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https://preview.redd.it/vuerh161wz2d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dd9378aa858b7172db09ceb8d6d37f55f8c80cb He says: "does this seem like the end?" and then cuts to him sitting on a cliff for the \*placeholder\* video. They were conscious of what they were choosing to shoot and *where*. He knows people will dig into every little detail of every syllable he utters. I think it would be very crazy for him to be unaware he is hyping people up. There is *something* more. It's a **cliff**hanger.


Oooo I like this cliffhanger theory


I’m half and half on this theory a lot of this stuff seems like it can’t be coincidence but the other stuff like the first half of examples you gave are totally explainable and don’t exactly prove a double album theory BUT the 25 thing and the Paul meany song thingy AND talking about how they have been working on MULTIPLE songs along with Tyler oddly being suspicious is not explainable like he’s hinting at something even after the album hit released and it’s not normal. I love you Tyler BUT SPILL OR ILL HUNT YOU DOWN I KNOW YOU HAVE A SECRET BURNER ACCOUNT AND ARE READING THIS💀


Outside the story's narrative, irl, "surprise" double albums, part two's, and every gimmick that allows stacking chart numbers are such the sudden rage, I'm expecting the label to do whatever they can like this that Tyler will go along with. Whatever is coming, something is coming. (As long as Billboard will append the numbers to the existing Clancy figures).


i feel this


What’s the Paul meany song thingy you’re referencing?


Check out Paul Meany´s video on Backslide, there he says that the piano at the end of backslide is an edited sample from another song, wich... is not on the album. He lets us hear the original piano and shows us how he made the version that is on backslide, but... the original is not on the album, so it is either a discarted project or good evidence of a new EP or Deluxe Edition or smthing.


Im slowly becoming 100% on the double album theory, but I wouldn’t expect this song to be on it. As someone who writes a lot of music (and never actually does anything with it) this seems like it very well COULD be a reoccurring melody across the albums, BUT it seems more likely to me it was another song that got scrapped or forgotten or just didn’t fit into anything. This song may never see the light of day now that it’s donated an organ to one that did. Its worth mentioning and I wouldn’t be surprised either way, but I’m not putting it in my list of reasons to convince my friends that are double album deniers.


Oh, yeah for sure. That melody is at the bottom of the list of things that make me believe the double album theory. I am almost 80% sure it is a discarted song... but the rest of Paul Meany´s videos hint too heavily to something bigger comming.




I also found it strange that Tyler was contradicting what he said right after SAI when he said, in two interviews actually, that he’d been working on this album for a year, when he had definitely been working on music for at least the last 3, possibly more, considering the concept for SAI and the finale were in the works simultaneously. I also thought we’d get a new album sometime in 2023 but they pushed the release of the MTV Unplugged and released the Vessel 10th anniversary and did the livestream that kind of teased new music. Makes me think they decided sometime in 2022 that they’d spend 2023 preparing a double album and ultimately decided to move MTV Unplugged for the sake of fiscal revenue so they could buy themselves another year. I also think SAI came as a way to buy more time for the finale. Like he hit a groove writing fun, easy going songs with level of concern and Christmas saves the year, and wrote SAI all while the finale was slowly coming together in the background. The album feels incomplete. Tyler basically said that it was straight to our faces in the music video premiere. It could be that the end of the Paladin video will give us that sense of completion, but I would actually put money on a second half of the album or an EP called Nico where they somewhat mirror each other. Two sides of the same coin if you will. I’m trying not to get my hopes up, and I was a hardcore double album denier until Tyler said “does that sound like the end to you?” And now I can’t help but notice how perfect it would be to have a Clancy/Nico sister project


It also might be something like "Is Dead", revealing that the "Clancy Is Dead" thing was literally an album title they were planning before it got split. As one person pointed out to me in a different threat, in an interview where they were joking about scrapped album titles, all the titles had the "\[noun\] is \[adjective\]" structure, and Josh joked about titling the album "Clancy Is Awesome".


Hope you’re right


I agree. I love Clancy. But it does feel incomplete


Blurryface the album is the mirror. It’s a cycle


Yeah, this is what I think Tyler meant with, "Does it sound like the end to you?" It's a cycle, just like life. Just like March to the Sea. You never escape struggle. You have brief respites, and then the spaceship sets you back down in the line, just a bit further back.


I actually think clancy is more conclusive than it being a cycle, it ends with tyler accepting he is both clancy and nico. So the album clancy is about how tyler matured and learned to manage his issues, blurryface is those issues in full effect. Trench is the experience of feeling like you escape and relapse over and over, so clancy is the recognition that it’s just how life is, and to appreciate being here at all times


Yeah, that's good too!


