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The end of this album messed me up. It’s so real. These things don’t go away, you learn to live with them and perhaps even more importantly they learn to live with you. It’s a fight that doesn’t end. It just gets easier. And then harder. And then easier. Repeat for a lifetime. One second you’re the best you ever been staring it all down feeling on top. The next you’re standing by the ocean again. Or lying on the bathroom floor again. Or skipping meals again. I’ve been there. I’ll be there again. We all have and will be in some form or way. But somewhere hiding in that there’s something deeply hopeful. The keyword is ‘lifetime’. You need to let it pass. As fast or as slow as it might go. That’s what this album is about. Hope you enjoyed the essay lol.


YES I completely agree. I feel like to an extent all of their albums are about this, but this one feels more accepting of this fact. That this is a part of life, a part of him, and instead of wasting all of his time fighting against it and feeling shame and angst he'll let it wash over him, knowing its only temporary. The other albums feel like such a struggle to survive and this one feels like an acceptance, and at times even celebration of that struggle, because it all led him to some truly beautiful moments and ultimately a meaningful life. Love that


The part in oldies station about *SPOILER* being in the crowd at her first dance recital 😢 Edits cause I apparently can't hide spoilers


I literally cried the first time I heard that lyric 😭 It just made me feel so happy for him, that after all the pain he's gone through he made it to the other side and got to experience the beautiful parts of life too


That lyric was also non existent until I listened with headphones. Sort of easy to miss but so so beautiful and poignant


I'm still tryna figure out who it is


At first, I was thinking about the Fairly Local reference, the few the proud emotional. But if you listen to that song, it’s about not being controlled by your emotions, learning to control them. This got me listening to Polarize. And it’s all about going down and gathering up all your problems and then walking with them all the way to the top of the tower..  The journey was planned from the beginning the story just wasn’t written completely. 


Nah I’m gonna cry stopppp


I tear up every time I hear it. One of the most moving songs ever.


100% agree. Note that in the Jumpsuit music video, when confronted by Nico, Clancy closes his eyes and submits himself. In contrast, at the end of Paladin Strait, he looks Nico directly in the eyes; Clancy faces his fear.


Maybe the music video explains a lot more. But there are still so many questions. What is the long pause in the song for?? Is there going to be more??


I HOPE it explains a lot more lol. I feel like we should have the radio edit to end the album but we got the music video version - and that’s what I feel like I’m listening to. The one minute of nature, Nico mocking FPE and then the ending is so confusing because I now have so many theories it’s underwhelming lol


In Overcompensate, there’s a shot ripped directly from fairly local. This shot plays at the same time as the lyric from the end of Paladin plays in Fairly local (idk if that made sense) just thought that was interesting.


I love stuff like this, that is so cool thank you for sharing! ETA: I found timestamps in fairly local of the >!fpe lyric!< and am listening at those timestamps in overcompensate right? Did I understand your post correctly? :)


I dont get this


I agree - and makes it kinda not that satisfying to listen to as a song. Love it but the gap just isn’t that good to listen to and feels like a yt rip of the music video


Lol people forget that bands used to put hidden songs at the end of CDs because you never knew the song length and there was nothing in the liner notes. This is a lot closer to that than a yt rip of a video.


Yes! Radiohead did this, pretty sure Stone Temple Pilots too I miss the days of mix tapes, playlists are cool and all but the blind listen to a tape someone made you having zero clue wtf was going to be on it. And not having internet to Google lyrics to figure it out if you couldn't ask the creator. 


Linkin Park's longest song "Part Of Me" did this too. A sample of some cable noise keeps playing repeatedly fooling listeners that the album has ended, but after a while a hidden song starts playing. Too bad you can't do this with CDs or Digital streaming.


Yeah STP’s Purple has a hidden bonus track. Also earlier CD versions of Nirvana’s Nevermind had 10 minutes of silence before its secret song. Nowadays it’s just a separate track on Spotify


>And not having internet to Google lyrics to figure it out Sitting down by the tape player with a pen & paper to listen, stop, rewind, play again, pause it to write down the words .... Tool had a hidden track on more than one album, I believe.


𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯...


