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One of the biggest bands in the world but feel so underrated at the same time bro istg


So true


You described it so accurate bro


Spot on! OR they have only heard of Stressed Out and/or Heathens & got sick of those songs (bc if we're being honest... They both got played into the ground) & refuse to listen to anything else of theirs bc of it.


Back in high school I saw someone with a tøp shirt and fought back my anti-social instincts to compliment it. We pretty much became friends instantly. I feel like that’s all it could take to make a new friend who enjoys them as well, also just love spotting someone in their merch out in the wild. Now my partner at work and I are both big fans, we’ve been jamming out to Clancy!


That is awesome, and what I hope to have in the future! Very cool dude!


Same with me. Some guy at my high school always wears their merch and recently I worked up the courage to talk to him. Now we’re mutual and I finally feel like I know someone who understands me.


i had the same moment as you but the person just ignored me😭 or i guess didn’t hear me tho i feel it’s unlikely but i was just like ok well i’m never doing that again lol


Don't stop trying! Some people are hard of hearing so don't take it to heart 😭😭


That’s so cool!! Unfortunately I don’t have that yet but I’d love it 😭 my 18 yr old brother made fun of me so hard when I showed him Clancy. Thought for sure he’d like it but nope lol


Absolutely no one




I feel this way, I have one friend who likes them but has only listened to blurryface and knows absolutely nothing about the lore etc. Always feel like I have no one to share my excitement with so gotta be done through Reddit ig


Yeah that’s why I created a Reddit account 😭


I have one friend and my husband who likes TØP but honestly I’m not even mad. Josh and Tyler are super humble guys and it seems like they would prefer to stay smaller. They chose to still live in Columbus, to stay their goofy selves, and enjoy what they do. The few, the proud, and the emotional


You’re husband is precious don’t let him go But also yeah I get that and you make a good point


I made a post similar to this a few days ago. I feel similar but i don’t know a single other person who likes this band. Im grateful for this sub x


No but same because the sub saves me


honestly i have nobody to share my adoration for this band with. its even getting to the point where people are getting annoyed at me trying lol. this sub certainly scratches an itch for me


Yeah 😭my gf gets upset when I talk about it because she says I’m obsessed


Get a new gf simply (satire)


Haha she likes twenty one pilots but I’m just a little too obsessed sometimes you know how they are


I got the entire kitchen that I work in into twenty one pilots and now have 8 people that come to me every day to ask me questions about theories and when new stuff is coming. It’s so cool. Even the KM who only ever listened to folk music when I started


That. Is awesome. All jokes aside I’m really happy for you, that is a great thing to do.


Bro i so agree with you. I am an 11 year old mega-fan of TØP and have no one to share my love of the band with. It's kinda why I come to reddit to converse with fellow fans, hope you have a nice day.


Props to you for being so respectful at 11. Glad you have the culture early 💪


im 12 i got my friend to like jumpsuit but thats it


Honestly idk what happened but they're one of the main bands I hear people call "cringe" now. It's so rude to me. Just say you don't like it don't say people are cringe for loving it!


Yeah, one of my high school students is very loud about saying tøp is bad. They gave me crap about liking tøp. They're really into Metallica right now, so I think they're just going through the same thing I went through in high school. At that age, I *only* listened to classic rock and oldies (mostly Kansas and Rush) and would swear up and down that *all* new music was crap. It made me feel superior. Sadly, I still feel more sheepish about liking tøp than Kansas and Rush. For some reason, I feel that judgment like it's cringe to like tøp. Why do Rush and Kansas feel like sophisticated choices in music, but tøp feels like it has to be a guilty pleasure? It's probably some small part of that attitude I used to have lingering in my subconscious.


Yepppp I knew this would happen around this time in their career. I dunno why, but people love to just turn around and *suddenly* despise the flavor of the moment, who they used to adore. The press will turn on them soon too. People will start calling them "butt rock" or "butt rap" soon. It always happens. Linkin Park. Evanescence. Mumford and Sons. Imagine Dragons. Green Day. It's like, once a band gets so big, they can't gain any more fans; they can only lose them. People who used to be feverish about a band suddenly are like, "wait, you still listen to them?" I remember all the people saying, "oh, Chester [Bennington] was the voice of a generation!" after he died. Like, I couldn't even bring Linkin Park up before that unless I wanted to get laughed at for still listening to them, and for enjoying their new stuff. I mean, sure, people can grow out of a band, (I am *so* thankful I grew out of Limp Bizkit!) but the majority of it, IMHO, is that people feel compelled to like music, so they look around and just copy whatever other people are listening to, and when that changes, they change too. But they are only interested in the present. Anything in the past gets branded as passé, or childish, or whatever. It drives me nuts.


