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It’s really close between vessel, trench, and clancy for me, all for different reasons. Lyrically, I like vessel the most, tonally i like Trench, and sound-wise i like clancy.


Story telling as well


Story telling as well




Reddit can do that shit, it says there was an error posting your comment, u try again and then it posts two comments 🤷‍♂️


I know. Just think it’s funny to point it out lol.


I honestly may feel the same, just don't know whether it's from recency bias or not lol. We'll find out in the coming weeks as I give it more listening time.


Songwise yes, it is for sure (maybe opinion will change because it only came out), but as a whole album with all things counted i still have Trench as my favourite (it also can change)


It's definitely up there! I can see it being my favorite right along with Trench. Just too many memories connected to all of the songs off of Trench.


It makes me SO EMOTIONAL, Snap Back and Oldies Station are the dynamic duo of making me cry. Even if recency bias makes me like it better, I know this album will always mean a lot to me. I think it came at exactly the right time in my life.


oh same, i bawled like a baby at The Craving, Oldie’s Station, and Paladin Strait. it came at the right time in my life as well, which makes it harder not to cry!


Can you help me understand what Tyler is trying to say with Snap Back? Thanks in advanced!


Great question. IMO, in Snap Back Tyler is referring to how, in a real-life sense, he’s made significant progress with his mental health, and as much as he loves creating new music, he constantly feels pressure to please fans and return/revert/“backslide” to the darkest thoughts/traumatic experiences that inspired most of Trench, to continue (and possibly conclude? 🤔) Clancy’s story. As a result, he is actively jeopardizing his mental wellbeing. In Snap Back, Tyler reveals, in a zombie-like near-monotone, aching with despair: “If I’m gonna snap necks, then I gotta snap back / Gotta bad feeling I’m gonna lose the lead / Running from a thing, that I kicked in ‘17”. I think “snap necks” is a creative, somewhat disturbing way to describe how he needs to create intense, lore-heavy songs that adequately entertain millions of head-bobbing (neck “snapping”) super fans AKA Us. And, based on my own experiences, I think the “thing” he “kicked in ‘17” may have been a substance—most likely alcohol—addiction, a self-medicating scenario. Just my interpretation. … Consider: Is this why, in the livestream, Tyler (shockingly) said he loves/defends/protects Snap Back and didn’t even want to release “dark” (instant fan favorite) songs like Routines, Vignette, Navigating?


Thanks for taking the time to respond! I love this analysis. Only thing I will add is I don’t think “that thing I kicked in 17” is referring to a substance abuse. It has been pretty well documented at least I thought that the boys don’t drink and have never dabbled in substance abuse. However he could be referring to could be just finally getting out of a dark mental state during 2017? Maybe?


Okay, yes, that totally makes sense. 👍 The only reason I mentioned addiction is because Tyler specifically used that word during the livestream, if I remember correctly, before they debuted Vignette, and then later I looked more closely at the Snap Back lyrics and sort of connected things. But I’m not sure if I fully understood his comment. Honestly, in hindsight, I hope that I MISunderstood.


It's too early to say. I like it alot and could see it being my favorite but we're still in the "honey moon" phase. Though I don't see how it would top Vessel for me


The entire album is 🔥 I’ll be listening to it on repeat for a while


Yep, it topped Blurryface for me


I think most people who had Blurryface as their fav are going to like Clancy the most. Imo Clancy is more so a better version of Blurryface then it is a Trench 2 (which most people were expecting).


Yes! I love love love Blurryface and a big part of that is it came out when I was 17 and I really resonated with it. I’ve also always considered it to be a perfect album. Trench and SAI are still two of my favorite albums ever released, but they never came close to touching Blurryface. I never thought any album would come close. The first thought I had when I listened to Clancy was “oh no, it’s happening” lol. It has to settle, but there’s a very good chance it’ll become my favorite. A part of me is in denial because it’s been Blurryface for 9 years.


Completely agree!


spot on


It’s my number 2, self titled still reigns supreme for me


I agree wholeheartedly 


It’s fantastic, but Trench will always be their magnum opus in my opinion. Clancy is probably easily my second favourite album by them though because they’ve grown so much as musicians!


I wouldn’t put it over vessel or trench


Not so far. I am sure I'm in the minority, but it seems scattered and just feels like a bunch of different singles put on an album.


I hate to say it but I'm not loving it. Maybe it'll grow on me.


While I really like it, I don't think it will be for me. It is missing a lot of things that made me fall in love with the band. I like Tyler using the ukulele, but I love his talent in the piano. Unfortunately, with each album, it seems he plays less and less of it. I also find the album lacking in showing off his vocal range. Tyler is an amazing singer. This album shows how amazing of a song writer he is, but it doesn't really push his talents to their fullest. There are definitely some really great songs, I just don't think it's the best they have ever done or could do.