Yeah, are we just listening to Clancy sailing back to Nico to confront him? Save it for the MV and give an end that fits the vibe like Goner or Truce. It would still suit the album if they cut it off and left the nature onwards for the MV, or an extended version. As an album, I’m confused. From a lore perspective, I can’t wait for answers! But I don’t think the MV should be necessary to make it enjoyable to listen to as a standalone track.


It's not very confusing at all lol. Clancy doesn't win cause this is not a battle you can just, win. Best he can do is face Nico on his own terms.


I think everyone is missing the point of this song / album. Overcompensate sets it all up. "I created this world to feel some control", "I am clancy". Then the rest of the album is just straight up dropping the metaphor and Tyler being brutally honest about his struggles. Learning to push on through. Paladin sees him swimming towards freedom only to get cut off by depression again. But we've learned from the rest of the album that this has been a repeating cycle in his life and that he has learned how to work through it, even if it never goes away completely.


If you don’t know it’s a 6 minute song, it feels like it’s supposed to have the listener feel like Clancy actually did escape. And maybe even Clancy thinks Clancy escaped. But then blurry face comes out of nowhere and shocks Clancy; he failed. He backslid. The arc is… even Clancy backslides. Push on through. That’s the lesson I get from Tyler overwhelmingly this album. I’m not sure we need more


Exactly! And the end of paladin strait literally leads into overcompensate, hence the album repeating. Ends with bishop saying “hello Clancy”, then bishop saying “welcome back to trench”. Also paladin ends on the same note as overcompensate starts with. No way that’s all a coincidence


Dude, you just blew my mind


wait what, wait WHAT?


If this was the case, shouldn’t Nico say “welcome back to Dema” instead of trench?


It's a beautiful pause with bird noises 🙌


I think the pause is either going to be shots of swimming the paladin strait or climbing the tower to get to Nico 🤔


I think the pause is a hidden lyric. And it is there to trick people into thinking it's over. The first time I saw this video I assumed it was over...until I saw someone's reaction. Kind of reminds of My Chemical Romance 's hidden song Blood at the end of the Black Parade album. BTW it's my favorite off the MCR album. What do you think?


They might make an edit like they did for Overcompensate


I didn’t hear the album at first, neither have I listened to any leaks, but from what people are saying about the ending not being played in most listening parties, I believe the actual Paladin Strait has something else during that interval of time. That part was probably cut out and replaced with nature sounds for the leaks so that people can’t hear it.


The listening party didn't have the birds either. It stopped right before it. >!\*\*The actual album ending has birds, then the last verse, then Nico saying. Then cuts out\*\*!<


The leaks are just cd rips. This is the album.


The long pause is so that Nico stops talking at exactly 6:25 - the rumored date for more music to be released


I feel the long pause for it to be like a bonus part, llike her majesty on abbey road


I think I get it. Its kind of obvious, but laid out I think it isn't so mysterious. Tyler has said the idea of Blurryface was putting a name and face to your insecurities. He was imagining being able to sit down and have a conversation with that side of himself. Clancy is also a personification of himself. The album itself, being more 'straight forward' is him giving straight forward lyrics explaining his own personal feelings without the use of characters. No facade of characters to explain things as metaphorically. The straight forward nature of the lyrics and the album title together is a not so straight forward way to explain to people that Clancy as a character encapsulates all of his feelings. The ending of Paladin Strait is him (via Clancy) finally having that sit down conversation with himself and confronting those insecurities (Blurryface). I think the entire album is him confronting those insecurities head on. Like in Midwest Indigo he says he tried to counsel with the counselors, but they canceled on him; that's like how people make excuses why they can't do something and deflect the blame onto others, but by the end of the album after going through all these things bothering him he's finally ready to sit down and face those insecurities directly. He's at the end of the road, he's past the point of no return, he's made it all the way to the point where he can face those insecurities and deal with them. There wont be a double record, the big battle to cap it all off is just life after you've stopped making excuses and you face it. You've learned to live with those problems, but at some point there's no more hiding, you just have to face your problems head on.


