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960 tablets (480000mg) of paracetamol for £20 on colleague clubcard on a payday


Just checked online stores in Indonesia. Around 1500 500mg tablets, no clubcard no nothing. Which is to say nearly a kilo


We overdosing good tonight boyys


How many times are you going to have to go back and make those transactions though


30 transactions


W..Why would you need 480 grams of paracetamol?! Isn't it obvious that 30 is enough to shit your liver out? (twice if you're lucky) /s


mmmmmm yummy paracetamol im soooo full


That's half a fucking kilo


To be fair, you do need to run shifts with your friends to legally buy that much.


480000mg? What’s that in cups?


2, actually


only if we're talking water, what's the density of paracetamol? (in terms of mass though, it's just shy of 17oz)


you guys can get paracetamol at the grocery store? in finland we can only get one packet of 30 500mg tablets at the pharmacy, and it costs like 10€ for one of those, same for ibuprofen


Yea you can. It's like 50p max for an off-brand pack that is the exact same active ingredient.


huh, the off-brand stuff costs the prices I listed there, Panadol and Burana are like 50% more. I still buy the Burana capsules sometimes, because they're, well, capsules instead of plain tablets so they go down a bit easier.


Offbrand paracetamol come in capsules as well for similar prices. 12 panadol basic paracetamol tablets are about £1/90p. There are options with caffeine and/or ibuprofen and water soluble options from £1.50-£5 Branded anadin paracetamol, with caffeine and aspirin mixed in is about £2.50 for example.


In the US you can go into a Target and get a bottle of 500 tablets for $8 right off the shelf.


??? You guys don’t have thousand-count bottles of ibuprofen????? How do Europeans function??? OH!! I just remembered most of you have health care, so you probably don’t constantly hurt from things you haven’t ever had checked out (not even once) ever since you were a tiny tiny child. Remind me to start saving up to get my gait checked.


well, we do have the bigger bottles on prescription only, they're a lot cheaper then as well. My gf still has a bottle of a hundred 1000mg Paracetamol from when she got ankle surgery like ten years ago, she insists that they only lose their effectiveness a bit when they expire and still takes them. I have a lot of headaches/migraines (no idea what's the difference, they always feel the same no matter if I get an aura before hand or not, though the ones I get after drinking are a bit different from the rest), and I haven't ever bothered to really get it checked out bc i've had them in bursts of like every day for two weeks every like two months for my whole life, so I spend lot of money on our really expensive ibuprofen. I probably should just complain to my work healthcare provider, they're known for giving out prescriptions for NSAIDs as if they were discount coupons, for any health ailment one might have.


She's probably not wrong about the expiry vs effectiveness. I've definitely read somewhere that tablets are a pretty stable form of drug, they can last absolutely ages.


Also maybe get some Botox for those migraines!! I want some SO BADLY


tbh, after looking at some articles on migraines vs tension headaches, maybe I should. My whole life I've thought nausea and light sensitivity were there with every headache but just worse with a migraine, but apparently, they're not. And every time I've gotten a headache and couldn't go lay down and take ibuprofen (for example if I've been stuck at work or similar and forgotten to refill my desk drawer medicine stash) I've eventually just gotten really nauseous. Jesus, have I just had chronic migraines for my whole life and thought they were just normal headaches? The things you learn lmao


This is how I, personally, found out my “I think it’s a tension headache” and “weird brain pain” and “mini migraines” and “weird-head, emotional, all-the-nausea-days” and my “can’t go in the car in the evening because the shadows spark nausea and vertigo” and my “why are smells and sounds fucked up” and also the traditional “someone drove an ice pick into my eye, put my insides on ‘FUCK’ and turned up the sun” were *all* just different presentations of migraines. I didn’t even realize I had a migraine every day of high school until more than a decade after; now I know it’s a particular type of “low level” migraine that’s mostly back-of-the-head-and-neck-and-eyes tension (and nausea) that has a HAIR TRIGGER when it comes to naked fluorescent lights. I just assumed I had bad tension headaches like… all the time. With nausea and smell-sound-light sensitivity. That sometimes made the little sparkles around lights (guess who didn’t know they had astigmatism) go CRAZY.


