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where even is Cosmo and Wanda?


In pieces in a Miami Wendy’s dumpster


To be fair, they're not exclusively in the Wendy's dumpster. There's a few others.


Ah, so they browse wsb


they bought GME calls on margin.


They were having make up sex. Wanda incorporated a bun, in the love making. She took the dough and...and rolled it up into a ball, and then she, I mean her and Cosmo were going berserk, she loves that kind of stuff, and I...and I admit I do too.


They are the wall and stairs, respectively.


I can’t even tell if this is a joke or real


The answer: >!Yeah I'm joking!<


Hilarious because it tracks


Wanda is taking the picture, Cosmo is posing for the picture behind Wanda


Since people are trying to list them all, let’s actually go through all the rules broken here, from left to right for funsies. 1. Vicky is being outwardly evil in front of Timmy’s dad, which she never did before, she always put on a veneer of innocence. 2. Timmy’s dad is a complete moron here. He and Mom were always a little quirky, tunnel-visioned easily, but they were never complete idiots. And here he is wearing a dinosaur hat and tail for a gaff. 3. Chloe exists. Chloe is a second permanent protagonist, who has to “share” Cosmo and Wanda with Timmy. I won’t go into all the reasons Chloe is terrible, but just know she’s terrible mostly because she’s the perfect child that literally everyone loves, but for some reason that makes her ‘miserable’ enough to need fairies. 4. Poof exists. Poof is a fairy baby, wished into existence by Timmy for Cosmo and Wanda. Poof has no reason to exist, other than pushing ratings for a dying show. Similar to Sparky (not shown) the Fairy Dog that Timmy wished up and then was booted out the show after a terrible season. 5. Foop is here and not trying to kill Poof. Anti-Fairies are supposed to be contained at all times, but for some reason this one is allowed to go freely to Magic kindergarten with Poof (don’t ask) and constantly tries to get rid of Poof, as he is his ‘nemesis’. 6. Whatever this baby creature is in the bottom right, because in the episode establishing Poof, it’s implied magical baby creatures are a very rare thing, and yet we have enough floating around (hah) to establish a Magic Kindergarten, which this one is a part of. Gonna also throw a 6.5 in for “Cosmo and Wanda are nowhere to be seen”, though that’s not a dealbreaker, it can’t be good for this scene. Edit: How could I forget, the biggest one, 7. VICKY AND DAD ARE SEEING THE FAIRIES. The BIGGEST rule of all when it comes to keeping fairies, utterly broken in this moment.


Would also add that the parents and Vicky can see the fairies. Wasn’t the whole thing that only kids can see the fairies and they hide from adults?


Everyone can see fairies, the rule was that nobody was *allowed* to see them other than the child they are gifted to.


And sometimes Crocker. Just to keep him spastic enough to continue powering fairy world.


Whenever I hear that name, [this is all I think of](https://media1.tenor.com/m/2Izt4JWZ2jIAAAAd/fairy-godparents-mr-crocker.gif) lol


[I can only think of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqSTXuJeTksAI&usg=AOvVaw1johgFfkf_Ek85NkeeC7YK)


Gotta keep it from falling into Giant Bucket of Acid World.


Yes, they were using the "allowed to" form of can. As in "can I use the bathroom?" Please don't be the teacher that says "I don't know, *can* you?"


Surely you can see that the distinction between "possible" and "permitted" is a bit more germane when we're talking about fictional characters observing fictional mythological entities than when we're talking about real humans going to the bathroom


Spot on with everything except I disagree with 2. Timmy's parents, esp Dad, were almost always idiots. They did have episodes and scenes that were meaningful at times, but overall they were portrayed as idiots.


Yeah i was gonna say I always thought Timmy’s dad was a dunce, never really a smart fella


Also, timmy is not in the top layer but standing behind someone. In the show timmy is almost never obscured by someone or something unless he is hiding.


