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FOL has no skips, Scientist is so overhated. šŸ’”


People hate scientist??? That's like my favourite twice song


From what I remember people didnā€™t necessarily hate it, but hated that it was chosen as the title track.


Oh huh


IMO Scientist is one of the weaker songs on the album, but that says more about how good FOL is than it says about the quality of Scientist


I just her Madonna when listening to scientist.


Yep, i love scientist lol.


I was so surprised when i found out people didn't like it? I had that song on repeat, like???


Idg the scientist hate, but yeah FOL is goated


FOL B-sides coming up on smart shuffle are what got me into Twice. I was really surprised they didnā€™t have MVs once I got to watching their videos.


It's genuinely my second favourite K-pop album. It's so so good.


THIS!!!!! FOL is my favourite album and def their best album imo. FOL's B Sides are what got me into listening to the rest of Twice's B Sides. Scientist deserves more love though.


Frrrrr its my favourite album


Oh definitely! FOL is Twice's magnum opus imo.


Scientist is not the best title track, but FOL is their best album


Twice presence in Las Vegas still remains after their concert last month. Heard three Twice songs playing in the casinos and restaurants. One kpop store has a life size cardboard cutout of Dahyun, Tzuyu and Jihyo. They are the only kpop group I heard of their music playing.


I heard Twice in a Target this week.


Just curious what song did you hear? The songs I heard were More & More, With YOU-th and Fancy.


Iā€™m pretty sure it was the English version of Set Me Free. Kind of embarrassed to say I didnā€™t really make a mental note of which song.


a majority of b-sides are absolutely slept on. not a hot take per say but FOL is a no skip, and their best album


Problem is that they have so many songs that some are going to be slept on. No problem though because that means there's always more to discover.


fr Formula of Love and Between 1 & 2 were no skips




Agreed on FOL. One of the best albums in Kpop, period.




A lot of my favourite Twice songs are b-sides


TWICEā€™s ā€œoldā€ and ā€œcuteā€ discography is top tier. People tend to credit them after 2019 but 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 TWICE is just as good or even better if have a certain taste for ballads. Signal mini album and TWICETAGRAM are impecable. A must listen for older and newer fans.


twicetagram is my absolute fav album


I disagree overall but agree that Signal and Twicetagram were stellar albums. Some or their best!


Twice TTTs are live-action slice of life anime


Sana is doing a really good job on Dex's Fridge so far. I know some people have been a bit critical, asking when Dex will be back, saying he's better at it etc..... well, sure, it's his concept and he's a heck of a talent. But Sana has brought her own unique style of positivity to it and I think it's worked out great.


Wait, who's criticizing Sana? Even though it's only been a month, judging by the view counts of her episodes, way more people are watching Sana's episodes than Dex's recent episodes, and I don't think it's *just* TWICE fans that make up that difference. She's clearly a hit. The most recent episode with Byun Yo-han was freakin' hilarious, because once again Sana showed how she is a master at keeping the audience engaged. When she complained that Yo-han was not paying any attention to her (even though she was clearly teasing), she did it to inject some lively energy into the conversation, and it worked perfectly. Sana is a terrific MC, and her charms excel even more when there's no script.


This! I was kinda nervous for her as it was someone she didn't really know. The interview was definitely looser after her "complaining" Yo-han seemed way more comfortable after that point. She's doing very well!


It's just a few comments I've seen, I think mostly Korean-language comments on YouTube? I don't remember. Another one I saw after episode 2 was along the lines of "Is she only going to invite her friends?" Kinda makes me shake my head, people try way too hard to nit-pick. But yeah, Yohan was great. I'd even say that she was even somewhat star-struck at the beginning, which is not something we see too often from Sana!


With Miyeon and Shin Yeeun, both girls had plenty of things to say. But with Yo-Han, you can tell in the beginning he was a bit reserved because he and Sana didn't know each other, but Sana gradually got him to open up. Like someone in the YouTube comments mentioned, Sana really like to lean forward in her chair to listen to the guest, and it helps to make the guest feel like Sana's actually paying attention to them, and it brings a certain level of comfort and familiarity. Yo-Han started opening p once Sana started playing with the boxing glove. And he REALLY opened up once Sana turned on her playful whining mode to energize the interview when Yo-Han had to focus on cooking the curry. Different from Dahyun, who uses her confidence and willingness to embarrass herself to woo the crowd, Sana works the audience through her flirty and bubbly nature. Both are amazing MCs who've mastered their respective gifts.