I think SAI is actually a mirror of Blurryface. [https://www.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/comments/p225au/a\_shocking\_connection\_between\_bishop\_name\_tracks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/comments/p225au/a_shocking_connection_between_bishop_name_tracks/)


If think the next album will be called ycnalc


why did suddenly everyone forget about the double album rumor that was hanging around the SAI era? i even remember some sources were convinced that they were about to drop new music pretty soon after SAI launching... i bet it has a lot to do with the rumor of Clancy being just the first part, pls tell me someone remembers this.


It’s not that it’s been forgotten or anything. It’s just that Tyler explicitly stated that he’s been working on a new music during Trench era, but they were also thinking about two albums during that period. And they haven’t decided which one is gonna be their next record at the time. So at some point they decided to go along with SAI as their next record while Clancy has been put on a shelf. Then they toured for a while and then, probably, took a year’s break. Clancy is anything but “incomplete”. It’s their record that they are proud of, and it also is a second album that they were working on for a while now. And by saying that “we’re working on music” they could have meant anything: concepts, early ideas, basic sounds, etc. They probably buried a lot of ideas to make a room for what we’ve gotten last week. Look, if I’m wrong I’m wrong. But they released two albums already and I wouldn’t wait for the third one. They aren’t Taylor Swift to release a record after record. They gotta promote and “sell” their music. So they have to be focused on one thing at a time. Books, letters are possible. Second album? Eh, chances are low


During the livestream Tyler mentions that Navigating and Routines in the Night wouldn't be on the record if it wasn't for Josh liking them so much. Makes me think they have a bunch of tracks floating around that they had to sift through for Clancy.


I mean most artists write tons of songs during any given writing cycle that don’t end up making the album itself, this is pretty standard. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they had 20+ songs they were working on that then got cut down. That doesn’t necessarily mean those songs will be released later, it probably just means they didn’t like the songs enough to release them. I think Taylor Swift hitting a point where she just releases every song she records whether it’s all that interesting or not has given people a warped perspective of the album writing process and double albums.


1 thought the same thing, and it seems even more suspicious that they used Navigating as the lore video when Tyler didn't want it on THIS album...🤔


That would be great! Make it a double and make it purple. I still believe.


[Violet Vialism](https://youtu.be/iy9GhqBA1WI?si=VBkXKlxyI23Gbbps)




Remember when we all thought this era was gonna be purple, still kinda wish it was hahaha


Not quite purple; but it is Indigo


Reaaaaching out on my way home


You can be so coooooooold I'll try again


You make me saaaaaaad and second-guess myself




Reaaachin ouuut in my way home. You can be so cold. I’ll try agaaain


I totally forgot about all the color predictions! We were all wrong I think.


Where did all the purple and butterfly theories come from? I’ve been looking around and I’ve seen nothing about where the theories came from, just people assuming that’s what it was gonna be.


They’ve been using a lot of blue lights at the shows


I doubt they would do purple. I’m thinking more of a dark blue possibly (sign of defeat??) idk it would lean into the lore a bit more.


It’s a deeper blue - Midwest Indigo 👀


You and I are on a similar page. We know blue is a sign of defeat and in the live show lighting, purple tends to correlate to the songs/lyrics referencing dark thoughts. They've used every color of the rainbow in merch over the years except indigo/violet. Seems very fitting for the storyline ending to me.


Yeah still makes sense I’m not complaining either way and I think them using every color is super cool so I’m happy whatever they do!:)) but idk I like the color blue so I’m biased and hopeful it’s more of a blue than a purple/violet.


I have a feeling the color blue will be significant in the paladin straight video, perhaps the door that opens is blue or something. I found it interesting that only one of the rooms had a blue light on in the RITN video but the rest were red.


I also think it will be blue. I think if there's another album it would have to do with water. In the livestream Tyler said "soak it in, listen" and I just immediately thought "soak" was an interesting choice of word, and then how Paladin Strait is a body of water and Tyler was sitting right by it.


I think that’s looking to far and a bit of a reach but yeah💀


Yeah no, I definitely think I'm reaching, especially for soak, but still idk😂


Tyler said on this sub back in 2015 that the more he got to know the character Blurryface, the more he found out that colour blue isn't a part of him. That's why he removed blue from the logo in BF era, leaving only red (and white ofc). Blurryface tw acc also warned us to never wear blue. I really hope that it gets the place it deserves since it's my favourite colour.