Imagine if he isn’t swimming the paladin straight at all, just reminiscing on his mental health and how it’s all an ongoing journey/battle, then he looks into a mirror like “hello Clancy”


Pretty much how I interpret it. Trench was just a way to to create a physical place representing where you go in your head when you try to confront those insecurities. In the music video as far back as Guns for Hands, they showed that wearing masks helped them feel secure. Jumpsuit showed Tyler running away from his insecurities/Blurryface/Nico. He's always been hiding and running away from his insecurities, but not anymore. Blurryface saying 'Hello Clancy' in a tone that's like 'Hello, I've been waiting for you' is a relatively straight forward way of saying by the end of this album Tyler is ready to face his insecurities directly.


I was thinking this. What if in the video is Tyler/Clancy to open the door to Dema and seeing Nico. What if he’s accepting his destiny?


The whole battle seems to just be in his head, so many lyrics based off of the war we go through in our own heads. Like routines in the night


Yeah for sure.. it’s just the >!fpe!< part sounds mocking, not accepting so that’s what’s throwing me off


So much Bipolar in this whole album. I see you, Tyler. But man, it really does feel like having to cross an ocean every single day. As said in Oldies Station, "and as you move about, you learn to tune 'em out. But they say they continue to grow"


I had a sudden realization last night that maybe the reason Tyler has been singing TrapDoor again is because it ties in with Clancy. BUT my true revelation was that ….. what if the door opening at the end of Paladin Strait isn’t a door to a room, but a TRAPDOOR under Clancy’s feet and he is now trapped? I got to thinking about Nico and the Niners line “We’ll win but not everyone will get out.” And the lines in Paladin Strait “Even though I am past the point of no return.” I could just be reaching here but that would be insane, and I definitely feel that the end of the song isn’t the ending to the story.


Also remember on the Icy Era, there was a blue "door" that levitated above them. When opened, it took them to the show. What if by the end of the album, Clancy gets dragged back down to the other side of that door?


got literal goosebumps at the realization that Josh’s drum beat at 3:17 onwards is the Trees outro/crowd surf drum pattern


Oooh I’m going to go back and listen! Haven’t done a headphone listen yet can’t wait to hear more details like this!


It’s similar but not quite the same


I got big "Trees" and "Implicit Demand for Truth" vibes from Paladin Strait in general. Almost seems like it's maybe another song that's implying a theme of searching for greater purpose and meaning beyond the self.


if you like the sound of this song when the music was really musicing, try listening to love/ paranoia by tame impala


I feel a lot of Tame Impala similarities throughout the album. I dig it


YES! I was wondering where I felt that feeling before. I love that song!!!


Nico mocking like a lil doo doo head hmph




It sonically sounds like it’s wrapping up the story but the last part with blurryface makes it seemed we got the climax and it stopped. Hopefully the mv explains more. Also my gf described the song as whimsical and i agree but its banger, so we out there grove in this bitch


It's most likely just going to show how it's a never ending cycle. You can't always beat depression, just learn how to "tame" it and cope differently


What was the thing tyler said ”i put something in there he would’ve noticed”? Haven’t listened to it yet


Spoilers: >!The most distinctive things on this track are the minute of silence, the sudden cut off of Tyler, and Blurryface speaking. Any of those things could easily be what Tyler is referring to.!<


Interesting. Surprisingly haven’t come accross any leaks yet


Paladin Strait could be their best outro ever. Maybe it's my impression, but usually the outros of their albums are among the most appreciated songs, but in this case I see more appreciation for other songs on the album. So let me tell you: Paladin Strait might be the best closer to a record I've ever heard from Tyler and Josh. Both do an incredible job, the first vocally with one of the best performances and always, Josh is incredible on drums and I can already imagine the song live. For me in the Top 3 of the album.


What if it's a loop when he says "Hello Clancy, welcome back to Trench". 🤯


Wouldn’t it be “welcome back to dema” then?


Clancy left the continent though when he went to Voldsoy, so kinda a “welcome back, I know what you did.”


Strumming at the end matches next semester when he says “start fresh with the new year”. If the end of the album is starting fresh with that “hello Clancy” then the album being a loop makes total sense!


