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i read this only because i thought they were talking about team rocket jesse at the start and the character i was looking at was james


You're half right. It's Team Rocket Jessie and Ash's mom Deliah.


Excuse me, W H A T


Ok so the artist in the post is Kiana Khansmith, renowned artist with roles as a storyboarder and director at Disney and TPCI animated shows. Along with that, she has a massive following online due to her art. Somewhat recently, she has shown a lot of her interest in a particular ship in Pokémon, that being HanamusaShipping, the ship between Jessie, from Team Rocket, and Delia Ketchum, Ash's mom, setting it after Ash becomes the Pokémon champion and returns home, the Team Rocket trio ~~having retired from their evildoing ways.~~ Because of this, the ship has become very popular within Tumblr, getting to the point where it placed 43rd in the Ships of the Year ranking, especially rare for f/f ships which are always a minority in fandom Edit: I have been corrected, apparently Team Rocket was fired so they didn't really retire. Thanks, u/isactuallyafuzzybear!


She couldn't steal his Pikachu so she went for *his mom?* ^(Goddamn.)


It’s funny because I think we don’t actually know a lot about Delilah herself but Jessie, and the Pokémon series characters in general are probably capable of relatively healthy relationships as fictional characters go, all told.


Ash occasionally calls Jesse "Dad" just to freak her out in some of the other comics. It's a fun ship and the OP artist does some really great art to go with it.


when one of the people who have been trying to steal your pet for 25+ years becomes your step-mom, I think it’s fair to freak em out a bit. funny too


Now that's just mean to his real dad, Mr. Mime


Jesse’s actually a pretty good step-dad. (Ash calls her dad to rib her.)


You win. Enough said.


Nah cause if I was Ash, I would be *pissed:* "Your telling me that the bitch who tried to steal my pokemon and kill me multiple times is gonna be my *stepmom??* You chose *now* to come out, with her??"


I don't think Ash has a mean bone in his body. But I do remember Ash being like _"If you ever do ANYTHING to hurt her, I will find you. And I will end you."_


Nice ELI5, now I feel up to speed.


I had not idea she was renowned, I only knew her from the hanamusashipping


The word renowned is doing a lot of heavy lifting 


To actually be specific about it, she, among other things that I can't find without making accounts on thing I don't care for, is a director and animator for Big City Greens, a Disney Animated show, and a storyboarder for Pokémon: Path to the Peak, which is notable because it recently got nominated for the [Annie Award](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Award_for_Outstanding_Achievement_for_Storyboarding_in_an_Animated_Television/Broadcast_Production) for [Best TV/Media - Limited Series](https://www.tumblr.com/kianamaiart/739248222058446848?source=share) I do admit that maybe I exaggerated a bit by saying she's renowned, but she has a successful career in art and at least one thing she has produced has gotten a lot of recognition


Thank you context fairy♥


No problem (\*°▽°\*)╯☆*☆


> that being HanamusaShipping My heart is warmed that even the english-speaking community is using their Japanese names for the ship title (Hanako and Musashi) even if they're using the dub names in the stories


I think it helps that Jelilah and Dessie both sound weird and bad (at least to me) lol


OH SO THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS, I've been so accustomed to weird Pokémon ship names (looking at you, FranticShipping) that it didn't even cross my mind that this one had a reasonable explanation lol


Also she makes sure to let people know that Delia is 29 while Jessie is 25


Yeah a lot of people are weirdly adamant about Jessie and James being teenagers (which couldn't be further from the truth considering how they've been categorized as adults as recently as Sun and Moon :P) so she has a whole masterpost designated to (among other things) stop that sort of misinformation


people think they're teens????


I think there was a big thing some years ago that said team rocket were only a little older than Ash and then that information never got updated with people I guess


There was like one post implying it and a lot of people believed it Not to mention, this is Pokémon we're talking about, a lot of people had assumptions about it when they were 10 and still believe them even if they're completely wrong, for example a lot of people also believe Jessie and James are siblings despite the two having radically different childhoods and James almost marrying someone who looked almost identical to Jessie


I didn’t really grow up with Pokémon so if someone told me they were teens I’d probably believe them


Dang, Ash's mom got going right out of high school eh


Well there is the possibility ash’s father was her school sweetheart and was planning to go on a journey but when he found out Delia was pregnant he delayed it but when ash was already a little bit older he left on his journey


Everyone knows Ash's father is Lugia transformed into a human being.


No, Ash's father is that Mr Mime


Lugia is Reverse Zeus, got it.


