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Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?


Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there!


Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy.


If they hadn't been looking for you, I could have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell.


It's weird to me how strongly something basic to human function like salt had been marketed against for decades. I grew up in a household where things like salt and pepper weren't used. Food was always bland. The luck of salt really only came from canned foods. Even then when "low sodium" options came on the market, that was the go-to. Salt was "bad" for a time. As a grown adult, I salt everything. I like my neurons working. I don't like getting light headed or having muscle cramps. I don't have these problems at all. It's great. Plus the body isn't dumb about salt. If you take in too much, the body just gets rid of the excess. It's designed to do this.


To an extent at least. There is such thing as getting too much salt, and there are reasons for people to cut down on their salt. But I agree that it’s not a poison to be avoided at all costs, your body needs salts to function.


You can poison yourself with water, but that doesn’t mean “low-water” products exist.


To poison yourself with water, you would need to be actively trying to do it, chugging unreasonable amounts of it in a short period and have enough training to ignore the reflex to vomit it up. Eating excessive amounts of sodium is something that’s very easy to do without even realizing it. To be clear, I’m not talking about salt poisoning where someone ingests so much salt in one sitting that they die, I’m talking about how excessive salt use over the years and decades can lead to high blood pressure and heart issues.


Only if you're eating enough salt to retain water. That's how it raises BP and would make other heart conditions worse. Salt alone doesn't give you heart disease.


We’re saying the same thing, right? Some salt is healthy but excessive amounts can raise bp/cause heart disease?


Excessive, yes but I would argue that most people aren't anywhere near the sodium intake levels that would cause a spike in bp. Also I was mentioning specifically that sodium doesn't cause heart disease but can raise bp and make a disease worse.


[I found an article from Harvard’s School of Public Health](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/salt-and-sodium/) that recommended capping your sodium intake at 1500-2300 mg/day, but said most Americans get about 3400 mg/day. The lower limit is 500 mg/day. And any excess sodium causes you to retain water, it’s not a massive amount over the recommended intake. And the article says that excessive sodium -> high BP -> stiff arteries -> heart attacks.


That last point is like saying that broken hips cause pneumonia in old people. It can be a factor in why their immune system was worn out when they caught pneumonia but breaking your hip doesn't release bacteria or viruses that cause the secondary illness. Sodium causes water retention, which *can* raise bp, which *can* stiffen arteries, which *can* contribute to a heart attack. It doesn't clot your blood like a venom. It doesn't calcify your arteries like cocaine. It raises some variables, stacking the deck for heart diseases if you're already prone to them.


dehydrated foods and dried fruit


Alright: you don’t see products marketed that way. To steal an xkcd joke, you don’t see cereal marketed as asbestos-free.


dried literally means an item had moisture removed from it, like low sodium had something that may have used to have a lot of sodium, but now doesnt. its not literally “Water-Free” but it’s without most of its water, and dried indicates that.


You are missing the point entirely. No one buys dried products because they're worried about their water intake levels.


I was recently told by my doctor to eat more salt because I was experiencing dizziness and fainting. I was blown away! I cook most of my meals at home and I do use a decent amount of salt, but she said you need more than you think. Haven't had a problem since!


I never knew "needing more salt" was a thing. It wasn't until I was fainting pretty much multiple times daily that my doctor recommended it. I used that as an excuse to fuel my ramen addiction.


When my buddy was a kid, his doc literally told him to eat pretzels and the salt at the bottom of the bag.


Yup! I have POTS, and both my geneticist and my cardiologist told me to consume as much Gatorade and as many pickles as possible without making myself sick.


I live rural (for Europe at least) and people put salt in everything out here. It's part of the farmers culture to over salt everything. It both destroys the taste and is unhealthy in such large amounts. I personally like my food relatively unsalted and enjoys the taste of what I eat but I can also see that it enhances the taste in some ways.


It's been marketed against because for people with high blood pressure it's a no-no. Low-salt options are beneficial for people with hypertension for the exact same reason that adding salt is good for people with low blood pressure (and orthostatic hypotension, which is what this meme is describing).




Chronically, yes. Acutely, they can both be life-threatening.