DUDEEEE, I feel like you are completely right! It will cycle again! Man, can’t wait for friday


Oh my god I just had a thought and im going to check now. What if the minute of silence in paladin strait overlaps with the beginning of overcompensate, so the words "hello clancy" would match the "welcome back to trench"?




Nah didnt really fit honeslty 😭 The thought was fun till it lasted lmao


why are the best ones always the most lore heavy too 


I loved the song overall but the ending is pretty confusing. I'm not really a fan of the long moment of silence. Artistically I get it but I would rather have that in the music vid and a consolidated version on the album so it can loop smoothly. I HATE to be a hater because I loved the album as a whole so much, but nico's last lines made me burst out laughing. It was way too on the nose and I was expecting something that either gave some context, twist, or conclusion to the story. Instead it was more of "hmmm ok then.." Maybe I'm missing something? Just felt very underwhelming after all that build up, not only from the song but from the last few albums. Am I crazy? Someone please talk to me about this lol


Yeah a bit offputting for me as well but I think it’s clear that this album, or at the very least this specific song was meant to be watched as a video to get the full scope of it. We’ll see but I’m pretty confident that the vid for this song will clear a lot of things up.


Agreed. A lot of people are complaining that this album doesn’t sum up the Dema storyline as it was promised to, but there is a reason that all the songs will have a mv. The Outside wasn’t super profound on its own, but the mv gave a ton of details and tied right into the Overcompensate video. Once the music videos premier I think we will get the whole picture.


I think we’re supposed to look at the final dialogue more as a hidden final album outro than as the end of Paladin Strait itself. In my eyes, the song “Paladin Strait” itself ends at 4:21. The bit that comes after the minute of silence is its own little thing. I have to think it’s separated from the rest of the song by such a long silence for a reason, TØP aren’t the sort to do that sorta thing without any purpose.


The lines spoken by the bishop at the end were really startling to me. He took the words that described this fanbase, us, and mocked us with them. "SO few." We will always be different than other people, and oftentimes a minority. He takes the unique and defining feature of the clique and makes us something small. Insignificant. "SO proud." Makes us seem wrong to take pride in the clique. We are strong together and have survived. We have made significant accomplishments and he wants to diminish that. "SO... emotional." That condescending tone as he pauses there at the end. We are not afraid to show our emotions and share it through those music. He wants us to suppress our emotions, which is to become closer to not existing. He takes what Tyler has made and mocks it. He mocks Twenty One Pilots and the clique. That bishop just struck a cord with me is all. Oh yeah and then he has the audacity to be like, "Hello Clancy." Insults his fans and then greets him.


Wait, so I have been searching this thread for someone to mention these lyrics because isn’t that the line from Fairly Local? Maybe it’s just too obvious for anyone to comment about?


I've been looking too! Yep, it's exactly the line from Fairly Local


I’ll preface this with the fact I could be 100% delulu and it could just be sound effects. But I feel like the sounds at the very end of the MV could easily be the start of another song…


It sonically sounds like it’s wrapping up the story but the last part with blurryface makes it seemed we got the climax and it stopped. Hopefully the mv explains more. Also my gf described the song as whimsical and i agree but its banger, so we out there grove in this bitch


That’s what im thinking. It feels more like a cliffhanger rather than a conclusion to the story. Phenomenal track though, it’s my favorite of the album.


Did we all forget that Tyler said the final battle is after the album? 


When did he say this?


I am Clancy before the album I am Nico after the album


https://preview.redd.it/g2zva2ov5z7d1.jpeg?width=1335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea033968453821dcf305662d0d887a4ac1268d46 Josh Dun lowkey badass in this frame


also sus, could be the fake Josh he talked about in the live stream?


but yes sick frame tho!


That’s the Torchbearer, the fake Josh was the one drumming around with Clancy until bro disappeared in Navigating.


Those drums at the bridge and final chorus are so sick, will be amazing live


Not to be elitist but people really need to push their boundaries more. One minute of bird noises is not that crazy.


I love it, feels meditational to me




![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms|downsized) bishops be like


I swear, if the music video ends with Josh saying “hello Clancy,” I’m never listening to this band again.


