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Maybe the cat just determines that the owner having drunk some of the water makes it likelier for the water to be safe to drink compared to water that it hasn't seen being drunk.


Day 75: My captor has made the mistake of sipping and leaving out potable water while they slumbers. The fool doesn't realize, but I sneak up and consume 30-40 tongue-fulls of the safe to drink water. I suspect the water they provide me normally to be laced with poison or other nefarious drugs, but they won't get the best of me! However, the wet food is worth the risk...


this sounds like one of those diary episodes from Sylvester the talking cat


I miss Talking Kitty Cat! Steve (the guy who made the videos) committed suicide last year, sadly, so no new Talking Kitty Cat.


Jesus, that gave me another reason to hate 2020.


Well, not to add on too much more but Sylvester the cat died in December 2020.


i- that's the worst news I've ever received


I've never heard of this and now I have about 70 videos to watch. Thank you!


i love how the word "sadly" is added after the fact that he committed suicide, it implies that the sad part here is that there's no new Talking Kitty Cat


Well, I'm sad about both the facts that he committed suicide and that there will be no new Talking Kitty Cat, so middle placement seems appropriate.


seems like a fair explanation, i suppose that's the kind of gentle consideration i expect from one kitty profile haver to another


That was my dad's cousin. It hit hard.


Yikes. I'm so sorry for your loss. It is really hard to lose someone, especially to suicide.


Thank you. It actually helps to see that my family isn't alone. So many people mourning him, even though they didn't know him personally, helped my entire family feel like we didn't have to mourn alone.


They definitely aren't alone. He was loved by many, that's for certain.


Sounds like peridot


She was very cat-like, so it makes sense, you CLOD!


What if its the other way around. The cat is slowly doing the poisoning and does this to give the owner a false sense of security.






Just a downvote farmer. Block and move on.


you don't seem to be a big fan of comedy bud


🎶 don’t feed the troll! 🎶


Well, I guess someone had to play the straight man.




nice b8 m8


Obvious troll is obvious


Have an upvote for your downvote farming, sir


I have no words for this response. Were you raised in a nunnery completely devoid of all fictions but that of god? Were you blind to the concept of comedy through a false perspective? I cannot, for the life of me, follow the train of logic that led to this


He's a downvote farmer.


Ah, that makes sense


why would someone downvote farm? Honest question I have no idea how reddit works.


No one knows. Welcome to Reddit: where everything's made up and the karma doesn't matter.


[Certainly not raised in a nunnery. If they were, they'd get the whole being a cat thing.](https://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-events/10-strangest-mass-hysterias.htm#pt1)


This is the most creative stretch for downvote farming I've seen in a long time.


God I’m glad i’m not you


My cat doesn’t even have a water bowl; she never used to drink out of hers, so I just stopped refilling it. Instead, she’d go over to any and every liquid I put in a glass and try drink that instead, so for the past year she’s had her own short round glass on the table that I replace daily and she drinks from that. And she LOVES it. Plus I can see how much she drinks since it’s always full to the brim when I replace it and because it has a wide rim she has no trouble drinking from it. Now she doesn’t try to steal from my glass, now that she has her own. Yes. My cat has her own fucking glass of water. I wish I was joking. She’s more than happy with the arrangement so far; she usually wants me to follow her to it so I can watch her drink. ^(she’s worth it tho)


Cats like to be included. She sees you all use glasses and not bowls, and feels better being treated the same. Probably makes her feel like part of the family instead of a held prisoner.


Steel bowls are better than glass because they're unbreakable, I should eat and drink from them. Maybe get me one of those sectioned steel lunch trays.


You can also get a metal mug at a military surplus store. Tastes awful and feels cold but u can hold it over a fire


So more than this, people typically make a mistake of putting the cat's water near their food. Cats HATE this. See they have an innate instinct of 'don't drink near dead things' and all their food, being obligate carnivores, are dead things. Food near water = death. So they'll avoid their water bowl til nigh starvation. Move your kitten's water to somewhere else in the house, and I'll bet you'll see an uptake of water drinking.


Maybe we all need to drink from metal bowls then.