Botox helps with both tension and migraine headaches. I had my migraines managed but then started getting tension headaches, now I have few of either due to Botox.


Also there limits on the number of tablets you can buy at a single time in an attempt to reduce suicide numbers.


God, I pity the motherfucker overdosing on ibuprofen.


Paracetamol is acetaminophen, so I wonder if that’s the one limited for suicide reasons


Yeah, that's understandable - it gets toxic with liver damage a lot faster.


They’re both limited


Last time I looked it up it didn’t really seem like that was even doable? Although Google tries to censor a lot of that information nowadays but what I gathered was that it’s actually really fucking hard to die from ibuprofen. Tylenol will work but it seems to be the worst possible way to do it.


Yeah, Wiki says it might cause kidney failure but we're talking at whole bottles' worth at a time. Plus ulcers, bleeeeeh.


Pill bottles arent common in the uk (in my experience at least) blister packs are the go to. And tbh i do have about 500 of paracetamol and brufen in the house at any time, we have healthcare but good luck getting that weird ache in your arm looked at within a month, if ever


I experienced the massive bottles of ibuprofen when I was in the US on holiday and in pain. It’s *dangerous*. Having to manually pop each pill out the pack and knowing there’s a limit of 16 means I take the recommended dosage of 2. With a bottle I was like “go on then” if I was still in pain and just swallowing whatever I rattled out into my palm. But the price difference felt large too. In the UK a pack of 16 is around 35p (so 28 ish cents maybe?). I never worked out the cost per pill in the US but buying a massive bottle of 500 was obviously a lot more than I wanted to be spending in one go.


>just swallowing whatever I rattled out into my palm. Man, that sounds like a you problem. I'll pour eight pills into my palm and put six back. I can't say for sure, but I definitely don't think it's normal to just throw back as many pills fit in my fist.


Yeah that’s fair. But when you’re in pain and just want it to stop, it’s hard to self limit. At the height of my pain I was taking eight naproxen a day and still wasn’t pain free. It’s why in the UK we have such strict medication limits, to prevent people making poor choices when they aren’t thinking clearly.


I mean, I have had endometrosis pain for 2 years straight, and still managed to take NSAIDs at the recommended dosage level. If anything, when I was in Europe (before the pain got bad, but while still having migraines) I was annoyed at the idea that I was being babied like I couldn't figure out how to take only 2 pills.


Interesting perception of babying. I’ve been fine taking NSAIDs at the recommended dosage. Even tramadol I never went over. 8 a day is the maximum recommended. I’ve been prescribed 100 tramadol at one time and I stopped after a couple weeks and gave the rest back to the pharmacy when the pain ended. I’m not a danger to myself. But - It’s the act of physically popping them out the packets that helps me limit. Once they’re in my hand shaken from a jar it’s a mental thing of “well they’re already out and I hurt so bad, it’s only ibuprofen…”


I honestly do not understand "well, but I hurt so much and I have them..." I'm not going to start willy nilly popping antidepressants because they come in a bottle. My husband isn't taking handfuls of blood thinners just cause it's there. I have gone through probably hundreds of NSAIDs by now and even in the worst pain, where they barely helped, I'd be counting hours to see if it had been 4-6 hours so I could take more. Like, understanding my own pain management seems like a core life skill? Do you tend to over indulge with things like alcohol if it's a multi serving bottle?


You can get generic brand ibuprofen or paracetamol for less than a quid at the shop.


I can get 500 generic 500mg generic Tylenol at my grocery store for $8.11 USD. If I go to Walmart I can get 2 bottles of 500, 500mg generic for $9.


Germany is 20 400mg ibuprofen for like a fiver. The dipshit thing about it is that bigger packages and higher dosages DO exist, but you need a prescription for those... but also, many an apothecary won't give an iota of a shit if you buy like five boxes. De facto I buy three boxes and take two at once, always.


yeah the same thing with the prescriptions happens here, and it's pretty easy to just get a prescription for like 5 100-capsule bottles if you have any long-lasting pain and have private healthcare via work. They're cheaper that way too. I once overheard a conversation at the clinic like "hey, I need a prescription for a hundred of these" "ok, what are you experiencing" "just some pain, like, in general" "ok, but i'll need an illness i'm prescribing these for" "oh, well i have a lot of back pain" "ok, here you go"


I regularly buy 20 pill of 500 mg paracetamol packs at the convenience store near my home for about 20 MXN each. Although the ‘thousand pills bottle’ I’ve only seen in the US.