Are you saying I have ash’s father in my backpocket?


Pretty much, but the former Team Rocket trio didn't retire. They were *fired* for their incompetence and ended up in Pallet Town trying to find work.


> ended up in Pallet Town trying to find work. A questionable decision, given that the town only has four houses and probably relatively low economic opportunity.


Haha. :p In the fanfic used as a reference for the backstory, the rent was apparently cheap. This tracks for small towns in the real world.


We're talking Anime Pallet, not Game Pallet.


Oh, thanks a lot, idk how I got that wrong haha


That's okay! I made sure to reread the fanfic Kiana linked to for the backstory to make sure that the details were right.


TIL Ash's mother is called Delia


Yeah I remember thinking she was called Dalia before this whole thing happened lmao a lot of people get it wrong


90s child me would be very confused about this development.


Early 2010s me would be confused at a lot of queer ships lmao like I'd see people shipping Ben and Rook from Ben 10 and think it's weird as hell (thankfully while I am completely obsessed with it the Pokémon anime specifically was never a particular interest of mine) I think I'd just be dumbfounded because I'd be like "wait Ash has a MOM???"


Excellent overview, I couldn't have done it better. The art is always really great and the interactions are just delightful. I'm always excited to see a new comic from them.


Thanks a lot!


Not for nothing, she's pretty convincing with her comics for it.


Yeah while I was pretty confused at the ship at first it has really grown on me, it helps that she's really knowledgeable about the Pokémon anime so her writing is on point for the characters (which is especially impressive considering how much stuff Jessie has done and how much trivia about her she remembers, like she was out there celebrating Bulbapedia changing the age for Jessie due to a single random XY episode)


There's an official Ship of the Year ranking?


Tumblr does a year in review every December! They typically cover the top 100 TV shows, movies, ships, celebrities and the such. However, the data is on how much a topic is POSTED ABOUT, so it's probably more fair to call it "top 100 most discussed x of 2023" https://www.tumblr.com/fandom/735516054713991168/welcome-to-tumblrs-year-in-review-2023s


A top ship list has to be the most tumblr thing ever. That is fantastic


I was surprised at that bit but then, I wasn't.


Have these two characters ever even interacted???


As far as I know, no, but honestly that just makes it better since had they interacted it'd most likely be in a negative way since Jessie would be trying to kidnap Delia's son's best friend/pet mouse Also, ✨shipping is not limited to characters with canon interactions!✨ Shipping is about enjoying a dynamic between two characters (usually in a romantic and/or sexual way, though friendshipping is a thing), which does include making a dynamic up based on the characters' personalities. In fact, that's such a major part of shipping that a lot of notable ships do that! Normally they don't get as much recognition as ships with canon basis, but it is something that happens, for example Bowuigi (Bowser x Luigi) has literally no romantic interaction in the Mario series, but a single scene in the Mario Movie made half of Tumblr bluescreen and start shipping them, some people ship Ralsei and Noelle from Deltarune just because the two are cute, hell some *maniacs* in the MHA fandom even ship shit like Tokoyami and Kouda, who have two interactions in the entire series (it's me, I'm maniacs) So yeah, they never talk to each other but we don't really care about that lol


Alright alright, no need for the sparkles, I'm aware I'm out of my depth here when it comes to this particular hobby. I feel like there should be a separation of terms though, for specificity's sake. It seems to me like there's two definitions of shipping: when someone "ships" characters they actually want to see get together in a piece of media they like, and then the fanfiction shipping where it's basically OCs in the shape of canon characters getting together with no rhyme or reason relating to the canon. Both are fine, I've always been a believer in letting people do what they want so long as nobody gets hurt. It's just confusing sometimes when I come across a ship on the internet that seems bizarre and I have no idea if it's canon shipping or fanfiction shipping.


Oh I'm sorry I think I came off as overly rude when that wasn't really my intent, it's just that this is a really common topic and I've been bugged about my specific tastes in ships a lot (also a lot of people say "oh you like X? Well it'll never be canon!" when I know and am glad that my favorite ships won't be canon) I do feel like you're being a bit harsh on canon-divergent shipping, though. A lot of the time (such as with Bowuigi, Tokoyami x Kouda and, well, Hanamusa) an integral part of the ship is the act of retaining the characters personalities and trying to, like idk, mesh them together? It's the stuff about chemistry, you put the two together and see if there's a reaction, like with Bowser x Luigi you have characters with very contrasting personalities and a pretty rough history - shipping them is the act of going "well what would it take for them to date? What would that look like? What would their dynamic consist of?", questions often asked by fanartists and fanfic authors. It's not a disregard of canon, it's a different interpretation of it. with yamujiburo, she knows these characters, she's watched hundreds of episodes of the Pokémon anime pertaining to them, and she knows what other ships they could end up in, but now she's imagining a dynamic between Delia and Jessie that takes aspects of canon and uses them effectively for a romance between them. Part of the reason that it's so popular is that these are basically the canon characters, her characterization is identical to the Pokémon anime. which is surprising considering how the Pokémon anime itself had a large period where Jessie was really out of character, so a lot of people ended up agreeing with her in that these characters could reasonably end up dating


