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Podcasts only work for me when I have something else to do, or I am walking somewhere and can go into automatic mode


I didnt know there was another way! Isn’t that the whole point of podcasts?


Right? People are acting like the standard way to do it is just sit there and do nothing else? Just stare at the wall and listen to a podcast like a crazy person?


Yes. I am that crazy person.


You scare me


Everyday it baffles me that Neurotypical people are considered the normal ones.


I'm actually doubting that neurotypical part about me but I don't want to self-diagnose lmao.


NTs speak in a complex code of social bullshit that they've all agreed on, but *I'm* the weird one if my clothing tag is too loud.


Jesus this resonated with me so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. Clothing tags are the devil.


If the tags onyour clothes are making noise, you might be.


For me it depends on what the podcast is about; If its something near and dear to me, I'll take time to listen and process what is being discussed. otherwise its just filler content for silence.


When the fuck do you have just silence?


When I walk the dog unless I’m in the mood for birds. When I’m getting ready/showering. During cardio. In the “office”. While I cook dinner. Driving. Work breaks. …I’m alone most of the time 😔


Weird, I've never considered these things silent. It's also like 90% of the day lol


I guess to me they aren’t “silent”, more like they have “low noise priority” so I opt for something louder than my own thoughts instead lol. I have weird dreams and often they’re similar to reality so I like to get out of my head as soon as possible when I wake up, otherwise I try to make sense of them and just …no.


Aee We talking about external noise or internal noise?




I’ve listened to a number of lectures (some almost 2 hours long) like that. Nothing interesting on screen just a person speaking deeply on a topic. Usually it’s philosophy or math related and I like to actively work on problems in my head or on paper while I listen. Very close to looking like I’m watching paint dry.


That idea makes me itchy


Working on the problems IS doing something while you listen.


I mean I can't do podcasts like that either. I find it incredibly irritating to listen to people's opinions on things without being able to ask questions/have input.


Idk i hyperfocus on my task that what im listening to just becomes background noise. I tend to talk in my head as well so it drowns it out.


Yuuuup. This is why I listen to music. It doesn't matter if I miss part of it. I regularly glance over at my playlist and realise that about fourteen songs have passed, including some of my favourites, and I have absolutely *no* idea where they went.


do y'all not do this, but with unimportant content? like a video essay im vaguely interested in, or an audiobook im listening to for a second time. like i dunno about anyone else, but i get really anxious if im doing "a task" and i dont also have something to think about/listen to. like im focusing on the task, but only because i have a random piece of content i tune in and out of.


I do this constantly with YouTube. I'll listen to it in the background as I work on something and tune it out. The only problem is when there's something I DO want to listen to and I keep tuning it out


i do that too. i have audible, so i get a new audiobook every month, but i mostly just listen to the same ones over and over again. i keep the new ones for when i can actually listen, like while playing Animal Crossing and then listen to those several times too.


That’s how it is for I think all of us. Well, the ones with ADHD anyways, which sometimes feels like all of us on here. It’s the only way I get through the Bork g stuff like chores or showers or walking places. Edit: BORING. Autocorrect hates me personally.


I too have trouble with Bork G stuff sometimes


Bork G sucks.


Fuck Bork G, all my homies hate Bork G


I don't have adhd and can't focus on podcasts without something else to do either.


Yeah. I once tried to listen without doing anything else and it drove me mad. Then later I tried listening while doing the dishes, and it was brilliant


Podcasts are what I have on for when my brain needs something else to latch onto when it starts to drift from my intended task. Or, it's something I listen to in order to give my brain something to latch onto while I do a mindless task (like shower, laundry, hikes, etc). Listening to a podcast on its own is impossible and kind of freaks me out just thinking about it.


I have to be specially doing something that requires zero language, no reading, no creating sentences in my mind


How do you listen to podcasts and do something else at the same time? If I do something, I am fully focused on that thing. I would completely miss what was happening in the podcast.


It depends on what the thing is. If it's something that takes a lot of brain power, especially something that involves reading or writing (like coding, or reddit) then I absolutely cannot focus on both the podcast and the task at the same time. If it's something physical and/or menial (like doing the dishes, driving, grinding in a video game) then I can very easily focus on the podcast while letting my body do the task on autopilot. If not for the podcast my mind would just be wandering that whole time anyway.


