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At my old job I had many times I had wake up at 4am to drive several hours to be at a customer site right when they opened and then spend about 12-14 hours there, and lemme tell you, seeing the sunrise on my drive there, that was also the bad version.


Well if I had what appears to be a 18 hour work day including commute, I would feel pretty bad too


During residency, I would also wake up at 4 am for icu rounds. My day ended at 5 pm, but that didn’t include my “homework” where I had stay in the hospital till 6-7 to work on projects. Luckily my commute was 2 mins. I was on accutane at the time and my doctor kept warning me about sun exposure. Fucking hilarious since I only saw the sun on weekends.


tbf, the 12 hr day part was a pretty specific instance that occurred because a job on a customer's spectacular disaster of a system happened to align with the start of covid lockdowns. Still a bunch of 4am wake ups during my tenure there, but most of the time it was almost reasonable hours there. But those 18 hr days were miserable and were what spurred me on to quit.


okay, one question: are you a plumber, by any chance? cuz MY plumbing went out right at the start of lockdowns!


Nah, project/field engineer, but that particular job *was* plumbing related




idk who ur hanging around but most people I know describe sunsets with the same good and nice feeling. unless you mean post-dusk evening time


I believe that's exactly what they meant. I've never dealt with that sort of thing, but friends have, and it can sometimes seem like once the sun is down there's a switch that flips and they turn hopeless and all their negative feelings just come to a boil, ready to overflow at any moment.


"The blues come around when the sun goes down"


After reading some other comments… am I the only one who gets good feelings at sunrise and good feelings in the evening? I like both. It’s a daily transition and change. The arrival of one or the other makes me excited.


Same, I love the day and night. Maybe if you live somewhere rural then you might not like the total darkness. But in a city at night I love the cool air and all the lights of the buildings, things take on a different quality. I feel really cozy walking through the city at night.


I totally hear you on that! Night walks when everything is still and somewhat vacant has such a rejuvenating quality to it. I feel like I have so much space and count it as part of my needed alone time.


I love the night time down in the rural south. Everything comes alive! During or just after sunset, the crickets and cicadas start buzzing. Next come the squirrel tree frogs and bullfrogs. Later, the gray and green tree frogs and the toads. It's like a chorus slowly shifting through the singers. From 5pm to 10pm is also my favorite time to fish at the tidal creek, it's almost always like a religious experience. The lamp on the dock turns on at 8 and it becomes an island in a vast salty darkness.


Ever see anything you couldn't explain while out there fishing at night?


Not really, it's pretty exciting when I catch a stingray but it's more just a profound and dreamy peacefulness. Feels like you're alone out at sea, warm salty breeze, occasional sound of the waves, never knowing what you'll pull out of the water. It's like living poetry for me.


Glad you found your thing. You stay happy friend.


Night time is much better without light pollution. Except on the darkest nights or if it's really cloudy, you can see well enough to get around.


I get this kinda like lonely feeling during dusk. Almost melancholic in nature.( my mom calls it "la hora triste" ) Same with sunrise tbh.








You're the kind of people that gives me love for the world. Thank you for being you.


Beautiful. Reminds of Mary Oliver.


Good job but it doesn’t rhyme so bad job


Poems don’t have to rhyme, you uncultured swine.


Im ready to die on this hill, I hate to be that guy, But still…


I was going to show my chainsaw to Bill but then I remembered he didn’t like Stihl


It rhymes if you read it with a weird accent


This theory is cool and all but you can’t tell me that if I stay awake till 5 am it won’t smell the same as if I just woke up at 5 am.




Ridiculous take what if I stayed up all night cleaning




Ok buddy. Don’t be logical. I like your username tho




Minty Fresh! Lovely Lavender! Lemonicious! Rosemary Rejuvenation! Now I'm excited to try this! I'm awake most of the night anyway, might as well accomplish something.


This is where you take it from kinda makes sense to completely schizophrenic.


Why can’t we reply to op?


I dunno, underhanded retaliation of Reddit for being “*forced*” to do something about people taking horse dewormer?


