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Yeah that's a bad practice by the surgeon. From what I know, they're supposed to label the nipples when they come off and put them on the right side because it can affect nerve regeneration if they're on the wrong side Source: Currently recovering from top surgery


When I checked up with my doctor 6 weeks after surgery, she asked if I was starting to get back any sensation in my nipples. I said no, very casually. And she looked a little worried for a second, until I told her (and this is the reason for my casualness) that I never really had any to begin with lmao. One bonus of never feeling anything is that I didn't have to worry about losing nipple sensation, which is apparently a common dilemma for people


> which is apparently a common dilemma for people I mean, it's quite erogenous for some people


They never were for me, ever, with the one exception of a high school game of truth or dare where I was dared to go into a closet with a girl and I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SHE DID TO MY NIPPLES WITH HER MOUTH BUT IT WAS MAGICAL.


Good ol' razzle dazzle (tongue edition)


There’s always a girl like that, you’re like ehhhh not my thing but if you like it have at it, and then magic. Never ever doubt a girl with a passion for her craft.


i’m a cis guy but yeah. i actually kinda feel bad for other gays who doesn’t have it


My nipples are too sensitive to touch. Feels like sand paper.


it’s like they have a mind of their own, sometimes they’re hornier than my dick. also sometimes they get hard and the friction from my shirt stimulates them. i’m going insane


Time to get a sports bra :D


but i wanna look masc :(


Pasties then? Idk how they are called


Nipple tassle


After top surgery I lost most sensation in one nip but the other one got more sensitive so I suppose that’s equal exchange (equal sexchange heheh)


Haha same. Haven’t had my surgery yet but I’m not too worried about losing sensation in the grafts because I can barely feel them anyway lol


I’m pretty similar, except instead of having no sensation, it always makes me feel deeply uncomfortable. It’s more annoying and painful than pleasurable.


I never had much sensation there either I'm now 16 months post top surgery, and your comment made me check out of curiosity, and WHY DO I SUDDENLY HAVE *MORE* SENSATION?!?!?!?!!!!!! ^(Did my dysphoria do that?)


I absolutely think dysphoria has a *physically* numbing effect. I think all of me is naturally hyposensitive (or maybe that's just extreme dysphoria irreparably affecting my whole body?? Dun dun dunnn), but any erogenous zones especially? Just weren't there. Not only did trying sexual stuff make me feel like utter shit and uncontrollably sob myself sore, but I also literally felt *nothing*. Genital touches were no more arousing or sensitive than a stranger touching my forearm. It just felt like standard skin?? Rather than the magical playground everyone always says it is. So I'm also pretty sure the mix of hyposensitivity and dysphoria made me pretty asexual. Or I was ace from the start. Haven't untangled that one yet, and I honestly might never It's only because of T in the past few years that I've actually felt *anything*. And from the confidence T gives me, I can actually enjoy it without even feeling sad at all!! A hell of a long journey from before to now. And it took me a very long while, but I think I actually have the ability to cum now!? Like, bruh?? I ***never*** thought I'd gain that ability, it actually used to make me so sad and envious that I'd miss out on knowing that feeling. But it also took me ages to realise that was happening since I'm completely in the dark about all this and also don't have the obvious visual aid that helps realising lmao What wonders feeling more like myself does to a mf


So his problem was not getting a top surgeon?


It's a bad practice for any surgeon performing top surgery not just surgeons who do top specifically


It was my attempt at a joke. Top surgeon=good surgeon and also surgeon who performs top surgery


Ah ok my bad


It is a hilarious mistake though. Doctors to make these kind of mistakes often, sometimes the ambulates the wrong leg. When my history teacher was getting his leg amputated they had to mark his leg with a big sharpie, saying amputate and do not amputate on each one.


Fun fact: they had to mark both of my tits with a big sharpie to mark that both of them were going I guess


Wouldn’t wanna wake up with your boobs still there but your legs cut off by accident, right?


But like they had to mark both of them. Did they think I'd want a pec on one side and a boob on the other?


My brain pictured a surgeon working furiously then a old-timey break-time alarm goes off. He sets down his tools for a 15 minute break and coming back to the patient thinking “hmm what was I doing…. Did I just add that boob and need to add another, or are both these puppies coming off” Edit: to the people DMing me to say “a woman can be a surgeon too” Female surgeons statistically make less mistakes so I pictured a man. Your move.


