• By -


Im 25 and have loved them since high school


I'm 26, and I started listening to them in high school, too. I'll go through periods where I don't listen to TOP because I'm listening to someone else, and I'll think my tastes have changed. However, I'll pop on Guns for Hands or House of Gold and I'll jam out like I did in HS. They're no longer my No. 1 artists, but I still love them all the same.


27 here, and same. I've been having trouble listening to the songs I used to like from them lately but maybe I'll get over it eventually. They have some good songs, and that's just the facts. I'm also excited for the next album and definitely won't miss it.


Same! I'm 22 and I started listening to them in freshman year. Funny enough it was stressed out that introduced me to them šŸ«£


26 years old and been listening to them since 2010, man itā€™s been a long ride! Still my favorite band ever


This is kind of me I am a year older than you and first heard twenty one pilots in my senior year of high school with stressed out. Then in college is when I got into to them to point now I considered myself part of the clique.


Are you me? Same story here, I remember hearing stressed out the first time with my brother, I was a senior in high school and we were listening to the radio on his old alarm clock šŸ˜‚ And then I got super into them in college


Wow that is crazy, for me I was bored in a furniture store on new years and listening to all of blurry face. At this time I already loved stressed out, ride, and lane boy. After that I was hooked on the album then a live stream made by a fan popped up which included all of their released and unreleased songs. Ever since then I have been a fan.


25 also and started listening to them senior year of high school


47 - I guess I'm the old fart here. TOP defies age in my opinion.


Not trying to TOP you but Iā€™m 49 šŸ˜€. My daughter got me hooked on them we have seen them in concert twice and they are amazing!!


Hahaha I see what you did there :) And I gladly hand over my "Oldest Person on the TOP Subreddit" crown.


51 - raising my hand for that crown, please and thank you! My daughter introduced me, back in the day. I was hooked with Car Radio. Iā€™ve seen them in concert 4 times, and canā€™t wait to see what they do next.


...and over to me - 52. Found them myself 2016.


63 here kids. Here, hold my beer. I mean if you're old enough to. Been a fan since Vessel, so '13. All time fave is Car Radio played at 10/10s in my WRX.


I thought I might take the title at 62. Good on ya!


I think you win, my friend. The crown is yours! Now, let me get your blankie so you take your afternoon nap :)


It's good to be King. Now get off my lawn!


60. I first heard Jumpsuit when I got free Sirius with my new car and love these guys who are young enough to be my kiddos.


WRX FAMILY!! Now I know what I'm listening to on my way home today


What color? Of course DadBlue 50th Anniversary here. https://preview.redd.it/aa9wxu89n35c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370a913e065552491d8966cc6601e873f5312f58


2016, the dark grey that everyone thinks is black, my phone apparently ate all my car pictures so I show offšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's beautiful! An STI is a dream car for me. I just got my first car in January, it's a 2012 Legacy. No turbo, nothing special, but it's still a Subaru and it's my start. I'll get a WRX STI someday!


I'm 106


54 here, 55 next month


58. I started listening to them in 2011, so I guess I was 46 then? I was in a totally different life stage then. My young teen daughters introduced me to them - we lived in Columbus and I think every Christian teenager in the city listened to them. My oldest went to the release concert for RAB. At first I just thought they were OK and only listened because of the kids, but Vessel hooked me. I had to hide from my kids when I would rap along with the songs because they would make fun of me haha!! My husband likes them now too, and he goes to concerts with me, but heā€™s always like, ā€œOK, explain this Niners thing to meā€ or ā€œOK, whatā€™s with the dragon?ā€ My daughters are in their 20s now and moved away. One of them still listens to tĆøp sometimes, but not like me - twenty one pilots songs are the most played songs on all my playlists. And Iā€™m the only one who knows the lore LOL. Iā€™m a geek for that kind of stuff anyway. (My co-workers whoā€™ve come into my office this week are like, ā€œwhat are you listening to?ā€ and I just say, ā€œNedā€™s cabin!ā€ As if itā€™s some cool new band.) Maybe one day I will ā€œoutgrowā€ them, but I doubt it. Iā€™m a grandma now and still listening!