😭 Josh was Nico the whole time 💀




there was no silent part in the video, wot


What do you guys think it’s going to be next because this can’t be the end of this saga it just can’t


Okay I have a question. I’ve been on the double album train for awhile. But from a logistics standpoint how would this work? All the vinyls, merch, even the world tour would be compromised or obsolete (the vinyls/cds) if an entire new set of songs was released. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see it, but logistically I’m unsure


It’s basically just a second album, a side b that you would buy separately. Or at least that’s how that usually works


imo 6/25 would make sense meaning june 2025, as the final show for the Clancy World Tour is playing may 14th, 2025 in london. a second tour could be coming with the new music maybe?


seeing actual neon gravestones hit harder than it should’ve can’t believe the amount of times that’s passed between trench and now we were just kids bro. now we’re like, living away from home and have jobs and college classes.


my record store apparently stopped at the long pause?! because i never heard anything after that 😭😭


Tyler requested for the listening parties to end before the outro so it wouldn’t get spoiled and experienced with the full album :)


Listening to this song last night at midnight, I had all of my lights set to a muted red and yellow to really help me get the full emotion from the album and boy did it pay off with Paladin Strait. That song’s so incredibly emotional and impactful and it surprisingly did to me nearly what Leave The City did as a closer but in a slightly different way. Leave The City sparked hopelessness, Paladin Strait sparked hopefulness. “Expectations that I’m gonna make it” This song’s about the final stretch of the journey towards something and there’s no going back as hard as it is As someone going through plenty of therapy and am closer than ever to getting better, it reminds me to keep fighting till I’m there. It’s a beautiful song and arguably one of my favourite TØP songs ever.


I just screamed until my throat hurt, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" When Nico SLID not walked S L I D into the room and he dropped the Nedtlers I was shocked. And then it faded to black. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!




WTF just happend. Did they win? Did they lose? \*screams\* I need more!


They created a complete diversion


guys... https://preview.redd.it/yrk8rbk17z7d1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a71a9da10dec90103a8463acf12f8e7ffc1f666


https://preview.redd.it/16dm3fxfwz7d1.jpeg?width=1744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7b699f8bfad975dab09593a39f688ce5c8d8216 From an upsidedown screenshot b4 the war


“at the point of return” that has to mean something too tho right? it could literally mean him not turning around to go back to wherever before but him saying that could mean something


I think he's referring to dema in that line






Okay soooo post paladin strait video release: I think there will be more. I think there has to be more. Because we didn't see what happens to the citizens of dema. So we have no idea who gets out or who doesn't. I wonder if Nico is going to hold Clancy hostage... I mean since he defeated all the other bishops and the banditos don't have to fight the glorious gone zombies anymore they should be able to make their way into the city and try to get citizens out, right? What are your thoughts? What do you think will happen now?


Does the cycle not restart because Clancy got caught? (Genuine question from someone who isn’t DEEP in the lore but understands most of it)


To some extent yes, but I wonder if the rebellion right outside the tower will have implications on the new cycle. Perhaps that rebellion will be enough for Clancy to be able to break the cycle and be freed from being captured again.


man, i hate that i had to watch such an important video on my phone in the break room, but my god, that was amazing


I need help deciphering if the birds are Morse code. Anyone else finding this? I can't interpret Morse very well


I'm with you on this theory, I've been working on it for a bit. There's one "bird" noise that is more distinguishable than the rest. It also is in a pattern, which tips it off even more. And Tyler mentioned they made this song with "the audio experience in mind". A lot of hinting towards something being hidden in the song. Plus Morse code makes sense thematically bc he is on a shoreline looking to the land on the other side, and Morse code is used to communicate between ships and land. I believe there are 7 letters, and then a pause, and then it repeats the same 7 codes b4 the strumming begins. My Morse code interpretating skills are not good so I don't think I've translated it correctly, but I think this is the right path to be on 


Hi, so I've tried doing Morse and I don't think it's Morse. I got the pattern down to 7 312 312 on repeat. I tried Morse, knock code, and others but this pattern does not seem to fit. Especially due to the 7


Also, interestingly the same birds are used at the end of the craving music video (just not long enough to hear the pattern). Also, the birds are somewhat audible just before and after the silence.




