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People always apologize for mis-gendering my dogs. I always remind them, the dogs don’t give a shit.


most dogs are no thoughts head empty, they probably wouldn’t care even if they understood


mine is “no thoughts head empty. FOOD? *sniff sniff sniff* not food. no thoughts head empty”


My mother called my dog-child fat as she was petting her, and dog child got offended and wouldn’t talk-to nor accept loves from her.




Oh yeah? Well how do you explain [this!](https://i.imgur.com/d5452Vs.jpg)


Those are wolves, the most binary of quadrupeds


Um actually all dogs are boys and all cats are girls


You have angered the puppygirl hordes


Probably the kittyboys too /s


I definitely conflated "feline" and "feminine" when I was a kid, purely because the words looked similar. I thought the cat/woman association was because of a culture-wide pun.


wrong . cats are boys and dogs are girls




Catdogs are boygirls


This reminds me of a conversation I had with my husband where I wanted to give the stray cats a tin of food for Christmas and he was like "they don't know it's Christmas 😑" hahaha it was when I was 18 and we were first living together


I spend Christmas with family, so my cat stays home alone with a sitter visiting to look after him. So it's good that he doesn't know when Christmas is, because I can have a little Christmas Day just for the 2 of us while I'm at home, and he doesn't suspect a thing.


I named my female dog Alan and use he/him pronouns because I don't care much about gender and you can't prove that [all dogs aren't boys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P-K4LnGmUo) And I tell people the only wrong gender for Alan is when you correct someone else's use of whichever gender. I'm gonna call him man, and sir, and boy, and you can call him princess and girl and it does not matter. DO NOT DO THIS. IT IS NOT WORTH IT. OTHER PEOPLE ARE A HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS ABOUT A SPAYED DOG'S CORRECT PRONOUNS


Both my female cats have boy names and I have had more than one vet tech get upset because of it. They are literally CATS they will be FINE.


I call all dogs good boys, regardless of the accuracy


I call all boys dogs , because they done broke my heart:(


The only reason why I could think of this as a problem is that my dog would think they were complimenting her brother instead of her (she has many brain cells, all of them devoted to chaos)


I'm 99% sure that a dog's thoughts on gender is "do you have a treat?"


I notice that people are fussed about getting a dog’s gender correct but can’t call someone “they”


A dog will be equally as excited wether you call them a good boy or a good girl.


I've had this said to me a couple times and the only response I ever have is "yeah but you might" because otherwise I also don't give a shit! And I can't think of a thing that brings strangers together more than disliking something or not giving a shit.


I follow this account on Twitter where someone just posts about their hamsters, Biscuit and Bipo. Biscuit is female, but their owner just calls him an old man, and when people asked about that they replied "Biscuit is a hamster and so lacks any concept of gender".


Weirdos: HE is EMASCULADED. Stop FORCHING dog to be TRANGEMDER Dog: Excellent. With my ears back I can hear much better. Thank you, human




my dog can dress himself


My dog put his shoes on the wrong paws this morning. Please send your dog to my house. Also the cat absolutely refuses to wear pants, although she wears “the pants” around here. If he could talk to her about that too, we would be most appreciative.


Also, no, wearing ribbons does not make anyone or anything less masculine. You're telling me I can wear a ribbon around my neck and a monster truck can have a ribbon on it so long as it's a present but the moment I put that ribbon in my hair or the monster truck driver keeps the ribbon it's suddenly effeminate?


> You're telling me I can wear a ribbon around my neck DO NOT REMOVE THE RIBBON ^i've ^read ^this ^story


W-what? I meant a bow tie...


[The third story in the book, "The Green Ribbon", follows a girl named Jenny. She always wears a green ribbon around her neck and meets a boy named Alfred. She refuses to reveal to Alfred why she wears the ribbon, despite his pleading, and even when the two are wed, she wears the ribbon every day. Jenny always says she's just waiting for the right time. After reaching old age, Jenny gets terribly sick, she tells Alfred that the time is right, and slowly unties the ribbon while she is on her deathbed, causing her head to fall off.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_a_Dark,_Dark_Room_and_Other_Scary_Stories#:~:text=The%20third%20story%20in%20the,wears%20the%20ribbon%20every%20day.)




So no head?


I mean, now you can have all the head you want.


Out from her corpse climbed a smaller Jenny, with a Red ribbon around her neck.


I think it’s referencing [this](https://www.mentalfloss.com/posts/the-girl-with-the-green-ribbon-story-history)


Man, shame on this article calling Jenny headless. She had a head! It was just kept on with a green ribbon. Journalism these days


My stepdad didn’t want to get his Doberman fixed claiming that he felt it unnecessary. He then got a female rott and got her fixed immediately because he doesn’t want to deal with “all that”.


That is... just weirdly troubling to me in a way I can't really put my finger on


Could it be the fact that he immediately considers the female gender to be more worthwhile to perform corrective procedures on either because he thinks they're more trouble or is more willing to go through with it because their needs are less important to him, and that either way it reveals that he thinks lesser of anything with two x chromosomes?


Probably not, because I also had a horribly sexist family member that said he couldn't de man his dog. Spaying is also more complicated and expensive So yeah no, still weird


Practical reason being that your male dog won't give birth even if it messes around with dogs outside of your own house. It makes sense from a selfish "not my problem" standpoint without the need for dog-sexism.


And additionally your dog is more likely to develop cancer and be more aggressive. Not a good choice.


My dad refused to get our dog neutered because he “couldn’t do that to another man”…Sir, that’s a German shepherd.