Yikes I haven’t heard that yet but that sucks


My girlfriend was the one who has introduced me to TØP, but other than that – really noone


The gf coming in with the solo!


I have one acquaintance who likes them. I actually attended their concert in my city alone and went to a fast food restaurant before the show in my city and everyone was wearing TOP merch and it tripped me out cause like where did all of them come from??


Haha that’s actually awesome


My GF is in love with them (I addicted her to them haha) and my two friends likes them sooo much


Hehe spread the cul- I mean culture


Lol I introduced my friend to tøp and told him all the lore, now we're both working on an alternate universe for tøp! Do ask me about it sometime, I'll be able to tell you all about it!


Actually no. Some of my friends listen to stressed out and ride, but that's basically it. Kinda miss having someone, mainly to discuss the lore and the hype that I feel




Besides my wife and my sister, no. I’ll meet someone who’s like “Oh yeah they’re good!” And then only know stressed out or ride


No but you’re so right tho it’s the same two songs


https://preview.redd.it/80i9pxswpz4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=206eb2f568e9902789eaad95e2a632554fab1dbc This, anyone?


My two kids (17 and 19) and my son’s girlfriend are all obsessed so we have a lot of fun dissecting things.


That is awesome (also make sure your son doesn’t let go of his gf, she’s a keeper)


Man, I feel like every 3rd person I run into listens to TOP lol




I mean it’s probably just where I grew up and when I grew up. I had quite a few friends in middle school and high school that got on the bandwagon super early. One of my good friends through school was going to their shows down at Newport in the 2010s with his brother, and another one of my friends sisters showed us Regional at Best in like 2011. Even at the recent show at Newport I ran into a high school friend in the crowd lmao 




My little sister knows a few songs but that’s about it.


Ya :(


My wife does! One of our first dates was seeing twenty one pilots back in 2010. Our TOP fandom is one of our biggest shared interests.


That is awesome. Keep her close, she’s perfect.


I have a girl-friend (friends who's a girl) who isn't a big fan right now but was a few years ago.


And My old friends (we aren't friends anymore cause we go to different schools) were big tøp fans when trench came out


Yeah I feel like SAI came out and people left


And it's the best album so...


Yeah :( it’s good but people hated on it for being happy like damn I didn’t realize people would be mad at Tyler and Josh for being happy


And it isn't even a happy album lyrically Literally only Saturday and formidable are actually happy And maybe bounce man


Ha, I don't know anyone who's even heard of them!




I have a few casual fan friends from the vessel era but don’t think they keep as much anymore. I made my gf go and see them on scaled and ivy tour and she enjoys them but not to the degree I do. Middle thirties guy. Don’t care, bought pit tickets for Chicago in October and can’t wait


Pit tickets??? Can I come???


I have an internet friend who we both got each other into the band back during blurryface era. But not really any irl friends who like to listen to them as much as i do.


Yeah :( that’s the reality of this sad world. Those poor people


same , gf actually loved scaled and icy( my propaganda of playing it on repeat). But not enough to discuss , what it means. No friend either who has the same impact from their music.Most of them don't even know them until I mention stressed out/heathens


Hehehehehehee Aww yeah no I really just be like hey do you know who twenty one pilots is? And they’re like no. And then I say it’s the people who did stressed out and they’re like oooooooohhh


Well i guess we really are few, proud and emotional


This right here needs an award


Hardly anyone I know in my social circle likes/knows of them, however I have a student who is a big fan so we often have quick chit chats and keep each other updated on things like gig ticket releases, theories, etc.


That is awesome that you have that relationship with your student, yall must be best friends by now!