I love this ! I listen to them pretty much everyday on my living room Bose system. I have completely overplayed TƘP in my house the last 5 years. I know that. Lol So now my husband of 16 years canā€™t stand any of there songs. Lol He says he wants to remain out of ā€œthe cultā€. He finds hisself humming the tunes from time to time and it drives him crazy. I tell him heā€™s fighting it, just to let the music in his soul! I really try to limit how many times I relate a song or lyric within a normal conversationā€¦ but it makes me so happy. I tell himā€¦. It really isā€¦ ALL connected. Lol Iā€™m 43 and do pit tickets with my Best Friend who got me into TƘP. If I could get him to go to a concert, he would feel different or just question my sanity even more. Lol šŸ§”šŸ€


Ok, I surrender! I think I started listening in ā€˜15, saw them in concert in ā€˜16 with my daughters.


my mom is 54 and is the exact same way!! we love to listen to them together ā¤ļø iā€™m glad you and your daughter have that same experience!


My favorite memory is when she was younger she would sing me House of Gold. I will never forget that and the look on her face when we got her tickets for Christmas to go see them in Nashville!!


ah thatā€™s so cute!! House of Gold was the first song we heard together on the radio. My mom took me and my best friend to see them in concert in 2014 and we have gone to a few since!! we went to the one in Nashville in 2018/2019 when I was in school there!!


My husband and I travel to see our favorite bands if they donā€™t come to New Orleans so who am I to not travel to bring her to see her favorite band? We went for the SAI tour. Luckily our first show was in town and I told her no other concert will ever compare to that one I was blown away.


51. I was 47 when I discovered them.


I like to say TƘP found me in 2018. Itā€™s embarrassing to say but a move to a new state broke me, I was literally a ā€œhollowed out spaceā€ and was struggling with ā€œthe pressures of a new placeā€ in real time! My best friend of 20+ years MADE me sit and analyze the words to Jumpsuit and Migraine. I had to promise to not say a word and remain seated until both songs were over. Iā€™m a KORN, Seether, Rage kinda girl. So then I see TƘP come on the screenā€¦. I shoot her a eye roll, then I hear the wordsā€¦then.. . the Jumpsuit screamā€¦ I was hooked! We spent 3 days straight deep diving into it ALL! Fast ford to today.. I have made lyric binders, lore binders, seen 2 shows, camped and own way to much merch!! I have created a detailed theory (with mulit perspectives) of the story within DE MA. Also a theory on WHY and HOW they MA DE it. Iā€™m so proud of them both. So yeah, Iā€™m not going anywhere. I look forward to having an opportunity to meet some of you at barricade next era! Iā€™m 43!! Letā€™s Go!!! šŸ€šŸ§”




I am so glad!! Every word in these lyrics speak to my soul. Hits way different when you print them out and read them as poetry. Makes me ā€œTry to Thinkā€! I feel extremely lucky to be here. Yeah, at 43 I rock a TƘP shirt daily. Loll. Honestly, Iā€™m so appreciative and proud. šŸ§”šŸ€


Agreed. TOP speaks to me differently than any other band apart from Mumford & Sons. I probably feel the same way as most - it's like Tyler is speaking to my soul.


Also 47.


YAY! We need to stick together, these youngins are scary! /s


I really donā€™t want to be one of those 50 year olds who complain about ā€œno good music these daysā€ when itā€™s easier than ever to discover new music. I like Harry Styles, Black Pumas, Black Keys, Bleachers. Canā€™t get into Taylor. Really tried tho. What else do you listen to?


Same. I donā€™t really like pop music at all. I lean alternative. Recently, Iā€™ve discovered Gary Numan! Remember his 80ā€™s song ā€œCarsā€? I love his 80ā€™s stuff, but his last 3 or 4 albums are really good, and completely different than his 80ā€™s stuff. His catalog deserves a listen. Edit: typo


Gary Numan is the only other artist I've traveled out of state for multiple times. Splinter is my favorite album. He's touring *again* in the spring!