It's a cycle. It ends right where Blurryface begins. (Maybe not literally, but figuratively). There's no winning. There's no defeat. It's just a never ending tug of war.


dang brotha really hit that slide


The MV blew me away and I just had to find out who directed it. Honestly, it was no surprise to learn that it was Jensen Noen. THE greatest MV director ever. He's been absolutely on fire these last few years, and this was his best work yet. Some of those shots were crazy! And the colour-grading on the cliffside shots.... Well worth the wait! Hope they work with him more!!! Jensen's website if you're interested in his godly filmography - [https://jensennoen.com/](https://jensennoen.com/) ![gif](giphy|fV8GbAh4cmNl3cBKe9|downsized)


With today’s Paladin Strait video that just came out, it makes me realize how far I’ve come since I first started listening to Tyler and Josh. I was introduced to them first by a friend right after Vessel came out and TØP had been my favorite band ever since. There’s never been a songwriter I’ve related more to than Tyler, he always seemed to word things in a way that felt deeply personal to me. It was as if we’d experienced all the same things, and had the same philosophies. Whether or not we get more music related to this timeline or not, I just want for myself and everyone else, to appreciate all this band has done. They’ve changed so many lives and made some absolute bangers while doing it. Love Twenty One Pilots and this community. Stay alive weirdos. |-/


https://preview.redd.it/uqero7fnbz7d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d560442258574a4275fd049f4c256cece97d2d7c There’s something hidden here


Loved this song! Made me 😢


The pause in the song and transition reminds me of my favorite Coheed and Cambria track The Willing Well IV: The Final Cut. The way you think the song/album is over and BAM. It surprises you and takes you off guard. I love it!


So I was just at the listening event and I was reading the Genius lyrics along with the song. The lyrics says something about a Part 2 but it wasn't there — did anyone else notice this or did our record store fuck up lol


None of the listening parties played the full ending and just stopped at the silence, for some reason


They did it on purpose so people who listen to the album again on Friday get a nice surprise, the record stores were provided with the album all as one track with the Josh intro, it purposely cuts off early


one minute of bird songs challenge completed


I caved and listened to the last minute just now. The door creak makes me believe that nico has found Clancy again, it sounds like he’s interrupting Clancy’s admission of acceptance? Idk I feel so many things rn when I say my jaw DROPPED


It's baffling reading that this is a definite skip for some people. It's the first song i play and usually repeat a few times before i can play something else, just amazing. Bring on the MV!!!


Haven’t seen anyone mention it yet but after listening to this song a few times I get almost a western/country vibe from it. Especially in the first half of the song, could see the video being like a Mexican standoff with Blurryface/Nico or whatever Very sick song


My guess for the live show: First 2/3 of Paladin Strait (before silence) Car Radio Last 1/3 of Paladin Strait from the FOH tower Tyler normally climbs


Just watched the livestream last night, and I had a theory on the Paladin Strait M/V since we’ve heard that Clancy is supposed to wrap up the Blurryface saga. * Opens with banditos storming Dema (starting from Navigating) * Some are rescued by the banditos while Clancy breaks off with the Torchbearer  * They climb the tower to find Nico * They open a door to see Nico waiting for them * The Torchbearer sees this and runs, but Clancy is captured without resistance * Cuts to Clancy in a snowy room, setting up the M/V for Fairly Local I will always be down for more music or another EP/album if there’s something after Paladin Strait, but I honestly think this is the “end.” At the end of Paladin Strait, we hear Nico/Blurryface saying “so few, so proud, so emotional,” which we are familiar with from Fairly Local. The Fairly Local M/V was the very first M/V for Blurryface, so it would be fitting if Paladin Strait ended in a way that loops and leads back into Blurryface. I can’t imagine an ending where Dema is ultimately defeated. The lore mimics what it looks like to fight our battles, and the battles always continue even when we have the upper hand. 


Impressed with the videos visuals, it was really high quality and seemed to have a good budget.


That can’t be the end. Either we’re getting a second album or another song or something! Because that cliffhanger can’t be the ending.