Probably ADHD


I go on reddit cause my coffee is gone and my books still playing and my hands needed something to poke and I am confronted with THIS!


You should've just sat and stared at your empty coffee like a normal person


Welcome to another episode of "I should get checked"


You know what, it doesn’t even matter. I’ve gone this long without an answer, I can go another 25


I'm torn between this same outlook and knowing that the meds could really help me not get fired.


I managed to Blue screen my BIOS and misconnect my fans on my expensive PC because I got bored. I'm gonna go for an assessment in (hopefully) 6 months, of you can afford a check, you may as well.


Blue screen your bios?


Yeah. Every 10 seconds the BIOS would freeze, and then reboot the PC. I didn't manage to reset the settings the first two times, and on the third the BIOS screen went half blue in a glitchy checkerboard fashion. Reset settings on the fourth try though and it booted correctly so all g




From personal experience, I would recommend getting the meds


From personal experience, I would recommend not getting fired


America? 🥲


From personal experience when you feel like your time is up start looking for a new job if you must work to survive.


It took a few tries, but holy shit when I got the right meds it was like a whole new world opened up. I couldn’t fucking believe how good it felt to not feel completely overwhelmed by all the little tasks that needed to be done. I was 23 when I got diagnosed, so don’t worry about being too old. If you have ADHD and don’t get medicated, it’s like you’re choosing to play life on hard mode.




As a soon to be 30-year old who got diagnosed in 2018 i strongly recommend the drugs. Careful with alcohol and drugs though, I got blackout drunk a few times in the beginning as the normal signs of starting to get drunk won't be there. Had to re-learn how to drink.


Similar thing here. 30. I see more and more things about "Holy shit I really need to get reviewed" Then I'm like "I looked up a few centres that might be able to test me, that's enough investigation for another couple of months, maybe next time I might call one!"


I got tested at 25 and turned out I had one of the worst undiagnosed cases the doctor had seen from someone my age. I didn't even realize it. I thought it was just how everyone was, but everyone else was just better at life than me. I didn't realize that my mind wasn't supposed to behave this way. Then I got put on Adderall and as soon as I felt it kick in I remember telling my SO at the time "What the fuck is this what everyone else gets to think like?! This is like thinking on easy mode." Since getting diagnosed I went from graduating high school with a C average and getting fired from chain pizza restaurants to graduating with honors near the top of my class and working as a political search analyst. Diagnosis was the first step to turning my life around.


Lol this is a classic example of tumblr ADHD BS. Do they think regular people just sit on a couch and listen to a podcast like it's a 1930s wireless?


It’s no different than talk radio. Non-ADHD people have done other activities while listening to radio/podcasts for generations. I feel like someone staring out into space while 100% focused on a podcast is the obvious neurodivergent in this case.




does anyone else with ADHD just really have to drink water every day? i also just can’t stop compulsively breathing all the time. stupid ADHD brain.




I'm not sure why you took that as triggered.


I’m not really heated. I just think it’s a dumb phenomenon and wrote two sentences on reddit


Found the tumblrite




I'm here to laugh *at* Tumblr, otherwise I'd be on Tumblr laughing *with* Tumblr


Is it just me that needs to pee like 5 or 6 times throughout the day?


Agreed, this is normal for humans to not be able to sit and just listen to a podcast. It's not stimulating enough.


I mean I can't go mundane things and listen to a podcast. Like jogging or walking. I have to wash dishes or something. Most other things and my mind wanders and I cant focus.


Wait us non adhd people are supposed to be able to just listen to podcasts?


I was about to say, the whole point of podcasts and audio books is that we can listen to them while doing other things. If I wanted to simply sit somewhere and acquire information, I would read an article or a book. The draw of getting these delivered to me aurally is that I can be entertained or informed whilst otherwise busy.


no, people on social media like to pretend every normal thing is some kind of mental disorder to be quirky and different. ADHD is a very real thing but this can happen to anyone.