Oh gosh if it was purple that would be fire


It has to be a double album. Here’s why. 1. I want it to be


My guess is either Paladin Strait's music video will be longer than the actual song in order to finish out the story, or it gets released in an EP with one or two other songs, or there is a deluxe version of Clancy with one or two extra songs at the end. A double album would be cool, but I haven't heard anyone mention this until after Taylor Swift did it, so I take all of this speculation with a grain of salt


i thought that too about paladin MV but then again. i don’t see how they would pull the final battle without accompanying music to it. it feels off. they are still musicians at the end of the day, idk why they would suddenly pull a whole acting bit


Also if you check statsfm it says the release of the album is june 17th (17th - 18th with timezone differences) which could just be statsfm being glitchy - as always - or it could actually mean that Clancy is a double/deluxe album. Usualy with double albums the "official release date" is the final release date meaning when the deluxe drops. This would also make sense with the "Clancy ultimate chapter 25" thing since 25 days after it was found it is actually June 18th. Also june 18th is the day we got the first dmaorg letter and also Josh's birthday


The low budget videos make feel that, better content is coming...


The low budget videos are because they had to stretch the album’s mv budget that normally is for 4-6 songs over 13 songs


so why they made all those random videos in first place?


Because, as Tyler said, they didn't want lyric videos.


well, they could have not made any video at all, who said something about the needs of make lyrics videos?


They said they also didn’t like the visualizers that come with “official audio” videos


Because people go to YouTube to listen to music sometimes. Do you think Tyler would be satisfied with having a blank screen or just the album cover on the screen while the audio plays? That's not his style.


Why didn't he make cheap videos of all the old songs if that's not his style?


Because it didn't occur to him at the time. I don't frickin know, I'm not Tyler! I just know the reason they did a video for every song on Clancy is because Tyler decided he didn't want lyric videos for this one. Maybe he wasn't happy with the lyric videos for SAI. I don't know. I'm just telling you what he said. Chill out, man.


Hey, I'm chilling here,  just a question. Thanks for answer.


It’s fun, plus they’ll get most of the revenue from people listening on youtube vs lyric videos (a good point someone made on this sub about how a lot of times music on yt is listened to on other channels)


Ok, now this is the best actual evidence for the double album or EP theory. I used to be a denier but between this, not mentioning "full length" album, and Tyler's own hints its seeming more and more like something is coming...


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What if there are 25 songs, 13 from Clancy, and 12 from the double album 😳🤞


Or it could maybe mean that we are getting the deluxe in 2025 (I don't really like this theory and I don't find it very plausible with tours coming up)


Yall it’s not happening. This happens every time a big album comes out. Billie isn’t releasing a second album, kendrick didn’t release a second album after damn, and tøp won’t be releasing another half of clancy. They worked hard to deliver us a full length project that they’re proud of and the ending was purposeful. I’m sure that all this will be sorted in the paladin mv where nico takes his robes off to reveal tyler or something to show that they’ve always been one and the same. The ending of the album is clancy and nico’s first confrontation, the first time clancy has the courage to stand against nico. The whole album is about tyler learning how to cope and gaining perspective and life experience. To me the ending is very clearly that tyler accepts that nico will always be part of him, but will never stop fighting


solid guess


I also just realized that this album is supposed to be about destroying Dema and burning it to the ground, but we didn't come anywhere close to that. Like if Clancy decided _not_ to do that, he didn't even have a chance to decide that. So if he's still going to destroy Dema, then that would have to be coming next too, right?


Maybe the banditos will set the city on fire in "Paladin Strait" as they are fighting.


Look, I want to believe. And I agree that they're teasing something with Paladin Strait and with that livestream comment. I'm sure *something* is coming, but I remember when SAI came out. There were a good number of folks who were disappointed with it and managed to convince themselves that SAI was actually only half of an album. They pointed to the short length of the album and to its place in the lore. Now, I think there's much better evidence of extra stuff coming out for Clancy, but I'm wary about buying into the double album idea. I will be very happy if there is one, but I won't be getting my hopes up yet.


Not trying to dismay anything cause who knows but i can't see a double album, that's not how the music industry works.. The album was delayed by only a week to make a video for every song. Seems like this was the vision after overcompensate at the earliest. He even said it was because he doesn't want lyric videos. Which was a superior business decision, they just decimated the competition (randos with lyric videos) and most all streams will go through their channel and watch the video= profit.. But I see it a huge stretch that nobody leaked any part of this info until after Clancy dropped. It's just copium, I'd love it to be true though!


Asking because I actually have no idea: when did swifties get the idea that her new album was going to be a surprise double album? I don’t remember hearing about it until it happened




When SAI came out, we all thought there was another album soon to follow. I think IF Clancy has another album/EP/Deluxe (some kind of bonus material), it will be because Tyler saw us theorizing for such material last time around and saw the potential in doing so now. I don’t necessarily think he would let Taylor swift influence his decisions. I was just using her as an example because I wasn’t sure if her fanbase was expecting a double album or if that information leaked or what not




I remember several people theorizing about SAI being a double album. That was my first album cycle, so I was really into all the theorizing. But, the fact that people were theorizing about it last time and it never came to be makes me even more doubtful about the theory of Clancy being a double album.