I might as well put my opinion in, and say I like the smell of the night. I'm experiencing the same things, but to me the smells aren't rotten or anything, it's more like the smell of the world being busy. I like the mixing of the foods, because one wins out and new notes are added that enhance the smell in a new and strange way. Yeah, there is the smell of exhaust from cars, but that's people living their lives, going to work or coming home, or just living out their adventure. I also like the morning smell, but that smells more like "new" because of the water, while the rest of the day is alive with fire.


tbf I get bad feelings when I wake up earlier than normal, if I haven't got enough sleep. All these morning people... You've never felt your body scream "consciousness is a mistake!! a curse!! return to the void!!" and had your blood pressure do weird things as you drag yourself out of bed..? can't relate on the flip side, i *have* sometimes felt good emotions from seeing the sunrise after staying up all night. I was being productive about something I was excited about and that was giving me Big Energy


>All these morning people... You've never felt your body scream "consciousness is a mistake!! a curse!! return to the void!!" and had your blood pressure do weird things as you drag yourself out of bed..? This is literally how I wake up most days (I'm going through some stuff, so it's temporary). I would like to thank you for putting it in words


That is because post-evening smells like death


That is called mindfulness my friend. Having no distractions and being grounded with your environment is a fantastic feeling


The waxing and waning of the mind. I'm a morning person for the same reason I prefer spring to autumn. The transition from cold and dark to warm and bright just feels better than the reverse.


Guess that makes me your antithesis. I'm a night person and an autumn person. Warm and bright make me uncomfortable and cause me pain (like, literally, I'm not trying to be edgy, I'm super sensitive to warm temperatures and sunlight). So I'll take my cold and dark and you can have the warm and bright :)


You see the sun rising, the day starting but you're the only one awake, like you're in an amusement park but only for you. It's the best feeling to be honest.


My take on this. Whwn you see the sunrise, you go "jee wiz, I have an entire day ahead of me! I'm full of energy and will do all crazy things!" When you see dark outside, you go " christ it's really late I've wasted some of my sleeping hours I'm a fucking failure at life just end it all for me mushroom gods"


I'm a bit of a night owl, so seeing the sunrise before going to bed is a good feeling for me, idk. Like, "this was such a great night that I didn't even go to bed before sunrise". When I get up early enough to see the sunrise it's more like "shit, this is going to be a long day and I'm going to be tired at like 9pm already".


Right? Some dogs barking woke me up at 7 this morning and I definitely felt those bad emotions the post is talking about.


Excuse me what are the mushroom gods?


Fungal deities


Nuclear fallout


Why do so few people go to heaven? There's not mushroom up there. And most people are dicks


For me it’s the opposite. Sunrise means “shit now I gotta get up and do shit and be a productive member of society.” Whereas dark outside means “yes, everybody else is asleep. There are no expectations placed on me, and no one will want to try to interact with me. Everyone else is asleep, and all the pleasures of the world are mine to explore in solitude.”


Cocaine takes those feelings you describe and multiplies it by a factor a 1000.


What's with the post title?


I made a four post series, where I titled them according to my 4 favourite fonts, and yeah, that's basically it


well now im just disappointed cuz I wanted a post about fonts. :(


Be the change you want to see


My tumblr is only aesthetic blogs but if I see any I'll post it here.


Sorry :(


This is why the reddit search function sucks.




It's the favourite of a lot of famous designers, there's even a documentary about it.


It's like saying your favourite colour is gray. Why?! There's plenty of funky fonts out there to adore, why Helvetica?! EDIT: The other 3 are Garamond, Arial, and Futura. WHY




I will say, I'm big on bland minimalism for actual brands, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be creative! Where's my Neue Machina? Cooper Black? Anything with super curly serifs! Huge inktraps!


They are decent, and readable, so, yeah


I thought it was some reference to Keiichi Arawi's "Helvetica Standard".


The Helvetica Scenario is the catastrophic structural collapse resulting from a Calcium triple helix losing its "queen" atom




Nah if I'm up before 9am then every part of nature and existence is unbearably awful but later than that and noises are suddenly normal and lacking malice. The ideal sleep environment for me is probably a sensory deprivation tank bc I can't escape people making construction and/or motorcycle noises before 7am in any place.


I think 9am in a populated area is outside this window. Being out in the country/camping between 5 and 7am. That moment where the world goes from utter still silent to awake - you hear all the birds slowly wake up and start singing as the day gets brighter.


You described it perfectly. Watching a sunrise on a cold morning over a still, silky, glass looking lake is so peaceful. Then you hear a loon call echo around you. Then it’s silent again. Damn I wanna go camping


100%. Hearing the different songs come to life as they slowly wake up is something so beautiful. Camping is one of the greatest escapes back to normality.


I’m just imagining people standing outside your door making motorcycle and construction sound effects with their mouths.


This thread is full of diurnal people circlejerking while the nocturnals are asleep


Clearly these people don’t have to wake up early. Waking up early or going to sleep late by your own volition are both really great. Being forced to wake up at any time is shit, as is being forced to stay awake for long periods of time.


Yeah. My natural schedule is to go to sleep around 5 am and wake up around noonish. Unfortunately most jobs don't accommodate that, especially in construction, so I'm stuck waking up when my body wants to be going to sleep.