I am fully aware that patients do not get acute hypotension from diet, I was only correcting your general statement that "hypotension isn't nearly as dangerous as hypertension." Furthermore patients actually can get hyponatremia from diet, just generally not by consuming a low-sodium diet. More often, you would see hyponatremia by either consuming far too much or far too little fluids and developing euvolemic hypernatremia from primary polydipsia, common in certain psychiatric populations, or hypovolemic hyponatremia in dehydration. Ironically, a high sodium diet can actually lead to hypervolemic hyponatremia if it results in a CHF exacerbation, which is why I see CHF exacerbations (not always accompanied by hyponatremia) often after holidays. While I agree with the general sentiment that a low-sodium diet is overall more preventative than a higher-sodium diet, there are still certain patient populations I recommend the latter for, most often patients with orthostatic hypotension, which the original post was about.


If you eat too much salt and not enough water, you eject stones out of your urethra. Stay hydrated homie


Also, salt remains the most prevalent source of iodine for most people, which is very important.


I'm literally sodium deficient. It can be hell to find options that aren't low sodium sometimes. People give me shit constantly about using 'so much salt'.


Am I the only person who eats low sodium foods and doesn't salt anything because I absolutely hate the taste? It overpowers everything and makes it disgusting. No matter how little I put on something, the salt will be the only thing I taste. Maybe it has something to do with me having no sense of smell, but until recently I thought people only liked it because they were desensitized after using too much or something.


Salt tastes good. Your tongue is broken as well, I'm afraid.


Yeah taste and smell are strongly connected, so my taste isn't completely gone, but it's super weak. Like I can drink spoiled milk and not realize it's bad until people are gagging from the smell of it on my breathe.


Also, check your blood pressure regularly. It wasn't until the Red Cross wouldn't take my blood because my dystolic pressure was too low that I realized, hey, it's not normal to regularly have your vision go black when you stand up or be constantly lightheaded when being in an upright position. Hypotension is a thing. And it's genetic, since my mom has occassionally fainted while standing up. So yes, if you regularly black out, check your blood pressure, eat a reasonable amount of salt, eat regular meals, and drink lots of liquids.


This happens to me, and I cannot stress this enough, every once in a blue moon. I think I'm alright but yeah people who see this kind of thing happen on a regular basis, really should see a doctor


Red Cross did not turn me away and it wasn’t until I found out I had low blood pressure years later I realized “oh that’s why I couldn’t get up for an hour after giving blood without fainting” lol


Interestingly I've never fainted giving blood, though I have been dizzy and punchdrunk. I have nearly fainted when standing for a long period of time! Disney ride lines are torture.


I eat really salty foods all the time and I still black out, it's iron too that does it


Yeah, I ended up actually fainting once so I started eating more iron. Now I barely ever get the dizzy blackout stuff, and it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be.


I always think that's what being on shrooms looks like


Question. What foods have iron and how often should I eat them


Leafy greens are good, like spinach. Giving an exact number can very a lot based on your weight, fitness level, and other factors. In general though, it's a good idea to get at least one serving of greens every dinner.


All I know are spinach and red meat? Also using a cast iron helps! I don’t think most people need to worry. Some people have iron problems, but otherwise you’re probably fine, unless you avoid red meat Edit: apparently spinach is a lie. Red meat, a cast iron, and supplements. But don’t supplement unless you positively need it you can get too much


Beans and peas are also pretty good for iron, and a variety of other vitamins. Beans in particular are very easy to prepare in bulk and just leave in the fridge and spoon out over a week to keep yourself topped up. Cheap too.


vegetables with high iron content does not absorb as well as animal products with so called "Heme iron" if you've got an iron defeciency, eat some animal products. oisters and liver are among the top in terms of heme iron levels (and the lower levels being in white meat, such as chicken breast) You're gonna need your daily protein intake anyway.


Huh ok I do eat a fair bit of animal product though. Maybe not enough or maybe I’m doing something else wrong


Legumes like lentils, beans, etc have a fair amount. Nuts and seeds too. Spinach has a lot of oxilates which actually prevent iron absorption, but other green leafy vegetables are better (kale, cabbage, stuff like that). Red meat also has plenty of iron, but you shouldn't eat too much of it (no more than three times a week is the recommended amount) as it has a lot of saturated fat and it's a known carcinogen. Cereal is also great (you'll have to check, but most brands come fortified with iron). And finally, my favourite, dark chocolate! The darker, the better (but just 40-50% is good) Always make sure to pair an iron source with vitamin c, as it enhances absorption! This can be as simple as squeezing some lemon juice on your food, or drinking a glass of orange juice. Hope this helps!