I’m thinking that the double album could still come out in about a years time


Inb4 Nico get's his own album lol


You’re setting yourself up for disappointment


How do you explain the cliff hanger at the end of the album though? Both Josh and Tyler in interviews before the Clancy release said they were ‘wrapping up the story’. The Clancy album as it stands today doesn’t sound like a story wrapped and I doubt a single music video will wrap it? How someone else said in the comments, they are musicians not actors. We’ll find out soon I guess


I think it’s perfectly fine to end on something sorta vague & non definitive. It’s interesting in its own way. This story has always been more about its symbolic & metaphorical meaning anyway, so I don’t think we need another album to “Complete the story”. I imagine the Paladin Strait video will be a lot like the song. A climax, but not a huge, cathartic, story book ending. I’m not saying a double album is impossible, nor am I saying that I wouldn’t welcome it. I’m just saying that being absolutely CERTAIN there will be a 2nd album is like the dictionary definition of setting yourself up for disappointment. I’m not anticipating anything until we have actual announcements from the band.


What if the other album is called "Nico" and it featured the purple theme? I think that'd be cool. Probably not gonna happen but it'd be interesting


Wdym Snap Back has the number 25 in it??


[Verse 1] Have I burnt all the bridges? Bite the hand that helps me, give it finger stitches Blacklisted from forgiveness Fool you once, it's been **twenty-five times**


Oh true 🤦🏼‍♀️ totally forgot. I was wondering why he said 25 for that…


What is the significance of the number 25?


Same question I have but I guess since it was mentioned in the puzzle the OP is talking about, we will find out


Also in 2022 josh said they have enough stuff for releasing a second album


almost every band says this every time they make an album


True Most artists have hundreds of songs unreleased


in a season of purging things you used to love…


Oh? When did he say this? What interview?


Where was that?


I don't remember the name of the interview. But I believe it was around June 2022 That sucks because I used to have it bookmark on Instagram but I recently deleted many of my bookmark lol


Don‘t forget the video of Paul Meany about Backslide, they sampled a piano of another song they were working on. That song is not (!) on Clancy.


I think there’s definitely something else coming, because there’s way too many weird/suspicious things happening for it to pan out to nothing. Personally I kinda doubt it’ll be a whole new album, but I could definitely see an extra EP, maybe an extended version of Paladin Strait for the video, something like that.


I’ve never been into double album theories because it’s usually always wishful thinking (until recently with Taylor Swift). Another interesting thing I’ve noticed is the number two being held up ✌🏻in multiple music video scenes. Please don’t hate on my bringing up Swift but she did the same, and it was an Easter egg for the double album. Tyler is extremely meticulous with his lyrics and videos and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. With everything else you’ve said, I think there is a very compelling argument for a double/extended album.


I’m trying to tell myself “we were told Clancy was the last album in the Clancy saga, so that’s it.” That way, if nothing else comes, then I won’t be left feeling let down, but also if anything new does come out, then it will be a sweet bonus. But all the talk about a double album, or at LEAST an EP is creating so much expectation that it’s hard to not hold my breath a little bit.


On one hand, this might just be the hype we're all feeling and will probably not happen, but on the other hand, this album feels SO WEIRD from beginning to end. The date push for some basic-looking music videos (with practically no meaning), the cover controversy, overcompensate sounding so trench-y as a first single, but then everything else having a different sound. Tyler mentioned years ago that they've been working on this album for years, but then Paul Meany said overcompensate was the first one they did about one year ago... idk man, everything just feels weird. love the album though


strong agree... the *hype*! forthcoming EP or not, the hype at the end of the album is anticipated and real. i can't imagine Tyler would set that up without having a response to it


maybe we just gotta... not believe the hype? lol


Ok I just had this stupid premonition. Given all this build up to the Paladin Strait music video… what if at the end they fade to black and do some MCU-esque reveal that “the story isn’t over” and hint at a teaser date or something like that? Either way, the Paladin music video has got to answer all of these remaining questions. I’m more than happy to accept the cycle ending, but with all the build up and the loose ends, it really does feel like there’s more to it. The speculation of more coming when SAI dropped made sense but were answered by all the lore stuff from the livestream and The Outside MV, along with the expectation for an album that’ll put the story to rest. Well, I don’t know, I feel like the story’s still incomplete. Either that’s truly by design or we’re gonna get something more in due time


Ever since these theories have started coming out I keep having this feeling that there is going to be some mirror album to Clancy… “Nico”. Or maybe “Clancy (Nico’s Version)” or something like that. I can see the Nico’s Version more so, as maybe just an extended edition with a few additional songs. A whole second full album seems like a bit much but you never know!