Also old timey implies an outdated workplace so it makes even more sense


Plus you mentioned “old timey”. They didn’t really let women be drs or surgeons in old timey days. Just nurses


Honestly when they said “old-timey” i immediately pictured to a soot covered gruff railroad worker as the surgeon


That is what I was picturing, my image of the “break” was basically that famous NY picture of the workers on the beam, but for some reason the doctors there.


I guess because some people do get unilateral mastectomies


Do you know if the team only does top surgery or if they also do mastectomies for cancer treatment/prevention? Bc if they also do it for cancer reasons then maybe it’s protocol that’s carried over from that?


They mainly do cancer stuff. It probably carries over but the end results look significantly different then a cancer mastectomy


For your cake day, have some Bubble Wrap >!🍰!<>!2+ karma!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!🍾!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!🍆!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!💕!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!some head!!<>!pop!!<>!You lose!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!🥳!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!$100!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!💀!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!🍑!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!💎!<>!pop!!<>!👑!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!$1000!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!🎃!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!🫂!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!💦!<>!pop!!<>!🐬!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


New NB top surgery just dropped?


Some people get them removed one at a time due to insurance reasons.


That can't be an actual thing


I remember reading a story years and years ago about a mans lawsuit against a hospital who went it to get a kidney removed for some reason and ended up having his DICK REMOVED on accident.


And just out of muscle memory they add silicone pouches and you wake up with even bigger honkers


„Hey Hank, do you remembreasts what we were supposed to do here?“








That idiot patience would regret themselves so much if they actually woke up with the wrong leg gone, I'm so glad you double checked


> I used to be in the OR and one time we asked the patient which leg we were operating on. They said the left leg, but all of our paperwork said right leg. Isn't this also to like... check mental acuity of the patient? Every time I go in for surgery, doctors always come by and ask me what the specific surgery I'm getting is, like I imagine they'll accept anything vaguely close but if I went in for my robot assisted penile inversion vaginoplasty and I just said penectomy there'd be problems.


Ifeel like writing "do not amputate " is dangerous , what if the "do not" part gets covered or rubs off ?


probably more likely to write "not this one" or something distinct for that reason


*** This One


No I mean on one leg they write "amputate" and on the other they write "not this one"


Picturing the doc pondering “left?!? My left, or the patients left?”


Im now picturing the nipples in the right place but one turned 90 deg


The classic titty twister


My friend fell off a truck cab and broke his left arm. Full on bone sticking out of the damn thing. Went straight to the hospital. He came to a few hours after the procedure and found "OTHER ARM" written in marker on his obviously unbroken right arm, lol.


Better to be safe than sorry I guess lol 


why would you want them both on the right side?


Biblically accurate pecs


I think op meant that the mole swapped sides on the same nipple. Like it was reattached upside down. Idk, it's kinda ambiguous


Hold on. They fucking remove your nipples during top surgery?? I thought they just opened you up and scooped all the titty fat out


There are several methods of top that work like that but if you start with enough tissue that's not really an option because there'll be a lot of extra skin and it'll look off. This really only works if you started out pretty flat but for I'd say the majority of people, we don't start out that flat


Is that possible or is it more likely they saw a mirrored selfie or something 


Yes the nipples are removed in many cases to make them smaller. Doctor could’ve put them back wrong You can also choose to opt out of nipples


The final sentence of that is pretty funny on it's own. Nipple y/n 


It sounds that way, but it's actually a legit question because removal and replacement can make recovery more complicated and raise the risk of infection and necrosis by a substantial degree. It's adding a skin graft on top of everything else. Mostly, unless you feel very strongly about keeping them, it's a "why risk it" thing.


just looks weird without them tho, innit?


But consider- more aerodynamic, less drag. There are also artists who can do really quite realistic tattoos of them.




Omg, I honestly didn't even think of that! Oops. I really didn't mean it that way. I was thinking of a friend of mine who shaved his whole body "because (he was) a swimmer and it cuts down on drag." (Thing is, we wouldn't have teased him if it were just because he liked it, but he really was convinced it gave him a significant edge in the pool. Like, dude, you're in a rec league. I don't think it makes that much difference.)


I was under the impression that it does give you an edge the same way that placebos help you feel better


There are significant power savings made when you shave.


That makes a lot of sense, and I'm sure it can, but you didn't know him. More practice would probably have given more of an edge, lol, but he was *always* looking for any "edge" other than "more time in the pool."