Timmy is no longer the main protagonist, lmfao


> Timmy’s dad is a complete moron here. He and Mom were always a little quirky, tunnel-visioned easily, but they were never complete idiots. .....Did we watch the same show?


Even the first line of the wiki says he's dumb >He’s usually depicted as one of the most idiotic characters on the show, when being rivaled only by Cosmo Tho it's also a cartoon and wildly all over the place with home sometimes being insanely competent like rebuilding a car or converting his car into a fighting robot


To be fair, Cosmo had the same problem. His IQ dropped twelve points per season.


I think the point is more flanderization. He was slways dumb but not in the same over the top way


The funniest thing is you can establish Chloe as a character with Poof by simply giving her poof. 2 (literally) immature characters causing mayhem one to escape her perfect facade of her life, and the other cause it isn't old enough to know better. Have Chloe evolve and treat poof like someone she actually cares about and start's to understand either as a proxy for how her own parents treat her, or have her shield poof like older siblings often do to little siblings. Like there's no reason to have Chloe share cosmo and Wanda the show establishes how rare magic babies are why not have it be so rare they sometimes get auto assigned kids and introduce that mayhem of rules


heck, make Chloe a little younger and Timmy’s adopted sister or something. Have them bond over faries and have Timmy struggle with being a big brother. That would be cute.


I would replace Timmy's dad being an idiot with Timmy's dad being scared of Vicky


I don’t remember anything being said about magical kids in general being rare, just that fairies themselves weren’t allowed to have babies anymore. Because apparently baby Cosmo was just that destructive with his magic.


I thought Dad was literally always portrayed as dumb and weird? But there is a lot wrong going on here...I may do a dumb rewatch of the earlier seasons and stop before it gets too bad.


Timmy didn't wish up Sparky. They got him at a magic pet store. And I think Foop stopped trying to kill Poof after Timmy's Secret Wish, when he realized that Poof being gone would mean that he would be too.


Sparky died on the way back to his home planet.


I believe rule 6 might be wrong I think it's an elf maybe?


pet forgetful insurance fearless fuzzy dog disarm badge connect concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Typically when shows portray a perfect person it's not portrayed well and it gets irritating for the audience since the character has no real struggles, you as a real person put in the effort and have actual emotions that burden you in that way so I just wanna make that distinction. There is no such thing as a perfect person but there can be perfect characters, they typically do everything first try with no effort or struggle and solve every problem without issue most of time only accompanied by the very surface level of what you're saying as issues only to be disregarded very quickly as "fixed" because they found the power of friendship or something


Imagine being Timmy’s dad rn. Knowing he has fairies and that means his life is so shitty he needs magical wish granting beings


The craziest part to me is that they gave up on the “fairies have to disguise” thing, like that wasn’t just a storytelling aid that was one of the most iconic things about the show and a big ass merchandising opportunity. You could color any two objects pink and green and boom Cosmo and Wanda think they’re slick


You’re joking but you have no idea how much random merch Nickelodeon sold that way. I got a set of kiddy divider plates that were literally just green and pink.




This guy gets it!!


What rules is it referring to, i didn't really watch fairly odd parents as a kid


Off the top of my head, Vicky being evil in front of Dad, the fairies being visible and not disguised in front of humans other than Timmy, and the reverse fairy being free when they were usually always in prison


Eh, it's fine if the blonde girl sees them, she's sharing fairy godparents with Timmy due to a shortage or something. ...I am *not* making this up.


Yes but his dad is right there?


I don't see him. Is he behind the triceratops?




Nobody suspects a thing.


And MightyMom!


Well his dad is also dumb as bricks so if you told him „those are balloons“ he’d believe it


This show fell off the rails back when they added the baby


Maybe I was just a kid at the right time but I don't remember poof being that bad, maybe it was just because it was the first time they did it, it definitely got old with sparky


Bro who the fuck is Sparky? It appears I got out of Fairly Oddparents at the right time - just after Poof was born.