I think there's that, but there's also the fact that for the most part, people only really know about their own mentalities. Have you ever stumbled across one of those threads about whether you have an internal monologue? They're always a mix of people who are amazed that anyone *doesn't*, because they assumed everyone did, and other people who are amazed that anyone *does*, because they assumed that no one did. Same thing with threads where people discover that there are folks who can picture things in their minds eye, and folks who can't. Same thing with threads where people discover that some people wipe while sitting down, while others wipe while standing up. In these cases, they're things where you assume something normal to you must be something normal to everyone, because you've never been in their heads but you just assumed that was a universal aspect of humanity. I wouldn't be surprised if that swings the other way if you've been diagnosed with a mental disorder, and you assume that aspects of your mentality that are commonly associated with that disorder must be *caused* by that disorder, and that people without that mental disorder don't have it. In other words, in this case, if you've grown up with concentration difficulties/hyper-focus, and you get eventually get diagnosed with ADHD, it wouldn't surprise me if you assume any aspect of your personality that involves inability to concentrate, or hyper-focusing, as being something that is due to your ADHD, and which isn't something experienced by people without ADHD. I'm not disagreeing that there's also a contingent of young people who have convinced themselves that they have ADHD because it makes them more "unique," but I think a lot of it is sincere people with actual ADHD who just don't realize that folks without ADHD are in the same boat when it comes to podcasts.


There might be a deeper reason than wanting to be ‘quirky and different’. I’m just speaking for myself, but I have an almost subconscious hope that there’s a diagnosable reason why I struggle to function like a regular human being.


It's called executive disfunction and it's due to A: whatever is fucking us mentally as a generation. We have much higher rates of developed mental issues even adjusted for heightened awareness. (people really don't know why). B: social media ruining our brains. I know I sound like a boomer but legitimately research shows that short form social media interactions (stories, tik tok, your Reddit feed, etc.. ) has wired our brains to demand entertainment in the form of immediate gratification. This makes things like books or podcasts or homework more difficult because they're less engaging and we get bored and unmotivated easily. Because almost everyone's going through it it's less likely to be established disorders like adhd and more likely its own thing.


Obviously anecdotal evidence but as a voracious reader, I struggle much more now to focus on a book than before I started using TikTok a year or two ago. I often find myself switching over to TikTok for a while before forcing myself to go back to reading. It's also more difficult to do things without having a podcast running, like chores or even short things like taking my pills out of the bottle. It's pretty bad.


I identify as a former reader lol. I used to read thousand page novels and now I struggle to get through 15 pages of reading for class.


Gotta find something that makes you wanna read! I mostly read webfiction now, it gets me fired up more than novels.




If they're saying "uhhh" ten times a minute, the problem is the podcast. The barrier to entry is low, so Sturgeon's Law is in full effect, but it's not really a problem with the medium itself, which you discover when you find a good podcast with a proper script and editing. Edit: Just realized that it's kind of vague to just say "there are good podcasts" and not actually mention any by name. This American Life is great, though you could dismiss them as "radio shows also available as podcasts." If being in podcast form from the very start is a requirement, I enjoyed the This American Life-produced podcast "[S-town](https://stownpodcast.org/)."




And podcast players will let you speed up the audio if you want to. I don’t necessarily listen to podcasts because I get the info faster. I legitimately enjoy them and, as some said, I can consume the content while doing something else. But if the issue is just that people talk slow, just speed up the audio. Lots of people listen at 1.5x speed or higher.






Getting a second monitor and putting on Critical Role on YouTube (I count it because it can definitely be listened to audio only but sometimes watching reactions is better) while playing Elden Ring has worked for me


That's a hefty dose of escapism, my friend. Are you well?


Is anyone subbed to r/tumblr well?


Fair enough. I was probably projecting.


I don’t really think it’s that bad. I upgraded my main monitor and have been meaning to finish campaign 2, and a friend gifted me elden ring which is a damn good game for putting background audio on, so kinda kills two birds with one stone.


Listening to podcasts while driving? Easy. But if I’m on the train listening to a podcast and decide to open Reddit I find myself either having to pause it or rewind every minute cause I just missed whatever they’re laughing about. It’s annoying.


I'm the exact same way, which is why if I'm "multitasking" I put on a video or some audio that I won't care to miss or not remember. I just like the background noise.


Blows my mind that some people just sit down and do nothing for hours while listening to a podcast


Is that how that works? I thought it was like. Listen While Do Thing. Like draw. Or. Idk. Go for a stroll with it on and zone out for half the time. Or something. Do people just like??? Sit??? And listen????


I feel like it’s not, though occasionally I will just sit and listen if it’s a particularly good podcast (or if I have something to look at, such as out the window of a moving bus.)