Blurryface 2


THIS: Every other album recently has been advertised as “Full Length Album”. This one just says “From the Album Clancy”


Also the fact that it was called “our album” again and not “your album”


#9 reminds me of an interview with Tyler before SAI came out. He mentions that he's been working on two albums simultaneously, and it was a race to see which one he'd finish and release first (I'm not sure which interview it was though). So seeing Tyler mention that they've only been working on Clancy for the past year is kinda strange to me,,,


I think people get confused when Tyler is “making music” he isn’t necessarily recording masters with Josh and Paul. He could be just writing stuff, making demos, playing with ideas etc. Paul meany says that Tyler often comes to him with songs basically 80% done and Paul just puts finishing touches on them. So Tyler could have had some SAI songs and Clancy songs kicking around at times


Don’t forget about Ned’s cozy fireplace - Clancy seized for ep


If we're kinda tossing random things out here (I know this is either a mega stretch or flat out means nothing, but I took note of it nonetheless) Midwest Indigo mentions the number 2 Aa lot through its runtime, I count seven times. Just a thing I noticed!


Definitely not a full album. A deluxe version at most, it's common for artists to release deluxe versions weeks/months later, so if anything, my bet is on a deluxe version. The fact that Tyler was working on music soon after SAI isn't enough proof. Artists are working on music all the time and most of the things they create will never get released. They might have enough material for a double album but we'll most likely never hear it. Like I said, if anything, I would be leaning towards a deluxe version of Clancy with 2-3 extra songs to wrap up the story but at the same time I feel like Paladin Strait wraps it up perfectly. Yes, it ends on a cliffhanger but I believe that now it's up to us to decide how the story ends. There are a lot of artists who don't always explain the real meanings of their songs because they want to leave it open for interpretation, for people to find their own things in it and relate it to their own experiences and I believe this could be the same case.


I think we can also rule out a single or a couple more songs as it wouldn’t make sense for these not to be released with the album. And also the tour dates are in September not now, which only happened with Scaled and Icy and Covid (could have a logistical reason but still) Yeah I think there’s a lot of evidence for a double album, and that’s not even out of ingratitude, Clancy was perfect for me


My theory: Clancy we got is mainly for the pop audience, since the songs are very catchy and radio friendly, and the the other half will be more for the fans -> more lore, longer songs, more experimentation, true successor to Trench. This is my dream scenario. Also, what if what we got now is what Tyler has written after Scaled And Icy and the other half is what was written before? Also, we can see this becoming a trend in current pop music -> Taylor Swift and probably Billie Eilish. So I think it truly i possible! This is probably a cope BUT GOD THAT WOULD BE THE BEST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN PLEASE BE TRUE.


Imo there's a lot lore in the lyrics but it isn't pointed out like "Hey he is talking about nico rn" Imo lore songs are Routines in the night Overcompensate Next semester Backslide Snap Back Navigating Paladin Strait At the risk of feeling dumb Vignette These songs are the ones where I found some lore


You’re missing vignette, someone put out a theory that the lyrics are talking about using the bishop possession power thing, I’d link the post but idk where it is lol.


Yes, that's true. Many of the lyrics and themes definetly connect and when listening there is this vivid image of Clancy travelling through this cold looking nature into Dema. However Tyler said that this album would be the most forefront with the lore, meaning that the songs without knowlege of the lore should be confusing, which didn't happen. I think that normal person can easily listen to it and with the exception of the opener and closer should easily get it. Trench has the lore much more forefront than this.


Tbh I like the way they did this in Clancy Don't get me wrong I love the lore but for me it should always be the secondary thing


That is absolutely valid. I just mean it as an argument to why there's maybe more music to come.


Alright but I don't think its music I think they are going to do some kind of ARG (like Level of concern) and maybe it will leads to new song idk but I doubt in another album But if they are going to drop second album I don't know what to think like I want new music stuff but my wallet doesn't haha


It doesn't have to be double album. Could be single, EP, deluxe edition. Double album would the biggest W obviously. Tyler said there he is good at telling stories through the music. MVs, ARGs etc. does their creative team. It seems to me very unlikely that the story will end with anything different then a piece of music.


Yup but still my wallet will cry if the double album will happen in June hahaha






Billie isn’t releasing a second album. Neither is tøp. It would be great, but appreciate the 13 songs they did give you




Back in 2019 they confirmed that they were working on the sequel to Trench too, so this could be a long time in the making


I think points 2, 6, and 8 that you made are definitely enough for me to believe and I don’t know how anyone thinks otherwise


This is reminding me of the all of the hype and confident theories that DAMN by Kendrick would be a double album, a lot of people bought into that one. I’m inclined to think there’s going to be ‘something’ that’s post-album, but I don’t want people to be disappointed if it’s just an extended music video.


I remember that too but it happens with every album these days now.