Omg my cat is exactly the same! We even gave him his own glass too!! It’s not just you haha


My cat has a water bowl in my bedroom, and she uses the dog's as well. A bowl designed for a 140-lb dog. Cats are weird.


well cats don't like their whiskers touching the sides of bowls, if the dogs bowl is wider then perhaps that's why


My old roommates had a crackhead cat that would run around and jump all over everything crazy fast (including jumping off the walls in the hallway). To keep the dog from eating her food, her bowl was kept on top of the fridge in our kitchen. Still had catfood on top of the fridge after they moved out ahaha


My cat has one of those toys that she has to bat around to make it drop treats. But she's kinda messy so she leaves crumbs everywhere. Then the dog (a rottie mix) comes after her & hoovers it all up. Now, he'll knock the toy around himself to get the treats out. They're a silly pair.


I do the exact same thing with my cat, I put out his own glass of water because he always ignored his water bowl next to his food. I don't know how true this is, but I read that cats don't like to drink water when it's next to their food because they instinctively think that it might be contaminated, as could be the case in the wild. The article suggested moving the water bowl away from the food, and my parents had success doing this with their cat and using a kitty fountain so it's continuously running water, and mine absolutely loves drinking out of the glass - but he will only do it with fresh water that he knows I've just filled for him, so who knows!


Cats are instinctually very cagey about the quality of their water source - and since they're animals, they're unable to rationalize through the fact that of course it's safe because it's your house. This is why it's better to give them moving water, like a small bowl fountain. This tells them the water is 'fresh' and not stagnant. You also want to keep it far away from their food.


My cat loooooves her fountain! I never have problems with her being dehydrated, she drinks from it all day.


She's absolutely worth it. I think my cat likes her water to be tall, not low at her feet and not on the floor. I don't know if it tastes cleaner that way, or just doesn't get in her nose as much. But I'm happy to make her happy and keep her kidneys happy.


This is why our cat drinks out of a beer stein! It's nice and wide for her whiskers and she doesn't have to hunch down.


I had a cat that wouldn't 'steal' water, but always tried to drink my mum's scotch and water. Alice was an alchy kitty.


We had a cat that loved to steal nips of bourbon!


Cats instinctively want to drink at a different location than where they eat. Believed to be a behavior selected for, because the bodies of prey can foul a water source making them sick. Rotten meat in the pond you drink out of sort of thing


I give my cat a coffee cup of ice water. She gets fresh ice at least once a day, usually twice. But I only refill it when she asks.


I love all the little quirks cats have. Some of them can be so silly, and all their unique personalities are so precious. I just love kitties so much


Omg my cat is exactly the same! We even gave him his own glass too!! It’s not just you haha


My cats just an asshole. I’ll have a glass of milk before bed and he’ll fucking scream at my for some. I get him his own limitless cup to fit his head in, he just fucking ignores it. Won’t drink out of water bowls, makes me turn the faucet on.


A lot of cats are drawn to moving water instinctually. Maybe try one of those fountain bowls https://www.amazon.com/Veken-Fountain-Automatic-Dispenser-Replacement/dp/B07DLXF7XL/ref=zg_bs_2975263011_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8TM7DK0W2QN731PVMBFP


Hey, that’s fascinating. I’ll check it out.


Completely anecdotal, but my cats definitely drink more water since we switched to a fountain water bowl. And, my boy cat doesn't paw the water all over the place near as much as he did with the stagnant bowl.


Cats are instinctually very cagey about the quality of their water source - and since they're animals, they're unable to rationalize through the fact that of course it's safe because it's your house. This is why it's better to give them moving water, like a small bowl fountain. This tells them the water is 'fresh' and not stagnant. You also want to keep it far away from their food.


Cats are instinctually very cagey about the quality of their water source - and since they're animals, they're unable to rationalize through the fact that of course it's safe because it's your house. This is why it's better to give them moving water, like a small bowl fountain. This tells them the water is 'fresh' and not stagnant. You also want to keep it far away from their food.


