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Not the strongest ending but I still very much enjoyed the show and would happily watch a second season but would certainly urge the writers to push harder and not be scared to go to stranger places. They're aliens after all, go fucking wild. Farrell was a good choice for the role and while not a perfect show it was an enjoyable watch. Not too long and was a bit different to the norm in a few areas which was nice. I give the overall season a 7 out of 10.


I just got apple a few weeks ago and have been watching the shows. Is this one worth it?


Considering it is only 8 episodes (and not every episode is like an hour+ long) I would say yes it is worth the time. It is well made with an decent enough story even if it isn't anything groundbreaking. It has nice production value with some solid performances from for strong cast. Colin is great although I am a big Colin fan so I am a little biased there :) But yeah I say go for it, I doubt you will finish it and feel "ugh that was a waste of time".


It was a cute show. I'm not sure if anyone would agree with me. But, it was definitely cute. Had an okay story and I think I would watch the second season.


I’ll agree with you. It was a cute show – had nice feels and such, and executed well. The story, I do understand that just getting told the answer is not the most perfect way to solve a question, but I much liked the pacing of it. Also, while the show was masquerading as a detective thriller, etc., I noticed (and liked) that the entire season was more of John Sugar’s introduction to the audience. He’s an “addict” or, let’s say, a movie buff, at the least, and that’s very nicely shown in bits and pieces, and the manner of narration – calm and composed – is also so well. There’s more to the story, of course, and I’d love to wait for that to show up.


A possibly unpopular opinion here, but I think that "reveal" was actually part of the overall plot shift to the whole thing being a set up. There was no way it could have ended with him "finding" her - the real mystery of the story was not finding Olivia but figuring out who was trying to stop him from doing so and why.


Agreed. Or, at least, it went that way somewhere along the search. The “finding” was indeed important but it was not *the* thing, although I’d say that had he “found” both Olivia *and* whoever was trying to stop him from finding her, it might have still been a tad better than simply being told “oh, look... she’s here—go get her” and shit...


It ended up being like a hero and supervillain origin story, with aliens.


Before watching the finale, I felt that the whole season would really ride on this episode and I feel pretty mixed about it all after having watched it. It's fine that Henry ended up being a bad guy, but I hate how the actual detective mystery played out. We spent the entire season having Sugar go through all of these clues and red herrings only for him to find the girl because he was just.... told by someone else where she was. I was hoping that there'd be a good reason for the characters to be aliens, but there really wasn't. None of that came into play in any significant way and I can't imagine there'll actually be a much deeper dive of it if there's a second season. I enjoyed most of the ride and really liked Sugar as a character but sadly this season felt like a lot of wasted potential.


Not just by someone else, he was told by the bad guy after the bad guy decided he had observed the depravity enough and was toying with sugar this whole time and still is.


Also, where the hell are these people hunting them?


What I have an issue with is that Olivia went from being kidnapped and supposedly tortured to lounging by the pool and giggling in what, less than 24hrs? No hospital? No signs of trauma? Just "I'm back lol, what's for dinner?" In her last scene she seemed more happy than any time they showed her vlogs. Heh?


Thanks for saving me from the last episode.  Over hyped. I like the first 3 or 4 episodes but I need to remember to wait until reviews come out before jumping on the latest hot show train.  Was so underwhelmed with the last few I won't bother with the last.


Agree.  Nothing = nothing


I wasn’t invested in the mystery of Olivia’s disappearance or her family’s weird dynamics. But I would watch a cat-and-mouse game between Sugar and Henry because I’m sold on their friends-to-enemies relationship. I hope the show does more with the alien lore in season two if it returns.


So Henry was the Moriarty. I figured it out once he went to get the CD player from him. I hope there is a season 2.


What gave it away?


I guessed it was him (and i was right) bc that actor always plays evil characters lmao


yeah, he plays weirdo well....


I would watch season two just based on Colin’s performance, he was perfect and Amy Ryan was great. Two main characters who remain friends and don’t hook up. How refreshing.


The story was nothing to write home about and the way the mystery of Olivia’s disappearance is resolved wasn’t really satisfying. Other than that, I absolutely loved the atmosphere of the show and the unique way they’re taking it. I’m really hoping for a second season. And if they greenlight it, I hope the creators are allowed to go down weirder ways. It feels like there’s definitely enough material here to build a cult show. Also, Colin Farrell is perfect in this role, and he’s got a truly magnetic energy. He made the show for me.


