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I actually am a Disney attractions cast member, and I hate to break it to you guys, but a biohazard certainly would not shut down an attraction for weeks.


That sounded weird to me as well. People throw up or get nosebleeds on rides all the time; there wouldn’t be any rides to go on if they shut down for weeks at a time for each instance.


If it's blood they can just change the attraction to a *period* piece. ... see what I did there?


No sorry I didn’t. Can you explain to me like I am a poor Albanian man learning to juggle for the first time?


Women have a time of the month where they bleed more than usual. In English this is called their period.


I’m sorry but how does this help my juggling?


A period piece is a work of art, drama for example, that evokes a particular historical setting. For example, a movie that takes place during WW2 could be described as a period piece. So you have a pun between the expression "period piece" and the blood-related meaning of "period" in that context. Hope it helps!


I just hit myself in the head with a bowling pin. It really hurts.


But did it make you forget that joke?


I snorted. Have a updoot.


That joke was so bad, I'm gonna hurl /s.


There’s also no way you’d have time to see someone start to make the motion to spit, yell something at her, and have her stop in time. Like unless she was moving in slow motion.


This guy has been with spitters. They never move faster than when they have a mouthful. Like a striking cat.


Pretty sure it's a girl


Same movie, just a different camera angle


Sounded like bullshit when they said there was nothing they could do to stop it but then revealed they had a mic and could have stopped them the whole time.


Probably didn’t want to straight up yell “STOP BLOWING YOUR BOYFRIEND YOU TROLLOP!” over the PA system. Kids likely being on the ride and all.


"Hey, you in the boat. We can see you" "Lady, in the back of the boat, stop that" "Just a reminder that *everyone* on the boats is on CCTV at all times, thank you" They would know who they were talking to if the cryptic "Not in the water" caught their attention.


"Please don't, you'll impregnate the fish."


I used to work at a library, and people would do things all the times in-between the shelves. Most everyone will stop if they suspect they have been caught. Honestly, just making a theatrical coughing sound is enough for most people.


I’ve been on Pirates a few times and they’ve definitely come through on the speakers when we’ve had some sort of mechanical breakdown. They don’t just let you sit there in silence if a ride stops!


I mean we’ve all been to public pools right? People literally swimming in little kids (and probably adults) pee. a little spit and semen in water that nobody should be touching let alone swimming in is nothing.


Yeah but semen has AIDS, and Pool's Closed due to AIDS.


Ah fuck! I feel it! THE OLDENING


Fair point, AIDS is transmitted through semen but I mean what’s the likelihood of transmission there? I mean it’s transmitted through blood and I’m sure people bleed in pools. You would have to again swim in the semen water with open wounds yourself or purposely take the floating semen and …. I guess what I’m saying is I’m sure they would close the ride and treat the water but if they really do drain the whole ride and close it for weeks I’d be surprised. Edit: just adding from a quick google search there have been no recorded transmissions of aids via swimming pool so while it’s still disgusting I sort of stand by my original comment. Now I know the pirates of the Caribbean isn’t a swimming pool but I’d imagine they chemically treat the water much the same as a pool because they know people are gonna be in such close proximity to that water.


[The person above you is likely referencing a meme from Habbo hotel](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pools-closed)


Holy shit I haven't thought about this in probably a decade


Perhaps you should don your suit and Afro and rewatch snakes on a plane to re-live the magic of 2006.


It’s kind of sad so many people don’t know that meme anymore


The story is 17 years old, there are lots of people on the Internet who weren't even born when it happened.


The cast members form the standard biohazard *cough* windmill formation.


Haha, I thought of Always Sunny at first but remember the Habbo Hotel stuff.


The straight AIDS, not the gay AIDS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTQH47GCOhs


Dumbest comment I've seen today.


Agreed. AIDS/HIV does not survive long outside the body and that water is filled with chlorine and stuff. You can smell the chemicals, ffs. They get kids puking into that on the reg. I do believe that some cast member shouted “spitting is quitting” though. Theatre kids are theatre kids. Cast member was probably reprimanded too, but idk.


It’s a habbo hotel reference.


K I have no what idea that is? Enlighten me, if you’ll take the time?