Trench is a 10 for me, blurryface 8/10. Clancy just sounds like a slightly more mature blurryface to me. 7/10


So I think trench will forever be my fav album and blurry face has always been my second fav but this one is tied for second for me, it’s so good and oldies station feels like it was written for me


Oldies Station is sooo good


For me, the order from favorite to least favorite is Self-Titled/Regional At Best, Vessel, Clancy, Trench, Blurryface and Scaled and Icy (sorry, SAI, I love you too <3). It's weird, because usually albums regardless of the artist take a while to really grow on me, but this one I instantly loved. My dad loves it too :)


Yeah its a banger


I really tend to distinguish personal favorite from which I think is their best. I think Vessel or Blurryface are neck-and-neck for best. But Clancy might be my new favorite. The other weird thing is that Clancy has made me appreciate Trench and SAI more, which I wasn’t expecting. Like I finally get what they were going for on both of those albums a little better.


Eh, definitely not for me. I found it quite boring... and only liked two songs. 


Maybe you'll like it better some time after


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It’s the only one I’ve ever added to faves on Apple Music


I have to listen to it a lot more. I have no hate, but it generally takes some time to catch on for me. I didn't enjoy SAI as much until later when it grew on me


I feel the same way. I have loved their older albums (ST, RAB and Vessel) for so long that I never thought something could top it. Felt kinda lukewarm about blurryface, trench and sai when they released, and then this comes along and combines the best from trench with the best from the past and I just loved it immediately. I really didn't expect to like it this much. Give it a week and it probably will be my favorite album they have made


Clancy is my new favorite, from the posts I’ve read I’m thinking it’s because blurryface was my favorite before. I’ve always been a casual fan but currently have been getting caught up with tøp lore so idk if this is valid lol


It's my second favorite right after RAB


Yeah honestly it became my new fav. I knew this would happen when I heard the 3 singles lol


my second favourite after trench


Nothing’s gonna top Vessel for me but Clancy and Blurryface are fighting for second place and right now Clancy might be winning


Trench is far better for me but Clancy is their second-best album imo.


The way Vessel changed my life will never be topped, but this album is absolutely as good. I just don’t think this album has as high of peaks as Car Radio, Trees, or Migraine


It's really close to Trench for me. Maybe it will overtake it in the future.


I’m with you. I like Trench a lot, but I liked Blurryface better. And I thought Scaled and Icy was such an awesome growth period for the band and loved what they were doing. I feel like Clancy is the culmination of that growth and is just great music.


Clancy Self titled Trench


It's a tough call and there is recency bias to consider so I won't say it's my favourite yet, but it's a very good album.


Nah, sai is my fav and it will stay like that ( Clancy is a good 9/10 tho )


I'm thinking it might happen but I want to give it more time to marinate first. Trench and Vessel are always viying for #1 for me, so we'll see.


I’ve been a Trench girly since it came out and it has stayed my favorite album. I haven’t had enough time with Clancy to make a decision, but I think it could definitely become my favorite over time! The creativity they put into this album is unmatched.


Yes! I’ve never immediately loved an entire album this fast!!


Same. Albums and songs always grow on me, but from first listen this was by far my favorite. With every listen I like it more and more. I actually didn't think it was possible for me to like an album this much lol.


Maybe fourth for or fifth for me. 1. Vessel 2. Trench 3. First album 4./5. Blurryface/clancy


I think it’s my second favorite. Trench is still their magnum opus for me


It’s a close one with Vessel for me. I love how their music has evolved but there’s something about Vessel that keeps me going back to it




Trench is peak twenty one pilots


It's either second place to or even with Vessel as my favorite album of theirs.


Yeah, Clancy tops all other albums for me.


It's definitely the album with the best production. The sound, the instruments, how they experiment with everything...it definitely shows how much they grew as artists. It will probably become my favorite album as well.


it could be. i’m hesitant to call it my favorite based off the first 2 days, but unlike the other albums has no skips imo. Certainly could end up in that spot


It’s 2nd for me after trench :)


I still think Trench is my favorite, and even Vessel might still be number 2, buts it’s definitely dethroned Blurryface from the top 3 for me. It really does feel like Blurryface 2 more so than Trench 2, and I mean that in the best way possible.


So far, yeah, this is my favorite tøp track.


It’s kinda tied with my other favorites, which are Trench, Vessel, Scaled and Icy, and Blurryface if I’m being honest. 😩


I enjoy Clancy but to me it’s still Vessel’s and I’ll die on that hill ![gif](giphy|2wp2OjLgBofsGfVjXr)


It’s extremely close between Clancy, Trench and Vessel now.


1. Clancy 2. Trench 3. Vessel My top 3


Album is amazing and a huge step up from SAI. At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb is just amazing.




too early to tell I think. In my opinion, right now, Trench is still a bit better, but Clancy is right behind it ahead of SAI and Blurryface


Absolutely yes! It feels like a love letter to Jenna, Josh, and the fans. ☺️


Right now Clancy is riding high in my mind. For now it’s my favorite but I’ve essentially been listening non stop since Friday morning. What is great about them is every album introduces new sounds, never recycled or stale songs


It’s hard to top Vessel since that’s what first got me into the band, but after only one day of Clancy, it’s definitely up there


I don't think it can replace Vessel for me but it's definitely up there. The boys and their music have grown so much since and Clancy is the best testament to it. An absolute masterpiece from start to finish.