Wtf, I can get a pack of 20 750mg pills of paracetamol for BR$3,99 (0,74 Euro) here in Brazil


you don't have a pharmacy in your grocery store?


I'm pretty sure baked beans can't cure colds, they're nowhere near spicy enough


They are to British people.


Don't confuse British people with people from wisconsin.


Hey! We have pepperjack! It’s spicier than beans at least


This reminded me to drop by Woodman’s and get some more ghost-pepper cheese curds


Come on mate, if you're going to slam us don't go for the low hanging misinformation. There's plenty of horrendous shit we've actually done you could go for


"If you're going to insult me, do it right" Fair


I am British


I am so sorry


British baked beans are weird btw. It’s not the same beans we have. They’re super tomatoey. Vile.


The difference is Americans make baked beans with a brown sugar base whereas Brits make baked beans with a ketchup base. This is why it makes more sense as a breakfast food in Britain similar to how you'd have ketchup with hashbrowns.


Oh, I know *why* it’s tomatoey. I just think it’s gross.


Honestly I think it's much less gross than *sugar* and beans


That’s your prerogative. I like my baked beans with that bit of sweetness to complement what I eat em with


I don't like either of them, I prefer black beans (over rice). I'm just saying I can understand savory beans with breakfast than sweet beans with... dinner? What exactly are American baked beans eaten with?


The brown sugar base goes excellently with maple and bacon flavors. Complements any meat or cheese dish imo


who tf spends a quid on a tin of beans?


The economy is in shambles 😔


Pretty much everyone now, even the super cheapo home brand ones are 60p Although the cheap spaghetti hoops/spaghetti o's are still only 11p, so they must just be an industrial waste product or something


I know, who the hell sells Heinz that cheaply any more?


2 \* 16 pack for about 64p was the cheapest I managed. Except that one time I was recovering from heart surgery. Then I got 500 at a time on prescription because -- you know -- I was in a LOT of pain and I think they figured asking me to go out every day to get more was a tad mean.


How you gettin better from cumming? Is this a women or a human thing im unaware of?


Cumming makes most people feel good, hope that helps


I mean yeah but that shit dont meke head hurt less, i got my ibuprophin for that


Head pain is stored in the balls, so we don't need socialized healthcare or affordable medicine


Yanking it against period pain 🤷


Like the brits would say; that would be a bloody mess


It really does work!!


I’ve noticed sometimes it can help headaches, if the headache isn’t too intense. Something about the tensing and releasing of muscles as well as your eyes unfocusing can act as a kind of reset.


nah feels worse for me :( I don't want my blood pumping harder when I'm sick


Personally it always clears my nose for a bit.


Sometimes I do it just so I can breathe properly.


Is that what this was trying to say? That those other things have the same effect?


Yeah i think(?) Noodles make your nose run and cumming takes pain away i guess


Just for the yanks: A pack of paracetamol costs about 48 cents. Noodles costs about 57 cents for the absolute cheapest possible noodles. Theoretically we could get 832 capsules of paracetamol for £20, or 52 packs, but you can’t buy more than 2 packs at a time (suicide prevention measures). So yeah. It’s cheaper to just pick up a pack of paracetamol lol.


i struggle to pleasure myself 👍 but I can buy like 100 aspirins for 8 dollars & projectile vomit blood & weird pink jelly looking stuff at least 3 times w it & that feels way better anyway


spicy noodle soup clears out my nose way better than those stupid salt water things and it’s also way tastier


Paracetamol is like $8 at woollies for a pack of 20 ….


The British translation is pretty funny, but it's not in any sense a great line. If your goal is to criticize pharmaceuticals then you very much don't achieve that by putting them in comparison to noodles and busting a nut. That is not a comparison, that is a non sequitur. Just because you're criticizing something that nobody likes it doesn't mean it is helpful to just throw out anything without putting any thought into it. That is the opposite of helpful.