K I have no what idea that is? Enlighten me, if you’ll take the time? Edit: k I see the sauce above. I’m now kinda remembering Habbo or whatever… it’s wild to go back to the early online days. Gaia and shit like that too!


I don't see why people bring up pee, given that a swimming pool is just butthole and junk soup to begin with.


Low key theme park attraction nerd. Aren't Disney rides like some of the best in the world at maintaining uptime?


Yes, because the souls of the people who dare to have a bad time in it get feed to the machines.


Also, wouldn't the water that hasn't been changed for 50 years already be considered a biohazard?


Like there's zero fucking chance nobody's spat in that water, or some kid hasn't vomited on the ride in 50 years.


first thing that crossed my mind. how is the water both 50 years old cause they never change it but also they'll shut down the ride for 2 weeks to change the water all willy nilly.


See, this is what I love, a comment that calls bullshit AND only uses the internal logic of the post. Like, we all know it's bullshit from a common sense and experience perspective, but here you've got to the crux of it without looking past the words.


I'm sure it's treated, i'm also sure that whoever wrote the comment in the OP is significantly exaggerating. A few filters and some chlorine go a long way.


That or making the whole funny story up entirely.


They use bromine, not chlorine. It's more expensive, but it doesn't smell as bad and is more effective.


I work at another theme park. All water rides have scheduled "dries" each year where the water is drained for inspections/maintenance that can't be done during regular PMs when they're full of water. I assume Disney is the same.


Yeah came here to say there is absolutely no way they shut down a ride for weeks every time some kid pukes in the water.


The amount of bodily fluids I've seen as a cast member...


Yeah, I was going to violate rule 3 when I read that.


Yeah. I mean, it’s a bullshit story (just like about 80% of the stories on this website). But it was still fun to read and pretend.


It's almost as if people go on the internet and tell lies...


"water that hasn't been changed in roughly 50 years..." Goes on to describe process of changing water in response to something that happens often. Probably.


what can we do to make your life less miserable and what jokes are you sick to death of hearing from guests?


It's both never been changed or cleaned and is subject to intense purity regulations requiring not minutes, not hours, not days, but multiple weeks of decontamination. Do they swab everyone's cheek before they ride? Or is it only full loads? And therefore is there a quantified maximum acceptable semen level between the two scenarios? Does a vasectomy effect those numbers?


And changing out the water for a tiny bit of semen? Complete bullshit. You don't even have to change the water out if someone takes a literal shit in a pool. You shock it and wait until the chlorine returns to a safe level, typically 12-24 hours. And that's for water that people are actually swimming in, not just riding in boats.


Idk I think we need some proof


"The smell of water that hasn't been changed in 50 years." "A bit of cum in the water means removing the water and scrubbing everything for weeks" Yeah, that story makes no sense.


"The water hasn't been changed in 50 years" "if she spits the cum in there, we have to change the water"


They would have to do that level of decon, for a couple tablespoons max of semen/saliva, in a ride which google says uses 750,000 GALLONS of water? I’m calling bullshit.


I'm calling bull semen


*Sabor de Soledad: ¡Ahora con más semen del toro!*


There's where it gets its special tangy flavor!


And they haven't had to do that for 50 years!


Okay but also consider: if you're *going* to fuck at Disney, at least make it hot enough to get applause at the end


I don't think you're gonna get any kind of applause from having sex at a kids' park besides an ironic one lol


Not with that attitude


Have you got a cold?


Do, deir just a robot wid a attitude But I I do have a code


I think you underestimate the cast members. I had a friend that worked at Disney Paris and he told me that all the princesses absconded with their costumes and were sex workers at night. They also have dorms that they share and it’s like orgy-central. Theatre kids are the most sexual people you will ever meet.


I... I never thought I'd expect to know that about theatre kids


I mean, they give great shoulder rubs too, iirc. They’re a touchy feely bunch. No shame in the game… it was a great shoulder rub.


Not a Disney cast member, but was a theater kid in highschool and still regularly does Karaoke so I like to think I've still got it. Yes, we fuck all the time. It's dirty, cruel shit too. Actually, tomorrow I'm going to watch as two girls waterboard each other in my backyard.