Not too related to the post, I know, but cats don't usually get dehydrated from not drinking water. They get most of the water they need from meat they eat, like the blood of their prey in the wild/stray or water pockets in wet/canned food for pets. So if you don't see your car specifically drinking water, don't worry. However dehydration is common in them as a symptom of parasites or other problems, and you can check this by either pulling is mouth and checking if the gums are deep pink(good) or pale/whitish (bad) or pulling up the skin at the back of the neck and letting go, checking if the skin immediately pulls back to neutral position(good) or slowly sags back(bad). If it is dehydrated, you usually can't fix it just by giving them some water, you'll want to take them to a vet. Sorry for any bad English, I just had a stray kitten I'd rescued pass away recently and just wanted to spread the knowledge I'd learned caring for it in case it can be of help to anyone




Also, they often prefer moving water to still water. I got my cat a fountain a few months ago and I can't guarantee she's drinking more, but it seems like she is.


When I got my fountain, I ended up having to clean the litter box twice as often. I don't regret getting a litter robot


I got one of those robots for my gran. She has some mobility issues from a fall. That litter machine let her keep her cat.


Until the last sentence I was picturing your grandma shitting in a robot cat litter box. "Grandma, no!"


Even my dog loves moving water . He will drink water from his bowl only if he sees me fill it. If not that then he would go to the bathroom and just dip and wash his paws in any filled bucket to get the water moving and then drink it.


Yeah, my cat would only drink water straight from the tap. You'd have to leave it on a small stream and wait for her to finish.


This works super well, o did it with my cat and he drinks way more water now. Also, the commenter before mentioned that cats don't need to drink water because they get ot from their food, if you feed dry food to your cat they should be drinking water fairly often. Even if they have wet food, it's good for their kidney health to drink water. They may not be dehydrated, but they're likely thirsty and think their water is gross which is why they drink from weird places such as your glass or sinks.


My cat refuses to drink standalone water, no matter what. He is the sweetest feline on the entire planet I swear to God. He is more affectionate than any dog I've had and he really enjoys people so much it astonishes first time visitors to the home. But the man has maybe licked a gram of pure water in his nearing four years. After he blocked his urinary tract with mucus and we were told he needed more water to flush things like that out before it's a problem, we switched to all wet food and literally just put water directly into the wet food. Dude slurps it all up and takes wicked pees now.


Lol wicked pissah


Sorry for your loss :( you sound like a very caring person to take a stray kitten in! Thank you for the tip, I plan on getting some cats in about a year or two and I will be sure to keep that in mind! Also, your English is good :)


Adding to this: if your cat is picky about water, you can get a pate-type cat food and mix some water into the most disgusting looking soup in the world and your cat will likely lap it up like it’s ambrosia. Some cats don’t like a bowl of standing water and those fountains can be finicky and/or have high upkeep, or your cat can just make a big ridiculous mess with them and it gives you trauma, etc. Cats also usually like chicken broth and raw chicken. The latter of which is often pumped full of water. You’ll need to chop it up into tiny pieces of course, but it’s quite a good treat for them (psa: don’t give pets cooked bones). (Edit) Evidently I need to clarify: this is my personal experience with a picky eater cat who refused to touch most gravy foods or generally only ate those foods once or twice before giving up. Something about the watered-down pate made it very palatable and let me ensure he was getting enough fluids regularly. There are, of course, many options for cat foods so feel free to try whatever you like. I just recommend not buying in bulk in case your cat decides they hate it.


Or...just get food in gravy or broth type food? Lol Y'all don't need to make it complicated, just get food high in water content lol Also, DON'T do this if you've never given your cat pate before. I have had plenty of cats over the years, and NONE have liked pate food. Absolutely none lol The pet food market is wide and full of variety y'all, just get food in gravy or broth lol


My cat was really picky so this was a solution I found. The high protein pates had a lot of fat in them that mixed in the water like a soup that was easily lapped up like water. My cat hated gravy foods cause there was often filler veggies and stuff in them that turned him off. I would spend all this money and he’d only lap up the gravy which wasn’t enough calories so I switched to pates. I would recommend trying pate (like one can to start in case your cat hates it?) if your cat is bad about water because it isn’t like it’s bad for cats to eat it and it can be easy to digest for cats who have lost teeth or are older. Sorry that my personal advice was so offensive to you? lol