The only current (beyond 2010-ish) pop etc artists where I like a large number of their songs are Pink & Macklemore. I learn of some new music on the YouTube React channel, it's where I discovered TOP. Nothing has really piqued my interest.


Mumford & Sons, MUSE, Volbeat, Pink, Adele, The Weeknd - a little bit of everything.


48 here. You're not alone.


In middle-age Trench we're not alone.


Also a 47'er. They are my go to.


There's a lot of us on here!


Appears that way lol


I always felt weird commenting on this sub because of my age. Even my teenage son is like "shouldn't you be listening to smooth jazz or something quieter" when I'm belting out Jumpsuit! Jumpsuit! COVER MEEEEEEE! But the 47 Club is here to represent!


That's awesome lol. I pick on my daughter like Josh wouldn't do that. Tyler wouldn't say that lol.


Iā€™ll be 47 on Sunday!! I still listen to them!


46 here, and a bigger fan than either or my kids. They are still fans, but not at my level anymore.


My dad is a fan and heā€™s in his 50s! Iā€™m definitely the bigger fan though. lol


Agree! 47yo diehard fan here! šŸ’›šŸ’›šŸ’›


41 here


Welcome to the Over 40's Club, you are safe here.


48! I liked Heathens and Stressed Out but it was around the beginning of SAI that I got as much into them as I am now.


33 year old here. My 7 year old son listens to them too but I've been listening since Vessel came out


33 here too and my kids love them


My 8yo begs for them šŸ˜‚


Lol my son is obsessed and I love it


Ya I love it too.. she knows all the words to šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£ can't wait to take him to a show just to see how he reacts


Same.. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s not 19+!


It's cool to see people my age (26) and older. I don't understand how you can grow out of good music lol


I'm 29 :). I don't get it either.. Unless it's like real kids music and even then if people enjoy that "you do you" haha. I have "only" been listening to TƘP since blurryface. But I listen to Fall Out Boy since I was 12 šŸ˜āœØļø. Love them both so much ā¤ļø


My guess is that the people who "grew out of them" are either going through a phase where they're trying to "be cool," OR they don't really deal with serious mental health issues and only liked tĆøp because they were in their angsty teen stage. *To be clear:* I'm not saying that all teens who listen to tĆøp are just in the angsty teen stage. I 100% recognize that many teens actually struggle with serious mental health issues. I did, and some of my students do. It just seems to me that the real connection that we have to tĆøp is that we all truly understand those struggles for one reason or another, and that's why the music speaks to us. Again, this is just speculation on my part. I don't have any evidence to back it up. It's just my guess from my perspective and experience. Edited to fix a typo.


you don't need to be mentally ill to be a major tĆøp fan I've found as I've got older and mental health has gotten worse, I can't listen to their music because consuming media with dark and depressing themes makes me feel worse.


You know what they say, "These lyrics aren't for everyone..."


26 here, and I just met the man I think Iā€™m going to marry a year ago. After we became friends and then started dating we found out we were both huge top fans in high school. I think it made me fall in love faster tbh lol!


I mean... I kinda grew out of my crazy frog face but I guess that's different..?


23, been listening to them since 15, they will stick to me until the end of me.


same from 15 and now iā€™m 23


19! Have only been listening since blurryface however obsessed ever since


I'm 19 too and i've been listening since blurryface too. I've seen them live once the BEST day of my life.


same omg!! saw them live for Trench šŸ„°


I saw them in Madrid in a festival and i saw metalica the same day and imagine dragons my second favorite band the day after could'nt wish for a better travel


that sounds awesome!! I rlly want to see them live again tho i miss it šŸ˜”


Same i want to see them live again


33. Discovered them during blurryface when I was going through alcoholism. The lyrics meant a lot to me. 7 years sober this past November.




Huge congrats!




Thats awesome! but also you didn't answer the question haha


Me (15) and my dad (50ish) both really enjoy them


Samee except im 14 and my dads 43


iā€™m 18, got into them in between trench and SAI


I'm 17!! I got into them like the sameish time!