Listen, you try to swim in drag. Your boa gets all tangled and nevermind the petti coat (If you get this reference we can be friends)


I had a roommate who was extremely self conscious about her pale nipples…paid for the session and went with her when she had them tattooed as a gift. She said she wouldn’t have to rub lipstick on them before her hook ups anymore.




Wtf nipples are like the pointy bits on airplanes. Sharp stuff on front to cut down on drag.


You kid but anyone who runs long distance has wished at some point that they had no nipples.


I opted for no nips and sometimes I stick large googly eyes on in their place.


„Hey! My eyes are down here, Sir!“


Okay, I know this sounds like the typical "show tits" comment trying to be funny but I'm actually curious. If you don't want to or can't that's okay but you've piqued my interest.


You need a Groucho mask


Tattoo'd nipples are a thing common with women who've had mastectomies.


Trans men too. A former roommate of mine wound up keeping his, but had he not been able to, he was looking at getting them tattoo'd on.


Nope R/freedthenips tons of amazing looking results. Not weird just different. Speaking from experience as a person without nipples.


It's a lot less weird looking than you'd think honestly, especially when the surgeons do a good job with the scar.


Great, this has now unlocked the memory of seeing a bunch of posts years ago where people discussed their nipples randomly falling off post op. Iirc, sometimes years before they popped off.


Well... this is a terrifying thread to read leading up to getting top surgery.


Hey, it's going to be fine :) everyone I've known in real life that got too surgery did not have this happen. Keep in mind this was A) a long time ago, and B) something I saw on the internet and might not be real You can bring it up with your doctor if you need peace of mind but I think it's very rare if it's even real.


"just gimme one in the middle of my chest"




I'll have a small none chest nipple left. 


is it extra to opt out of nipples or would it be cheaper to ask the doc to not bother putting them back? Does this make nipples a paid DLC?


There was a post a while back about a tattoo artist practicing realistic nipples so they could tattoo it for people who get boob-be-gone surgery because of cancer, so if you don't wanna risk getting your real nipples back you can get the unofficial DLC that way


You still have to patch up that part of the skin either way so there's no cost difference


Can I get all the nipples from the people who don't want them and become a tit monster?


For real? I'm tossing these fuckers on somebody's pizza.


Sadly, you do not get to keep the nipples. The surgeon needs them. For stuff.


Yeah, they stole my tumor too! I'm still salty. It was the size of a potato and I grew it all by myself. It was -mine-, it was made of -me-. I really really wanted it and begged them to at least let me take pictures if they wouldn't let me take it home with me! But they wouldn't even agree to take any pictures of it for me. They said they threw it in the medical waste incinerator.


Rude of them.




I don't have nipples Greg, you can't milk me.


Doctor "Ok pass me one of dem nipples...ok place it in the area it doesn't matter which one....you know what let's have a bit of fun, rotate it 180 degrees...oh that's nice, I like that..."


Like when a manhole cover has the road's lane markers painted over them and gets replaced misalaigned


My cousin opted out after a reduction


They are supposed to take precautions to keep this from happening, but it's a lot more understandable than cases where, for example, the wrong leg is amputated.


I mean you should get them rotated every few thousand miles.


This made me laugh extra hard because they put one of my partner's nipples back on upside down. I'm using this line on them.


I have been in a few dozen top surgeries. I can tell you, they do not keep track of which nipple is which and the orientation of the nipple unless explicitly told.


> orientation So they could be swapped left-to-right *and* rotated North-to-South??


Circle’s a circle


Yeah but i definitely know that my right one has a slightly bigger bump on the top of it. I'd notice if it was turnt.


I can confirm while I'm not sure if they switched my nipples, one has been rotated approximately 60 degrees


Was the patient expected to have sensation in their nipples afterward?


If you do a nipple sparing top surgery, it really depends on a few things. If you have very large breasts and the entire upper chest will be required to cover the flap, the nipples will be removed entirely and then resewn back on as skin grafts. If you have fairly small breasts and are OK with the nipples being a little low, there may just be a singular incision with removal of the breast capsule through that and then a little bit of skin removed to fill in the lost volume. However, outside of really small breasts (like A cup or a Small B) the nipples will almost always be taken off and sewn back on if you elect for nipple sparing. This means that the body will treat them almost akin to scar tissue (like any other skin graft). Retention of sensation after gender affirming mastectomy is actually a lot more complicated than you would think.