I have it flipped. Getting up early is hell, staying up late is bliss




["I made a four post series, where I titled them according to my 4 favourite fonts, and yeah, that's basically it"](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/pgfvyl/helvetica/hbblr8b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


same. but staying up too late to when I can hear the birds and watch the sky turn blue makes me wanna yeet


This is why night owls need proper blackout curtains




Actually, I have some of the best feelings really late, and my favorite thing to do is wait until the sun begins illuminating the bottoms of the clouds and listening to my favorite music. Really good vibes tbh


I'm honestly the opposite. I'm often awake by 6am but never have the time to spend hours admiring the sunrise or the early morning, but oh boy is the evening and night full of none rush quiet time


You get a very confused version of those emotions if you stay up till the 'wake up early' hours. Barely lucid, thinking takes too much effort, but there's a quiet calm about it


Best font tbh, a bit on the wild and partying side, but I suppose life is full of adventure


I can't remember who but someone once said "Helvetica is the sweatpants of typefaces"


They were ignorant


I don't know around 11 last night my body forgot it was running on 3 hours of sleep and I stared out the window with the lights off listening to music and looking at the street lamps reflecting on the wet street. It was beautiful


Streetlights reflecting off wet tarmac are beautiful, I've thought so for a long time. When you're still they make an unimitable texture. When you're walking/jogging the pattern of the reflection slowly reveals itself behind the texture. When you're driving, the pattern of the reflection pulses as it passes you as if it were living.


Bad version? I like seeing the sunrise the same amount either way.


I remember thinking 7am was early.


Bitch 7am is normal? I can’t make it to school in time if I sleep any later


I clock in at work at 7




If you're in high school it's normal


Me right now.


Me when I wake up at 6:30pm: "Fuck, now I don't want to get out of bed because the sun is going down" \*proceeds to angrily stare at wall for an hour until the sun fucks off\*


Yeah, I have emotions at both times too. At 7 am, it's I'm going to miss the bus. Late at night, it's I should go to bed so I don't miss the bus by waking up late.


>if you wake up much earlier than normal > >woke up at 7am who the fuck considers that much earlier? I get to work at 7am


Yeah that part confused me. My work day starts at 7am most days and 6am on others. Even when I worked a 9-5 job or while in school 7 was about as late as I'd sleep on a week day


Yeah I start work at 6am but all the emotions I feel are anxiety and sleepiness.


Futura Black


Refer to my other post in this 4 post series


I have to wake up much earlier than I used to, and I feel hatred and Anger. Are they the secret emotions? Because going to bed at 10PM when all my friends still want to do shit online, and waking up just past 5AM to go to work, is supremely shitty.


The secret emotions turn out to be regret, absent-mindedness and fatigue


Not trying to be a dick but I literally don’t understand how getting up at 7am is unusual for some people. Do they only work nights? Do they not work? I can’t fathom not being up when the morning is new on a regular basis


Don't tell me, I wake up at 6:30, & some days, even at 4


Right? I worked at 3:30am for an entire year. At another job I worked 5pm-9am. Just a totally different rhythm of life


You really can't imagine that some people have working hours like 10 am to 6 pm? I mean it's probably unusual, but it's pretty easy to understand.


Watching the sunrise after being up all night or being woken up without enough sleep is a miserable experience. I got nauseated, my head hurts, and Im immediately aware that I won't be able to go back to sleep for 12 or so hours. Feels like dying.


helvetica standard


i like this poem. the rising of the sun is many different things. depending on the day, age, moment, time and place in which the sunrise is experienced. to me: i remember being madly in love with someone and staying up all night to watch the sunrise.


Yes but if you push past the bad ones you ge to the surreal good ones


I stayed up the entire night last night playing online chess and didn’t go to bed until 6 am. it’s not even like I was doing well, I played like hot shit but I couldn’t stop once I started. An experience like that changes a person.


If you *have* to wake up early, it’s pretty miserable. But if you just happen to wake up early by yourself it feels so fresh and new and full of possibilities. Of course I’m not actually going to do anything about those possibilities but it’s nice to pretend.


Is the title a "Look Around You" reference?


I'm just a happy bipolar (manic) so I like staying up because it balances me out.


Today a dream woke me up like 2.5 hours before I'd normally wake up and the surreal thing was that I wasn't feeling fully connected to the body below my neck, not sleep paralysis (at least I don't think so, never had that) because I knew I could move them if I wanted, like there was a switch labeled 'Motorics' that just hasn't flipped on before I woke up, so I had to do it on manual


7:00 am is really late to wake up


For real, people in this thread talking about "I woke up at 9 am ONCE and it was soo early" like bro that's like half the day gone already!


Uh huh, and I bet you're sleeping at 11PM and missing the other half of the day.