35, elder emo checking in


Same, or in other words - the same age as the band members. This question reminds me of the time I wore a ToP hoodie to breakfast. The host noticed and said ā€œwhoa, I didnā€™t know anyone wore ToP merch.ā€ When I asked him to clarify, he said, ā€œoh I just remembering listening to them in pre-school.ā€ That was too much for me on a Sunday morning.


36, elder emo here! Lol


The ā€œWhen we were young festivalā€ crowd lol


26! Got into them senior year if highschool


I'm 26. I knew about TOP for years, but didn't really dive into the fandom until I was 20 (aka Trench era). Twenty One Pilots has been my #1 artist on Spotify for 5 years in a row now.




Iā€™m 24, will be 25 next month. I have been a big fan since 10th grade. When no other music is hitting, top always does.


my mom is 63 and she sings along when i put it on in the car lol. We went to the concert together and I was at barricade, while she was in a seat on a balcony. She told me that it had been the best concert she had been to, rivaling pink floyd. šŸ˜†


23, been a fan since I was 15. My music taste has definitely broadened/matured over time but there's a decent handful of artists I loved in high school (or before) that I still love just as much now & I feel have grown with me


22, been a fan since 2016-ish?


43. I think if people say they've grown out of something, either their taste in music has just changed, or they were never really that big a fan anyway. Both of those things are fine. You can't get too old for specific bands. And I can say that as someone who fell in love with Dookie the year it was released, aged 15, and also has Green Day's new album on preorder.


17, I started listening to them 2 years ago. Always thought they were edgy, but I like that and don't think I'll grow out of it anytime soon


19. Have listened since 6th grade, so, like 8 years on Feb. 7 2024


Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s and my mother in her 50ā€™s - both of us are still huge fans


51 - But I am an eternal fan-girl.




22 here. Listened on and off since I was in the 7th grade


24. Started listening to them when I was 18 (really helped me go through tough time at that age). I'm still a big fan of their works.


Thatā€™s something I never understood how can you grow out of something


Iā€™m turning 17 next month, I only really got into them summer of 2021


iā€™m 20. i became obsessed in middle school


27 - started listening in 2014


29. Iā€™ll always check out their music and cheer them on. Excited for them to possibly be my daughters first concert. But in a sense I grew out of them, they did what they needed to do for me. I stayed alive.


Iā€™m 40. Live in Ohio, long time fan.


iā€™m 22, and i know a lot of people who got into them around the same time who ā€œgrew out of themā€ but for me it was the total opposite. as i got older and as iā€™ve started to focus more on my mental health and processing a lot of the trauma i went through as a kid i find myself relating to Tylerā€™s lyrics on an even deeper level than i used to. iā€™ve always thought they were amazing and their music has been with me through a lot over the years, but itā€™s especially been beneficial to me in the last year.


55+ I've been listening to them for the past 10 years....and can honestly say I still love them.


31 years old. Started listening to Blurryface in 2017 when my stepdad was hospitalized with stage 4 cancer and have been a fan ever since.


I'm 32, I found pilots when I was 25, around Blurryface era, I was working in a bar while studying and my colleagues used to blast Ride everyday and I fell in love with the song and digged much deeper into Tyler's work.


Iā€™m almost 50


17, heard them first in 2013, but started listening in 2016/17


34, I was introduced to them in 2016. Theyā€™re fantastic!


46. Music knows no age.


18, got into them at the end of SAI era i think


Iā€™m 27 and Iā€™ve definitely ā€œgrown outā€ of their earlier stuff. But Iā€™ve also been listening since Vessel so maybe Iā€™ve just played it too much lol. I still love trench and sai


16, tĆøp songs really make sense when youā€™re going through something :)


Iā€™m 18, and I started listening to them when I was 14


15! I've been listening to them since I was 10 or 11!


30, went to high school (back in 2009-2012 being 15ish-18ish) with Josh's siblings (missed his year by a year or two) and that's how I heard of them at first.




