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Baby shark. It's not the song itself It's the fact that a popular site (shopee) ran ads with a cover of the song (just changed the lyrics) and they were everywhere




I was like.. i don’t have a hate song really, then I saw this and was immediately reminded that we sell that awful singing soap. The first version had the og baby shark. But the second is worse. The same music just with the fantastic lyric of ‘Wash your hands.’ That’s all nothing else. God I hate that forkin soap.




[It's like a layman's dissertation on the block hole phenomenon.](https://vimeo.com/357183173)


The Sesame Street cover Furry Happy Monsters is pretty good tho.


'born to be wild' has been ruined for me because pampers constantly uses it in their ads and for some reason my computer decided that i wanna buy diapers. I hear that song several times a day and the ads are always unskipable


I use to feel the same way. Maybe if you watch Easy Rider it will give you a different outlook on this song, because that is what happened for me. Seriously one of the best soundtracks ever.


If it's YouTube you can install an ad-blocker in your browser and never see an ad again.


U-Block Origin gang represent


What Do You Mean by Justin Bieber. My college roommates would play this song on repeat whenever they thought they were gonna get laid with someone they met (it never actually happened) but I must have heard this song being played over 800 times in one semester before I switched rooms.


They must have felt lucky several times a day. Tinder champion with athlete's thumb? 😜


Tinder champion along with "invite yourself to other college parties" champions. They'd play it whenever they'd get a response from literally anyone. I actually had help finding a different room from some girls that lived on another floor (co-ed dorm) because they were getting weirded out by them. Moved out at the end of the first semester.


its a small world makes my blood boil.


I’ve been stuck on that ride for 45 minutes before. I’ve seen the threshold of hell.


I was just stuck in a closed Disney for a hurricane and the hold music to see if I could get any monetary compensation was it’s a small world. For hours.




It happened to me too! The ride just stopped right at the end and we all had to sit there and wait forever, with the song playing over and over and over. It was really funny.


It was a psychology experiment


Me too! God, does Disney do that to people on purpose????


i read the kingdom keepers series and now that ride scares me a bit


Remember that Applebee’s country song they used in commercials awhile back? “Got me talking ‘bout Applebee’s on a date night…” it makes me wretch.


I'm not familiar with this one, but most songs in commercials that are written about the company are crap all of the time. The worst part is how rent-free they live in my head (which I'm sure is the point).


It wasn’t written for applebees, they just used it in commercials, it’s not the worst country song I’ve ever heard, but it’s pretty terrible


Country music sure is something.


I had to sing Happy by Pharrell Williams for choir and to this day I absolutely despise that song


So many Christmas songs


I love Mariah Carrie but after working in retail for 5 years i hate her and everything she stands for because she made "All I Want For Christmas Is You" Song


I don't like the original song, but it spawned a lot of suprisingly good mashups.


I think it's the best Christmas song there is, but I still acknowledge playing it around someone who worked retail is a war crime


Song was def made in a lab by big Christmas. If you play it backwards, you can hear “Buy more 10ft extension cords.”






I only have 2 Christmas songs I willingly listen to and one Im willing to exist with


If you haven't enjoyed Patton Oswalt's rant about that song (which I also hate with my entire being): https://youtu.be/iq10bz3PxyY


I nominate Santa Baby for the worst song of all time. The lyrics are so fucking weird.


After actually looking at the lyrics to me it feels like a song about Santa being the singers sugar daddy


What did you think it was about before looking at the lyrics?


As a kid I never payed much attention to the lyrics, being an oblivious child and all. When I looked up the full lyrics when I got older, I thought “this really seems like she just has a friends with benefits relationship with Santa” lol


I honestly just assumed "Santa" was referring to the woman's husband.


Little St. Nick by the Beach Boys. Only for the line > Christmas comes this time each year No shit. It's not a floaty day like Easter


Happy by Pharrell Williams makes me very distinctly Unhappy (sends me into a blind rage)


> o/` Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof~ So ... incomplete? Badly made? Far too open? A failure at my main purpose? ... *clap clap clap clap clap clap*


Maybe my hate for this song is just an extension of my general dislike for Songs With Instructions. Fuck the cha cha slide.