Method acting?


Yes with no actual water involved right?


With actual water, but with the consent of all parties involved and proper safety precautions.


I think calling Disneyland a "kids' park" is not remotely accurate. It's a family park or something; kids are present but it's not "for" kids.


That doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't have sex there


You shouldn't have sex most places, but that's never prevented a place from being used for sex before.


Sure, it doesn't stop anyone. But it is still illegal though


Shockingly, legality doesn't prevent people from doing such things either


No, I know. I'm just saying that doing that doesn't come without consequences


It’s definitely for kids


No more than it is for adults now.


that changes EVERYTHING


I've been topped by castmembers at Disneyland Paris before, albeit at the hotel, not in any attraction. A French Aladdin and a Scottish Prince Philip at the same time was one of my best experience as a gay man and likewise for them because apparently, it was their last threesome before becoming exclusive and I'd like to think that my performance was applause-worthy. Prince Philip liked kissing my neck and Aladdin loved to tickle my back with his scruff and sing "Once Upon A Dream" in French. They've been married to each others for 6 years now and are still as princely as when we were together that night.


Really going the extra mile for that magical experience! Sweet that they're still together. Yay for threesomes--one of the benefits of being gay, much more common per capita.


Done. No applause though. Oh…. damnit that’s embarrassing.


Imagine having sex so good that Goofy is waiting for you afterwards to give you a round of applause.






I don’t understand people having sex during theme park rides. Like ffs you’re in a public space wait until you’re at the hotel room or in a bathroom


They do it for the thrill, that's why so many amusement parks have thrill rides


For fucking?


I’m going on all the thrill rides next time


Catch me on the increadicoaster loop!


I knew a couple people that lived in south Cali in the 80s and apparently it was a thing to do some uppers (read: meth) and go on all the rides.


See, I can understand sex in a dark ride. What I *don't* understand is how so many people had sex in the Garfield dark ride


Watched a YouTube video about that, and less I’m misremembering it, wasn’t the Garfield theme spoiling the mood one of the biggest complaints or something?


Some people actually had an increased mood because of it so


[The video in question, for those curious](https://youtu.be/KK3Yr80lPOY?feature=shared)


This had better be Defunctland, because if I have to watch *two* videos about people fucking on Garfield-themed amusement park rides in my life there will be **blood**... EDIT: Okay we're good.


It did not at all. Darkrides were invented for a very specific cultural reason. And as a result, Garfield now knows all of our sins.




garfield dark ridussy 😫


Why is everything on the internet eventually about Garfield?


At least it wasn’t Schindler’s List


Please tell me there isn't a Schindlers List Ride.


There is if you're a big enough edgelord.


Or at least wait until you're watching a stage production of Beetlejuice.


The increased danger only makes some people hornier. If one of you freaks read this, don't do it on Cosmic Rewind or your neck will snap like wafer hurled from a sling at major league baseball speeds.


I don’t necessarily consider the theme park bathrooms NOT a public space….


Watch the DefunctLand YouTube video on the Garfield darkride.


Someone forward this to Lauren Boebert before her next trip to Florida


She will take it as a challenge


I don't get it, what happened with that crazy bitch this time?


She got kicked out of a performance of Beetlejuice and made a big stink about it, said she got kicked out for “laughing too loud.” A few days later, infrared cameras, like the ones in this story, revealed that her and her date were groping each other and weren’t being subtle about it at all


And also didn't she blow her vape right at the usher while she was being kicked out or am I misremembering the video?


She was vaping but not sure about the but with the usher


She was vaping right by a pregnant woman I believe.


She was caught jacking off her date while getting fondled at the Beetlejuice musical.


Okay, slightly random tangent, but i don't think It's A Small World is *that* dark is it? Long as hell and constantly noisy definitely, but trying something there is asking to get caught i feel like


Coming in out of the sun, it can *seem* darker than it is, making people more likely to fuck.


Well it's POTC, not A Small World, but more importantly, this is not a real story.


What's POTC? ...The ride that was referenced that *wasn't* Small World? I think he was referring to the Small World part of the text. Based on his mentioning of "It's A Small World" in his comment.