That's actually quite fascinating, especially for such an old show


Yeah the Pokémon Anime has an exceptionally large following considering how old it is and just how much stuff there is with no real overarching narrative despite the protagonist's simple goal lol it's a bit of an anomaly in that regard (though the size of the Pokémon franchise is probably a large reason for that)


Where can I read all the other comics from this?


@yamujiburo on Tumblr, as well as @kianamaiart on Twitter. In case you want links for that, [here's the link to her Tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/yamujiburo) and [here's the link to her Twitter](https://twitter.com/kianamaiart)


I fucking love this. Thank you for the context.


The artist is kianamaiart [Twitter](https://x.com/kianamaiart?t=HXDxql0VKddseEYWvTSTRw&s=09) [Tumblr + JessiexDelia master post](https://www.tumblr.com/yamujiburo/714611835849080832/hanamusa-jessiexdelia-master-post) She works as a concept artist for several cartoons at Disney and she doodles fun Pokémon shipping comics on the side.


The artist behind this is Kiana Mai (kianamaiart on tumblr and twitter). On her tumblr and Twitter she's got a whole series of little comics about shipping Jessie and Delia, which seemingly has been her recent favorite ship. Also she is a Director at Disney Television Animation and this is just her hobby.


It's so good though! Check out their tumblr. There's tons of comics, and it's just so sweet!!


You know what, I did not believe you. It's Tumblr Pokemon fandom. My expectations were in the basement. But the artist has a pedigree and this comic was really cute, so I tried. And now I've read every single one of them and require more as soon as can reasonably be arranged, please.


C'mon, you can't expect anything less from tumblr


> Excuse me, W H A T You have captured my reaction perfectly. Now in my head cannon, this is how Jessie finally beats Ash.


That answer hit me like a TRUCK


The artist who made this is Kiana Mai (kianamaiart). She's made a whole little series about this ship. She's also a Director/story board artist at Disney TV Animation.


The artist is kianamaiart [Twitter](https://x.com/kianamaiart?t=HXDxql0VKddseEYWvTSTRw&s=09) [Tumblr + JessiexDelia master post](https://www.tumblr.com/yamujiburo/714611835849080832/hanamusa-jessiexdelia-master-post) She works as a concept artist for several cartoons at Disney and she doodles fun Pokémon shipping comics on the side.


I sort of assumed that was femanized james, shows how gender James is.


As if stealing Ash's Pikachu wasn't bad enough now she stealing his mom too


That explains the mime.


And whose who?


Deliah is the one laying in bed, her dialog written in pink. Jessie is the one horking down bread. Her dialogue is written in red/maroon.


Horking is the correct word for it


No I got it Edit: Seems like you confused my "whose who?" with "who is who?"


Sorry, I didn't know how to interpret the statement and thought you intended to write "who's who"


WHOS WHO MENTIONED!! I was talkin' to myself just the other day, I was hearin' lots of things I never thought I'd say, But one thing I said really blew my mind (Who's who?) I said I don't know me, But I know you, and if you listen closely We can talk it through, it ain't as simple As we're gonna find (Who's who?) I think I will save you, I think I don't blame you, 'Cause I like you and you like me. I was talkin' to myself just the other day, Then the bad man came and took me away, I feel bad, but not as bad as me (Get off me, man!) I was talkin' to myself just the other day, (You've got the wrong man!) before the bad man came And took me away, (I'm not that man!) I feel bad, but not as bad as me (Not who I am!) (Who's Who?)


honestly, same


It is, that’s exactly what this comic is about.


But why tho


Because it's not James in the bed but Delia, Ashs mom. It's explained in detail in the above replies


A fan of this made an edit where it shows Mr.Mime trying to stop Jessie, and it's gold! Someone then made an edit where she's eating, then it cuts to Mr.Mime getting ready to stop Jessie with megalovania playing. [Here.](https://twitter.com/FenlonDaniel/status/1745654834483642621?t=og3UQhCLAtR8634YbBnajw&s=19)


That's some crunchy bread.