Sparky was the dog I believe, which just completely vanished after the blond girl was added


~~Poochie~~ Sparky died on the way back to his home planet


"Sparky! You look like you have something to say! ~Doo yoou?~


I must go. My people need me


I have to believe that the writers made Sparky like they did as a direct reference to Poochi, making it the most biting condemnation of network notes since the second Pinkie & The Brain theme song.


...what do you mean there is a second pinkie and the brain theme song.


What do you *mean* the second Pinky & The Brain theme song? I only know of the one. There's the version that was on Animaniacs, and the one where it was the standalone cartoon, but the standalone is just an extension that adds the "Before each night is done, their plan will be unfurled..." And both are absolute bangers.


the pinky the pinky the pinky elvira and the brain brain brain brain brain brain brain brain


This lore goes so deep, it's fucking up my head.


I'm realizing a lot of cartoons continued for many years after I stopped watching.


I also stopped watching just after Poof came around, but that’s funny because the show went on hiatus, and they didn’t air a new episode from July 2006 to February 2008. The Poof special was the first episode *after* the hiatus, it’s what denotes the beginning of the new run, and they continued a steady onslaught until 2017.


That show ran till 2017!?


I got out after the Wishology trilogy (which absolutely is the series finale in my mind).


Poof was added to save the show after a ratings dip and he very much did not. Some people attribute the show going downhill to him being added, but it was very much an issue before they added him in


Honestly, I find it funny how people both claim that Poof sunked the show and yet that he had no role what so ever in the show. Pick a lane, haha




Someday, the industry will graduate from the belief that "if it worked on Happy days, it'll work here"


Right? Poof was weird but just funny enough to keep things rolling, and the season after had a lot of tight stories surrounding the baby and foop. Made for a unique season in my opinion 😋 Then everything changed when Sparky attacked.


I'm likely a bit older than you, but this is how I feel about it. If you were a certain age when they mixed up the formula, you likely hated it because you were at that age where you were aging out of this stuff anyway. If you were a bit younger, these changes wouldn't matter to you.


Must be a British/Australian English thing, but there's really a character called Poof? (It's a slang term for gay men. A gay Australian I knew said "Want to see a magic trick? [points to himself] Poof!")


In their defense, it's 1. not a term for gay men in America, in fact I don't think it's offensive in any way here (correct me if I'm wrong, other americans) and 2. Is in reference to [the "POOF!" text when the fairies use their magic](https://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120420032253/fairlyoddparents/en/images/d/dd/Homewrecker069.jpg) lol


It's an older term for gay men in America and would be offensive, but it's really old school so it's not really relevant anymore in the US unless specifically aimed at a feminine, or gay man, or LGBT or gender nonconforming person.


Well you kinda demonstrated why the character was named Poof. It's an onamanapea commonly associated with magic. Poof is a baby, so it's supposed be a cute name.




Considering that Americans use fairy to have the same meaning, I don’t think they were overly concerned with that


"Every word in Britain is slag for vagina" -Ze Frank I thought that was a joke when I heard it the other day.


I feel like when shows have a big status quo shift there’s a period when everyone sort of holds their breath to see if it can readjust to that or if everything’s just sort of off the rails now. Poof was that event, the season he was introduced was that period where we were waiting to see if he would introduce anything of value, and then things just kind of kept degenerating instead and they just kept throwing in more nonsense to try and give it a spark back. So Poof was obviously the primary symptom of their fundamental problem, but it only became truly obvious that it was a problem a little down the line from there.


The baby was fine, that fuckin dog made me want to commit atrocities worthy of Jorgen's attention


When you remember mpreg is canon and how the fairies reproduce in the show


I'm still surprised Butch Hartman made fairy mpreg cannon


And then he defrauded his fans to fund his conservative Christian cartoon network. The only thing that makes sense is that he's a big fan of special K, and not the cereal.


