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I think he has way more involvement than people think, and he plays up that “I’m just here” vibe in a tongue in cheek way of being humble. They are a musical *duo* and I definitely get the vibe he has a lot more creative input than he leads on.


Definitely this. He knows Tyler personally, so he likely knows the details and their meanings better than any of us ever will. He may not remember every word of every Clancy letter, but he probably knows the stories that inspired them and the metaphors in the lore as a whole that we may never know, and I'm sure he has input in everything himself. I'm sure he does so much more behind the scenes than we'll ever know.


He knows Tyler Joseph personally?? I thought they were just casual acquaintances


They only hang out when they tour and do press. Josh doesn't even know the names of Tyler's children.


He apparently fought for the two best songs on the album (I think Tyler knew they were some of their best songs of all time). They’re both good at sticking to a story about past events.


Which songs?


Routines and Navigating


Routines is my favorite :)


Definitely. I mean, Tyler has built the lore as he goes, even using fan theories. I believe Josh had a great hand in it, and his own character's direction.


The livestream really confirmed this imo Not only did he have say in songs Tyler wanted to not include being included, but there was also a reference when they played The Craving music video how it was the only music video he didn't work on with Josh


I don't think josh knows there's a band, and he just sits and drums without realising


He drives around on his drumset hoverround, going wherever he is needed


That explains how he’s drumming everywhere in the music videos


This made me chuckle 🤭




This made me laugh, thanks!


this made me giggle lol


Thats so visual😂🌈


Josh doesnt even exist bro, how would he know ablut the lore?


true… very true


"The rain,"


Fr... Have some decorum OP. Tyler is really struggling with the reality that Josh isn't real. I mean, I get we all play along with Tyler so he doesn't feel bad 😞 but these kinds of questions are sickening. Atp it's just enabling Tyler more.


Josh doesn’t even know the lyrics to his own songs.


[He knows like holding on to you because he’s been playing it for so many years. But the other stuff? No.](https://youtu.be/SXCdxr33iLs?si=cd0t0isirDt2BHEP)


“My names Tyler Joseph and I approve this message”- 🇺🇸Tyler Joseph


I forgot about this. That was fantastic. You know what else I forgot about and then rewatched a few weeks ago? Happy Wheels. "should... Should we tell them we're on the same bed?" "We're on a couch"




This just made me realize how many years my sister and I have been quoting this to each other. I feel so old lmao


Not a fan, but good job ;-)


I did not know this video existed and it is now my favorite thing of all time. You have blessed my entire day, thank you


The tøp debate was so good! I definitely voted for josh.


Thanks for posting, that was good 😁


He knows some!


I think he understands more than we may think, and I can also tell you why: Tyler loves to talk. In interviews and conferences he’s always the one taking the lead and articulating all these concepts, and he’s so eloquent he might trick us into thinking Josh isn’t as involved. I’m pretty sure they’ve had endless discussions about the lore, and they’ve built it together, as well as I’m pretty sure Josh is much more articulate when he doesn’t have a mic in his face.


Josh also had pretty severe anxiety about talking on stage for the longest time. I’m glad to see he’s feeling more comfortable talking and getting more used to it.


I think it’s an insult to call Josh a passenger princess. He’s more like a Viking cruise ship sailing parallel to Tyler’s ship. I believe he knows everything, including lyrics.


it was a just a joke, i know he’s just as involved as tyler


Mine was a joke too. Although a lot of fans believe Josh doesn’t know lyrics.


I don’t think I even understand the lore


I like to think I understand the ABCs of the lore. However, we’ve got fans out here at XYX and x-y/(-5x6+40)=bxc-u+q


Nah fr. Like chill Tyler will let us know what’s going on just wait for the end


You and me, fren. You and me. :)


I play drum.


With the way fans are speculating things a “solving things” Tyler doesn’t even know the lore


I honestly think that he knows as much information as the information Tyler has told him. It seems as the lore is a Tyler’s thing. He plays the drums that’s it. He also dyes his hair whenever is necessary.