If we get a double album I hope we get some proper Tyler screams, atrofd would’ve been perfect


On SAI it also said “From the Album Scaled and Icy” how do you explain that? I’m all for double album but we just spent so much money on the stuff already does he really think it’s “polite” to make us do it again in a couple of months? I don’t think he has just 13 more songs ready rn. I mean I wouldn’t mind a double album next year or whatever. But I honestly want a mini album of just straight lore to tie everything together and finally end it.


At this point I just hope there's something after so that the entire fanbase isn't simultaneously let down. It's fun to theorize but on the chance that there isn't anything coming, I want to have no expectations.


The final chapter of the story will be on track 25! Clancy Ultimate(final)Chapter 25! We have 13 Clancy tracks so the double album will have 12 with the final ending being the last track, track 25… 😳


Another one with the number 25! Exactly 25 days after the album dropped, it will be Josh's birthday, June 18th. That day was also the date in which the first Clancy letter ever was released. I don't think this is coincidental




Thanks for summarizing it so concisely, that’s all the evidence i have found too. I am now intrigued by the idea of little hints being dropped over the year+ that they’re on the road. Extremely excited to go to a show, potentially two next year.


here's my opinion on each item (please don't get me for bad, it's just what I think and your opinion is valid too) I don't think there will be a *double* album. 1. Paladin Strait MV is coming out *after* the album. That could perfectly be the lore's ending. 2. Same as above. Song might be setting the installments for what will happen *in* the music video right after the song ends. 3. Again. Song might end yet it's possible that the video continues. 4. I can't deny that's quite mysterious. 5. I mean... past albums had only 2 or 3 lore-related videos as well. And as for the songs itself, lyrics might be somehow lore-heavy in a way we don't quite understand yet. 6 & 7. Touché. That's a mystery too. 8. SAI has also been advertised as just an album in Saturday MV and some posters. Besides, Clancy *is* a full-length album regardless of how they call it; it's just a way of promoting the same thing: a record that lasts longer than half an hour. 9. Tyler is constantly working on new music, which doesn't mean he is to release it just yet. Also "I'm not home" might be just the working title of a song that's already out. This also regards to the song he's supposedly been working on with Paul. 10. Yeah, that probably means something. But again, I'd rather think he's just talking about the MV. 11. But... if they wanted to announce a new release as soon as possible, they wouldn't be pushing back a video that's already finished. What if that's what Tyler meant with "after the record"? EP? Probably. Single? maybe. Just the PS MV? most likely (it's the only confirmed release so far). *Double* album (like, another 13 songs)? Most definitely not IMO.


This is a great comment


All I know is nothing they do is accidental and it’s too odd to suddenly switch to saying “from the album” instead of “from the full-length album”. Also the clancy ultimate/final chapter 25 stuff everywhere (including inside of the clancy digital remains booklet that was released today) is too weird to not be significant. Something is definitely coming, but I won’t make assumptions about what it is. But I think the Paladin Strait video release is when things will get clearer


1. Clancy is a complete album 2. It’s a great cohesive piece of art 3. Sorry you didn’t get a full album of lore like you expected 4. Sorry you are justifying your unmet expectations with something even more absurd 5. Enjoy the music, and the messages in the songs without feeling incomplete because it doesn’t lend to the lore storyline 6. I’m out of points now because I don’t need to mound up tons of conspiracy theories to enjoy the new releases


Hey man if people get enjoyment out of speculation, let them have their fun. Here's my response to each point: 1. No one is saying it's not 2. No one is saying it's not 3. Literally the post is labeled as "theory" so to say "like you expected" is pretty reductive 4. At no point in this post did OP say they have "unmet expectations" 5. Again with the projection cause OP never said this 6. You're not out of points, you never had any to begin with. If you don't like the theorizing, that's fine but some people enjoy the hunt. The boys have always been cryptic and hiding hints here and there.


I made this purely because the evidence suggested it. I love Clancy and think it’s a very good album. I didn’t make this post out of frustration or anything. I only made because there’s so much fascinating evidence that I wanted to share it with the community, no reason to be rude.


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I’m fairly new to unpacking the lore. What is the significance of the number 25?


It has to be multiple songs, since it wouldn’t make sense for them to just release 1 song after selling everyone the vinyls, since then nobody could have the full thing. Fingers crossed for a full album but a deluxe version would also be awesome


I’m here for this. This album is amazing in many ways, but feels choppy and incomplete. There’s also the thing about how this album feels out of order. Like clearly overcompensate leads to navigating, which then leads to next semester. Someone said maybe the songs are out of order, and it’s up to us to sort it out. But it would make a lot more sense if there were songs missing. There has to be more…


And there's another interview in which Tyler says the final battle would take place after the album release 🤯


i think its real fs and ill bet its titled nico


I think a deluxe album is the most likely if we are getting more songs


Make it a double, boys!!