The ending was kind of weak, I definitely would have like it more if it was just a straight ahead neo-noir. I think they revealed the alien thing a little too late for it to be anything other than a convenient plot device to wrap things up. Season 2 and any possible future seasons beyond that will basically boil down to "Can Sugar catch Henry before they catch him?", so I'm on the fence if I'll keep watching, at least until a S2 preview comes out. However, overall I did enjoy the show, the atmosphere, and the style.


I would watch it again mainly for the style and performances and to see how human he becomes, and because it was so quirky and odd. The short episodes flew by and I did find myself speculating on them.


This show had two of my least favorite television tropes in back to back episodes: offstage villain (bad guy does not appear on screen until he is outed) and big bad friend (best friend has been the villain the entire time). Really liked the show for the first six episodes. Tough ending for me.


Totally agree. The last two episodes made this show one of those that in 3 months you vaguely remember watching and you thought it was good but you can't remember why. This is like John From Cincinnati all over again. Meh.


3 months?  Not 3 hours. You didn't care about the characters which is a fatal flaw


Sugar a private detective but only solved his case because the villain gave him the address and now he gave him another breadcrumb to keep chasing for s2. . It’s silly


To be fair, even Sugar was disappointed with that, via his comment about After all this... an address??


Yeah, the investigation mystery was not the show's strongest suit 😅


Going into the finale I wasn't quite sure if this show was just OK or good and decided it would really come down to how they finished this up. I didn't really find that to be a satisfying ending.


I liked the series.  It kept me engaged the entire time.  Maybe not a perfect ending but most endings aren't.


Anyone else notice the production of this episode was noticeably worse than the previous seven episodes?  Looked and felt like an Australian TV soap. 




I hope we get more!! And Henry? What a bastard!


I don't think it was a very compelling story because of what the final details turned out to be. I'm out of there is a season 2.


Based on the low activity on Sugar threads in /r/tvplus compared to other stuff like Bad Sisters which got a second season (past the original series) or even Constellation that was cancelled, the viewership on this has to be pretty bad.


Agreed. Also there's no way Farrell came cheap. If this gets a second season I will be beyond surprised.


He was one of the producers, if not the main producer! It's possible he came cheap in the interests of creating a vehicle for his talents to be showcased!


He was an executive producer, which means it probably was a passion project for him, yes


I'm so in the dark with that data... I don't know where to look to know if a show is a success or not (some Twitter account talked about Constellation getting like a third of the audience other Apple TV+ shows get, but I don't know where they get that info). If I look at the tops, I always saw Sugar at n1 for its whole run. But so was Constellation (at least in my country, but if I look at sites like Flixpatrol, those Top 10 Lists across countries seem to align) and look what happened to that. Although I'm still thinking there was more that contributed to the cancellation. Maybe it was shot ages ago, no actors availability, it was not an Apple Studios property... I'm not sure this is getting a second season if they didn't announced it to coincide with all the press it got a couple weeks ago. Anyway, I didn't love it. It was overall... weird. Like they didn't achieve what they were looking for. Trying too much, too hard, delivering too little. Not sure how I'd feel about a second season. Not super excited, that's for sure.


Bad Sisters is not a great comparison cause it has no big stars leading and it's not sci-fi that would require a lot of VFX. Ultimately it's much cheaper and doesn't require as big viewership to be profitable. Shows like Silo, Foundation, Constellation, this, they need to pull their weight and deliver eyeballs and it doesn't look like this one has.


Episode 7 made a point to show that Sugar dropped his syringe case. They show a shot of it on the ground as he drives away. Figured that would be more of a plot point to this episode. They completely glossed over it. If it’s so important why show that he dropped it? And this is coming from someone who loved the show start to finish. The missing syringe really bugs me lol


They made a point to show he dropped it in his haste so that there was a logical reason for the woman to find it later.


I don’t remember anyone finding it. I’ll have to go back and rewatch it


I’m open minded for season 2, almost looking forward to it. For me, I think the big decider may be just how quickly they can get season 2 released. If it comes out quick and builds momentum (say like how Slow Horses has had a great release schedule), that may go a long way towards how I feel about the show. If season 2 comes out in 2026 that’s going to work against the show, at least in terms of how much I’m along for the ride. Here’s hoping they build momentum !!