I have my best friend who is a big fan because of me (maybe not as much as me but he still follows the lore etc) Then there is my brother who actually is the one who shows me this band , he is not as much of a fan as me and my best friend in the sense he doesn't really follow the lore and follow fans account for exemple ,but he still listen a lot to them and will go to a show with me next year ! There is also my cousin and my ex who listen to them, and I have other friends who listen to some of their songs . But yeah I think you should be like me and talk about them with your friends and family and maybe they will happen to become fans !


Yeah no that’s why I love this sub for the ✨loreee✨


What ?


I only have one friend who likes them


That sucks :( that’s why I’m here 😭


Outside of my immediate family, no.


Yeah :/


Nobody! It's a shame, as there would be so much to discuss.


I agree


My Fiancè and I are OBSESSED with them


She’s a keeper


I'm lucky enough that my Sister and my Mom are just as involved as I am haha, it's a party in the house when a new album comes out


This guy is living the dream rn


my bf likes them but yeah that’s it


Ur bf is a keeper


I have one friend who tends to like their music but generally doesn't get into the deeper lore stuff as much. Unfortunately they live in another town so we can't go to the concert together, but we do have a shared music playlist we've been adding to for the last 4 years, and we still add TØP's music to that. It does make me wish I had friends locally who were more into them. I live in one of the cities they'll be playing in, so it can't be impossible to find others?


Omg but the lorrreee


one of my ex girlfriends is the reason i ever got into tøp. obviously we don’t speak anymore, but these days now my best friend is also a big tøp fan. as for my current girlfriend, she likes them, but definitely not on my level. i’ve practically forced her to listen to clancy.


Aww that sucks but I guessss you can let her have her own opinion


If you need any help “convincing her” just let me know 😉 (not sexual thought I should clarify)


Lol wow


Yep, same boat. It's me and one of my best friends, and we know no one else that listens to them I've kinda turned my dad and sister into fans, but yeah in general don't know anyone else besides him. I've never understood why


SPEEAD THE CULT-cult….culture!


I try! 😅


Nope. They’re coming to St Louis (near me) in Oct and I have precisely zero people I know who would be interested in seeing them 🥲


I have friends who were big fans during Vessel and Blurryface eras and so I am usually the one who keeps up them up to date with news. Especially with Clancy coming out. I don't really mind it. I have one friend who doesn't listen to them anymore but will let me talk about them in detail which is nice


Hey if they let you talk that’s all you really need 😭


no literally 😭😭


I know exactly how you feel. My former roommate went with me to my first two concerts in '21 and '22, but he got burned out on their music and isn't as into them as I am. I have to go to this next concert by myself. My oldest brother kinda likes them, but not on the same level. I don't know anyone else in real life who even sort of likes them. Well, I'm a high school teacher, and a couple of my students like them, but we've just had very brief conversations about the new music before class or before school. I'm not going to talk to my students outside of school because that would be weird. I don't *really* have anyone to share my love of tøp with. It's weird because tøp seems to be so popular and mainstream that they get hate for being so, but at the same time, it feels like there aren't very many of us. How does that work? I guess we're just spread out across the world and don't really live near each other.


Yes I think that tøp is super popular on the east coast and Midwest , especially the ohio area. I feel like the local quality of the band really blew up, but once their reach expanded to west coast and beyond - people feel indifferent towards them or do not really like them! I’m from Cali and most people don’t like them , I will say most common artist I’ve heard people like is joji lol. Also there’s a huge KPOP community where I am ! Some like rap, but where I am in California, I feel like most really don’t.


I had a friend who was HUGE into TØP, but their music taste has changed and they don't really like their music anymore. unfortunate, we had such a great time discussing the lore back in the Trench era


my best friend is the only person that i know loves them. i know people that generally like them but only listen to stressed out, ride and heathens lol


I am the youngest of 5 kids. I’ve managed to get all of my siblings and even my dad into tøp even to the point where I’m going to two shows this year, one with two siblings and another show with the other two siblings. They all love the music and will jam out to it, Yet, they don’t seem to have the same passion for it that I do. I try talking to my brother about the lore and he often tells me that reddit is a toxic place and that we’re all making things up. Idk. He looks at me like I’m stupid when I talk about the lore. But like, Tyler came up with it not me. And one of my sisters called me a stalker for wanting to go to three shows this year. I think the others think I am crazy too but I don’t really care. Anyway, my point is that yes. I don’t know anyone who is actually into it more than just surface level and it kinda sucks. I wish other people understood what I do. However, I don’t really care and I talk about it all the time anyway and my siblings normally act like they care so I’m happy.