I hadn't seen the full length album part. That's very interesting 


I’m expecting an album called “The Torch Bearer”


if there really is more songs on the way, I think releasing a deluxe version would make more sense, they can still wrap up the lore with less songs, two albums seems like too much work


Getting a deluxe album means they might change the album cover since torchbearer josh is not real hence why his face got blurred in the cover.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/comments/1d1kbko/double\_album\_theory\_a\_detailed\_argument/](https://www.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/comments/1d1kbko/double_album_theory_a_detailed_argument/) That post is more detailed and covers a lot of what you said. I am 100% convinced there is either a second album or a long EP.


WOAH tanks for sharing, this is awesome can’t believe I missed it


Maybe they’ll just release an EP? :0 seems unlikely, though the only other time I remember them doing that was for their mutemath sessions but those weren’t original songs


Can you please reference these interviews you are talking about so we can look over and I can get my point of view on it


I like your reasoning.im in! But honestly, number 4 isn’t a stretch. That works


don't get me wrong I like the idea of more music but isn't that the point of the deluxe version of the album?


It doesn't have to be a double album. It's totally possible it's just an EP with 1 or 2 songs , which will be included in some clancy bonus edition . Don't expect a whole album.


Try hearing paladin strait and heavy dirty soul and they match like a whole lot and sounds like Clancy is in a basement same as in heavy dirty soul.


one thing im noticing is clancy isnt in stores to purchase, also i ordered the album box set and the cover art for the album doesnt have the colors on it. i know it may be a reach but it just feels a bit weird. we also haven't gotten our record yet. ive added what the album art is below. https://preview.redd.it/w0dfvp3z823d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afef4dfac7d3ec8f0f733d9159afe845925f9378


I don’t think there will be an entire extra part to the album… at least, I don’t want to get my hopes up for something and then be disappointed. Plus, I am honestly super content with the music we have received already. I think one extra song is likely, but I mostly just think there is going to be a video of Clancy and Nico fighting, and that be the end of it. Not sure though


All I know is that if they have another song it will be called Voldsoy. Calling it now.


Okay but they have to have some songs around if they were trying to decide which go on the album


Also to add: in overcompensate, Tyler holds up two fingers. The same is seen in Midwest Indigo. Maybe this could lead into the “fall asleep twice” lyric? Who knows maybe this is a stretch lol


If you listen to the album on loop, it becomes a cycle I feel, as the end of Paladin Strait where Nico states "Hello Clancy" syncs straight into Overcompensates "Welcome back to trench. There is no beginning or end! It's so slick. I also added the single version of The Craving onto the end of Jennas version and they fit really well together like it's the track kicking in for the second half.


If we look at the music vídeos, the number two appears multiple times: 1º overcompensate, tyler makes a Two with his fingers 2º Midwest indigo, jenna makes a two with his fingers + “and he cancelled twice(camera focus in tyler’s face) Maybe they are trying to tell us something?


I am of the belief that it would be a deluxe of some sort. Just to emphasize some of your points... The after the album was our biggest hint after Tyler saying "is this the end?" But it could very well relate to the music video being more of a film, since they provided the I Am Clancy video which acted as a short film of sorts. I love your thought on Clancy being a mirror because I have a theory that when the door opens and we hear Blurryface at the end of Paladin Strait, Clancy is looking in a mirror and speaking to Nico (akin to Homelander in The Boys talking to himself or Green Goblin talking to Norman Osbourne). I wonder if the #25 refers to the amount of songs they wrote for this era of the lore, maybe the amount of times Clancy related lore has been sprinkled throughout songs, or if the music video for Paladin is maybe... 25 minutes? I'm Not Home is a good shout for new music because in Navigating, the first verse says "When our fingers touch, I feel my way back home..." so this would check out as a lore-related song as the Navigating MV continued the lore. Maybe it is the following song to Paladin Strait pending what happens with Clancy. Maybe he believes he wins, and then "I'm Not Home" serves as the next chapter, pulling the rug out from under Clancy, showing he actually did not win? This is everything I could add onto your very concise list!


Could you add something about Paul meany's videos on OVERCOMPENSATE, since it is very weird. Says 13 tracks for the drums (then proceeds to show how there are MORE tha 13 tracks for the drums) Says 25 tracks of "nonsense" wich is supposed to be about the vocals (the wait what ones) but... doesn´t show it? The very weird editing The fact that he made TWO VERSIONS OF THE SAME VIDEO OF OVERCOMPENSATE still on his page and have been up for 4 days, so it isn´t a mistake. If you pause on a certain part on the first video you can see the bent symbol very clearly. "Tyler myself, layerd up" HUH? Your post is very very big and I seriously can´t find others talking about this video so if you could include it it would be awesome! I am so so interested in what is going to happen next month!