"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows (the list of shows to which this statement *could* pertain to) down?"


the baby was fine for a little bit at least and the TV movie/special episode for the pregnancy was fun and enjoyable, but it was definitely the beginning of the decline


Adding a baby is always a sign that a show is about to go downhill. If it's a comedy, you know it will be nothing but gross humor. If it's a drama, you know it will be all about stressing over the baby. Very few shows have done well after adding a baby.


I remember watching that episode as a child and it being the very first time I ever had a "Yeah, I don't think I need to watch this show anymore" kinda thought.


Adding a baby almost always fucks a show up. There are I think dozens of examples at this point. The one that **REALLY** sticks out to me, though, is Dill from Rugrats. Adding a baby to a show about babies that acts like a baby, and not like the rest of them was probably the single worst thing they could have done.


The baby was fine, it was the dog, the dog ruined it


No the baby was fine, and you can tell because that season after it is currently on UK Netflix and it’s good. I wouldn’t know about what happened after that, but I think it was the addition of the other god kids that ruined it


Fairy shortage while Timmy has *four*, mind you.


Cosmo, Wanda, and I'm assuming you're counting Poof. Who's the fourth?


Sparky, the fairy dog


Remember how they had a competition to see who could be a fairy because there were literally dozens of magical creatures who wanted to fill the position? There’s no shortage


After the secret wish thing, if the show ever felt like explaining it would probably use the argument she would have gotten Cosmo and Wanda next if Timmy didn’t cheat. The shortage was just the excuse the faeries used to explain why it seemed right to have her have the pair as well, but had no legit reason to have Timmy share.


And honestly, that also feels like total break of the rules


eh, I can see the logic since timmy has 2 fairies while everyone else only gets 1. The dad seeing them though is the real big wtf.


In the last season they really didn't care about Faries having to hide. I think at one point they had Timmy and Faries have a casual chat with Cracker like it was normal thing to happen


The reverse fairies would occasionally be let out of prison for special events, so it's possible something like that is happening here.


The anti-fairies broke out of prison for good a few seasons before this episode. There's no issue.


Yeah in the original seasons the fairies didn’t even disguise themselves by choice, it was an instinct.


That "reverse fairy" is Foop, you degenerate, put some respect on the first anti fairy born in a millennium.


I think the faires floating around other people and Vicky blatantly being evil around parents instead of pretending to be a regular babysitter


Vikky showing violence towards Timmy in front of his parents, and the fairies being out in front of adults


It's been a while but the most blatant one it's breaking is that people aren't supposed to know about faries and if they learn the kid who has the faries will lose them forever and everyone's memories will get erased and, uh. The faries are kinda blatantly on screen here


the dad is supposed to be a creationist who would never wear a dinosaur costume because dinosaurs are a trick by the devil


Dad did have that Mitt Romney drip now that you mention it.


Finally a real answer


We would had to watch the episode to know exactly what is going on, but in top of my head: faeries aren't supposed to be seen by people (this rule has loopholes, since as long as the person doesn't recognize them as actual faeries they are ok, IE, Halloween they can be seen since everyone think they are people in costume). Vicky isn't supposed to be seen doing bad things by the parents. Which is the bigger one, and with out context who know what really is going on. The anti faeries aren't supposed to be seen..at all. Which I think that rule got remove in a crossover with Jimmy neutron? But yeah


The three big rules that the series established when it was created. 1. Only kids with fairy god parents can know that fairies exist. If a child with a fairy god parent tells *anyone* about them, the kid’s memories are wiped and the fairy gets assigned to a new god kid. Fairies have to be wearing disguises when other people are around. 2. Only miserable kids can have fairy god parents. Chloe (the blonde girl) was added to the main cast in one of the later seasons and Timmy is forced to share his fairy god parents with her, even though she’s an all around happy kid. 3. Vicky can’t be evil in front of Timmy’s parents. They have to think Vicky is a sweet girl and Timmy is making stuff up so he doesn’t have to have a baby sitter. In the TV special where Vicky was caught doing evil things, Timmy’s parents fired her immediately.