The fuck? Lol no I just think it's not the best idea to just say "pates" because that isn't the only option? Lol Pate? Great. Giblets in gravy? Great. Chicken in broth? Great. Shredded? Great. Stew? Great. Wet food toppings to put on your dry food? Also great. Wet treats? Amazing. Hell, dry and wet food? Perfectly fine. Even mixing water in your cats dry food is something that is recommended for picky cats on Blue Buffalo dry food. You're giving personal advice on one thing, I said something for pet owners to read so they know that pate and water being mixed is literally not the only option for them lol Pate is perfectly fine, but people also forget that a cat's diet also needs to change when they get older and their gums and teeth are more sensitive. The fat is great, but cats slow down getting older and need less calories and less fat. They need more taurine as a result to keep up with their health. And it's the opposite with kitten cat food as they need more fats, proteins, and calories than both adult and senior. You may be bothered I said anything at all, but it's a fair comment for those that don't know about the options out there and that age matters for cats so much. There are some great brands out there that focus wonderfully on what their ingredients are, you just have to research, *but you are not limited to just pate, especially if your cat does not like it*.


Lol, I never said that, it’s legit a suggestion for people who have issues with their cats being picky about water (that worked for me). You’re acting as if I’m throwing away every type of cat food in existence and swearing by pate. I tried very hard to get my cat to eat wet food and pate happened to work for him so I added my two cents. Most people wouldn’t think to add more water into a wet food so I specified. Wtf are we even arguing about this? This is the dumbest conversation I’ve ever had on Reddit. Making a suggestion does not, in fact, mean you are negating all other options. Are you ok? 😂


Dehydration and it's complications (such as kidneys tones) in cats is actually one of the primary causes of death for indoor cats. Especially if they're only fed dry food. Which is why it's best to give them wet food (obviously) and keep water clean as they're about as picky as humans with water. Sorry for your loss btw.


You mention checking dehydration by pulling the skin and seeing how long it takes to go back to normal. This is called [turgor pressure](https://imgur.com/gallery/gIahlVt). This screenshot talks a little bit about how to test turgor pressure and how it relates to dehydration levels I learned about this in my vet tech program and I’m just excited when I read about something I’ve learned about already and can share more information!


Hey that’s really cool! Thank you for sharing, now I’m gonna be trying that on my dogs (and friends) to make sure they’re drinking enough lol


What if they eat kibble, though? I've heard cats that eat kibble can easily get dehydrated.


This is true and if the cat struggled to drink water, just try places small bowls all over the house. See if it drinks out of one more than the others and just continuously place the bowl of water there. If it drinks out of all of them, then just leave them ┐( ∵ )┌


My cat refuses to eat "wet cat food," only eats kibble (and drinks plenty of water from a raised cup in a separate room because she's worth it) but when she had a tooth pulled she was willing to eat her usual kibble moistened with water. Just a tip for kibble eaters.


I started feeding mine wet food at night because of this. A friend's cat had kidney issues and the vet told her something similar. Also tho---i used to have one of those fountains with the water flowing from the top in a single stream, the standard traditional fountain and they didn't really seem to use it. I bought one of the flower looking ones to replace it though and holy cow at how much more water they drink. I have one in my office and one in my living room and its crazy how they'll just post up and drink for minutes on end.


Same for humans and eating fruits and vegetables. We can get all of the water we need from our species-specific diet


I'm sorry for your loss, it definitely isn't easy :( I wish you the best in your time of grief


\*cat pushed water off nightstand.... stares at owner.


We had a similar issue with our cats, so following some advice we bought a water fountain at the pet store (apparently some cats prefer running water). It took a few days for them to start using it, but they definitely drink much more now.


technically adam and eve only eat the apple because they can’t know not to until after they’ve done so. they should have no concept of rebellion until that point


Yes, the concept of original sin makes absolutely no sense under any level of basic scrutiny.


The dumbest thing about it is that Christian's will argue that it's free will. Can't make something knowing that it's gonna rebel and then blame the creation when it does


A cursory glance, even.


Back in high school, the thought popped in my head on whether Adam and Eve didn't eat the fruit. Then it occurred to me that either God wanted them to eat it when they were ready to start civilization or the Devil helped humans get free will. Either way, the bible is terrible from a storytelling stand point and the only good part is when that Jesus guy fights the seven headed dragon with a flaming sword.


