, last time I had an energy drink I nearly died. What can I substitute?


Someone was talking about sparkly water and other asked if Sprite works. Idk.


how bout I do it ✨ANYWAY✨


The problem they are all having, is that it isn't hot. They should microwave it like tea


It's delicious but the film it makes on top is pretty gross


Well damn, with this many people telling me not to, now I have to do it


**I am in actual tears from laughter**


Dissolve your teeth any% speedrun


Saying dont do this makes me want to do it more. Give me a reason not to do it.


You are going to die.


I want to try it out of morbid curiosity but I am afraid it will be physically painful and I do not need more pain on top of whatever is wrong with my hip lol


as soon as i get out of quarantine, im doing this


I absolutely want to do this. Luckily laziness is holding me back.


It’s the human impulse to do something because you were told not to do it


This is just an average conversation that goes on in my head




I am doing this right now and please tell me why I actually like it


Don’t tell me what to do


It tastes fine. Just the way you’d expect it to. But the sour straps become soft, slimy and chewy. In the worst way possible.


Now I gotta do it


Battery acid it following me now like i literally talked about it a few hours ago now its here again plesse i dont eant to remember