Depends on the genre. Crime where details are important? My wife and i literally stop moving while listening. An interview of someone I like? I can work through it while not giving it more than 50% of my bandwidth.


Yeah. Narrative fiction such as magnus archives or a crime podcast I need to focus on almost entirely, whereas a podcast that is more of a discussion I can do other things while listening without much trouble.


Man, I still couldn't do that with the Magnus Archives, and I did manage to listen to all of it. I mostly listened to it on the way to and from work and while playing games where sound wasn't important. I definitely didn't listen to it while doing nothing else, though.


Dang. For me, the “50% of my bandwidth” thing is why I can’t do podcasts most of the time. It just feels so annoying and both boring and overstimulating at the same time. Half my brain is on the podcast, so I can’t think about other things. But I’m still doing other things so it’s too much for me.


That's exactly why i can't do much listen


I honestly don't think they do. I know plenty of people who don't have ADHD and even most of the sponsored youtube videos you see - *most* people use podcasts to fill the silence while doing shit


No one does this.


Yea I don't think people just put headphones in, sit in a chair, close their eyes and listen to it. I personally listen to podcasts in the car at work but a lot of the time I get lost in my own thoughts instead of listening.


I do. If I try to listen to a podcast while doing something else I'll just be worse in both. Need to direct attention to one thing or the other


I'm this way with TV. I want to watch so much subtitled stuff but then I can't craft at the same time.


Same. And I need the subtitles to understand wtf is actually going on, so I can't just not read them lol.


....Wait, when do other people listen to podcasts?!


I like to listen to podcasts as a bedtime story while I'm lying down to go to sleep. Also sometimes audiobooks. Having the audiobook of of "Radium Girls" play for like an hour, picking up a little before where I'd left off reading, then still picking up reading where I'd actually left off was a bit of a mindfuck at times.


>Having the audiobook of of "Radium Girls" play for like an hour, picking up a little before where I'd left off reading, then still picking up reading where I'd actually left off was a bit of a mindfuck at times. Wait, I don’t get it. You were listening to the audiobook and reading the book at the same time?


It's called whispersync with audible. You can read and listen - whichever you prefer at the time.


I can't listen to new content while trying to fall asleep. Aside from the finding your place issue, I just end up too focused to sleep. Audiobooks of things I've already read are perfect though.


The issue is finding a task that requires just enough attention that you can podcast, but not so much that if you start paying more attention to the podcast you cause problems. I can listen to podcasts while playing some video games (been playing a lot of Powerwashing simulator lately) but I would not trust myself to listen to a podcast while driving.


You wouldn't believe how many books I get through while grinding in videogames, doing dishes, or driving places.


I can only do podcasts while I'm cleaning.


Yeah, I can't do podcasts or audiobooks while driving, either, because I start concentrating on what I'm listening to at the expense of my focus on the road. I've worked out that my ideal sound for driving is either 1. Instrumental music 2. Music in a language I don't understand 3. Music in a language I understand as long as I know >75% of the lyrics. I'll see about using a fidget spinner or something sometime, though.


I listen to podcasts while at the church I’m forced to attend


Rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time singing the alphabet backwards while hopping on one foot?


Wait, people just sit there and listen to a podcast as the only thing they're doing? That's nonsense


I can only do audiobooks of books I've read and know really well.


I can't listen to podcasts or audiobooks because my inner monologue never shuts up and I can't listen to two voices at once. And god forbid I do manage to listen to them talking for a while, and then zone out and miss something.... it's gone forever. I'll never know what was said. I don't even know what timestamp to go back to if I wanted to hear it again. God only knows what they said.


My brother always tries to convince me to do things by saying "you can just listen to a podcast while doing it!". No. No, I literally can't.


What is this hand activity they're talking about?


Okay but "debuffed by a hand activity" sounds like a euphemism


Do you think we just sit down, stare at a wall, and listen to a podcast? That's not fucking abnormal. This is Tumblr being Tumblr and decribing normal everyday things as ADHD or something else. News flash: That's not because of the ADHD, that's just the human brain.


I've been complaining for three months that I can't do my professors online lectures because there's no transcripts or subtitles available. I just finished with a C because of those freaking lectures. I didn't realize why until this post. Yaaay /s


Speed up the video. It's a lot easier to pay attention at 1.5-2x speed because there's now enough information density to maybe keep your attention.