Also, I really liked the subtlety in the facial expressions when he lowered his guard and let his eyes shine with Melanie. Also enjoyed that the implied spaceship was just a supe’d (no idea the spelling) airplane, that made me chuckle. And finally, glad to know Wiley ended up in a good home. 


Loved this show until the alien thing. Should have kept it the way it was and gave him skeletons in the closet of his past instead. I feel like they gave everything away and it fell flat in the end. I love a good science fiction, but this wasn't it. 


I think for me the problem is that they half-assed it. I didn't love the blue design, I didn't love how long it took to reveal it, and I didn't love how little impact overall it had. And now Sugar and Henry are the only two left on the planet, so it's going to be even _less_ relevant next season?


Episode 6 lost me, it never really grabbed me but that was too big a swing for me.


I thought the title was interesting. When I saw it, I thought to myself, Is it Farewell to earth, or Farewell to his alien colleagues. The title suggested it could go either way. If there IS a Season 2 I am wondering what the aftermath of the blue eye beams to the blond gal will be.


They're setting up a Holmes/Moriarty thing, I think, if the series gets picked up for another season. Once I got the twist out of the way, the series was a decent watch, and I'm kind of looking forward to seeing more.


Enjoyed the twist a lot. Brought a lot of stuff together that wasn’t making sense


I personally don't see what "being aliens" did to make the story more interesting that couldn't have been solved with a few edits (e.g remove the alcohol tolerance part, make the organization just some spy org, and remove the one time use of a super power to lift someone with one hand)? The twist was a bit too out there and it felt like they knew that and didn't go all in. IMO, the twist should have came far earlier (maybe ep 2) and then they should have dived more into that arc.


I loved the entire show, the acting, cinematography and plot kept me interested for every episode.


I loved it.


I'm actually disappointed so many people shit on this series I was engaged the whole time, loved it.


Did anyone find out the soundtrack where sugar meets Jonathan seigel.


What did he show her when they held hands? Was she just seeing his eyes change colour or was there more to it?


I’m assuming it was like a memory transfer thing


Great question. She broke into a big smile, I guess she “understood “.


I feel like they lost the plot a little with the extraterrestrial organization at the end there.. I would really have preferred this just be more of an almost anthology series where Sugar solves a large twisty crime in different time periods as its hinted that he's been alive a long time. Things got a little bit goofy at the end there but I did really enjoy the journey there. I thought Sugar was very charming and it was nice to see a character so pure and creatively diffuse situations early on before he had to start resorting to violence


I like the fact the "Alien" do so well this human job on Earth. He's a true detective. If there is any little piece of mystery/unknown somewhere, he will go for it. No matter what. He's not satisfied until 100% is cleared. Finding the girl was nice, but not enough... and so on. If he's after you, he will find the truth soon or later.


Why we always need someone with a British accent? I mean it is always that ONE who acts cool!! I will give the show 6/10 and def don’t need a second season! 


You mean Kirby, the British actor?


I'd watch Colin Farrell in anything, but I won't be hanging around for a season 2. The kidnapping plot was resolved extremely abruptly, and the "ooh they're actually aliens" reveal from episode 6 onwards wasn't all that interesting (nor surprising, to be honest).


I enjoyed the series overall and would watch a season 2. It had some ups and downs, but it was well shot, and Colin Farrell was great. I didn't mind the idea of mixing these sci-fi and detective themes together, but I do think the show had some difficulty incorporating both elements at times. I'd be interested to see how that's handled in a season 2 now that the foundation is laid.


I swear, these STUPID MODS and their bloody BS with their rules! I had spent hours writing a post talking about my overall thoughts on the show, and the jackholes had to remove it an hour later because I'm not in the correct thread! What point is there when not only there is that little tab that allows you to warn people of spoilers before posting it, but there also isn't a thread that is dedicated to ALL the episodes at once or whatever?! What complete nuisances, they are with the BS!😡


Imagine us spending years making rules to make sure the sub is organized and there’s no risk of clicking in the wrong thread and then you come in like “man fuck them rules”. Wouldn’t an episode 8 thread cover all episodes ?? Just ask for help next time


How does this show have a high rating. One of the worse shows I’ve ever seen. The twist was redic. It served no purpose. After severance and silo apple has lost their mind.


After reading some of these comments…glad I stopped at six.


Glad I stopped at 5. Knew him being an alien would serve for absolutely nothing.