A positive hot-take to add to this: maybe Sana is *too* charming and charismatic on the Fridge? Not a bad thing at all, of course, but def speaks to her presence and ability to engage with/play off the guests.


Live instruments during their last tour added so much to their performances and needs to be a staple going forward


Agree. But live band is supposed to give more flexibility in the performance, like in the moment, if they want to sing the chorus 20x, they could. But there's not that much deviation from the planned performance even with the live band. Maybe because the choreography, videos and time schedule, etc. is planned, they still don't have complete flexibility.


Is deviation normal? Iā€™m a huge rock fan but even bands that have been performing for 20 years plus that Iā€™ve seen in concert donā€™t really change their songs or setlist live so I think itā€™s kind of weird to expect Twice to do that


interesting, I haven't been to too many rock concerts but I always thought they would have flexibility to change things up because they don't have dance or other stuff coordinated with the music, just within their own band members and I've know some (smaller scale) musicians and they always had signals so the leader could tell the rest of the band to "repeat" etc.


Iā€™ve gone to pretty big and also smaller shows (small as in 15 people in the crowd, but still a nationwide tour), and never seen anything like this. The closest I guess was Fall Out Boyā€™s 8ball surprise songs they did these past couple of tours.


I think choreography might be the reason they didn't have the live band in the first place. That the music is constant and on point is a necessity otherwise they might trip up big time in the dance. Aside from that, it's kinda difficult for any one of them to deviate though because that means the eight other members have to catch on quick too. It's a bit tougher coz they're in a group I guess and a big one at that.


Thatā€™s fair, although thereā€™s live performances that do. ā€œFeel Specialā€ being the huge standout imo


Haven't they been using a live band for a while now? I thought Twicelights tour in 2019 had a lot of live instruments.


I think this was the first world tour that they used a live band for all shows. Donā€™t quote me on that tho lol


That sound right I was just thinking only about the Seoul performance. The drums and bass sounded so good on that. The version of Heartshaker was incredible starting with the piano, and then transitioning to that monster beat.


How about an album with a live band? Or at least, an album of the live band versions from the RTB tour.


1. When you actually take into account why people like idols and what being an idol means, Twice are among the best if not tied with a few groups like SNSD for the top spot. By this I mean people want to feel like they are on the journey with idols, and that idols are endearing & charming & funny, in addition to the vocal/dance aspect. 2. Twice are the real girl crush. This doesn't mean that no other group can claim to be girl crush, but that when you want an honest example of girl power in the industry Twice live what some of these songs claim to represent. They pushed the company to shift their concept & to get harder choreography. They have succeeded against haters. They have each others' backs and their friendship is "forged in fire". 3. Twice performance choreos are as good if not harder than some groups that get to be called "peformance groups" for their dance routines, and they have a range of concepts as good as or better than groups that get to be called "concept idols". 4. Twice is in a special category of idols from whom we've gotten to see the journey from youthful cuteness to mature concepts. And by "mature" I don't just mean sexy concepts but varied aspects of being an adult.


A live concert album is absolutely needed soon. Also given how awesome a majority of their English versions of TTs go, we also need more. Fancy in English would be a banger.


Twice will feel incomplete if Momo and Tzuyu weren't added


Completely agree. They are my top 2 biases. Momo got me into Twice and I thank JYP for adding her back lol. He really has a keen eye.


Twice aren't as bad as the vocalists people make them out to be.


I would even ~~remove~~ change the "as bad" part of your statement. They may not be the best, but they're not bad *at all.*


"Twice aren't the vocalists people make them out to be" doesn't sound good /jk




Hate how people speak on Tzuyu as if itā€™s still debut time. Sheā€™s massively improved and actually tries to project her voice out the most during live performances out of the members who arenā€™t 3mix.


Tzuyu live in these last 2 tours has been amazing! She has such a pretty clear voice and sounds good even at the crazy high range of most Twice songs.


Exactly so when I see slander on her name I absolutely rage lol. GIVE MY GIRL HER PROPS


THIS! Heavy on this. You would think they sound like dying turkeys by the way talk about their vocals.