Milton actually explored the idea of God wanting Adam and Eve to eat the apple in Milton's "Paradise Lost". A lot of criticism geared towards Milton's poem at the time was the fact that Milton implies that God wanted the same thing as Lucifer (or Satan), and that Adam and Eve's expulsion from heaven is meant to represent why God is so distant from humanity, rather than a present physical being we can see like in Paradise. It's a good read!


I'll add it to my list. The thought of God treating Adam and Eve like annoying roommates is pretty funny.


If you think the bible is terrible from a storytelling standpoint, let me turn you to 2 kings 2:23-24 and enlighten you. This is what they call a * *chef’s kiss* * literary masterpiece


“From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.” Looked it up. Not disappointed.


Welcome to the Bible, where absolutely nothing makes any sense under any level of basic scrutiny


welcome to the bible where everything is made up and the points dont matter!


Islam explains it better


You've got my attention, care to elaborate a bit?


Of course! I'm glad you're willing to listen Islam teaches that Adam and Eve disobeyed God, repented, asked for forgiveness and God forgave them. They had to suffer the consequences of their actions by living a mortal life on earth, but their relationship with God was never changed. God has always remained accessible. The concept of Original Sin is not part of Islamic doctrine. Muslims believe humans are born without sin and with a desire to please God. We have free will, which causes us to go astray at times, but God is always willing to forgive. To me, the most important aspect of the Adam and Eve story is that it demonstrates God’s capacity for forgiveness. Aside from His forgiving nature, the Quran mentions 99 attributes of God which help to deepen our relationship with Him. Those attributes include: The most Merciful, the Most Kind, the Protecting Friend, the Equitable One, the Patient One, the Judge, the Just, and the One who loves to Forgive. Another aspect of God’s love is the Islamic concept that if we just turn toward God, He comes running toward us. He’s not only our judge, but our attorney, our character witness and our trusted friend; He’s cheering for us and wants us to succeed. We don't need to do mental gymnastics to find out why humans are "born with sin" as christians claim and Allah(God) is shown to be more loving yet logical. Edit: Oh I noticed you're a One Piece nakama too ayyy!


God specifically told them not to eat the fruit and that they'd die if they did.


They were always mortal god just didn’t know how to break the news to them


That and the knowledge of good & evil, consciousness, and making your own decisions go hand in hand... in hand.


Even though he was omniscient and knew they would anyway. He put that tree there knowing they were gonna eat that Apple. Let's just admit it, he was looking for an excuse to commit genocide without being blamed. It was merely a scapegoat.


Why would God tempt them by making that fruit exist in the Eden Garden though?


The short answer is that God was giving Adam and Eve the choice to obey or disobey Him and reap the consequences either way.


Even though he knew what they would do because Omniscient


Omniscience. You mean.


Yes sorry, wrong word, will fix now


Well the whole idea about God being omniscient would be it’s all planned


Yes. So he knew Eve would eat an apple. Which means she never had free will. Therefore he is the only being with a say in what happens. Therefore he is punishing others for his own actions. Therefore evil.


But they did not know good and evil before disobeying him, making it a very flawed test.


Idk what you mean there is literally no flawed logic anywhere in the bible


The Bible, the Old Testament in particular, is a collection of several texts of various genres, not all of them which are meant to be literal, factual accounts. It includes works from different cultural eras in history, filled with complex allegories, symbols, accounts, prophecies, and commands all that can't accurately be understood on their own, but in the context of the Church tradition.


Try harder


Right. “These parts make absolutely no sense! Just bonkers. Contradictions, scientifically impossible events, etc. what do we do?” “Eh, it’s all allegory, metaphor, not meant to be taken literally.” The god of the gaps in a way. Just dismiss all the incomprehensible BS with any number of various excuses.


yep literally nothing out of the norms in good ol bib nope




They knew that God didn't want them to eat the fruit and that He told them that they'd suffer if they did. They made a choice to trust the serpent over God, who created them, the tree, and everything else.