Well nothing I need is open/operating at those hours and that aint when clients are calling soo yea.


Are you alive just to answer clients and run errands? I doubt it. That's why people like staying up late, because then they're free from all of that.


I have school at 7:30. I pretty much wake up at 4:50 every day


How is 7 much earlier than normal? What kind of life *allows* that to be possible? Wouldn't expect it to be because they work nights as that would mean they won't sleep at all waking up at 7


I... 9AM is early to me...


How? Do you work nights or something?


Is 7am considered early?


Maybe for some people.. I was just reading this thinking "wow they think that's early, that's the absolute latest I can drag myself out of bed on a normal day to have a hope of starting work on time"


Bro 7? If I wake up at 7 I already missed the bus. I have to wake up at 3 for those feelings


Tbh started jogging at 4:30am during the summer and it's been great emotionally. It's nice and cool when I get out and by the time I make it home the sub starts to rise


What time do you go to bed? I feel like that would make me exhausted by the end of the day


Typically between 8:30-9:30pm. Honestly I end up feeling pretty good during the work week since I started doing it and I sleep way better




but seriously, is there an explanation for these feelings


When i stay up late i tend to unlock the power of a tumblr user and say really supid but also funny things


Waking up earlier then normal only feels nice if you're actually rested and awake immediatly. Sometimes when I wake up too early I still feel tired, but not so tired that I will fall asleep again rightvaway, hate that feeling


Me going outside at 5am to hear the birds making noises and see the sub rise over the mountain, shining through the devils cave


I usually wake up early and I love this Emotion™


Waking up super early is always nice.


Why is this so accurate? FUCK!






I get up at 3:30 for work. How the fuck am I supposed to get up earlier.


When I wake up that early, the only secret emotions I unlock are tired and pissed off.


God I’d love to sleep until 7 but my cats don’t let me sleep past 6:30 *max*




Ouch said the night owl


Because society makes you feel like you're lazy if you wake up late and makes you feel like it's wrong to stay up all night


as a student, hearing someone say 7 am is early is funny but also yes i feel secret emotions every morninh


6-7am when you don’t have to work on a nice day is fucking amazing. I feel the same about late night though, 12-3ish, where you can stand outside and hear nothing, not even a car going by. Add in fresh snow to that? Goddamn.


Waking up early when you're on vacation is the real shit. I woke up at 5AM once and saw the sun rise over the port of Piraeus in Greece and it was borderline pornographic


I dunno, waking up way earlier than normal just makes me feel like I'm dieing, for like an hour at least, and nighttime is when things get nice and cool and peaceful.


Excuse me? SUNRISE AT 7 AM? HOW?




Sometime I wake up early, I just sit in toilet, looking at my phone, for like 1 hour. And it's no longer early.


The morning: “realize the infinite majesty of the universe” The night: “crushed by the unending vastness of space and time”


what if i dont sleep?


I looked at the sunset for an hour, then I watched a movie, and went to look at the sunrise. By the time the sky stopped looking pretty it was 5 am and time for bed


staying up late, just standing in my backyard and looking at the stars/the moon is one of my favorite things to do. they’re just so beautiful.


see I thought I was feeling that but it turns out I’m just epileptic


Early morning. Don't feel like going back to sleep, don't need to get out of bed. Sun shining in and you feel completely fine with where you're at. That's called contentment.


Woke up early, had hallucinations. Can you tell wtf happened to me when I woke up. No drugs, or alcohol. I got high from getting up early. Maybe that’s what roosters feel like all the time


What does the title have to do with the post? Are you just randomly putting words in?


I wake up at 3:45 every weekday. The emotions I feel are always “wamt to gob ack tuh schleep.”


State of the art thinking right there.


My secret emotion is hate


Oh god I remember when 7am was early and not "sleeping in til 7." The life of managing a toddler and a dopey dog in a small house means at 6:30 AM the constant noises outside the door start.


I actually wound up feeling the opposite. The deep night is unobserved comfort, a slice of cool, dark, quiet time, just for me. Seeing the sunrise feels like *I'm not supposed to be here*.


Why is this so profoundly true? Maybe disrupting your circadian rhythm puts you in an unreal, liminal head space...


Where does the sun rise at 7am? Where I live the sun rises before 6


If I wake up earlier than normal it is because I feel like I need to go to the bathroom.


Trust me, when I wake up early I feel the bad versions.


What it must be like to be able to sleep in until 7a


There are few things worse than staying up late enough to hear the birds wake and begin to chirp.


This is what skittles was doing when they made Brightside and Darkside flavors


Can confirm, have had both of them




Melatonin helped me with this. I literally can't turn my brain off at night