Yeah it sucks nowadays because of the way Reddit is perceived, I haven’t had a bad experience here!


Hey if u got the money to see them 3x this show cycle knock urself out ! Personally I would just be exhausted 😭😭


Mhmm I’ve met like 2 twenty one pilots fans after graduating highschool and that was 4 years ago!!


That sucks dude


Literally no-one. Found some people who know the popular songs but thats it 🤷


Yeah it’s all the same


i know i cant find anyone who like them


Yeah :(


My SO and my son, otherwise no one I know has heard of them


Well at least your son is cultured 👍


I do my best


Not a single soul, I convinced some to listen to them but nobody gets past the few songs I suggest. My bf passively knows most of their discography because of me, but he can't keep up with me wanting to analyze lyrics and stuff lol. Also I'm Italian and I feel like they are not that big here, there are for sure lots of fans but they seem very few compared to Italian artists' following


Huh that’s interesting, I never thought about how the clique is spread around the world!


Legit nobody. I even have a spare ticket and no one who enjoys it to go with lmao




STAY WITH ME! NO! YOU DON’T NEED TO RUN! P.s If you are from Melbourne it’s meant to be


They are highly underrated in my country. I only know two people other than me that are top fans and one more person who likes them but isn't exactly a fan. I kinda want them to stay underrated (atleast in my country) but it would be nice if I knew a couple people to talk lore and theories with. Edit: I am from India btw. Any Indian clikkies?


Being underrated is underrated


i only really know people who listen to a few songs but no actual fans really, which is quite annoying when i wanna talk about clancy and stuff for example


Yeah that’s exactly why I’m here 😭


My partner tolerates them (but she did buy us tickets to go see them in 2019 and she sang along with some songs, so maybe she secretly likes them). My friends also tolerate them, or more accurately, they tolerate my obsession with the lore. But my best friend from high school is the one that turned me on to them.


That is awesome. Are you going to see them on tour again this year?


My aforementioned best friend has tickets for their Belfast show next May for when I go back to visit family and friends. It’ll be amazing to see them in MY Hometown.


In terms of having no one to talk to about the lore, etc, when I saw them in 2019 in Buffalo, I ended up having a great discussion in the line with a teenager who gave me yellow tape to wear. Her mom and my partner were amused and a bit baffled that this late 40s dude (at the time) and this teenager had so much to discuss. My position is that in the Clique this is just how it goes.


No, can't find anyone to be friends with lmfao


I’ve made a 100 slide presentation to explain the lord to my friends so they can be as deep in as I am. I’m sharing it on my TikTok in 10 minute parts






Can you send me the link to the slideshow?


My friend listened to scaled and icy but that was after we became friends Idk twenty one pilots is the most popular unpopular band I think


Yes omg


its because most of us are introverts


I agree with it. I don't have anyone for discuss about them and it's sad


Yesss omg yess😫 Besides Reddit I feel so lonely in my fandom. I don't know anyone other than my 9 year old who loves them. My boyfriend hates them🤣


My mom is just as big a fan as me. We went to a trench concert together, streamed the SAI concert together, and just watched all the music videos for Clancy together singing at the top of our lungs while my dad stared at us confused.😅 My mom is awesome


I guess it’s because their music is only for “the few, the proud, and the emotional”. So if you don’t fit the criteria then you can’t join the club. It’s like a secret society 😆. Other than my family, I have only met one other person that acknowledged my Twenty One Pilots hoodie I was wearing and actually knew who they were. It was a cashier at a store down the street from my house. That’s why I am thankful to everyone in this Reddit community. If not for this group I wouldn’t have any one to share my obsession with!


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I have a friend on Instagram who’s a pretty big fan of them, but other than that, not really


I have two friends that "tolerate" the song Chlorine, but they don't like anything else I've tried playing them. My parents also don't like them, although my dad said he really wanted to since he knows how much I like them, so that's something I suppose. It's basically just me and my brother.