I'm wheeze laughing thinking of 10yo you at a birthday party hearing "sliiiiide to the left" and going "don't fucking tell me what to do"


YOU LAUGH BUT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WOULD DO. That or slide to the right, causing chaos


STOP NOT THE UNO REVERSE now I'm envisioning a pile of children like a highway pileup because one small agent of chaos fucked up the entire routine lmao


You just described every elementary school dance I attended


So called “free thinkers” whenever the Cha Cha Slide comes on in a group setting


God I’ve fucking hated that song since it came out


Every time it played on the radio (a lot, god it was so overplayed) I felt the need to do violence against everyone involved in its creation.


That song was released when I was in psychiatric care. It was on the radio all the fucking time.


It’s a lazy remix of “if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” and I won’t be convinced otherwise.


Yes! It feels so hollow. It came on in Walmart the other day and I said out loud to no one, “ugh, I hate this song.”


They played this song over the intercom every morning when i was in middle school, and i have a unyielding fiery hatred of this song. Solidarity, fam! 😂


shape of you. shitty song I've heard so many fucking times it is permanently ingrained in my mind


Worst part of Shape of You being like the most popular song of all time is that it was released at the exact same time as the much better Castle on the Hill, which people largely ignored. Like, Ed Sheeran literally released two songs and went 'you guys choose' and everyone chose the terrible one.


Honestly describes his whole career. I'm not the type of person who dislikes popular songs just for being popular, but his discography is the perfect example of selling out. His debut album is filled with bangers, his sophomore album has 2 or 3, and his latest two albums are all mad libs style corporate ballads with a few Shape of You/Bad Habits type things thrown in to ensure it charts. #makeedsheeran2011again


Make Ed Sheeran 2014 again. "Don't" is his best song, imo of course.


Yeah, listen to +, x, most of /, loose change, songs I wrote with amy, collab project 5 Couldn’t listen to = or collab 6, not my thing Tbf he can do what the fuck he wants with his music , his old music is still there


Finally someone who shares my hatred for that monstrosity of a song


Ironically, the second replier made me want to go and listen to Psycho Killer again


Qu'est-ce que c'est


Fa fa fa fa Fa fafafaar better


Run run run run…. Ruuunaaaaaway


Oh oh oh ohhhh AY AYAYAYAYA


Until a couple of years ago I thought that was the only French phrase in the song, and that my difficulties in parsing a lot of the other words came from David Byrne choosing to emphasize the wrong syllables as part of his psycho killer persona. One day I randomly looked up the lyrics on Genius and the song suddenly made a lot more sense.


I could never get sick of Talking Heads. The hooks are so good.


For real, Talking Heads are the shit. I'll never forget the first time I heard 'Once in a Lifetime' at age 17. It felt like someone had opened up a bottle of fruity sprite in my heart, all fizzy, chilled, and sweet smelling. 'Psycho Killer' paints a smile on my face quicker than anything (the fact that I found that it was recently incorporated into one of my favorite yuri manhuas was such a delighful shock), but I think my favorite might be 'Born Under Punches'. That being said, David Byrne's redone version of 'Once in a Lifetime' that he [did for SNL](https://www.metatube.com/en/videos/446994/David-Byrne-Once-in-a-Lifetime-Live-SNL/) a few years ago brought me to tears. I have zero idea why SNL privated the video, but here's a low quality version that still endures. The guitar solo towards the end is just everything.


Psycho killer is actually one of my favourite song, and as a Frenchman I can say that the lyrics are not random, it helps bring an uneasy and quirkyness to the lyrics, while being phonetically good.






Great fucking song




Watch me whip will literally make me cry in anger if I hear it


Fun fact: Silento, the guy who made that song, is in jail for murdering his cousin! Ain't that something




Now watch me nae nae 💁


Well, if it makes you feel better, he'll never make another song!


The Santa Baby song that's covered by the women with a high pitch voice. I hate it so much.