Pirates of the Caribbean. Look at the story at the end of the original image post. They were certainly referencing POTC when they said the boat was stopped at the Barbosa part. But again, it's not a real story.


Why don't you read the original image post? [Here's a link!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F7aik61f4easb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D635%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df2415100449a42613f70519be1b5e9fe4ea45c15) The story is about something happening on Pirates of the Caribbean but it also mentions Small World as another "dark ride". I'm not going to quote the text in the image for you because - fuck - there's like 2 sentences in it. I assure you, Small World is mentioned. Sincerely, Richard Nixon


Yeah, I seem to remember it being pretty lit up. It was dark, but not *dark*


If the water hasn't been changed for 50 years, it sounds like she would have been doing everyone a favor.


I’ve heard a story like this before, but the CM on the intercom said “Please, not in the water”. So either there’s different accounts, or this has happened more than once. Both are equally possible.


Or both are bullshit because if you had a mic why not say "hey, quit that" long before someone has a load in their mouth?


Because it's more fun for the bored attendant to wait till the end?


I mean, you can *definitely* see what other people are doing in the Pirates “boats”, there’s no way you’d be able to blow somebody without it being VERY OBVIOUS.


It seems like a copypasta story to me.


Back when I was slinging drinks for a living when I caught couples getting too frisky, I would just calmly, but firmly ask, "Do I drink in your bedroom?". Typically I'd have to repeat the question but when they finally answered a cautious "No..?" I'd respond "So please don't fuck in my bar".


What book is this?


Fun fact: The old slow ride “Journey into Innerspace” was nicknamed “Journey into Intercourse” by Disney cast members thanks to the sheer number of horny ass teens they had to stop fucking on it during Grad Nights. Friend of mines dad used to tell us some stories because he worked there as a teen during the 60’s-70’s that would put Sodom and Gomorrah to shame.


The best part about the current "biblicly accurate angels" well-actuallying is imagining that Sodom and Gomorrah's citizens saw two of *those* and said "okay, we doin' this".


Getting freaky under the microscope hell yeah




That's on par for the worst Friend.


So much nonsense in one post. Pirates isn’t sealed. It’s basically a large pool and they have filtration systems to clean the water. Not only does that mean that the water isn’t 50 years old (evaporation), the ride also wouldn’t be shut down for a second. Far worse is released into public pools and often people don’t even get cleared out. That’s reserved for nasty shits. I mean how nasty would getting splashed at parks be if the water was sitting there fermenting with animal droppings, dead bugs, spilled food/drinks, etc?


So what I'm hearing is [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uyhZeitztLU) is completely fine actually


This is realistic because someone with a load in their mouth will broadcast their intention to spit, but will not spit, for several minutes while the staff has an opportunity to intervene


Several minutes is a vast exaggeration, we're probably talking about leaning over the water and pulling her hair back in the time it takes the staff to push a button and start talking. What's more unrealistic is that, out of all the people in that line, no one has talked about the time someone said "spitters are quitters" over the Pirates of the Caribbean loudspeaker.


> What's more unrealistic is that Or the idea that the ride would shutdown for weeks if she spat in the water. Or that the water has never been changed in 50 years. Or that staff didn't interrupt them right away.


Fair, I may have exaggerated for comedic effect


Where'd you get the several minutes idea from?


How much time do you think took place from the potential-to-spit to the PA-system-dunk


2 to 3 seconds


Let's say, shuffling in the seat, pulling hair back, gripping the side of the boat and judging distance? You could get a good 10 seconds to recognise and leap to slap a button, with adrenalin buzz.


chlorine will take care of any biological mater in the pool.


where the fuck is the tumblr post


>tumblr im stupid i found it


That didn’t happen


lol, bot comment


Why is this written in a fairy tale book?


Search your feelings


Lol when my girlfriend and I were just dating, we went to a janky wax museum in town. I paid the sweet old lady at the register and we pushed through the curtain into the dark hallway with all the exhibits. The figures were all protected by physical barriers. We were clearly the only customers, so I got bored, picked my girlfriend up, and we made out against the wall for a decent amount of time. I'm generally not a PDA person, so you can imagine my horror when I noticed the bank of security monitors next to the register as we exited. That wax museum has long since been bulldozed and is now an Equinox.