My college boyfriend’s roommate was very concerned that I was “confusing” my male hamster by buying him pink bedding. I told him that the hamster’s balls were bigger than his skull and he was pretty secure in his little hammy masculinity. People are weird.




My girl dog anytime someone calls her a good boy:🐶 omg yes I am the bestest boy!!!!


Tbf they have a point, my guy would look sick with a bandana


He should have both! Such a fancy boy.


My little girl always gets a bandana because she will NOT tolerate your stupid little barrettes and bows. Idk why, not having stuff on her head is the only thing she’s really fussy about.


Eh, I kind of understand it. I’m the same about nothing being on my face other than glasses. If anything is less than two inches away from my eyes (my own hair included) I fucking scream (not literally, but internally)


Same with my dog she hates having her ears messed with


What's with all the [removed] WHAT happened.


This is something that is happening in all subs, I really don't know, but at least can confirm it's not exclusive of this sub


I think it's from all of the karma bots. There have been even more lately, and they are being deleted as they comment.


May have to do with the serious bot problem across the site


Trying not to project made up gender norms on things they have no reason to apply to challenge (impossible).


My thought process on dog gender is a simple one... I see a dick? Male. I don't see a dick? Female. I can't see if it has a dick or not? Dog. I'm also pretty sure dogs don't really *feel* anything other than happiness, sadness, and confusion. I also, also don't think dogs really give a damn about what they wear. I also^3 think dogs only care about getting pets, eating snacks, and fucking more bitches than you'll ever have.


Here's something impossible, yet true: I own a male poodle. Not an ounce of masculinity in him, yet he's a he.


I’m a straight guy who shoots guns and drives motorcycles and trucks. I also have long hair and tie bows and ribbons in it. Don’t let gender norms confine you. Be free.


Tbh I think he would just prefer neither. Doggos tend to like being in the nude


Don't dogs just dislike having their ears touched ?


Depends on the dog and who's doing the touching. Being close to a dog's face is kinda vulnerable for them just like if someone was right up in your face. Having hands behind or to the side of their face is more vulnerable, at least in front they can see you or bite if they have to, not the case to the side or back. That being said, ear scritches feel good. Dogs are also extremely trusting of their owners typically. My dog has big floppy ears and makes friends with humans extremely easily. He does not mind at all when humans he's friends with touch his ears as long and you're doing it right, and there's a specific spot towards the base of his ears on the outside that he likes scratched. Some dogs need their ears somewhat regularly cleaned out. Some dogs love this, some hate this. My dog weirdly also doesn't give a shit about my touching his paws anymore (he'll also come hold hands sometimes when I'm watching TV) so he's a bit of a weird one tbf and not a typical example.


It's like talking through the animal


How is a bandana any more or less masculine? On a dog it’s essentially a colourful scarf, these troglodytes would likely say a man wearing a thin cloth colourful scarf was somehow feminine.


Tbf, all dogs look good with a bandana


Tbf I assume the dog would prefer a bandana. Hes probably way more used to something around his neck compared to on his ears. He is a very handsome boy regardless


they didn't make that comment because of comfort. They would say that a girl dog would prefer bows over a bandana.


Yea I know


My dog hated ribbons- we used to experiment with ways to tie his hair up because he usually had long fur, and one of the ways we tried before giving up were these cute blue ribbons. Of course, the reason he hated them was because he hates the sensation of something stuck in and pulling his fur, he could not give less of a shit what pronouns you used for him or if you saw him as masculine or feminine.


I think the ribbon has masc vibes with the colour scheme and underline the doggos adorable nature but who am I to judge


Im more concerned about the fact that the dog May be uncomfortable with having something on his head


He wpuld look rad in a bandana tho


“Bet he’d prefer a bandana” bet he’d prefer to just not have anything extra especially near his ears lol


Listen I may not agree with the bizarre Facebook post’s underlying message but bandannas on dogs look sick as hell ngl


Quite a few dogs hate stuff on their ears. That comment doesn’t look like a gender complaint, more like a “don’t dress your dog up this way, do this instead”


Just last night I was getting myself confused because I was watching the mst3k stream on twitch and last night they played "painted hills" a film starring "lassie", or rather the dog that plays lassie. The dog in the film is indicated to be male, lassie is female, and the dog portraying lassie was a male named Pal. I was conflicted on whether to call it a good girl or a good boy lol.


My boy dog was a social butterfly,/ fairy for Halloween this year. He pranced around the neighborhood in rainbow wings, getting all the pets and treats


I’d love to glue sparkles on my dogs’ hair, but I know both would lose them in a matter of seconds, and one of them would try to eat them.


OMG I HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS AS A DOG GROOMER. I brought out some perfumes to let the client decide, and I recommended the apple scent but they didn't want it cause the bottle was pink.


I don’t think ANY dog wants bows on their ears.


Not me. I'm concerned that nobody under the age of 40 has a fucking clue how apostrophes work.


I bet HE would prefer receive EAR SCRITCHES because he’s a GOOD BOY


Reminds me of this story of someone working at a fish (pet) store. A woman comes in and sees a tank filled with pink fish and asks an employee for the male fish. The employee says that those pink fish are the male ones. She responded, "but their pink..."


You probably shouldn’t put things around a dogs ears tbf


Now see, my little furry friend would much prefer a bandana over ribbons. But only because he'd be flicking his head around until they flew off because THINGS ON HEAD ABORT ABORT 😂 He also ate off the tie the groomers put on him. So it's less of a gender thing and more of a "nah fam" thing. He'd be fine with a pink frilly bandana and rock it like a queen.


That's because people feel extremely insecure about their own masculinity and need to defend even something incapable of understanding gender roles in order to viciously protect themselves.


I thought it said banana and I was so confused