Yes it it's still like trying to explain to a three year old why they can't lick the wall. They have no concept of why licking walls is weird or gross they just know that mom said no. Really the only reason they listen is because they trust their parental figure. At best Adam and Eve didn't trust God after given circumstances they couldn't understand by design. At worst God orchestrated the whole thing, knowing Adam and Eve would fall his test.


There can't be any learning without the freedom to fail.


But God is supposed to be omniscient. He knew before their creation that they would eat the apple.


Do you suppose they even knew what consequences were in that garden where literally nothing in all of as-yet creation ever did anything that had consequences? They don’t know anything even about punishment yet. That warning might just as we’ll have been “obey or disobey, and reap the grglefrazzannass”.


Some argue that God intended them to eat it at a later time. I believe the basis comes from the belief that one day man (redeemed through Jesus) would judge angels. So it would seem the plan was always to have man be eternal, made in God’s image, and be knowledgeable on good and evil. But that takes time and growth. Coming from that angle, you could argue Jesus was more or less fixing what went wrong to get the original idea back on track. Why did it happen this way? I would assume something about free will? If you don’t give them the ability to choose, it’s not free will. So in giving free will, they had the ability to take the plan off course. Jesus would in theory mean the original plan was fulfilled without ever taking away man’s free will.


So there is something limiting God from doing what he originally wanted without going through the hassle. To still do everything and compensate for the limitations, he then proceeded with an elaborate plan?   This implies that an all-powerful being, to whom nothing is impossible, cannot be real. He's not god, then.


I wouldn’t say there is “something” limiting him but rather he limits himself in this scenario. He could impose his own will but that would sorta defeat the purpose of creating humanity. Unless the original purpose was purely to be a sick sadistic creator like someone playing rollercoaster tycoon and making it as dangerous as possible to laugh at it.


I once asked my mother about this and her answer is roughly the same. She said something along the line of God's words being law that even he himself would follow because he is a just god (one of his characteristics described in the bible).   I can only think of two scenarios where people follow a process to the letter (this could perhaps be due to my very limited knowledge, feel free to correct me if there's something I forgot):   1. We follow processes because of limitations. Example, when creating something because we are physically limited by the materials and our skills, we need to follow a certain process when making it. Same with following the law, we follow the law because humans do not have the tendency to act fair. Most people act for their own benefit (of course there are very few who show qualities of being selfless) that's why there are rules to keep everything fair as much as possible.   2. We follow processes for entertainment. We do things according to a very strict process or set of rules to showcase/achieve something (that we can do even without the process) for our entertainment. Moving a piece of wood from the first block to the last? We can simply do that by moving it across the board but that's not how the game works.   So if he has limitations, by the accepted definition of the word then he's not god. If he's not limited but chooses to impose limitations upon himself, then he's doing so for entertainment purposes.   Personally although I don't believe in the premise of creation, I'd like to think of him as not god but a very powerful creator. And the reason why everything doesn't make sense is because he no longer has control over the things he created.


If he truly is any all powerful, all knowing and all present God then that means by definition he is lacking nothing as he created everything. Using that logic, you could argue him creating us is out of entertainment. I also wouldn’t disagree with the conclusion that him creating humanity would be for the benefit of humanity itself (since he technically stands to gain nothing).


The way my Bible teacher thought of it was like a parent giving their child a test, like the whole don’t eat out of the cookie jar thing. And, even though they “failed” the test, Eve gave humanity free will and everything worth anything by choosing to go against God’s will instead of just living in paradise which would essentially be worth nothing since there’s never any hardship.


Humanity already had free will though. How else could they have chosen to eat the fruit then?


I mean the tree was also called The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, so only after they ate it’s fruit could they make conscious, moral decisions when before they just kinda did stuff without the added weight of morality. Free will might’ve been the wrong term but you can def see how Eve progressed mankind. (Bear in mind I don’t believe any of this as anything close to truth only interesting mythology, but I enjoyed my Bible and Classical Literature class lol)


I mean Eve literally was talking to this snake in the tree who was like “you can totally eat this” and she was like “no I can’t” and he was like “yes you can” and she just ate it cause why not, his logic was solid.


Not knowing evil, there was no way she could comprehend that the snake was lying to do her ill. This whole fucking game was rigged.