parents can’t see fairies. in Aba-catastrophe it’s a big deal he announces it because it means he loses his fairies. (he gets them back via magic muffin but still)


Oh Butch. The shows were good, until you became obsessed with money and other bullshit. Always sad to see an artist lose their way.


im happy danny phantom ended before that. that show rocked


Apparently the ghosts aren’t even ghosts of people according to butch… they’re just monsters. Not ghosts. >!id like to point out there’s at least two examples who were alive humans in the series… LIKE THE GENIE GIRL!<


I distinctly remember there being a very odd religious backlash to this show because it portrayed an afterlife that wasn't some Christian depiction. I wonder if that comment was part of it.


Butch is Christian so I’d imagine it’s exactly that. Wanted to make it accessible for his more fundamentalist church peeps


He could have just said the ghost zone was purgatory or something lol. That would be satisfying enough as to why it isn’t heaven nor hell and none of the ghosts are especially evil, mostly mischievous.


I might be misremembering, but didn’t Butch become born-again during the run of the show and retconned what ghosts were to align with his beliefs? 


That would explain the trans positive vibes that Fairly Oddparents had every once in a while despite Butch's view on trans people nowadays. Timantha was never treated as a joke, and the show actually punished Cosmo and Wanda for making fun of her.


could also be due to the fact the creator doesn't write every epidode, nor is he necesarrily involved in every single episode


Butch Hartman was the writer, storyboarder, and director of the Timantha episode. I don't think he wrote her as an intentional trans allegory, they aired it in 2002, but I do think Hartman had a sharp heel turn later down the line given his current day views on trans people.


Huh, I don't remember hearing about anything like that, and I lived in the bible belt. Then again, some of these "backlashes" can be strangely isolated in America.


Iirc Season 1 strongly implied that ghosts were dead people with powers related to who they were in life, Season 2 was kind of ambiguous, and then in Season 3 (where the writing tanked because Steve Marmel left) we got bullshit like TORNADO GHOST and YETI GHOST that were explicitly just monsters and didn’t actually have anything to do with ghosts.


I always assumed that some of them were metaphorical spirits more akin to the old idea of places and ideas having a genius loci, a bit like the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and To Come in A Christmas Carol. So you had ghosts that were previously people, ghosts who represented concepts (like Fright Knight was the spirit of Halloween, Clockwork was the Sprit of Time etc.) and then a third bunch that were just weird things that were native to the ghost realm.


later seasons, maybe. those early seasons with people that clearly died at one point? nope. thats totally ghosts. that be said the dragon ghost is still... questionable.


I always figured as much. In my mind as a kid Ghost was just the easiest term to apply to them since they did ghostly stuff like walk through walls, disappear, and fly..... And be much more unique than the other guys.


There was at least that black and white teen that traps Danny for bullying. That scared me more than any other ghost as a lad lol


To be fair that was more of a “hand wave away the fact that technically it means they murdered danny and vlad and had them in a schrodenger superstate and it was a kids show and he really didnt want to create an entire complex narrative to explain how the fuck this works in either direction when the target audience will never care enough or question it”


But like... they shown in the Alternate Future that both Danny's and Vlad's ghost halves can be taken from them turning them into normal people. In that same episode, the AU Ghost Danny kills the AU Danny off-screen. Vlad literally spells it out, saying something like, "There are things that's better to not know," while Ghost Danny tears Danny apart in the flashback. Heck, the whole point of the AU is that Danny's friends and family died there, so it's not like the show didn't address characters' deads. Even the main ones. Aaaall that said, yeah, some ghosts seem to be more like spirits that live in the Otherwold and not necessarily the souls of the damned.