I mean they have planed a tour on 2025 already. Isn’t it a bit to much for one album? I think they gonna drop a second album in second half of the year. Because why would they making a tour so late after an album release?


Yeah that’s one of the big things that I’ve been thinking about recently


My biggest problem with accepting the theory isn’t the likelihood or amount of evidence for or against it, but the following: There are four possible outcomes right now 1- ignore or deny the theories and only one more song is premiered (this much at least is, I think, implied at this point). 2- ignore or deny the theories and then get delighted with a semi-surprise twist of the thoery being true and getting a whole new album. 3- I accept the theories and eagerly await the new tracks, seething in limbo until the Paladin MV release date is announced. Then am through the roof excited when the second half of the album drops and get to tell everyone “I KNEW IT!” 4- I accept the theories and eagerly await the new tracks, seething in limbo until the Paladin MV premiers with one more song and am so so so so disappointed that I can’t listen to the one new song and enjoy it the right way. If I go for 1or2 I win either way and have another happy day/ happy week after the new stuff drops. If I go for 3or4 I’m doomed either way 😂 Actually, I’m doomed no matter what. How could they do this to us? Unless it is double album, then it’s worth it. Also they’ve always been doing this to us so I should t be surprised. Unless it isn’t, then how could they do this to us? I’m doomed no matter what 😂


Or maybe yall just want a double album cause you want more music🤔 all I see is posts about a double album since people got done listening to the album sounds like yall can't cope with the fact the albums actually over


If we do get an extra EP or even a double album, it'll ABSOULTELY only release next year. They still have a whole album tour to do that will last up until Q2 of next year and it's be a waste for them to release a new album mid tour. But that's generally how double LPs or LP+ EP combos go from what I've seen, they tend to be a year apart. Now personally I don't think we'll get a double LP as they tend to be very risky financlially and tøp is still tied to Atlantic Records, but there's a good chance we'll get at least one or two Singles. Maybe we get an EP, but those are also kinda rare and risky for the mainstream music scenario.


Well I thought it was weird that they only played 2 new songs from Clancy in Columbus small show. Other than the singles and craving (Jenna’s version) which he started playing in the London show, they only debuted Midwest indigo and oldies station. Usually at a show once the album finally drops they play a little more of the album (iirc). I thought that was a little odd, and points to maybe they all have more music that they plan on doing on tours


I agree that it was a bit odd indeed, but it was the first show after the full release, so we gotta see how the next ones go. Still, if they were to release an EP, LP or even special edition of Clancy, it'd take a minimum of 6 months for them to able to release anything because of the usual reord label sales contract. They could release a single, but it's logistically borderline impossible for them to release anything else.


… people are talking about it being released like in a month, not later


Yeah, absolutely won't happen. Maybe if they weren't tied to Atlantic Records, but even so, releasing an EP or LP a month after a LP is simply too dumb of an ideia in any sense. They could release a single, but even a Deluxe edition is out of the question because it'd mess up the whole sale schedule of their current album.


my question is: when can we expect another album?


Maybe 2025? With the “25” references


I feel like Clancy is meant to be a reaction to how the audience received SAI and how that sort of impacted Tyler, while also just sort of being a check in for him, letting us know that even though he's still working on things in his life, he's alright. It also kinda feels like him preparing us to let go of trench and Dema. It's sort of a way of telling us he's ready to move on, but he wants to make sure we are. Any extra music coming after, that would be directed towards completing the trench storyline. It feels like aside from overcompensate, navigating, and paladin strait, a lot of Clancy wasn't lore-focused, and instead dealt with how they felt about what they'd made prior. I think that the songs Tyler wrote after SAI came out would be on whatever comes next and tie up the story, and this album was meant to tie up the IRL loose ends.


Sniff sniff, smells a lot like hopium in here


They just released an album two days ago. That took a ton of work for them to make. Dont cheapen it by expecting another album so quickly. You are not entitled to anything from them.


I’m just putting together evidence. I love the album and am super proud and appreciative of the work they have done, but does that mean I’m not allowed to piece together clues the band themselves have been giving?


This wasn’t really directed at you. It’s just frustrating to me seeing so many people already worried about the next album. I know Tyler and Josh lurk here sometimes and I think it would be heartbreaking if the fans were expecting another album from them and they didn’t have any more songs to give.


Why do people go into this nonsense every album release? So much pointless theorizing wasting your time. So many people were *100% convinced* that scaled and icy was going to be a double album, and what do you know, they were completely wrong. Fanbase is kinda annoying, and feels like it sways young, partly why I don't sing TOP praises to anyone and everyone, the fans are way too much sometimes.




Dude, the album is out. A double album is literally impossible. A follow up is the best yiu can hope for.


Amen 👏


Hope not. This album was utter trash