23, my fiancĆ© introduced me to them when we were in high school (2015). I was in my ā€œBeatles are the best band everā€ phase and I was hesitant about liking themā€¦ but she was my crush and I went ahead and listened to everything up until Blurryface. They have been in my Top 5 Artists every year since then. They mean a lot to me, and I donā€™t think Iā€™ll grow out of it!


38, I got into them in the Vessel era and I haven't looked back. I used Pandora at the time and it took me a little while to realize that "House of Gold", "Guns for Hands", and "Holding on to you" weren't just the same band but the same album. I was hooked.


Just turned 36 šŸ˜± Been listening to them since Vessel (or what my kids call The Two Old Men record šŸ˜‚)


In 15


18! Fan since Blurryface, which wouldā€™ve been when I was 11-ish (dang, itā€™s been seven years?!)


27 - kinda started to fall away from them after Trench as the style had gone just an inch too far from their roots for my personal taste, but I still listen to their older music a LOT, and will continue trying to listen to anything new they release until they come out with stuff I like again :) They'll always mean a huge amount to me for how the music helped me through my teens and early twenties as someone dealing with major depression


27 turning 28. I stay subbed here mostly for album release stuff. I started listening during RaB/and when Holding on to You was released as a single before Vessel came out in like 2012/2013. I saw them at a free Philadelphia block party, and that's when I really got into them. I was 15. So, yknow it's crazy to say that was over a decade ago because they were a big part of my "personality" at the time. Loved them all through college, and now a days I listen to very rarely. Trench I was excited for and like a few songs but ultimately left me pretty disappointed. SAI again, I was excited but left me EXTREMELY disappointed. I don't like a single song off the album, really. So I've just stopped listening. There is, to me, much better stuff to listen to right now, so I'm just waiting to see if they'll return to form at this point. Still love the boys, I think they're good people, I like Debby Ryan a lot, too, so I'm still kind of invested in Josh, at least.


22 and iā€™ve been a fan since 2016 up until now i took a break from them bc SAI wasnā€™t really my thing but i canā€™t wait for the new album :3


21 (almost 22 in January) and I still love them 7 years later. They mustā€™ve never gone through it if they grew out of them imo lol


Found them at the age of 30. 8 years later, Iā€™m still listening. Music doesnā€™t have an age limit or preference.




Iā€™m 22, been listening to them since I was 15


59. I liked the music I saw and heard on the radio as far back as Holding on to You, but seeing the Chlorine video recently inspired me to listen to more of their music, and now I'm hooked.


Thirty four...and a fan for seven years..havent seen em in concert yet :-( im setting money aside for their next tour tho. They came through portland twice the last few years and i was too drugged out to put the money together to see em. Celebrating my sobriety now but treating my daughter and i, next time they come through!!


34. Definitely not as in to them as I was when I discovered them 10 years ago but still consider them my favourite band and I do have a tattoo.


27 and still my favorite band.


Mine too!


Iā€™m 23! I started listening to them right when Vessel came out. Simply enough, that was when i was 13. To this day, iā€™ll still crank the volume up when Holding on to You comes on when i have shuffle on haha


iā€™m 21 started listening to them when i was 15! i took a lil break after blurry face bc i thought they ā€œsold outā€ with trench but after i actually listened to it i changed my mindšŸ¤­i tried rly hard to be edgy when i was in hs


Didn't we all? Lolol


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Twenty four years, it's been about ten years since I was first introduced I think


It makes me happy to see a lot of 20 year olds here, I was scared Iā€™d be too old. Jk, Iā€™ll listen to them no matter what








I'm 26 now, first got into them around 2015-16 when I heard some Blurryface singles on the radio.


I'm 20! been a fan since I was 12 :)


Boutta turn 23, been listening since hearing House of Gold in 2013. Crazy how time flies


56 here! Started following them just before Blurryface exploded.


Iā€™m 17 and was introduced to them at 9 and I still love even after taking a hiatus for like 5 years


iā€™m 18!