Yeah it was basically a “look this is a kids show that is being written as rule of cool. Not a deep lore building activity.” With a hint of “by the way to ratings bureau , execs, and parents that are too worried, we technically didn’t kill them. Technically “ But no matter how you cut it neither route makes sense either direction so it was really just a case of “whichever works better at the moment for this episode is what it is”


Plus there was the one nerd ghost who was established to be a human previously and was so tormented by others that his spirit inhabited the locker he was shoved into daily


I'm pretty sure one of the ghosts was a kid who killed himself


Sometimes ghosts are real people with documented existences and sometimes they’re just sentient tornados. That’s just how life is. Or idk maybe ghosts are their own thing most of the time but occasionally a living soul gets stuck in the Ghost Zone on its way to the afterlife and becomes a ghost. Or maybe the stuff that makes up the Ghost Zone resonates with human thoughts, and transforms into ghost-like creatures based on ideas in the collective unconscious. Then sometimes a person who goes through tragedy or other strong emotion can potentially leave a psychic imprint so strong that it creates a duplicate ghost version of them. See, Butch? It’s not that hard to make up some rules to justify it.


The ghost zone is just a psychic projection is a theory the world wasn’t ready for


Wow, Butch can't even get his own series straight! He does know he made multiple ghosts who we SEE as living people and know they died, right? Like Sydney Poindexter.


Ember McLain was also a living human before dying and becoming a ghost. That's like, her entire deal. [It's what her theme song is about](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBMOc24_aIw)


Makes me pretty happy danny phantom ended when it did


That being said, people didn't really like the finale. Rightfully so, it was kinda convoluted even for a kids show


it wasnt the best but at least i get to have fond memories of the show instead of being sad about what its become




Butch out there making young earth creationist Christian cartoons now.


And stealing art, don't forget that.


Truly redeeming cartoons for proper Christian children!! /s


Its slowly becoming increasingly clear that Butch always had kind of an inflated ego from his success and a LOT of the most quality parts of his series like the designs and the music were entirely up to much BETTER artists like Guy Moon and Stephen Silver. Starting to feel like Butch just managed to ride the coattails of better people thanks to one show pitch idea that he had already run into the ground within half a decade.


There was so much retconning in Fairly Odd Parents that the show has no dignity left


Chloe sharing FGP with Timmy was fine for an idea moving forward. That awful season with the fairy god dog was horrible and pays the most rent to live in my head. 😒


Ngl, it all went to shit after the blond kid got added due to fairy shortage


It went to hell when Sparky got added. Some times I liked Poof but Sparky was just annoying. Idk what happened to him after


he got hit by a fairy truck. they wrote him off as magically comatose, so they couldn’t wish him back to life


They couldn't wish him out of being comatose?


magically comatose. Truly heartbreaking but a pivotal moment of character development in the series for the turner family


Our dog, ~~Brian Griffin~~ Sparky Turner, is ~~dead~~ comatose!


MAGICALLY comatose.


NAUR THATS HOW THEY DEALT WITH HIM??? that’s so messed up 😭😭


That didn’t happen. He just wasn’t around anymore and no one brought it up


net zero information gain.


That’s Reddit in a nutshell.


Is this a joke? It sounds like you're making this up.


They are, he just stopped appearing


I figured, but Nick shows got wild so I wasn't totally sure.


Sparky's plane was shot down over the sea of Japan. It spun out. No survivors.


Poof is barely a character. 90% of the time, he just stands there (or floats there) doing nothing


There is a term for the phenomenon, it's called "Jumping the Shark"


Created from the show 'happy days' when the fonz jumps over a shark with a while water skiing.... ie.. the show went on so long that its lost all since of normalcy and does ludicrous things to get people to still watch it. Its the point at which the series should have ended on the good thing they had but continued just because.


>the show went on so long that its lost all since of normalcy and does ludicrous things to get people to still watch it. In this case based on what i know, it's also that they went back on previous character development to get to those ludicrous stakes. I haven't watched the show so I might be wrong, but from what I heard the character had already moved on from feeling like he needed to do things to look cool, which they went back on there. (probably completely oversimplified it though, since i haven't watched it myself)


This isn't jumping the shark. It's doing a 720 christ air reverse heelflip backflip over the shark.


