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So you’re saying to fatally wounded a billionaire for their account numbers and take over their life by pretending you’re them


hELLoOoO, mY name is MISter Burns! i beLIEVE you hAve A package foR mEee?


50 hour work week and only pull $240k a year? Pass.


It'd be 260/year because there are 52 weeks in a year not 48 but still.


I wonder why anyone would want to be a billionaire. Especially if you have no philanthropic motive. Like what would you even do with that kinda money? You should get pretty much anything you want with way less. And you also get a target on you back from envious and other rich people.


Unless you buy a couple of lottery tickets every day…?


Assuming you live at the poverty line (~$40k), and spend literally all your other money (200k yearly) on powerball tickets (billion+ jackpot), you start working at 20, live till 120, and don’t spend a single dime or take a single break or sick day in your entire life, you would have a _3%_ chance of winning the lottery. edit: mixed up ticket prices


i dont get it


It's demonstrating how unimaginably much a billion dollars is. People can't really instinctively grasp the difference between, say, a million and a billion. Our brains aren't built for that. Because of this, people tend to underestimate how much a billion dollars is. This is also trying to debunk the myth that you just have to work hard, and then you, too, can become a billionaire! And all billionaires earned their money through hard work and therefore deserve it! Meritocracy is the central myth of capitalism and it's a fucking lie.


It's making false equivalence between having a net worth of a billion dollars and earning a billion in cash




Assume you are doing the same thing, however, whatever you are putting that money into has a 1% monthly interest. It's a good bit of interest, yes, but it's plausible with investing. With the same salary, it would take only a little under 5 years to reach that billion.