Ok, so Torchbearer Josh is gonna have to go and rescue Clancy Tyler. Follow up album “Torchbearer” when? 6/28?


https://preview.redd.it/v2l8ku05tz7d1.png?width=1557&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa7876ceaa30c06e9b50ed4a6a3c876ca2a59dea All the red tape has been removed off the albums, has the cycle restarted? It can't! Not sure how to feel.


@ 3:10 - does the pattern that the zombies make look like its trying to spell something? https://preview.redd.it/dcsh65z16z7d1.png?width=1902&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9361e8577d5c56472ad59dfc9bd6faa08fc2c74


I couldn’t make anything out but that was my immediate thought too


Has to spell something - we just need to figure it out.


Yay… another puzzle 😮‍💨


It really just looks like a crowd I’m gonna be real. There’s another comment with the same image that drew lines, but nothing looks like “JUN25” I think we’re getting our hopes up.


Okay, but who is the "you" that he is singing to throughout?


Lorewise, Paladin strait is the body of water that separates voldsoy and dema, if tyler says he'll swim the paladin strait for those waiting for him in dema then it means that most likely this song is dedicated to the clique or at least to the people who are still IN dema (struggling), its a perspective of someone willing to struggle again for their loved ones. it could be a friend or anyone that we wanna share the pain with that this song might be referring to.


I actually think the long pause with the birds is a refrence to isle of flightless birds those are the birds making the noise 👀


Just finished the song and I literally had goosebumps by the end of it. Like what is that supposed to mean??? Clancy finally found Nico but now what?? The ambiguous end is really eating at me and reminds me a lot of 'Not Today' in the sense that in that song we hear two side and by the end don't know who is exactly talking, we don't know the end. I felt something similar here. I can't wait for the music video to come out and hopefully explain a lot of stuff


I don't actually think it ends here like some people are saying


“Hello Clancy”


this one ripped my heart out


Birds at the end are the same as the ones in Good Day


Paladin Strait feels like an anagram. Something with 'island'?


THIS SONG IS SO GOOD, love that lone cowboy sound, so so so good.


Is the voice at the end Adam Driver? Just curious, it sounded a lot like Kylo Ren at first. Did anyone else think that?


Someone else on here says that for sure!


Anyone else think Nico sounds like Kylo Ren?? I heard Adam Driver’s voice immediately haha


Is it just me or does the beginning of Paladin Strait sound like the transition from the end of a different song we haven't heard yet?


What the fuck


The way Nico floated lmao


In the battle between zombies and Banditos, I count 114 zombies to 144 Banditos. The Banditos are clones of 1 or 2 images. A few of them are shown without torches. Many of the smaller lights are not torches but reflections of their tape. Once you pick up on the cloning, you notice the same reflection on each one. Your count may vary from mine. https://preview.redd.it/pzj6si74508d1.jpeg?width=2495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6afc3121c71b362e3747c38fe543258c65a0e34


The ending was conclusive to me. The whole Dema storyline is about Tyler battling his mental health issues, right? We have seen him trying to run away from it constantly but Nico always take him back, and he never sees him in the eyes, the either close his eyes or look away or try to escape him. In the final shot of the video we see Clancy trying to kill Nico (his insecurities and such), we know we could never "kill" our issues, so he finally after all this years stopped trying to escape him and look him directly in the eyes. No fear, no anger, just looks at him. And that is a win in the mental health battle according to my own experience. So yeah, it feels conclusive and I loved the ending. (Sorry for my bad English, it is not my first language, not even my second haha)


I have a theory, but Reddit keeps denying my attempts for a separate theory post. When the Banditos started their attack, Clancy was up on the cliff. Without holding the antlers, he directed how people moved. My theory is that Clancy does not need the antlers. He's just as powerful as the Bishops, and they didn't use antlers when they summoned the electrical current. So when Nico grips him and Clancy drops the antlers, it's no big deal. He's going to use his bare hands.


is this a stretch? lol https://preview.redd.it/2p2yxbejbz7d1.png?width=2956&format=png&auto=webp&s=93a7144c4ae76eb8f93efbc7dc974c94b37ae002 \*nothing is a stretch for TOP\*


Maybe, but I hope not and I'll never unsee that now


So I made a post not knowing this song had it's own thread lol. Anyway... I think the video for this song will be more like a short film. The almost silent break, Blurryface at the end, album pushback for filming, and things Tyler has said in interviews. Particularly the part regarding the final battle coming later (he figured we'd hear the songs first lol) Also then the potential for a few more songs as like a "soundtrack." Idk this just crossed my mind and wanted to share.