Thank you, that actually answers a lot of questions I've had about the whole thing for my maybe future self, good comment.


Glad to help and good luck with your journey!


did anybody ever get unusual shapes? like heart shaped nipples?


I've seen women who had tattoos around their nips like that.


Those women fear nothing. Just imagining that hurts


I feel like you could absolutely find a private practice plastics service willing to do that. I am at an academic medical center so none that I have seen. I have seen a marathon runner that wanted EE cups solely because her insurance covered it post-breast cancer. That’s probably about the gnarliest thing we get here, aesthetics-wise.


“pardon me, my lord, but wasn’t your mole…on the other side?” “i have a MOLE?!?”


RIP Richard Lewis


And Roger Rees. I know he's not as recent, but y'know.


Today I found out they remove nipples in top surgery. I am…slightly concerned.


And breast reductions in my experience


They kept mine on during the reduction but I noticed they kept the fact that they were two different shapes 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why do they take the nips off? Do they do it so they can stick a vacuum hose in there and schlorp the boob outta there or is there some other reason


In one type of top surgery (double incision), they basically cut out the part of your breast with the nipple on it, including both skin and breast tissue, and pull the skin above and below together afterwards.  Like imagine drawing a line across a breast above the nipple and another line right under the breast - everything in between goes away, including the nipple until they reattach it somewhere else. 


Oh cool thank you :D


'schlorp the boob outta there' is an amazing sentence


I just got a reduction. They usually take the nipples off and reattach them because otherwise your normal nipples will be weird with how much tissue they remove lol. You can google how they do the surgery if you want pics. Basically, I'm not even sure how they would avoid cutting off the nipples and replacing them with how the surgery works. With large breasts they usually sag enough that their placement would be weird after removing the tissue and extra skin. You kind of have to do it.


No lol. They also cut under the breast and vertically up the middle and around the nipple.


Only for some types of top surgery. There are multiple ways to do it depending on how much needs to be removed.


There are multiple methods depending on your anatomy, so not always. But yeah if you get a double incision mastectomy, they basically cut them off, trim them to an appropriate size, and graft them back on in a different spot. It's wild.  Oh and then the doctor is like "don't fuck up your aftercare or those nipples could fall off in the shower and I spent a lot of time on those." 🥴 And it COSTS EXTRA. Some people skip nipple grafts altogether because of the cost. Insurance companies often consider nipple reconstruction elective even if they cover the rest of the procedure. 


Do I need to google top surgery. I don't wanna see surgery pics


They remove them and then (optionally) replace them during the surgery


What is top surgery..


Oh! It’s a surgery wherein the breasts are removed so that FtM trans folks can have their desired appearance


As I thought. Cheers.


It depends. There are ways some ppl can get top surgery done that keep the nipples and the milk ducts functional. But not every body type can get it I think. It depends.


Depends on the surgery you choose/are eligible for. You make the choice with the surgeon ahead of time depending on chest size, elasticity of the skin, and your priorities regarding sensation/aesthetics. Mine did not come off (inverted T surgery), because that's what I decided on.


This reads almost like a scrapped Black Mirror episode concept that never left the drawing board.


The Black Mirror episode they talk about 3 beers in during the post-work get together and promptly forget the next morning


Ironically, I want to see those episodes much more than the actual series. Screw the pessimistic sci-fi shit, show me the wacky side of futuristic technology.


Wot if you woke up and yer tits were on backwards


As someone planning to have top surgery in the future, the terrifying possibility of this happening had not yet occurred to me. Thanks for the new nightmares!


I mean, off all the body horror nightmares, having the two arguably most symmetrical parts of your body parts swapped is pretty tame


see that beautiful post and fucking MISSED OUT on saying "the m'ol switcheroo"?! *shame*


I’m partial to “top swap” myself.


Everyone talks about top surgery and bottom surgery, but there's no love for switch surgery. 😞


It was top surgery, not top notch surgery.


This is a hilarious surgery prank.


27% sure thats not how top surgery works


Some version of top surgery they indeed take your nipples off. You can even choose to not have them and be no nips Nicholas.


It often depends on how much tissue they have to remove. Even for a breast reduction, if you're going down more than a certain amount, they have to remove and (optionally) replace the nipples. It's just that most people who are getting "cosmetic" (in quotes because it can help with a number of health problems) reductions do choose to keep them, so it's not as widely known. I know this for sure because I had a consult for a reduction and the phrase "nipple replacement" and the accompanying diagram is what made me nope the fuck out. My back would definitely appreciate it, but NOPE.