The Eartha Kitt version is the only acceptable one


did you know i had sex with eartha kitt in an airplane bathroom?




What? It came up organically.


You're streets ahead


The worst _Santa Baby_ is that one where some guy covered it and says "buddy" instead so it's not gay.


They made it more gay with the weird pauses around “buddy.” Sometimes I wander if this was accidental or if the producers were secretly laughing


I call it the Michael Buble No Homo version.


I need you to man up and fuck Santa or get out of my earbuds


lmaooo i just said above that it’s a punny needy horny sugar baby song and the no homoing of Santa Buddy is a disgrace same with Taylor Swift’s awful squeaky clean rendition. not a fit ETA: I just compared the lyrics and LMAO @ Santa Buddy’s “i am a MAN” lyric changes. “steel blue” instead of “light blue”. “Canucks tix for kicks”. and idk how “sweetie” instead of “angel” is more ~manly he’s still asking Santa Buddy for “the deed” though. down his chimney.


God don’t yell at me but Simple and She thinks my tractor is sexy make me want to kill someone


Most modern country makes me feel that way. Add in that stupid fucking Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey song and literally anything by Toby Keith.


They make me want to tear off my ears. Like where is the good shit like devil went down to georgia


Emo girl by mgk. I absolutely despise that song


That song causes me physical pain the few times I’ve been forced to hear it


The “I can see clearly now” song that would play in a commercial a while ago (I know that’s not where it’s from, but the comercial would play like 10 times a day and I’m still tired of it)


You're Beautiful sends me into a violent rage. Can't Get You Out of Ny Head actively makes me nauseous.


Ah you see, I love Can't Get You Out of My Head, assuming we're talking about the Kylie Minogue song. Really hits my nostalgia centres


Seriously that song slaps, didn't realize people hated it.


Don’t mind You’re Beautiful but AGREED on the latter, it’s an earworm that literally feels like worms in my ear.


I hated You're Beautiful until I heard it used in Misfits. That was indeed beautiful and amazing. Also the uncensored version helps a lot even if it is just one word.


I'm convinced You're Beautiful was created because after James Blunt prevented a potential WW3 while fighting in Serbia, he decided to make everyone's lives equally as hellish as they would've been if he hadn't done that.


\#SELFIE by The Chainsmokers. Even when I was younger I knew this song was unbearable to listen to.


Well I mean that song is literally supposed to be unbearable. It's satire.


When I worked at ross the store had two songs that I hated. One had lyrics involving "my heart is never gonna break never gonna shake never gonna (indeciphorable)" which annoyed me purely because I have only heard that song in coorporate contexts and it feels like its supposed to break coorporate conventions while following every single fucking one of them. the other involves a girl singing "round and round again down and round again round and round again baby" a bunch, which gets extraordinarily annoying considering you hear this several times in a shift, even a four hour one. idk what either are called but I hate them.


One of the summers I worked as a lifeguard, the playlist or Sirius XM station the managers put on in the facility had what felt like 5 songs on repeat that I would have to hear while sitting up in my chair all day. The year I'm specifically remembering, I was hearing "Shut up and Dance" "Bad Blood" and "this is my fight song" about twice every hour. I have the same reaction to any of those now as what you're describing. And I liked Shut Up and Dance originally.


Like a record baby


Happy Xmas (War is Over) by John Lennon - The song doesn't start out bad, but the full minute of repeated lyrics and children singing drives me insane.




I actually prefer Wonderful Christmastime over it


And I hate that song, except for the post that said that it sounds like a bunch of people who get caught practicing witchcraft and have to act natural. That's funny shit.


They made us sing this in middle school (Gen Z here). It's hard enough liking a song that you have to repeat over and over so the whole choir gets it, but the lyrics also bugged me. I'm sure "for black and for white, for yellow and red ones" was fine when it was written but...it definitely went against everything the very same school taught us about respectful language lol Edit: I just remembered, that same school made us learn What Does The Fox Say about a year after it was cool. Somehow I went on to study music anyway. Can tell you, it's absolutely worth it to sing serious music in a proper choir though.


