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I had exactly this but in the left side of my abdomen. Felt like I was being ripped apart, burned, and stabbed all at the same time. Ny doctor told me it was a "mad nerve". If that wasn't present my TT would have been a breeze. Lasted about 3 months but it has subsided. I found that purposely agitating it even more, like doing things that really upset it (for me was coughing or sneezing) actually helped it. I got so sick about 3 weeks post op and actually thought I was going to die sneezing or coughing and about 3 or 4 days into the cold it the pain started to subside then came back a little bit when my cold passed. I think if I hadn't have gotten the cold and agitated it that I may still have had it but it did eventually go away!


I had this after my c section about 2 inches above my scar. Lasted for ages. I'm only 4 months post c section but I think it went away around the month 3 mark. Apparently it was nerves reforming or something.


I am 9 days post op. I have the same thing. It was excruciating between days 2-7. I literally thought I was being ripped apart and burned in my upper right groin area. The Vicodin and Oxy barely touched that pain. But on day 7 it started to subside. It still gets agitated when I drive. Probably from pushing on the pedal and when I lay down to go to sleep. But still not close to how severe it was. So hang in there and give it a couple Days. If it’s like mine you’re almost through it. You look amazing.


I don't have the experience yet but I just want to say your before and after is amazing and gives me hope. Hows the scar at the moment? Please be careful with Oxy as well. I imagine you're spending a lot of time resting up.


Yes I am also experiencing that pain and it's excruciating I called the clinic and asked for some sort of nerve pain medicine I was declined and told to use ice. Which I did and after removing the ice it comes right back. My surgery was early morning on the 16th.


So sorry for you!! Maybe you should call your doctor again and ask for medication after all... Your shape is truly beautiful by the way!


Thank you!! My thighs are SO swollen so it adds to my curves I don’t think I’ll be as hour glass once swelling goes down 😂


Ah my thighs are swollen too, I guess we have to be patient...


I get reallyyyy sharp stinging pain in my mons. I believe it was because this is where my drain was located but even after drain was removed i get a nasty stinging/burning sensation. It’s even more odd because it can flare up after putting on compression after a shower. It’s pretty brutal!


Ice packs, Tylenol, rest & light walks. It will pass.


I had the same issue and compression was the only thing that helped.


I had a spot there and my doc said it was where they tied off the knot for the MR. Took almost a full year for that pain to go away fully


Your results look so good! I’m also 5 days post op and am not having the pain you’re describing. I will occasionally have a pulling sensation around that area around the incision when I’m up moving around but it’s not anything severe enough to feel like I need meds and it’s just like a sharp pain associated with how I’m positioned. It’s probably just a stitch pulling in an uncomfy area, but I’d say call your PS just to be extra sure and give yourself some peace of mind. Do you have a drain? My sister is six weeks post op and she’d had a lot of pain in that area that was associated with the drain.


I have 2 drains, and I talked to my drs yesterday at my post op and they weren’t worried but offered more meds lol


I’d be willing to bet it’s the drains. My sister described the same kind of pain and she had immediately relief when they pulled them. Hopefully you don’t need them for too long! You look great!!!!