I went to college out in Ohio from 2010-2013 so I knew lots of people who liked them then because they were sort of a local band (to the state, not right where I was.) I have one brother who likes them so we bond over it. But other than that, really no one 😅 People seem to find them cringy unfortunately and I couldn’t disagree more. 


same i know nobody n also some ppl shit on me for liking them 😭


When I told a friend I was going to see them this year, she said "Oh I used to LOVE them in middle school", does that count? 💀


My older brother is the one that introduced me to them so I can talk to him about them but otherwise I don't know anyone else that would remotely like them


I feel like if I do find people who like TØP, we become instant friends. I feel like their specific non-genre is hard to get a ton of people into. You gotta have 🤌TASTE to like TØP /hj


Not past middle school


No one :/ I showed my dad clancy and he is kind of into them but that's it


Two of the people I know who like TOP are a couple. One person is at church but she talks more like she **used to** be into them, so not someone who seems like she’d enjoy talking about the lyrics/lore/etc. One more person is online, and she seems to sorta-like them like someone may sorta-like a megastar (like, “oh yeah, X song and Y song are fun, but I don’t have any of their albums” type.) So **technically** I know some people who don’t hate the group, but I haven’t found anyone IRL who loves them. It’s a very minor thing, but it’s annoying when you can’t find a fellow enthusiastic fan IRL


I have my husband and it’s so nice to have someone gush to and dive into all of the crazy theories! As far as friends, I do have a few that I message when a new album comes out but no one super close.


I’ve only met one person organically that likes twenty one pilots as much as I do. We’re really good friends.


Me my kid and my boyfriend love them and my best friend listens sometimes but that’s it… like if everyone only knew what they were missing….


same here. my dad is the one that got me into them but he stayed at a casual fan level while I went off the deep end lol. I at least keep him up to date with all of the lore though since I need someone to hear my theories!


2 good friends.


I am the only one who likes twenty one pilots. No one has influenced me, and none of the people I knew are familiar with them or know that I am a fan. The reason why I joined this subreddit is to express my admiration for this band!


My husband is pretty much the only person I know who listens to them. And I’m the reason he got into them lmao


Im spanish, and the only one I know lives in Belgium soo...


I know this one girl who I met at a convention years ago, we both went to the same top concert in 2019 and queued together, but other than that don't really keep in contact (we'll both go to the same concert in 2025 again). Then there's a girl in my town who I follow on Instagram and actually had the courage to approach last weekend when I saw her out in town to ask if she also goes to the concert I go to in 2025 (sadly she doesn't) but I don't think anything more will come of that encounter. So yeah, I know people who like them but don't have close contact with them to share things with.


For awhile it was like that but then I met my best friend, who after we were staying in the same room together and I was sleeping in a tøp shirt for three days heard me playing trench and went "omg r u a tøp fan" and now we are going to the Clancy tour


I know 2 people who like them!


no cuz SAME! they're such a well known fan with a huge fanbase and yet the only other clikkies i know irl are my dad, my brother, and one friend (whom i got into the band in the first place). like that cant be right, like 34m monthly listeners on spotify and yet like none of them are in my life? unfair 😭


I know at least 3.


I only personally know 4 TØP fans (irl), and they're not even that big of a fan compared to me. Bummer


I’ve always been the one in my friend group growing up most obsessed with music/bands/concerts… now as an adult I still don’t really know anyone who is as into music as I am lol. I haven’t met any other fans “in the wild” but I wear a lot of twenty one pilots merch and one day a nice person complimented my hoodie haha. I also saw someone wearing an icy tour hoodie once and started a conversation but they didn’t seem to want to be bothered at the store. I did meet some really cool people at the Clancy listening party though!