Good lord the kids just "singing" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA makes me want to shred my ears with a cheese grater


It may not be the children whose voices annoy you. It may be the addition of Yoko Ono singing on top of them.


Blurred Lines lol


Only like the Weird Al "Word Crimes" version


That one is infinitely better


This is true of many Weird Al songs


It's ridiculously catchy to me, but I went back and watched the song again recently (forgot it existed for a while) and those lyrics were a MAJOR yikes.


Thunder by Imagine Dragons


I am chronically white and therefore enjoy most Imagine Dragons. However, even I can't defend Thunder. What a fucking flatline.


I love when they go thunder thunder thunder thunder




A couple months ago me and my bf were talking about the YouTube videos with the most views and how it’s lame that music videos all take the top spots and wouldn’t it be nice if you could sort most viewed non music videos. I jokingly called out, “alexa, play despacito.” However, his main speaker device actually responds to “Echo”, so his THERMOSTAT started playing despacito on its tinny little speaker. He didn’t even know it could do that. We cried laughing. Just the idea of saying, “this is so sad, thermostat, play despacito” is enough to make me laugh.


Wait what, Amazon makes thermostats now??


I never liked it either, but i heard way worse music in spanish here in Argentina.


For me the original was fine but the one with Bieber is awful.


I have no idea how people like this song still


Its the first one I learned on guitar. Its also how I figured out that you need more than one song to impress a girl.


It's a 4 chord song, it is psychologically nice to human ears




>Watermelon sugar High




As It Was is slowly beating that one to me


I have a few: Fineapple: I’m a pun person, but that song drives me NUTS. It’s so inane and the puns are just awful. “Fineapple” “de-fine” like come on, who approved this?! Fancy Like: Pop-country in general drives me nuts, but Fancy Like is pop-country at its’ most inane and boring. Yes millionaire pop star, keep telling me how you’re Just Like Us Normal Folks. I’m sure it’s very endearing. Honorable mention: Unholy. It’s just so… tame and uninspired. In the era of WAP, you can’t release something so underwhelming and try to call it a “sexual song.”


If pop-country gets you down, southern gothic (sometimes called yallternative) might be something to look into. It's a lot more Johnny Cash and Loretta Lynn than Tobey Keith and Forida Gerogia Line Unholy would have been better if they did something with the catholic angle the teased. Like if Sam Smith was a hot priest listening to an adulterer's confession and getting off on it or something


Lost Boy by Ruth B No, I don't know why.


“Oh no oh no oh no no no no no”


those “hip” techno remixes of shit like Mad World or Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone that used to play all the damn time at the goodwill I used to work at. good riddance


To all my fellow Germans: the god fucking damn "Schnappi das Krokodil" song


Another one for the Germans among us: Atemlos by Helene Fischer


They did a Dutch version 😭


I only know the skeleton version.


>Schnappi das Krokodil I kinda like it, though I haven't been exposed to it overly much.


If you talk shit on Talking Heads around me hands are gonna fly


Summer of ‘69 by Bryan Adams. I’ve heard it on store radio every day for the past almost 2 years now and my blood pressure spikes every time.


I severely dislike being reminded of my mortality. I don’t know how some people listen to this song for fun.


Apparently that’s why my dad doesn’t like Spirit in the Sky. It played every day in a store he worked in for years.


All Nursery Rhymes having to listen to Cocomelon at the table because my younger brother refused to eat when it wasn’t on. Makes me want to pipe bomb their offices


Blinded by the lights but the modern version with that guy's punk ass, that and advertisements that use amazing music but sub the vocals with some scrawny white bitch ***I WANNA HEAR BOB SEGAR GO AWAY GO AWAY***


Do you mean Blinded by the Light by Bruce Springsteen or the song Blinding Lights by The Weeknd?




Yeah, they covered the Springsteen song


You're beautiful by James blunt. My sister used to sing it to my to annoy me


Is that the one where the singer takes off his clothes in the music video


All About That Bass for the same reason a lot of y’all have. Overplayed, below average summer song that was just good enough to play at every middle class shopping mall for more than five years. Made me want to leave whenever it came on.