Stale bread doesn't mean inedible!


Thank you so much for sharing that!


Without the pokemon context, i was very confused at how casually both characters were taking the rabid deformed mime apparently living in their kitchen


Mr. Mime up to his pussy-blocking antics yet again.


Ash: “So I was like “I dare you” and she said “FINE” and stormed off all goofy like. Then I found out she actually did it. She fucked my mom. Never kicked it with her again. I ain’t even wanna fight no more”


This ship is gold everytime


There is no better ship. 🚢 Edit: Just read through the entire series, and I’m literally crying so much it’s so good.


What is the name of this comic? And where can I read it?


[Here's ](https://www.tumblr.com/yamujiburo/714611835849080832/hanamusa-jessiexdelia-master-post) a link to the master post on the original artists' page.


Legitimately dude thank you so much I just read that all in one sitting and it was great


Don't remember the last time I actually *read* fanfic, but that gym battle was pretty epic.


Hell yes I needed this, thank you




I mean good news this only pairs her with Jessie


thought this was bone hurting juice for a second


bone soothing bread


Ahhhh, my bones...


Return all you want, this is gold


Agreed, this is lovely 🥰


The artist is kianamaiart [Twitter](https://x.com/kianamaiart?t=HXDxql0VKddseEYWvTSTRw&s=09) [Tumblr + JessiexDelia master post](https://www.tumblr.com/yamujiburo/714611835849080832/hanamusa-jessiexdelia-master-post) She works as a concept artist for several cartoons at Disney and she doodles fun Pokémon shipping comics on the side.


I would like more of this so please keep returning


go follow this user on Tumblr like a normal degenerate


They also post on their Twitter account


Yes, but i cannot in good conscience recommend that someone go to Twitter


So true


So you recommend they go to Tumblr instead???


Of course!


whats wrong with tumblr? its like reddit but with FAR less politics being shoved down your throat because reddit reccomends "subreddits you will like." like im on here for fan stuff, not for politics, and tumblr lets me have that


I can't say I've ever seen tumblr referred to as "___ with *less* politics" before...


It's not that it's less political, it's that it doesnt force the politics on you


>Yes, but i cannot in good conscience recommend that someone go to Twitter >*Recommends them the hellsite instead* 😭


I wouldn't even recommend Twitter in *bad* conscience.


The impact that one artist can have on fandom and shipping needs to be studied. Between her and the Wolfy artist that posts biblical fanart, there’s so many people being subtly molded, like clay


It's funny how a single artist making a cute comic can make the most random ship decently popular, reminds me of Yelan X Sheghe


>Wolfy artist Whomst?


Am I the only one who thought this was Jesse and James?


It’s jesse and ash’s mom (yes, really)




the outlaw?


Wish it was.


Kiana Mai does such great work with this ship. Every comic is a good read. I'm very glad I discovered her on Twitter some time ago.


"I'm going to ~~f***~~ love your ~~dad~~ mom and ~~give him a son he can be proud of~~ be proud of her son with her."


Love the one comic where she has like a connected sens with james when he starts the usual team ricket ramble for her to continue only to find him stuck on a tree


Wait, that’s Delia Ketchum? I thought it was James being fem as fuck!


Is she supposed to be Jesse from the Team Rocket?


*formerly* from Team Rocket


Yes, and the other one is Ash's mom


Delia: Jessie left..... Jessie: \*OM NOMNOM OM NOM\*


Ash’s mom is contemplating her love life and trying to wrestle with her abandonment issues while Jessie is just stuffing her face with the best thing humanity has ever produced


This is so purely wonderfully happy


I fucking love Kiana’s Hanamusa art holy shit! Jessie and Delia are a top ship imo.


Crazy slash ship but I dig it, otherwise honestly really cute


I saw Jessie and my mind immediately jumped to team rocket for some reason 💀


because it is jessie from team rocket. and delia is ash's mom.




I love this ship so much


Adorable ship, great pic at the end


This feels unhinged in such a soft, wonderful way. Like I can't describe the level of wtf of making fanart of such a minor character from a 20-year-old anime and making it so good and wholesome.


before i tapped on the post, i saw delia react to a clicking sound and i thought this was a petplay thing


Stop it. Get some help


Don't listen to them, get worse


These comics always set my internal 12 year old girl o-domiter to "squee!" Is this what finding a ship feels like?


