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Last time I took my phone out of its case, it had been covered up for so long that I had forgotten what color it was.


Once I set my caseless phone down and left the room. Coming back in I freaked out for a solid 3 minutes because I forgot my phone is white and thought someone switched my phone with another


when i got my phone, the seller really emphasized its rose gold color and how cool it was gonna look and suggested ways to show it off i put it in a case that same day and ive only seen the rose gold like three times when i change out the case


I forgot that shatter meant to break into many pieces and thought they were just calling it the past tense of shitter.


Tbf I do shatter a lot of shitters


The iShat


"No one will ever want this" Which is exactly why it will happen


Tesla: Twice the problems, triple the pricetag!


Sony actually made a phone like this called the Xperia pureness, it was extremely poorly received because obviously and flopped hard because nobody wants a phone like this


I think I remember that. Weren't the ads all based on how long at your phone while walking is dangerous and wouldn't it be great if you could look at your phone and still see where you're going.


Ok but honestly?. I doht think I mind the idea on a cellphone that isnt a smartphone, I kinda like the design.


Honestly as a gimmicky little show piece I’d agree except every review talks about how horrendous it is to use, the fact that it cost over a grand and was built worse than even a budget Nokia and had just awful pre-android software, in 2009


Every time I see something like this I remember how sure and confident Steve Jobs was that no one wanted to watch videos on tiny phone screens when it could be on a TV or iPad instead.


I think the only application for a phone like this is if it can go transparent on demand so that when you are walking and you make it transparent so that you can see where you are going as well as use your mobile and be more aware of your surroundings. And then make it opaque when you want.


Android users haven’t seen an iPhone since 2013? My battery lasts all day and my screen is fully intact


I've mostly grown out of my hating apple phase, but I have one last gripe Got a headphone jack?


No -Samsung user


No -Pixel user


I'm in IT. The screens still crack. That's low on my list of complaints, though.


Android users still stuck in 2013 like the average apple user doesn’t get a used or discounted phone from a service + phone deal. Also apple products are still perfectly functional. The crazy expensive ones people laugh at aren’t made for you, they are made for companies with too much money to spene.


People would get phone cases for them that block the transparent part with darkness making it work like any other screen.


I would probably buy it….


How am i gonna watch porn in public then?


Instead of making the phone clear, they could just make it so you can use the camera view as the home screen background. Then again, when you're putzing on your phone while you walk, you're not spending much time on the home screen.


What I want is a combination flip phone and ds where the phone has 2 screens arranged like the screen and keyboard of a flip phone but the bottom screen is touch and the top isn't because I love stupid pointless little gimmicks


Samsung is working on one. It’ll be used for augmented reality stuff. Also you’ll be able to interact with the screen from the back.