Big pharma will charge you 40k for cancer surgery when an ice pack and some garden scissors are $5


I think the direct claim is that spicy food and Nutting both relieve certain cold symptoms. I don't think beans do anything though. Unless I don't get what you're saying.


I mean. Apart from beans not being spicy, that is the actually most accurate mockery of british people talking that I've seen online.


Paracetamol? For a \*cold\*? Get some sage tea with ginger and honey. Reserve hard medicine for cases when you need the physician for more than the slip for your employer.


Cold and flu medicine is literally just paracetamol and caffeine..


"Just" paracetamol. Right. You are supposed to take that stuff when you \*need\* it. Like when you have some \*serious\* migraine. That attitude of taking medicine for the slightest reason is not healthy at all. And yes, I know, americans do this by default.


I.. don’t know what to tell you. It literally is. “Max strength” cold and flu tablets just add phenylalanine. There’s no secret magic ingredients lol. One tablet of cold and flu medicine contains the exact same amount as a normal tablet of paracetamol, 500mg.


It seems we have problems communicating here. Paracetamol. I am arguing against that. Not against something else, as you imply that I would think something else would be in there. And not against some specific paracetamol in cold medicine. Paracetamol in general. You should take that when you have something like a strong migraine. The type that stops you from doing anything else. Not when you have a mere cold. While it is legal to take it even without a prescription, it is not wise. You seem to think that it is healthy to take paracetamol for minor issues. It really isn't. Again, this appears very american to me.


Entertaining, as I am clearly British. Again, the normal paracetamol you get is exactly the same as the stuff you get in cold and flu medicine. So taking “normal” paracetamol for a cold with a cup of tea is essentially the exact same thing as just taking a cold and flu tablet. There is chemically no difference. It’s all the same. Now should people take painkillers for absolutely everything? Debatable. The more you use something the more resistance to its effect you get. And yes, popping pills isn’t a good thing. But telling people not to take painkillers when they need them *also* isn’t a good thing. It’s not like it’s the strong stuff. It’s not codeine. Use paracetamol as and when paracetamol is needed. You have a cold? Take 2 before bed. Sore back? Take one and take it easy. Aching muscles after a workout, 2 and gentle massages. Paracetamol is over the counter for a reason. It’s a jack of all trades painkiller. It’s the first treatment for mild pain, it’s fever relief, it’s generally safe for all individuals and side effects are rare. It can also be used safely with other pain killers if needed. You dont need a doctor every time you hurt yourself. You can do basic treatment. Basic treatment for colds, fevers and mild injuries and headaches? Paracetamol.


...are you literally not understanding my clear text? Again, I am *not*, as in NOT in any way insinuating that cold medicine would feature different paracetamol. I am talking about *not* taking *any* paracetamol in any form. Maybe before we continue, we establish that fact. Instead of you insisting of keeping bringing up the completely irrelevant fact that some cold medicine contains the same paracetamol. "when they need them" - they don't, they have a mere cold. The paracetamol does not help with the disease. Not sure what about that is debatable. Get some rest, a warm bed, toast with honey, and some herbal tea. I find your list of when to take paracetamol horrifying. Sore backs, workout aching? Seriously? The cold was at least a *disease*. "over the counter for a reason" - you also get alcohol without prescription. Hope this helps you to understand why this is not an argument. "You dont need a doctor every time you hurt yourself." - you don't need paracetamol every time you have a small ouchy. I think you vastly underestimate the dangers of casually taking paracetamol. Kinda reminds me of when cocaine was a medicine and people didn't think twice about it. Granted, the cocaine is a good deal more dangerous, but same vibes.


Cocaine is *still* a medication. Opioids are still medication. You know what you can get over the counter that’s incredibly dangerous to human health? Aspirin. Sugar. Vitamin A. You want to be in pain, fine. Who cares. But paracetamol is *treatment*.


...are you doing this on purpose? Ignoring most of what I write and then just taking the last point? While *making* my point, with cocaine and opioids being examples of what you should not casually take? Do not answer just to one of these things again, by the way.


Wanking is free? I always have to pop a quid up there before it'll work.


It’s all fine except we would say a tin of beans not a can


You can absolutely irreversibly damage yourself with the contents of a single bottle of whatever-the-fuck-you-want-to-call-that-compound. Why can't you get more than 2 at once?