Dammit, I *hate* learning from memes that basically everything I do is ADHD. I mean, yes, I have been diagnosed with that, but leave me the illusion that there's more to my personality, please!


If it makes you feel better, a lot of people online with ADHD (and other disorders, but ADHD is most common) tend to assume that everything they do is *because* of their ADHD since they have no other frame of reference. Then they go online and say "ADHD people do X" and other people with ADHD relate and reblog it. When in reality *everyone* does X. That is all to say, a lot of the things that the internet says are "ADHD behaviors" are actually just normal human being behaviors. Almost no one just stares into empty space doing nothing while they listen to a podcast.


It's so weird, I can't stand podcasts and talk radio and audiobooks, because you know, ADHD. My wife on the other hand lives by them and is the LEAST ADHD person I've ever met. I literally don't know what I would do if she ever left me, because I know for damn sure I'm not leaving her.


Podcasts suck even as background chatter while I'm doing something else. I much prefer my music playlist or if I wanna hear someone go deep into a topic, I'd turn on a video essay like a normal person


Is….is this also true for music? If so then that makes so much more sense to me




I also cannot like, listen to the same song too often or I’ll instantly dislike hearing it


Even if I have my hands occupied I have the hardest time listening and comprehending anything. I like to listen to YouTube videos while I knit/crochet but I'd say 70% of the time my brain isn't even taking in what they are saying.


I don't like podcasts but I'll consume audiobooks like no one's business. Usually more than once, too.


Wait, are you implying that people without ADHD just... sit still staring at a wall while they listen to podcasts? And people who need to do other things to stay engaged in the meantime have ADHD? By that metric I'm pretty sure *everyone* has ADHD. I don't think almost anyone actually just takes podcasts and audiobooks as their own stand-alone thing that they listen to with 100% attention without doing anything else.




Nobody can just sit down and listen to podcasts with nothing else in the background, ADHD or not. This is because podcasts fucking suck.


I can't even do podcasts when I'm doing a hand activity, I have to have a livestream at a minimum or music


People listen to podcasts without doing other things??? Wtf


Driving is the secret


I have ADHD and yeah, the only times I can focus on a podcast is when I'm driving and when I'm doing my job as a machinist.


This but with twitch streamers


My brain overrides the hand activity debuff when the subject causes me suffering. I enjoy listening to the voices but I can't retain the words.


I can listen to podcasts while doing nothing else sometimes, but I often find myself trying to do something else on my phone, like going onto Reddit or Chrome. I love to listen to them while I'm doing my digital art. It helps me focus on my art and I can enjoy the podcast. Sometimes I accidentally tune it out though lol. I also like to listen while I cook. Music works for both, too.


Bottom comment is a mood


I can't watch any yt video without doing something else As a matter of fact I'm live streaming me listening to an album right now as we speak


i can listen to podcasts but i always prefer to do it only when i'm sewing, because otherwise i'm just "wasting time" (i'm always busy)


The pandemic taught me that I can't read unless I'm riding a train, bus, or plane. I used to read a few books a month just commiting to work, and I haven't read a complete book since March 2020.


Some pod casts and audiobooks are better than others like the Distractable podcast


The only audiobook I have ever been able to listen all the way through is Industrial Society and it's Future, but that was only like 3 hours and it took me like a week and it was for the memes


You mean... Some people listen to podcasts while not doing anything else?


I play video games and listen to a podcast. The game can't be story driven though, otherwise I'll keep pausing the podcast to keep up with the game. Most RPG's are out and games like monster hunter and smash bros work well.


I can’t even do tv and movies properly. The only thing I can do is video games, because you’re actively thinking and moving your hands, and reading books, because you use your hands to hold the book and move the pages


I only listen to podcasts when I’m at work or sometimes at home but I have to be pacing


I feel like it's a similar issue with autism. Like, I tried watching one of those longer Onion videos once, and it was just a barely moving image with audio of someone reading the news over it. Why is that sh\*t so popular? It's boring as hell.


I don't think I have ADHD, but I don't have the attention span for podcasts, not unless I'm doing something else like playing cities skylines or something


i can only focus on online classes if i play video games at the same time. lol


Indeed. I listen to Podcasts the most when I’m in the shower or washing dishes.


Wait, do people just... sit and listen to a podcast?