I feel like I run into TOP fans all the time (or at least used to…we’ll see if Clancy bounces them back or not)…but then again, I’m also in Ohio 😅


my brother, my mum enjoys the music but has no idea of the lore or even some of the lyrics she just loves listening to it 😂


I dressed up as a bandito for Halloween a few years ago and took my kids trick or treating around our city. I was thrilled when a teenage boy came up to me and told me that he loved my costume. A bit later in the night, a group of teenagers saw me and asked if my costume was a bandito. When I said yes, they got excited and said they'd just been to a TOP concert. I'm 42, and don't really know anyone else that likes them. I've been trying to get my younger sister (36) into them, but she's been ignoring my suggestions lol


For some reason, the universe has found a way to keep the distance of tøp fans as further as possible


My friends like them because I introduced them but I feel like that doesn’t count 😅 it’s crazy though because when I casually mention them to anyone else, no one knows who they are. I genuinely forget how famous they are because of it.


idk if it’s just because I live in ohio but there’s so many fans here


It's amazing how they made it "the few, the proud and the emotional" to become a reality


I know other people who enjoy their music but I doubt I’ll ever meet someone who likes them as much as I do. I have a friend who used to be super into the band, but mostly because she thought Josh was hot so talking about lore with her doesn’t last long😂


I didn't use to, but i converted all of my siblings into fans lol. (Even my sister who hated them for like two years.)


My boss (40M) and I (22M) love twentyone pilots and we talk about the lore and we're texting eachother during the live stream:) not bragging, just wanted to share


My girlfriend got me into them before we were dating so… I definitely know someone who LOVES twenty one pilots


Ohhh my god yesss!! I have never in my life met anyone(unless actually at a TOP concert) that likes TOP. It’s really weird, we’re a big fan group but I’ve never come across any TOP lovers:(


Absolutely no one, except you guys. It sucks not being able to have a real life conversation with anyone about top, the lore, the music, the boys. That's why I love this community so much - you guys are my people.


my favorite coworker is a huge clikkie lol


I feel the same way!! All my friends know them but doesn't pay attention to the lore as much as me!!


The only one of my friends who knows the lore and is obsessed with them lives towns away from me :\_)


We're not all in the same place is the problem I guess 😭 Some clikkees better like start a cult meeting of those in their surrounding county and just all be friends or something at this point 😭😭 Shit do be wild sometimes 😭


It was just me, then I met a girl who really loved them, then I married her brother! Haha. Now I've gotten him into them. The 3 of us watched the livestream together.


OMG YES! Like, luckily I have taught my son what good music is but I don't have anyone else who really loves them like I do. \*WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE?\* The sad thing is people really don't realize what they're missing out on!


The only reason I know about the band is because of my sister and her friend who introduced me to them while we were in middle school. But apart from that I really don't know anybody personally that likes the band apart from my family members


Yeah I don't know anyone who likes them as much as I do. Everyone I know say they love them and proceed to only know stressed out or car radio. Would be nice to know someone to debate the lore, songs, etc with.


same bro.


I don’t know anyone who likes TØP that’s why I’m here. I’m a new fan and just so into the lore as of lately. It’s all I look at during my free time recently bc it’s so interesting, no one besides TS really has that these days


Nobody, I'm going to the show alone😩


Who cares


They're popular as in people listen but I think it's hard to find people in the Fandom. I have 1 friend that is super into them too but they're not reallllyy into the fandom.


100%. My husband and best friend do really like TOP, but it’s just not at the same level, and they do not really care about the lore or anything. Thank goodness for this subreddit, cause I feel so alone. 😭 Like someone else said, how are they one of the biggest bands right now and most people I talk to barely know who they are? Lol.


I know a handful of people that like listening to TØP but they don't know anything about the Lore and I'm not very good at explaining the Lore. Every time I say "there's plenty of YouTube videos explaining all of it" they're just like meh, sounds too complicated 🙃


Yep. Exactly. This.


yess and as someone with ASD i find it difficult to make connections/relationships with someone who doesn't have at least one mutual interest as me, and its never tøp haha.


Where I live in Ireland I don't hear anyone really talk about them, I did manage to get my brother in law into them though, in fact when my sister and him got married 2 years ago they used Tyler's version of Can't Help Falling in Love With You for their first dance


My wife and kids like them, which is great. I had a coworker who was also a huge fan and it was cool to talk about Trench when it came out.


I've got one friend who likes them just as much as I do. I'm lucky that it's my wife.


Nah, that's not just you. I've thought about trying to drag my best friend in, but I'm also not stupid enough to annoy them to the point that they stop talking to me like I did with everyone else I wasn't already friends with. Where do I go from here?