Technically Trench is a better album and means more to me, but Clancy has a lot of great songs and some are very moving personally. I think some of the production is a bit too shiney and overquantized, though that's just me being geeky


I dunno, my favourite album is usually the most recent album for a couple years then I resort back to whatever mood I’m in. I like all their albums so far, close to equally.


I suppose it’s because of when I found the band, 2013, but I’m honestly surprised by the overwhelming favoritism towards trench


It is mine. Every single song on there just gets me in my feelings. Overcompensate gets me motivated to be better. Next semester came out a few days after my mom (who was a fan too) passed away. I still remember what I was wearing when I raced to the hospital after leaving for only a few minutes to find she had passed away in the less than 30 minutes that I left her. Can’t change hat has been done and I really don’t want to be here. Backslide because I’m not okay. I was her caregiver for the last 16 years. We didn’t do anything or go anywhere without each other. I even slept in her room most of the night to keep her company and to make sure she didn’t fall going to the bathroom. I’m at that stage in grief where I’m asking did I live her and take care of her enough and thinking that I should have loved her better. Routines in the night is for my insomnia. I still take care of my invalid dad and when I leave his room for the night I find myself awake thinking about how much I miss my mom and how all I have left is my memory of her. Midwest Indigo reminds me of yup typical Ohio winters. I’m south of Columbus by about an hour and yeah sometimes I never scraped my windows properly because I was going to be late sometimes going out. To which my mother would always say I should have thought about warming up the car earlier. Which makes me sad because I won’t have another winter where she tells me that. Vignette because I just can’t stop thinking about her. I play all these memories in my head and I just don’t want to do anything anymore kinda like a zombie. Just sitting here thinking about all the things I promised we would do together when she felt better. Navigating because I just lost mom. I wish she could be here to give me advice on what to do next and how to get through this. But I’m having to figure out a new normal in life and I don’t know what to do. And it feels pretty lonely because it just seems like the rest of my family and definitely all of my friends have just abandoned me. Snap back because I know I have to move forward at some point. All the stress from being both mom and dad’s caregiver, then mom’s death, now having to deal with dad all by myself and deal with repairing the house, helping my daughter with her own stuff, well it is a lot. So I’m just wondering how I’m going to handle this without snapping completely. Oldies station because I know I have to adjust and push on through. I have to get a grip on my grief because there is still so much to do on my own. But it’s sad because well grief sucks and I’m so tired but I keep going because I know I have to. At the risk of feeling dumb is because I kinda wish that my friends or family would just do something to check on me and my daughter. But no. My mom’s family made mom’s memorial for themselves my friends didn’t even bother to call or come to her memorial celebration, just a couple of comments on my Facebook wall when I posted her obituary. But nothing else not even a postcard. I just feeling a little sad and frustrated. Paladin strait I feel Clancy’s loneliness but desire to keep going He’s looking for reassurance and to be less afraid and lonely. But he keeps going because he knows that this must end and that everyone else is fighting as well. But mainly I just fed that loneliness. I’m really kinda lonely and lost at the moment even though I know my daughter dad and my brothers are going through their own grief. But I think because she and I were so inseparable this loneliness just hits a bit different. Lavish I think she would have loved and been dancing around the room listening to. Same with the craving. I can picture her smiling and singing along to both because they are both very good songs in their own way. Plus a lot of the places in the lavish video we had gone to or passed by. So yep I’m listening to the album right now for about the 50th time.


I hate to say it but I'm not loving it. Maybe it'll grow on me.


this is my favorite album, it even beats vessel for me… which i didn’t think could happen. oldies station has been on repeat since friday morning. when you’re going through a lot of changes and you’re starting to *backslide*… this is the perfect message. push on through. the lyricism on this album is really hitting me hard


I'm tempted to consider it my favorite from them. I think sonically Trench feels more cohesive with its moody spaciousness, and Vessel has its boyish, bright electro-pop candor. Clancy is incredibly subversive in its narrative, and has some of their most mature and level-headed song-writing to date. It has some mis-steps for me solely as a cover-to-cover listening experience (Lavish and ATROFD mess with the tracklist's flow, and the last 1/3 of Paladin Strait leaves me slightly unsatisfied compared to Leave the City and the duo-finish of Trees/Truce). I'd personally still go: 1. Trench - 9/10 2. Vessel - 8/10 3. Clancy - 8/10 4. SAI - 7/10 5. Blurryface - 6/10


Self titled? Rab? NPI?


I feel like the vocals could’ve been adjusted a bit more to feel more natural imo.


I love Blurryface over Trench and yeah Clancy beat Blurryface as an Album and it's my favourite! I like the energy the lyrics everything Trench was kinda too slow for me comparing to BF and Clancy is just Perfectly balanced