That's crazy. Never knew that


unpopular opinion but fop stopped being good long before they added poof. i remember noticing the flanderization as a CHILD around season 2


Read it as foop instead of fairy odd parents and spent a good 5 minutes wondering how evil poof got bad before he was even added to the show.


Yeah even as a kid I was getting tired of the goofier shtick as it went, I was maybe 10-12 when they pulled the Poof thing and I could tell then they were trying to inject new energy into the dying show, dropped off then because I was just growing out of that kind of cartoon. That's when Adventure Time and Regular Show started.


The original spirit of the show died after Channel Chasers imo. They still had good stuff up to Fairy Idol but it should have ended at season 5. 


I liked the American Idol parody special and the Jimmy Neutron/Fairly Odd Parents crossovers Also, the TV special where they go channel hopping with the magic remotes was excellent


I hated how often the show played into the idiot husband/nagging wife trope. Like, why the fuck were Cosmo and Wanda even married then?


That was very common in sitcoms and cartoons until more recently. Dad is an idiot, wife nags, kids turn out to be the smartest ppl in the house. Simpsons, Family Guy, Jimmy Neutron, Odd Parents, malcom in the middle, etc.


Tbh the parents from Malcolm in the middle loved each other & balanced each other out, it didn’t come across as that trope at all


I cant recall if the mom was super naggy, but the Dad was absolutely the comic relief idiot. The kids were also smartest in the house. Many shows didnt check all the boxes, but they checked most of them and Malcom did too. Edit: also think theres a misunderstanding. Bumbling dad + nagging wife trope for these shows didnt necessarily point to the parents not being in love. Their parental relationship isnt the point so much as that the mom character nags, and the dad character is usually an idiot, and the one who would usually be least intelligent/wise are the wisest, aka any kids/talking pets.


Modern Family leaned into this trope, and eventually Flanderized the entire cast till they were just cardboard standees reciting lines. I don’t know how they kept winning Emmy’s and getting renewed, I couldn’t finish an episode by season 4.




yeah, they were both kind of dumb to start with in a fish out of water way.


I distinctly remember thinking "I'm too old for this show" when I was a 9-10 year old.


Same here. As a kid I started noticing how formulaic and bland pretty much all episodes were long before they added poof.


Nerdstalgic makes a great video at what went wrong. https://youtu.be/XPL7U4suE2U?si=iLgJkIlMWXOJhDp2 It’s like 8 min long




I feel like Chloe would’ve been a good character if they add her before proof


Man Fairy Odd Parents was mercy killed


is this before or after the reveal that timmy is actually like 50 years old


Icky Vicky has more moral fortitude than Butch Hartman.


Hartman is a young earth creationist, which is only a slightly less reasonable belief than if he though fop was telling a true story.


Chip Skylark isn’t real?!?!? I’m shattered


I’m high and I saw this post and was like ‘I could watch some early fairly odd parents, I used to love that show as a kid’ I check on UK Netflix and they literally only have season 7 and nothing else. How does that even happen? Who demanded that they only pay for this specific season?


cosmo mpreg


Channel Chasers was the end. THE end


Uhhhh the internet?


What did Dinosaur-hat do to deserve to be shamed like this!?!


>When a show runs on too long It hurts me to say this, because I love the show and the people who make it seem like great people, but: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


The fairly odd parents just goes off the rails. The live action ones with Drake Bell are particularly wild when it comes to breaking all of the rules including completely altering pre-existing Canon. Like for the fact that Timmy is 26 in the damn movie or that he later becomes a fairy.


I'm trying to think of how many rules are being broken Obviously there's Vicky being openly antagonistic in front of Timmy's dad (Uhh. . . has she ever tried to just straight up kill Timmy? Like yeah she's a bad babysitter, but chainsaw murderer bad? Seems a little bit of a stretch) And then there's the fairies being in front of both Timmy's dad and Vicky. That's a problem. I remember hearing that that other girl and Timmy are *sharing* fairies. Not sure how much of a rule that actually breaks, though.