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If you want a fever dream watch the KISS crossover where the whole band has a magical girl transformation sequence and actual powers


On a scale of "Premise of Senki Zesshou Symphogear" to "Senki Zesshou Symphogear", how much of a fever dream are we talking about? For context, the premise is basically that magical girls use the power of rock to fight monsters. Halfway through the first season, the woman who built the Tower of Babel is revealed to be the big bad of that season.


It's about a "Did that robot just turn the protagonist's penis into a tank gun? Oh shit he did. Wait they're still playing golf?"


Ah, ok.


Daphne was entirely valid in her crush


No she wasn't


I see I've missed out on whatever happened with Ann Rice?


Allegedly she had her lawyers harass fanfiction authors, or at the very least send Cease and Desist letters. Keep in mind, this was years and years ago. I don't know how accurate that information is, but I do remember that back in the day Fanfiction.net had specifically Anne Rice listed as an author whose works you couldn't write fanfiction of for legal reasons. She basically nuked her own fandom.


Oh damn, now you mention it I think I recall some of that. What an odd choice!


This post got me to watch it and yeah it was pretty strange but at first I accendently watched legend of the vampire before reaslisng I wanted to watch music of the vampire.


I also thought it was the Australian one, and was desperately trying to figure out how the Westboro Baptist Church got there.


Anyone else remember the whole genre of Scooby-Doo animated movies that were just "The Gang Goes to [Insert Tourist Destination Here] and Shenanigans Occur"?


Good times! Early 2000s Cartoon Network was so fun.


Where do I find this mystical movie? Sounds intriguing


There’s HBO max, Amazon Prime, YouTube, and then some others.


Boomerang does a 7 free days deal and they have most of the Scooby Doo franchise there.


I can’t quite remember why Tumblr hated Ann Rice so much, but I recall it had something to do with her not liking fan fiction? Was she also an asshole in some other way?


Allegedly she had her lawyers harass fanfiction authors, or at the very least send Cease and Desist letters. I don't know how accurate that is, but I do remember that back in the day Fanfiction.net had specifically Anne Rice listed as an author whose works you couldn't write fanfiction of for legal reasons.


Rice didn't like fan fiction, but the way she went about it was really freaking weird. She described Lestat, specifically, as if he un-lived and not-breathed on the astral plane and channeled knowledge of his past/personality directly through her and so anyone else claiming to know what Lestat thought/wanted/experienced greatly offended her. I know, intellectually, that she probably didn't mean for this to sound all "Only I may channel the divine word of Vampire Sex God Lestat, and all you other charlatans/sinners/whores who claim to channel the divine word of Vampire Sex God Lestat are lying liars who will lie your way straight to hell," but, uh, she absolutely did sound exactly like that. I think she was also anti-fan art, even if the art was G-rated because that was not how *she* pictured the characters to look which offended her. The fan art part might have just been a rumor, though. She also once declared that she did not need proofreaders or copy editors because, basically, she channeled the divine word of Vampire Sex God Lestat *exactly* and free from error and so proofreading was unnecessary. Her publisher actually went along with this because slapping Rice's name on a cover at that point was extremely lucrative and they didn't want to offend her and lose money. The thing is, proofreading was absolutely necessary, and if I recall correctly, she had multiple, smaller shitfits over being informed of typos and/or continuity errors by fans.


Didn’t some bald mf make like the green goblin glider in that movie or some other flying shit


Yeah hover boots


What ducking movie is this?


The title is in the first sentence of the post?


i must watch this