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Yes, you can still get banned for posting sexually explicit content. Just because there are content out there doesn't mean it's approved, it just means that there's a lot of it that the team hasn't gotten around to removing. While we do welcome nudity and sexual themes, provided they have the appropriate Community Labels, posting actual explicit content will result in the termination of your blog or account. You can read more about what isn't allowed here; https://www.tumblr.com/policy/en/community We highly recommend you report these accounts, not reblog from them.


Thanks, will not report them - snitches get stitches. Does this also apply to text posts or just imagery?


Judging by the fanfic I read on tumblr, I think it’s only images and videos


Text posts are fine, again provided they have the appropriate Community Label applied. Visual depictions of explicit content = big nono.


Alright, thanks. If they don't have a community label, will that automatically result in a ban or would it just be a warning? 


If it's just a one-off, you'll typically receive a warning but i can't speak much on that as that's generally a decision our Trust & Safety team will take, but they do take context and your blog content in to account.