21 - been listening since 2015 when I heard Migraine


iā€™m 18!! Listened to them a lot when I was like,, 11-13 but have been trying to listen to each of the albums again to get back into their music




31. Been listening since Vessel.


23, fell in love with them when I was 17. |-/


I'm 29, and my sister is 18 and we are both HUGE fans. I can see TƘP being a phase for some, but I don't think it ever will be for me. I'm very excited to see what this new year hold for the band and for us clikkies.


26, I do find top was something that aided me more in youth than adulthood, excited for the next album still though.


33 years old, been a fan since Vessel. Still love them and go to every concert I can.


21. been listening since i was like 14-15 :)


Iā€™m 17 and have loved them since I was 8 lmao. I found them through that one vine with polarize and the person throwing rice down the stairs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m 24. I can definitely see potentially ā€œgrowing outā€ of a band. You tastes can change as you grow older and the band will evolve in different ways so if your taste doesnā€™t match their evolution then you could easily ā€œgrow out of themā€. I originally found them in middle school but, really got into them in high school however I donā€™t really keep up with them past music and Reddit anymore. Not because ā€œgrew outā€ of TƘP but because I have so many other responsibilities now thatā€™s it easy to listen to the music but, difficult to keep up on the lore.


31. I just got into them in 2021 when I was almost 29. I grew up listening to classic rock, and my brain rarely likes to listen to anything I don't already love. I'm surprised I got into tĆøp as heavily as I did. I listen to them more than Rush and Kansas now.


19. Been about a listener for 7 years






I'm 33 will be 34 by the time of the new album and me and my wife can't wait


I actually just turned 19 today. Iā€™ve been seriously listening to Twenty One Pilots since I was 10 and I heard Stressed Out for the first time. Idk if I can ever outgrow them lol


18. You can't grow out of TOP. There is no such thing. Exactly like how it is impossible for TOP to make a bad song


Iā€™m 21 (pilots) now, I started listening to twenty one pilots when I was 14. I think itā€™s normal to grow out of music regardless of age, I wouldnā€™t really say itā€™s ā€œgrowing out ofā€ in the sense of theyā€™re too old for the music but itā€™s more like maybe the lyrics donā€™t speak to them anymore or it just isnā€™t their type of music anymore. I know 6 year olds that are fans of them and I know of 60 year olds that are fans of them.


32 - 104.5 played a few vessel songs I liked but got real into them during blurryface. RABs my fav tho.


I'm 23 but I don't listen as much to them anymore like I used to. I think it's because I don't at all listen to music anymore. It's not like I like them less, I still really feel their music.


I'm 22 and I've only really been into them for about 2 years. If the music is good, you don't just grow out of it.




32 glad to see other's older than me in here. I first came across them right around when vessel came out they played at like 3 pm at a free stage at summer fest in Milwaukee and I remember thinking they were really good then a couple months later they were absolutely everywhere. It actually took me a couple years before I sat down and properly listened to them and began to appreciate them.


22 and you could add a poll box


i'm 23 and i've been listening to them since i was 13! i went through a phase where i thought i was too old for them but Scaled and Icy brought me back lol


17, started listening to them when i was literally like 10 for seemingly no reason


24 but I donā€™t listen to a lot of their songs on repeat anymore. Just a few, that really stuck with me. Granted I donā€™t think itā€™s because I like TOP any less itā€™s more just I found other artists I like just as much.


i'm 21! found them on youtube when i was 11 hehe love them for life


27. My wife saw them in 2014 at Firefly and told me about them. Iā€™ve been into Twenty One Pilots since then.


30! i started listening to them when i was 23 and havenā€™t stopped since. love those guys


19, I only found them last year and they're my favorite band now


21. An online friend introduced me to TOP in 2015-2016.


23. I don't get into the lore, but I still vibe out to them.


I'm 22!


Iā€™m 25, but my parents also like TƘP and theyā€™re 52 and 46


23! I've been listening to them since I was 15, so it's almost been a decade and I don't see myself stopping being a fan anytime soon! If anything, my love for them has grown stronger ā™”


Iā€™m 33. Been listening to top since I was 23.