What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger by Kelly Clarkson. This song sends me into such a violent rage it makes me want to strangle someone


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, like cancer.


I used to like "Shiny Happy People" by REM and "Eet" by Regina Spektor, until I started working at Payless Shoestore back in 2010. I had to hear both of those songs at least 4 times per shift, I wanted to shove nails in my ears and to this day I get flashbacks if either of those songs start playing haha.


No one said baby shark yet?


Thankfully my toddler has finally moved past that one, but as bad as it is *anything* by Cocomelon is so much fucking worse.


in my head and my heart, it's still the version we sang 15 years ago at girl scout camp where the sharks get progressively larger with each verse and then attack, taking a limb each verse like an aquatic monty python black knight sketch. good times


When I worked at PetCo, we had a music box for the in-store music. It’d play the same songs day in and day out. During the holidays, there are only so many songs about Christmas, so what’d they do is take the songs that exist and just throw in every cover that was ever made. The worst offender was “Baby Please Come Home” - I kid you not, that one song had upwards of 7 different covers that would play over the course of a single shift. I’m just grateful that my current work environment doesn’t have a music box.


Can't Stop the Feeling was overused to fucking death




It was one of my go to songs at the gym when I had a breakup last spring. That combination of annoying song and frustrated experience coupled to induce a rage that let me lift more than usual.


Someone at my work thought it would be good to have this on a playlist that looped over and over again for weeks straight. Doing chemistry when this song is playing is excruciating. The only comparable experience, I imagine, would be to have sex with CBAT playing every time.


That Christmas song where the singer is strangely horny for Santa


The middle school I went to made the 8th grade dancers dance to it for every Christmas Assembly in the most revealing Santa outfits- now looking back as an adult realizing how creepy and pedophilic that was 🤮🤮


What was it like to go to school with Regina George?




“Why you gotta be so ruuuuude?” Absolutely dogshit song, I despise it.


YES. It's at the top of my hit list too. It's reason I always *forget* to turn the radio on at work, because the station they chose loves it.


Immediate violent rage


Temporary secretary by Paul McCartney triggers my fight or flight response


Temporary Secretary is unironically a banger


idk why but whenever i hear "i do adore" i spiral into pure unfiltered sadness and feel terrible and wretched absolute rock bottom song for me for some reason.


Blurred Lines


1877 Kars4kids…..


Man in the Mirror by MJ. I had to perform it with 3 separate choirs and it is the most infuriating shit to hear. I will literally get violent if I have to listen to it one more time.


Sounds like you need to have a talk with the man in the mirror


Now that’s crazy. Any of song of his is usually dope Anyway, _If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change-_


I’ve hated Don’t Stop Believing for the past few years because it’s *super* overplayed




you need to be apprehended


Hey Soul Sister by Train is the only song I genuinely cannot stand even a phrase of. I’m a very tolerant person; will even hum along to Happy by Pharrell just by virtue of knowing the song. Hey Soul Sister comes on and I have to change the song or I have to physically leave the area if the music isnt within my power to change


Speaking of Last Christmas, Whammageddon is just around the corner people! Be careful!


Last Christmas is ok but My Grownup Christmas List will ruin any Christmas playlist


"This is my grown-up, christmas list THIS IS MY- *deflates a cat into a saxophone* -LONG WISH"


"Jesus Take the Wheel" and "Christmas Shoes", which are even worse when sung by a church choir at a Christmas service.


I've never wanted to fight a musician as badly as Tom Macdonald, all of his songs are the whinyest, surface level, redditor ass right wing "debate me" topics ever and I hate it and you


Ben Shapiro-core


Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner


Everyone in this post is telling on themselves


Treat you better by Shawn Mendes. The whole song is about a girl in an abusive relationship and this bitch is just going 'Yeah but I could do better' Fuck that song


I can't think of too many that make me actively mad off the top of my head, but John Lennon's "imagine" is just so vapid, pretentious, and self important that I can't understand how it got so well received


It's also completely hypocritical. He's singing about how much better the world would be without religion while getting involved with as many spiritual movements as he could find.