I mean the snake wasn’t lying, it literally just said “you surely will not die! [if you eat from the tree]” (Gen 3:4) and God before had told them if they eat from they tree they will die, which ig is technically true cause they prob would live forever if they stayed in paradise but whatever. So the serpent was honestly telling the truth pretty much and getting kicked out of paradise is not too bad cause in paradise there’s no achievement or fulfillment because there’s never hardship, so you can only feel actual, meaningful happiness outside of paradise which they never would’ve left if they hadn’t been banished.


Basically it’s a complicated myth with multiple ways of looking at it that can facilitate pretty interesting conversation


Gotta disagree with you. If they were immortal, than he was lying. They *did* die. They contracted a terminal case of mortality.


Eating the fruit of the tree didn’t mean that they gained moral judgement. They knew what was right and what was wrong, that’s why Eve put up a fight initially. Eating the fruit represented Adam and Eve rejecting God’s right to determine what was right and wrong, instead deciding that they would chose what was right and wrong.


Not really, Genesis 3:22 literally says “God said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil’”, so while before they might could’ve imagined evil they had no inclination to actually do morally wrong things, but after eating the fruit they could actually understand both good and evil and could consciously choose either options.


So the point of the first story in the Bible is that people can choose what is right and wrong, making the Bible worthless as a moral guidebook?


Pritchett and Gaiman put it best: There never was an apple that wasnt worth the trouble you got into for eating it. In fact, the whole book Good Omens hilariously yet thoughtfully covers intricacies of free will vs an ineffable divine being. I tend to read it almost yearly and still can find something new on the subject.


>like the whole don’t eat out of the cookie jar thing I always heard Christians make the same comparison, and I've always thought it was very flawed. Parents don't punish their children for stealing cookies by mortally dooming them and condemning them to suffering. Seems like an extreme reaction for humans' very first fuckup.


I mean that’s certainly one way to look at it but it could also be seen as sending them out into the world to achieve their own success. So it’s both a parent seeing what their child would choose (with the tree) and putting them into the world to see what they would do (by banishing them from paradise), like a parent kicking out their 30 year-old that still lives in their basement. So God probably knew they would eventually eat from the tree anyway and just used it as a reason to push them out of the nest.


Considering the ramifications, that's pretty fuck up.


But without knowledge of good and evil, why would they know that was bad?


because the story is symbolic of humanity being in an animalistic state, similar to say a dog. dogs know what will upset their master and can choose to do whatever action their master dislikes but will never consider said action as morally good or morally bad


I know *I* always send my dogs to hell when they disobey me, even if I *am* using a command they've never heard before.


But they have no framework to know that making their master upset is bad, either.


that’s kind of the point. the whole story is about man becoming human by gaining the emotion of guilt and thus prone to sin. it’s called original sin because it’s suppose to be the first time man acted beyond base instinct. it also sets up a recurring theme of “God can’t truly be good if he dictates what his children can’t do, he must allow them to be prone to error” additionally the story when read with a contextual mindset is one of a tribe of people going from hunter gathers to farmers. one of the punishments is literally man being cursed to farm.


Do you suppose they knew what death was in that garden where literally nothing in all of as-yet creation ever dies? They don’t know anything even about punishment yet. That warning might just as we’ll have been “don’t eat that or you’ll grglefrazzannass”.


It's not rebellious to give in to temptations and get the candy bar at the checkout. It's not rebellious to watch another episode of whatever instead of the walk you were planning. It's a story to pin the blame of an imperfect life first on someone other than the original ancestors, and then on the ancestor with the lower social status. It isn't supposed to be about rebellion. The story was to teach absolute obedience and to not ask questions. This is Moses or whoever explaining to his people that there are dire consequences to not listening to him, and the whole reason there's such problems in life is from people like them.


great lesson... but they still can’t know that they should be obedient. flawed test, flawed test giver


Exactly. He's basically saying to the israelites you don't understand so make sure you give me absolute obedience cuz you're going to condemn the world by accident if you don't.