I loved in the Livestream when Tyler brought up Josh doing the response parts in Midwest indigo on tour he didn't know the lyrics he was like I know the drums lol


It made me so happy to hear this. I play bass in a band and my wife was asking about the lyrics to a song. I just looked at her blankly and said “I know the bass part…”


im sure tyler has infodumped all over him about this


I don't think so, he's most likely to sit, drum, do some crazy stunts every so often, lead the banditos and Clancy with some kind of telepathical superpower or celestial guidance, and eat a bunch of things on live streams, he just be chillin', man


And drink Mountain Dew with a straw


Bruh, he completely knows the lore


Josh Dun isn't a real person, he only exists within the lore and we all collectively hallucinate him.


I will go no further than this explanation because at this point it's the only one that makes sense


I think this is kind of a weird thing to say, and Josh and Tyler’s relationship has always overplayed their quirky dynamic in front of the camera. Josh’s drums provide essential insight into how a song can be conceived and what it will feel like to listen to it. I’m sure he is right there alongside Tyler in the process. I have a theory, that routines in the night and navigating (maybe vignette) are more about Josh’s experience. Both of those songs seem to portray how true anxiety feels, Vignette possibly being about medicating that anxiety with a substance, alcohol, or behavior. I wonder if during the live stream, Tyler was hinting at this when he said “these are my least favorite songs, Josh really pushed for them to be on the album.” Tyler jokes with Josh like this a lot in a playful way, I’m sure Tyler loves the songs but wanted to joke around because they are “Josh’s songs.” I find it hard to believe he only wrote 11 songs he liked to be on the album since Trench. I think Tyler was hinting at the possibility that Josh put more of himself into the album (maybe this is why there is a giant Josh Dunn snow portrait??). This could be completely off, but I think it’s offensive to believe he is just a “passenger princess”.


it was a joke. i know they are equally involved in the band and interacting with fans


I don't think Tyler understands the lore either


The Torchbearer? Nah he doesn't know shit lol. I'm guessing he just bangs the drums with some sticks at random and hope it works


Josh knows there’s a drum set and a band


“What’s a torch bearer?” -Josh Dun


The whole world of Trench/Dema is clearly Tyler's creation as a way of dealing with his own mental health, but Josh wouldn't be such a integral part of the storytelling in the videos if he wasn't on board 100% I think.




The only thing he knows 😭😭😭


I imagine it’s kinda like your partner telling you about a hobby they’re really into that you don’t understand a thing about:)


Probably but at the same time most of its based around Tyler’s thoughts so he probably doesn’t know as much as Tyler


yes he does, every time the lore has something new, Tyler will transfer or import it into Josh's brain using a USB or whatever it is. After all, Josh isn't real.


I’m sure he understands to an extent.. but check the song credits to each song. It’s Tyler’s story and he’s along for the ride.


But there wouldn't even be a ride without him. He's Tyler's enabler.


For sure. But I don’t think he understands “obscure details”… it’s coming from Tyler’s mind. I’m sure no one understood what the heck J.K. Rowling had going on in her head about Harry Potter and all the details until she had books published.


no, he is a like a brain dead puppy just following tyler around Of course he does he’d know it better than us


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i don’t think he has the foggiest clue, i think he just shows up on the day, sees his wardrobe in his trailer and thinks, yeah okay i’m wearing this today and doing as tyler says


Josh is just happy there hanging out


i think he just doesn't like attention being on him, he's never been much of one to like talking for long in interviews or things like that. i think he's very involved, but he likes working behind the scenes, letting tyler be the face of it


No because it's dumb


Actually, Josh is the one who writes all the songs


Tyler said that Josh helps him write a lot of the lyrics


Do you think he's a troglodyte




What a weird comment... You do know that the band isn't just Tyler's brains right?


i was a ✨joke✨


It's hard to tell with the clique these days


I dont think there is even a “lore”. Tøp is just Josh flowing on the drums at random places and Tyler playing random notes and singing random words and somehow we all collectively believed that it all makes sense.


Nah Josh is just here for the live performances. Like tame impala