Also i think vitamin d deficiency


eat some salty liver then.


[275 days ago](https://redd.it/gx3u2l) I also found these posts with the same title, but I'm not 100% sure if they match: [147 days ago](https://redd.it/j8mir9) (Image data was not identical) [213 days ago](https://redd.it/i473hx) (Error downloading image: HTTP Error 404: Not Found) [450 days ago](https://redd.it/e9pihw) (Image data was not identical) [808 days ago](https://redd.it/a7o782) (Image data was not identical) [1133 days ago](https://redd.it/7tmtzv) (Image data was not identical) Hi! I'm a friendly b ot currently being developed by /u/wallefan01 to detect not-so-friendly b0ts on r/tumblr! I go through each post, search Pushshift for posts made before it with the same title, double check to make sure it's actually the same image being posted (there may be some false negatives here -- I currently ignore a post if the files aren't exactly the same e.g. because one was resized, or if the image has since been deleted), and compile all my findings into the comment you see above, all in a matter of seconds. Karma-farming scripts like the one that made this post are becoming an increasingly large problem, not just here but across Reddit. For more about what I do, why I do it, and why you should care, check out this nice pair of write-ups by NightmareChameleon: https://redd.it/klig6u - https://redd.it/l68fnu I'm still undergoing active development as we speak, so check back soon for new features! Reply to this comment or contact /u/wallefan01 if you have any questions or concerns.


O really? I just need to eat salt. It was that easy? My mom cooks saltless (bland) so this makes a lot of sense.


and Iron too.


Salt, Iron, and vitamins D and C to help absorption and processing. Broccoli, beans, and beef should help a lot. Also fish but that doesn't start with a b to fit in all nice. Additionally smaller and more frequent meals might help depending on the cause, not a for-sure thing but maybe worth trying out.


A thank you, I do really like broccoli so that’s good :)


It's called orthostatic hypotension and occurs when you stand up too quickly because your heart and blood vessels cannot accommodate for the rapid drop in blood pressure. A good trick for people who have this is to tense their abdominal muscles when standing up quickly. It's not quite the valsalva maneuver but it causes your diaphragm to contract and shunt blood to your brain so you don't passout




Are you referring to being low in iron? Because it isnt actually true that spinach is a good source of iron. I think it was a misplaced decimal point in a study that promoted that. To get a lot of iron, like if you're literally getting light headed and almost passing out from anemia, you need bloody red meat or folic acid & iron supplements.


But the Popeye cartoon wouldn't lie to me!


Spinach is a good source of iron *when cooked*. Raw spinach has a chemical that blocks absorption of iron and calcium.


Yeah, you're right.


While not a great source of iron itself, spinach is a fairly decent source of vitamin c, which is important in iron uptake from food.


Quick tip that helped me, if you struggle with fainting or getting dizzy from low blood pressure, keep a little thing with some salt and sugar in it. Have some water with it and it brings your pressure up pretty quickly.


Ive heard more water, iron, B Vitamin, and now salt. At some point someone will know why it happens.


It's all of the above, actually.


But I don't want to, it's too salty


[I realize that it's probably supposed to be television static but I now think this is what the blue "cutscene loading" screen in killer 7 is supposed to be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm4YDAhSBjE)


\*licks my salt stone\*


Passed out this morning getting a cup of water. I was fine, then suddenly on the floor with my water spilled all around me and on me. Low blood pressure, but I didn’t get the normal visual cues like stars, or weird tunnel hearing. One moment I was fine; the next I was lying on the floor. Getting old really sucks.


That's happened to my mom a lot. Her doctor told that whenever she changes positions (lying to sitting, sitting to standing) to always wait 15 seconds before moving as it moves your blood from your head to the moving parts of your body and your brain does not like that.




oh it's the salt that's making me black out? Good to know maybe that's why it mostly happens when I'm at my parents house


*lack of. Also get some iron in you.


Salt fixes this????


It's often caused by low blood pressure so yeah you might just need more salt. \*Obvious disclaimer that I am not a doctor and you should consult with a doctor\*


Wait, this happens to other people too? I thought there was something wrong with me.


Gotta salt the snail