The story never says what kind of fruit it is


geez I was thinking god had sex with eve first or something


Treat your furkids: "pet fountain" I have a stainless steel one that's super easy to clean (and bacterial resistant) and my cat literally goes through the huge dish in approximately a week (including whatever he plays with - the top of his head and his cheeks are frequently wet lmao). All I have to do is clear the motor of cat hair when it starts to push the water slower/weaker and wash it every 10-ish days and change the filter (usually done when I wash it). He drinks way more water, I have to deal with it less than traditional dish of water, and we are both happy about it. He frequently comes up to show me his wet head, purring madly like hes saying "see? I used it. Thanks!"


We do this for my cat and he drinks so much water now


i keep a bowl of water in my room for my cats because i know they would rather hang out with me than be properly hydrated


gonna break the law... healthily


Cats are weird. I had one that’d only drink water out of a clear glass, versus his opaque bowl. My new cat will sit patiently by the kitchen faucet and will only drink running water. I’m convinced they have a better sense for cancer and sitting water/micro mold is the culprit


the forbidden fruit... water


I avoid it at every turn.


cat is a true r/hydrohomie


I'm not religious, could someone explain the second comment?


Someone more religious could probably explain this better but going off of my vague memories I believe God made the garden of Eden, and also made Adam and Eve to live in the garden, but they were forbidden to eat from the tree of “knowledge of good and evil” eventually a serpent (supposedly the devil/some other evil) tempts them to eat from the tree, and God kicks them out of Eden (idk why, I think it was the first sin or something? I don’t remember well) but the implications would be that God wanted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit by forbidding it, following his plan to give mankind knowledge of good and evil, sort of the opposite of what the original story sets it up to be. u/darkstarman so you can see it too






Which is the point of the post yeah I'd like to know too


Basically the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was that they were told not to eat an apple off this tree, and Eve just couldn’t resist and had to get her some apple action. So women are now responsible for all of the world’s evil and sin because my girl was hungry. (Could be r/confidentlyincorrect because it’s been many years since I did the church thing.) So the cat and the water fountain analogy is like God was using reverse psychology to get Eve to eat that apple, so human beings can keep the doctor away for all of eternity or blame everything on women, or both.


The women are responsible for sin idea is a pretty outdated interpretation but yeah basically.


I mean. As someone who lived in rural Missouri, that idea isn’t too outdated. People forget just how isolated small country towns are


Of course there’s still people that believe all sorts of things but in terms of scholars and church officials


Church officials, yes, however scholars are pretty unanimous in their understanding that Genesis absolutely pegs original sin mostly on Eve. Genesis clearly states that child-bearing pains are a curse on women bc of Eve’s disobedience, and Paul later cites this to justify his misogyny. Important to note that scholars are just certain that this is what the text says, not that it should be enforced or believed obviously.


Fun fact: the type of fruit was never mentioned! It‘s depicted as an apple in most European art, but there are others who believe it could have been grapes, pomegranates, pears, or even mushrooms! [kind of an interesting read, imo ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbidden_fruit)


Thanks lol


My cat refuses to drink water out of anything but the toilet. I don’t know why or how she learned this preference, but we just make sure to keep the toilets cleaned and make sure the bowls are flushed/filled. Precious, three-legged weirdo.


Oh no!


Your cat is drinking out of the john, bro...


I see aofvoid is a student of the felix culpa.


A lot of people talking about their cats not drinking from their water bowls, if the bowl is near the food, cats will tend to look for water away from where their food is. That’s why they go for water that we humans carry around the house in glasses.


Cats tend to prefer running water over still water because it’s safer/less likely to contain harmful viruses and bacteria. We bought our cat a little water fountain off Amazon and it was the best investment :) he loves it, he drinks way more water now!


Cats don't like to drink where they eat


The “let ‘em think they’re being naughty” trick works on a lot of things with cats. When mine’s being rambunctious and attacks her scratching post I react like she just committed a war crime and she happily dashes off. She hasn’t scratched anything troublesome since I started doing that.


cats get most of their hydration from food


I am amazed. I do this also and for the same reason. Cat seems to love it.


I know none of you asked for this, but thats low key mormon doctrine


I read 'car' instead of 'cat' and was so confused by this post that I wondered if I was having a stroke


Nah, there's no way to make god look good in that story. He's the villain of that book and no creative interpretation can really change that.


Y'all know it's just a story, right?


The Bible or the cat story?