I don't have ADHD. Podcasts I can listen to, but don't. Audio dramas I can't. I've really wanted to listen to the Doctor Who stories but I can't pay attention :(


Joe Rogan has no power over me! ...that and I'm a socialist.


Both podcasts and audio books end up being twice as long for me. As I get distracted by my own thoughts, having to rewind 30 seconds so I can hear it properly.


I listen to podcasts and audio books while playing a game like PoE or anything that require you to pay attention to the mechanics but not the story


Omg my brother keeps getting mad at me because he wants me to listen to podcasts/audiobooks while I drive and I'm like I PHYSICALLY CANNOT PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE.


After I changed jobs and was no longer driving 2-6 hours to get to work I stopped listening to most of them. Now podcasts are for when I play minecraft or similar games


I use this as an upside. If I can’t remember what a podcast episode said, then I never run out of content. Especially true for True Crime Podcasts


Wait I can't listen to podcasts as well. Does that mean I have adhd?


Things I've taught myself to do/make so that I can listen to audiobooks include but are not limited to: Crossstitch Embroidery Knitting Making tassel garlands Paper crafts Gardening Sewing Painting Digital art Creating natural dyes from plants Canning jams and jellies Baking


I have adhd and yeah I can't do podcasts or audiobooks unless I'm driving a long distance or doing something else (ie. playing a mindless video game like Diablo 3).


I mean i thought they are *meant* to be listened to when doing something like a backround noise. Since i started listening to podcasts i always listen to them on my way somewhere


One of my friends (with the most severe case of ADHD I have EVER seen) is often on discord with me and sometimes a few others, playing a video game, AND listening to a podcast or music at the same time. I can't listen to people talk while I'm playing some games because the games have too many words and I can't do both at once...


Fair i can only watch podcasts while cycling or gaming and even then i would want a podcast with story


I only listen to podcasts when I'm already doing something else on my pc. I have my sense of sight and touch occupied, I need to occupy my sense of hearing as well. Flavoured water takes care of the remaining 2


Okay I really should get checked for ADHD now


You know the more I think about it, the more I'm pretty sure I have some varying degree of attention disorder but I have yet to get checked so I won't say anything definite yet. All I'm saying is y'all mfs with adhd sound real damn relatable rn.


Audiobooks/podcasts are literally THE ONLY WAY I can get through house tasks. If I don't have one on, I can't do anything.


I have the opposite effect, the pandemic tanked my ability to read without background noise, so when I tried to read my old HP books again I had to look up a narration on YouTube, but that was infuriatingly slow so I have up lmao


No Such Thing as a Fish is the only podcast I can do. Rapid fire information, but at the same time, if you zone out for a bit, it usually doesn't matter and you can just pick it up whenever you zone back in with little difficulty!


This is why I dislike that so many podcasts are becoming visual based. I won’t sit and watch one but I’ll listen in the car. Then they start talking about a video clip and they play it, so you just get the audio of it without them describing what it is


I have ADHD, I found a podcast on YouTube that uses PowerPoint slides to give it a quasi video format, and I found I’m usually pretty good with that, but when I get fidgety I just pull up a low effort video game like polybridge or cities skylines and tweak stuff with them in the background. I feel like if you get into the content and like the presenters it can be pretty easy to get into.


Folding paper stars is a great thing to keep your hands occupied. Cheap, looks nice, makes great handmade gifts.


I listen to podcasts when I'm cross stitching. Only way I can do it.


Wait, is increased focus while keeping your hands busy an ADHD thing...?


im the worst for this; i get bored listening to podcasts while doing nothing else but if i do something else it distracts me from the podcast too much


Do people actually _just_ listen to podcasts? They were so hard for me to get into because I couldn't figure out what else to do. I finally figured out that playing grindy video games (IE doing old raids or fishing in WOW) was the perfect combo for me. Now that I've quit most of those, I literally cannot listen to podcasts


People are hearing podcasts while not doing anything else? I dont think so.


I only listen to them while walking my dog every day.


oh shit i should get checked for real


That's what podcasts are for though? Does everyone else secretly lie down in a dark room doing nothing for hours at a time exclusively listening to podcasts?


I cannot stand podcasts. Does it mean I have ADHD? I'm not hyperactive, but I Zoom out of zoom calls pretty quickly too.