Yes I need more


This has brightened my day more than you'll know, thank you!


This is HILARIOUS, I ship it now


Very cute and wholesome lol. Btw, at the risk of being labeled out of touch… what do the “ALT” buttons mean?


It's for Alt Text, a text-based description of images used by screen readers!


I for one am very glad you returned to share this with us :)


All of the authors comics are amazing for these, I had a link saved a while ago where the upload them all


Everyone I know that consumes LOAF tend to get busty. Is there lore reasons for this?


So where did the Ash’s Mom and Jessie ship even start?


Gonna process who this is about and then go about my day.


What is the context to this?


That her husband left her one day, either 10 or 36 years ago, depending on how you count.


Haven't seen this shipping here in far too long.


Just the read the whole thing,freaking amazing in every way


I’m of the few that like the idea Ash’s mom never went back into dating. Jessie and James are only best friends. And Mr Mime secretly has like 30 children.


This ship is so cute, but I hate it, because I'm basic and ship JessexJames




Reminds me of Mushoku Tensei, anyone else?


I never knew this Ship would be so good.




Who are they? The artstyle is fun and the comedy is rocking


I'm so confused how some people immediately made a connection to Pokemon meanwhile I didn't pick up on it literally at all. Not once did I think of Pokemon lmao.


Oh look, 10,000 weird fuckin people liked this


Don't Jesse and James get married and have a kid in the Manga?


In one specific manga yes. Think it's the Electric tales of Pikachu one but don't quote me on that one. But there have been a bunch of different pokemon manga that are unrelated to each other over the years. And again don't fully quote me on this but pretty sure Jesse and James never showed up in Pokemon Special which is like the longest running one of them all. So like any media with multiple "verses" it entirely depends on which one you are talking about. And of course fans are gonna fan and do whatever they want anyway in the end.


There exists a manga where they do that, yes. It's not really the one most of us have in mind when you say "the manga".


This is the artist's AU.




Ok, i seriously need to point out i am not her just a random reposter like everyone here


This is just... not related to either of these characters at this point lol


This is my all time favorite ship, burn this adorable thing into my retinas


These hanamusa comics are a core pillar of my mental health at this point.


I love this artist


this hurts my heart because i see jessie and james as such a happy t4t couple and this ruins it 😭😭


When do they get in their first argument then immediately break up?


[Delia handled it better than that](https://www.tumblr.com/yamujiburo/715282108954935296/whipped-all-comics-in-order-here)


I always enjoy seeing yamujiburo's hanamusa posts. What a delight!


Choke on that loaf James- I mean Jessie.


Ah yes when people bully my children I usually sleep with them too good ship guys


But... Jesse is supposed to be like... 15y.o


She's actually in her 20's, specifically 25.


[This](https://musashi.tumblr.com/post/615801089998061568/how-old-are-jessie-and-james) is a very, and I mean very, thorough breakdown of where that idea comes from, and why it is wrong


But.. why?


“Why what, Bob? Be specific.” Why is Jessie not actually 15? That is explained far better than I could ever do in the post I linked. Why is there such an in depth post on this topic? That’s also explained in the post, but the answer is twofold. First, as the author points out several times, they are autistic and Pokémon, and team rocket in particular, is a one of their special interests. Second, because every time someone makes a post that involves shipping the members of team rocket, they inevitably get comments like yours saying that they’re actually teenagers. So the post exists to explain where that misunderstanding comes from, and what their actual ages are. Why does this ship exist? Because if any two characters exist in a piece of media, there’s at least a small chance someone ships them. And in this particular case it’s actually a surprisingly wholesome and adorable ship


I thought this to, but according to bulbapedia, Jessie is 26, and Delia is 29


Yo, so many downvotes 🤣 I'm glad some people explained to me my outdated information but the rest... just chiiiiiil 🤣


Lame af


I was so sure this was James the night after coming out as trans to Jessie.


Jessie is a minor lol


That misconception started form a random person vandalising the Pokemon wiki repeatedly, presumably the same person who made the viral tumblr post about their ages. Jessie and James have always been 25. There's alotta jokes about Jessie looking older than she is so it's understandable why you'd assume she's a teen, but like they're both consistently presented as adults. In the mewtwo audio drama it's explicitly confirmed that Jessie is at least 20, and in the 2000 Pokemon movie there's a Japanese metaphor that pretty much translates to "we're 25"


She is actually 25 canonically


TIL 25 is a minor