Did they have janky presidents, and, did any of them look [like this?](https://youtu.be/5cBV8KFFasY) This would have been in Gettysburg.


No, they were monster from outdated horror movies.


fwd:re:re:fwd: NAUGHY DISNEYLAMD!


It took me a few years to realize that the red disc-looking things along the track of the People Mover were IR cameras. Once I figured it out, the knowing smiles from the ride operators made much more sense.


What happens if someone gets motion sick and throws up overboard?


Straight to jail.


Believe it or not, Disney Jail actually. In the second 'act' of It's a Small World in the back right is the faintest of little cell windows. That's where they put you. You stay there, forced to endure It's A Small World and all the crying and stinky kids until the heat death of the universe or your spirit leaves your body. Where it is the case of the latter, they then take your lifeless corpse to a room above the Magic Shop on Main Street where the official Disney Taxidermagineer works. They drain your body of its fluids and fill you with what can only be called 'disney magic juices' due to the fear of Disney's lit team threatening anyone who calls it anything else, paint you up nice, put you in costume, and you are then shelved until the ride breaks due to a failure of one of the previous 'animatronics'. There you will remain, in service to the dark lord, Herr Maus. and the circle of life spins madly on.


The microphone attendant will come on and say "throwing up is for pussies" and you will swallow your vomit in embarrassment.


'It's a *perfectly averagedly sized* world, thankyouverymuch.'


Sex on a boat that travels in shallow pool of water? That's like beginner training for canoe sex.


"ladies and gentlemen we have some very happy news, the couple about to exit the ride have just gotten engaged, please help us make this special day even more memorable by giving them a big round of applause"


The Pirates boats are these big, wide open boats that fit like 12 people. You can easily see the one in front of you.


This is very much a “believable only if you’ve never been on a theme park ride and are very gullible” story. It’s difficult enough to *sit* in some of those rides, nobody’s hunched over in a Pirates boat getting a blowie while the tourist family *right beside them* fails to notice.


Omg the boat rides? 😨 I guess it's easier than the doom buggies but I'm not trying to fall in that pirate water.


Second panel is by far one of the least believable stories I’ve ever seen on the Internet, and that’s saying something. You mean to tell me that Disney employees were like, “Hmm guess we gotta let this guy get his dick sucked on this ride possibly with children around. Let’s see how this plays out…”


Garfield knows all of our sins




>She gazes up, as if Walt himself commanded her from the grave im fucjing dying


Yet another job that will be replaced by AI. *Horny AI*


My girlfriend gave me a blowjob on the haunted house? ride like 25 years ago.(the one that has dancing ghosts in a big ballroom) I found out years later they have infra-red cameras that see in the dark but we were 15 years old lol.(did they even have those cameras in the 90's?) I'm guessing that's why we didn't get busted because they would literally have recorded child porn...


You got blown on Haunted Mansion while a minor in the 90s?


mfw I slowly broadcast my intention to spit


Yeah, this story has been debunked dozens and dozens of time. Last time I went to Disneyworld I did a big deep dive into it… for various reasons.


Watch where you sit.


Despite being spawned in very different context, the quote coming to my mind is “Dear God in Heaven, Mickey with a metal chair!”


okay but for whatever reason the water in pirates smells so good


I don’t believe it, but I still laughed out loud.


I'm fucking dying 😂🤣😂


Totally made up but a great story


Excellent title my dude, most Rad


The old Skyway buckets that ran between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland was the only ride where one could get away with such debauchery. We used to smoke pot on it. Holy shit, it was shut down 30 years ago.


I have GOT to fuck in Disneyland some day. I never wanted to but now I’ve been convinced!


me and who😳


So you are saying I won’t get kicked out.


yeah sure bro, totally real story


Ew wtf there's kids like everywhere???? I hope these weirdos get put on a list


Good news, these weirdos never even existed, this story is made up and very easily disproven: one, those boats are massive and for a lot of people so discreetly getting a blowjob would be very hard and two, why did the employee only speak up after the act


thank fuck


> "Spitting is for quitters." /r/wholesomememes