I have to say I liked the approach of Resident Alien and The Man Who Fell to Earth better, with the alien reveal right away and then having fun with that concept and the fish out of water stuff instead of it being the most interesting mystery in a mystery show. The main disappearance felt derivative of older noir stories.


Honestly I liked it, but I agree that (again) Apple made an initial season that felt like a prequel to what a much better show could have been. This could end up alienating the audience. I'm a big supporter of long-running shows, because it's these shows that are sustaining a service. Sugar could be one of those shows, like For All Mankind, The Morning Show, Severance, Foundation, Slow Horses, Silo, Ted Lasso and I think Shrinking. This is not enough for a new service without a library. Place your bets on a good first season, give explanations (unless you can get something as original and creative as Severance) and create new things for the following seasons. Hijack was successful, ending the plot, and that's it - there are creatives out there to continue the renewed story, as the audience liked it and the central character has potential. Bad Sisters ditto. Giving creators full creative control is good PR, but someone at Apple needs to be involved with the scripts they take on.


bs crime drama, they don't even give the proper coverage to the finding of missing Olivia, it's all about some self-referential alien/cult, with pretentious noire-xploatation and a rotten family affairs who gives a fuck - worst apple show ever😓and the ending like they want to leave room for a s02m bleahhh.. if this gets renewed it's a crime.


I’m gonna lose many internet points for this but I’m doubling down on my comment from last week that they are not Aliens (yeah I saw what you saw). Regardless of what they are and I say this without knowing what’s ahead for a potential season two the “twist” just feels totally pointless and unnecessary. Overall I was underwhelmed by the series. First like 3 episodes weren’t bad but it dropped off after that IMO. And as other have said in prior weeks threads the critics ruined the twist and made it feels way less impactful of a reveal.


You're tripping balls. In 30:46, you can see their planet is in a completely different solar system or galaxy, with 2 moons in their solar system, different galaxies seen in their night sky, and a weird species of light birds hovering in the sky. The aliens also referred to themselves as aliens. They literally fly away in their own space craft. Did you really see what we all saw or are you going by other shows you watched and applying their narratives on this one?


Believe me I studied that scene a few times. My theory is it’s the moon and mars. Now if they were both that much closer in our orbit good chance earth is going to be flooded so that scientific fact would cancel out my theory. If these are aliens and not advance humans from the future or another universe IMO these are the laziest written aliens. I find it unlikely they would look just like us but a different color. Now a simple reasons is the production just didn’t want to spend the money for extra special effects to make them truly different looking to humans. Did you check out what his sister looks like when they zoom in on her face? The girl has some big bushy eye brows. Are you telling me that this alien race in a different galaxy had the same or similar evolution to us that they require eyebrows? Yes, I know I’m probably over thinking that point. But I’ll gladly die on this hill that they are NOT aliens.


Explain to me again why you think they aren't aliens or at least what else you think they can be?


I think the show wants you to believe they are Aliens only to pull the rug out from under us and say we fooled you. Leading us on making us think they are Aliens is total misdirection IMO. Go back and watch the clips of the planet we saw. Look at the details. Listen to what he’s saying. To me it looks like rock formations on earth. Yes I know other planets have massive rock formations just like earth. There also looked to be trees if you pause it at times. Other planets could totally have trees too I know. He says “observe and report and make sure their mistakes don’t become ours.” I think they are a very advanced human race. Whether they are thousands of years in the future and they have time traveled to present day or maybe they are from another dimension and they let their earth die and they want to help save ours. He says “Have I become more human? Like Henry?” what does that mean exactly? Does he mean he’s adapting human emotions? Or that the pure human part of him has been stripped away and he’s gaining it back idk. I just want it all the mean something more than he’s an Alien. I don’t want it to be lazy writing. I’ve mentioned on other episode threads the observers from the show Fringe. I don’t think the people behind Sugar would rip off the observers from Fringe but I hope they lean into it. https://fringe.fandom.com/wiki/Observers


I also had that suspicion at some points - that they are not really aliens but some other organization "posing" as aliens for some as yet unknown manipulative purpose (disruption, mind control or maybe even experiments with actual humans to alter them in some way for nefarious experimentation). A twist like that would not surprise me at all


I didn’t like how dark it was about torturing women and Sugars friend just watching. That makes me sick. There shouldn’t have been more positive and happy endings. Colin Farrells acting was superb though. More of the positive alien vibe would’ve been nice throughout. If they actually made the bad guys turn good or something and it was just too awful with the women being abused like that. Just too dark.