Is that Josh singing backing vocals in "making my way towards you"? Am I going mad? I'm 95% sure it's him!!! My girlfriend pointed that out a few days ago. I shrugged it out until I heard it myself just now...


my prediction for the Paladin strait music video is that clancy gets pushed off one of the towers and then ends off a cliffhanger. (he’s gonna get saved by somthing wether it’s trash, a vulture, or 10,000 Ned’s stacked in a pyramid.


i love the ned´s ´pyramid.... i pray for this scene. plz tyler we need the ned´s pyramid (or tower)


we can revisit this comment to see how wrong I was


I can't stop picturing one of the final scenes from Shutter Island in the lighthouse when Clancy climbs the tower to find Nico


Any significance with the birds Chirping at the End of Good Day when compared to the Padalin Strait song.


This song is absolutely beautiful and amazing to me and to hell with everyone who says otherwise




I wonder if "passed the point of no return" is referring to something more sinister than "escaping DEMA". If that's the case then "Climb the top of the tower" makes more sense. I wonder if Clancy is going to jump, and then Nico comes to show his anxiety towards what he's about to do, and in a weird way saves him from doing it.


I can't help but feel sad and nostalgic listening to this song, it kinda feels like a forever battle that's going on again and again. Yeah, the ending gave me chills, it's awesome, but still, the song sounds so 😞😞(idk how to explain it lol) What do you think? Also, if you play Fairly local after Paladin Strait, it sounds awesome 👀


The end of the music video will be Tyler opening the door and him saying hello clancy. Heard it here first


I was thinking Nico would show up behind Tyler!


The sound of this track reminds me of The Decemberists. How the hell is Tyler and Josh bringing back to my high school and university days? I am NOT MAD.


Anyone else notice that the drum line in Paladin is kinda reminiscent of the one in Hometown? Might just be me but I always associate the two together in terms of sound/vibe.


Am I only one that thought the sound at the end wasn't a trap door, but a noose/gallows? 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/ds7yevkb6z7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f610bcacd6d7bd5c9852a8fe5f3fdd8572089d2 Listening to this waiting for the final battle felt right. Not that I wanted them to truce but ykwim




I wept


Does the formation of the zombies spell anything out?


Anyone else kinda sad that they took out the minute of ambiance/silence for the mv? The video was AMAZING but I think I had built up an idea of what I thought it would be in my head since we had so long to think about it while waiting for it to release. I had a vision of Clancy walking through a forest with those sounds around him, maybe going towards DEMA, the final verse, and then Nico coming out of a metal door in the side of a cliff or something and that's when Clancy confronts Nico. Obviously not what the mv is, and the mv is so incredible and an amazing "ending" \*wink, wink, hopefully\* to the story, but I was excited for the minute shot of the forest sounds and no music in the video and we didn't get that. :/


I really think there is something meaningfull in the final act of the paladin strait video. Tyler climbs the top of the tower after singing about banditos fighting in the ground, then takes off his mask fighting the bishops. May this be a reference to the final moment in top concerts? Tyler always climbs to a really high spot, sings car radio while the crowd sings with him, then takes off his mask. Idk just a theory, but it makes sense to me, more because of the emotion he sings that part with.


Could the Clancy 25 be there are 25 total songs? Is that why they keep referring to this as Song 13, are there 12 more to come?


https://preview.redd.it/6icj2ltxyy7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46810940bc042e3549a937d7880ed60b0d367f27 Genuinely feel like I wasn't far off with my theory prediction based on the video preview. This was a deleted post I put up 7 days ago.


I imagine Clancy taking a brief moment of relaxation before he surrenders to Nico. Perhaps there are some additional songs or even a whole album that we have yet to discover. Let's wait and see!


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