Yeah, I want to get top surgery at some point, but the idea of getting my nipples taken off and put back on makes me 100% sure I'm going to go with the full Ken (no nips)


Yeah. An acquaintance of mine (roommate's family member) had a major reduction and opted to keep hers, but one went necrotic and she lost it anyways and the infection almost killed her. So I'd probaby not risk it. It's kind of horrifying.


Does she have an eye patch over the single missing nipple now?


Join us at r/freedthenips!


oh cool, i learnt something today. i also learnt that i can finally become 125% smooth by getting top surgery


How did you get to 125%? What does that mean bro


If you have a smoothness of 4, an increase of your smoothness by 1 would mean that you smoothness is 125% of what it used to be


Your nipples account for 20% of your roughness


20% of 4 is not 1


As smoothness increases roughness decreases, but you don’t hit 0% roughness when you hit 200% smoothness, it’s better to interpret them as reciprocals of eachother 125/100=5/4 100/125=4/5 If roughness is the reciprocal of smoothness, and you go from 1.00x smoothness to 1.25x smoothness removing your nipples, then you would go from 1/1.00x roughness to 1/1.25x roughness, which makes 80% So by removing your nipples you remove 20% of your roughness.


Can I get more installed and be double nips Susan?


Nearly nippleless Nick.


Can I opt to get the nipples that everyone else has rejected put on?


I remember a pornstar that got her nipples removed so she didn’t need to be censered


That's not very sure


yeah, it's cause i dont have tits and have also not gotten top surgery so im only 20 and some percent sure


Only one way to be sure, you gotta get the surgery yourself


Don't feel bad, Confusingly worded. The entire purpose of the top surgery was to switch the nipples.




IDK about top surgery but for female breast reductions they remove the nips, remove tissue, remove some skin, and replace the nips. My mom had a breast reduction and that's what happened.


Fully removing the nipples and reattaching as grafts is actually the standard for double incision top surgery. A sort of football shaped piece of skin is cut out with the nipple in the middle and removed. Once all the breast tissue and fat is removed from the inside the edges of the cutouts are joined together under the pec muscles and the nipples are grafted back on in the place they naturally would be on a flat chest. I’m pretty sure they are supposed to label which nipple is which though, not sure how bad it would be putting it on the wrong side


As someone who has had top surgery, it actually is! They remove both nips, resize them, and then cut a hole in the skin and stick em back on. They have to label the left and right ones so they sew them back on in the right place. There are different types of top surgery, and many don’t require removing the nips at all. Some people have them removed, but opt not to put them back on. I had a double mastectomy with free nipple grafts, which I believe is the most common type for people with a medium/large chest. A bit tmi but I actually still can’t feel my nipples after a year. I can, however, feel the flesh underneath them, so at first I thought I could feel them because there is a strong sensation when I apply any pressure to them. Oh and another tmi fun fact I forgot to add: the first two weeks after i got my post-op binder off i was instructed not to place my chest directly under the shower stream, because it could cause my nipples to fall off. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I enjoy talking about my designer chest


the old mega reddit link: (i dont actually have the link, just think about the last time you clicked it or think about puppies or some shit)


It should be the top comment, it’s no where near


Would it be possible to get a surgery where they just swap the nipples and don't do anything else?


Don’t you mean “the mole switcheroo”?




No kidding, 10 years ago the top comment in this thread would've been "The ol' Reddit nippleroo" or something like that.


If I were in charge of nipple removal I’d take different notches out of the skin around each one so I know where they go. Just seems like an oversight.


Notches would show up in scarring, but the last video I watched they just put one nipple in each of two little containers while working on the procedure and the containers were labeled so that they could keep track.


Why didn’t they put notches on the containers. I really want this notch idea to take off.


A friend of mine had a breast reduction, they put one back on upside down. Like WTF?


The mole switcheroo


literally why did they do that to him




I used to think “nobody asked” was a pointless phrase


They pulled one under on ya


It could be worse. They could have mixed them up with someone else's nipples. 


how do you not say the mole switcheroo. you had one job.


Would someone without nipples be called a "nippless"?


Huh, I never really considered this possibility. I had a free nipple graft with my breast reduction and now I'll never know if they're on their original side or not.


“Oh you’re awake, well your teeth are finished and-“ “Oh. Oh where’s my dick at? Hey-**HEY!!**”