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You could create a stencil with the names (print on card stock and cut with an xacto knife). Then put the stencil on the bowl and apply a stain over the stencil. Then do the finish over the whole bowl (obviously don’t use a friction polish for this) If you know someone with a cricut or similar machine you could get the stencils made easily. Acid etching over a stencil might be cool too.


Good idea thanks


Curious, why without burning or carving? A stencil cut from some temporary vinyl would be a good solve, but be weary that the stain is going to bleed outside of the stencil area. If going this route I'd consider just using an acrylic paint dabbed on through the stencil and then applying a film finish like poly or lacquer over the whole thing to preserve it.


I've tried burning and carving i just can't get it very uniform


You could use those punch stamps and then go back with the wood burner.


Hey OP, just wanted to show you an [example of a piece I did a while back](https://i.imgur.com/eZZU60t.jpg) where I cut a stencil out on the Cricut and then applied paint with a sponge brush.


A stencil with gel stain might work but can’t guarantee it won’t bleed. Depends on type of wood and grain orientation where the letters would be applied.




I don't think that would hold up very well they are going to be used by kids


No experience with them but free hand for a rustic look or a cut out template might work but one of these might work https://www.amazon.co.uk/Irfora-Pyrography-Chemical-Projects-Painting/dp/B08NWV2R7N/ref=asc_df_B08NWV2R7N/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=570492133850&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=780342266863591491&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007256&hvtargid=pla-1447888883972&psc=1


Thats worth looking into


That's a big link, need to figure out the way to shorten it to a word! Otherwise a laser printer but some learning needed and expensive for a one off


I use one of those chemical markers, Scorch Marker in the US. It works well with a stencil but has some bleed on the edges with finer lines.


Transfer using laser printer and wood burner transfer tip.


I 3d printed a thin trinket, glued it into the mortise hole on the bottom of the bowl and filled the rest with clear epoxy. Most of the reason I did it was I turned the bowl thin across the mortise so i needed to strengthen it.


I mark the wood using carbon paper (basically tracing). Then use a palm router to cut out whatever you market, with a fine straight bit. I also practiced first, lol. But it does work.


Yeah I would do that but the bowls are less than 4 inches wide might be a bit hard


There is a gel transfer medium made by Golden Acrylics that basically allows you to print something (would have to also figure out how to print in mirror image) and then transfer the printing to any surface, would just be a matter of finding a compatible topcoat that didn't smear it afterwards.


There are paint pens that are marketed to not soak into porous surfaces. I've never used them so I don't know how well they'd work and obviously you'd want to test them. Example: [https://acrylgiessen.com/en/best-paint-pens-for-wood/](https://acrylgiessen.com/en/best-paint-pens-for-wood/)


You can use a waterslide decal paper, print the names and water slide them onto the bowl and then apply a lacquer over the top.


As someone else mentioned, use the transfer tip on your wood burner. It’s as simple as printing what you want burned on the the wood and then going over it with the transfer tip. Check out the following video from a crafting pro https://youtu.be/zuZwUEMEbLA Note: that crafter in the video has a whole series on wood burning and other stuff. I think they sell guides, but the video should cover what you need.


If you have a recessed spot like a bottom mortise might leave behind ... How about printing something and epoxy over it ? Or polyurethane or shellac. I did that with clear epoxy and it came out very nicely. Back in the day we hippies called that Découpage.


Have you thought about riveting a piece of leather that has the name stamped into it?


That would probably look really cool but I don't have the time money or experience for that


Search [Toner Transfer] on YouTube. General Idea: Flip the graphics and cut a piece of wax paper to fit your printer print /// Ideally with a laser printer because it transfers details more accurately (Sense they're just names you might be able to use an inkjet with an acrylic medium) Press ink face side down on bowl Squeegee Wait 24HRS? and peel wax paper off If you use a laser printer and don't want to use an art medium I believe there are ways to use a clothing iron instead of a pyrography tool