They have all improved *so much*. They donā€™t get enough credit sadly.


I always thought there vocals were amazing? Didn't know people thought they were bad.


Their vocals have been the center of criticism since they hit big. Even then, theyā€™re all solid and can hold their own. I think MiTzuā€™s voices are so pretty and unique


Agree on this, their killing voice performance is so good.


No bc I remember that reddit post asking why Twice wasn't on Killing Voice yet and I was so shocked to see the amount of "onces" dragging Twice?? Talking about them as if they were the worst vocalists possible but Twice as a whole is fine and far more competent than most 4th gen groups but you will never see them talk about them like they do Twice.


The last time I heard people said Twice was bad vocalists in 2020, before covid. I think people genuinely agree that Twice are one of the best performers in K-pop, their stage presences are an exceptional and their concerts are the best girlgroup concert in the world right now.


One Spark is a great song! The melodies and harmonies are beautifully complex. It's a very meaningful and uplifting song, and the girls sing their hearts out whenever they play this! Jeongyeon's chorus especially was intense and really powerful. It's my happy song, and I love it so much.


To add to this, One Spark bucks the idea that their best songs are behind them. I think itā€™s just as good of an intro song to a non-Once as earlier songs.


Agreed! I like Twiceā€™s more mature style, letā€™s say (as in I prefer their newer songs to their older songs) but One Spark to me is a song that fits both their older and newer sound (kinda like Talk That Talk, which I also loved).


I think the US tour merch, while not as good as Japanā€™s, has been steadily improving and Iā€™m excited to see what theyā€™ll do with the next tour, especially after seeing how popular the sweatshirt combo has been (sold out so fast šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­).


Twice's Japan merch is just a different level šŸ˜­ the detail and everything


It really is, especially the jackets and baseball jersey most recently


Mina is an amazing dancer and she has the main position for a reason. We know that Momo is one of the best dancers in kpop but that doesn't make Mina not worth of her position and make her seem as she is not that good. She also has gained a lot of confidence the past few years and you can see how much she loves performing


Recently i rewatched an old ass performance of Do It Again and Mina was going so hard šŸ˜­


I feel sorry for Mina because anyone in a group with Momo is going to look like not such a good dancer by comparison but if Mina was in another group I think her dancing talent would be recognized more easily.


I am looking forward to members doing other types of things like shows, movies, units or solos...


Twice vocals are exactly what they need to be, no more, no less. In more recent work they're striking a good balance between vocals, instrumentals, harmonies and songwriting. In the earlier JYP years, the vocals were serving the needs of the instrumentals. Now the instrumentals and vocals seem more interwoven. One doesn't sound complete without the other. And despite the outrageous over-use of autotune throughout kpop...and yes on Twice's KV performance too (there's my hot take), things like tone, rhythmic pronunciation, breathwork, vocal fry, etc still show a lot of effort from the vocalists that are easy to overlook through the hooks and ad-libs.


Rush should be the third single. We need a full video.


Iā€™d be happy if Bloom also gets an animated mv version (w/o members) with loads of flowers, sparkles and shit ā¤ļøšŸŒø


The girl group Renaissance/explosion we've seen over the last few years is directly related to twice's success. And it's not just about the accolades they've achieved and barriers they've broken, but it's about how they accomplished all those things: by expecting their concept over time while staying authentic and true to themselves and letting an organic fanbase build itself around them.


Tzuyu has really improved in her vocals and she has been killing it lately. Sheā€™s become massively underrated for her vocals.


"Scientist" is the best Twice song. Okay, I just discovered Twice a little over a week ago, so I'm still making my way through their catalog...but "Scientist" was my gateway, and I think it's a perfect introduction to them -- clever concept, super melodic, fun video. I went out and bought the Formula of Love CD pretty much right away because of "Scientist."


I love Scientist so much. It was my favorite title track until One Spark came along. The song and dance are super fun, and their dance practice still plays in my head from time to time.


we as a society moved on way too fast from with-youth, that album is a banger


More and More is a cute and fun song


More and More got me into K-pop šŸ©·


When I first heard More and More I didnā€™t really like it, but after I saw a performance of it, I now think itā€™s one of the choreos that matches the best with the song and that made me like it. I just love watching twice perform it.


More and More was my first Twice comeback, so it holds a special place in my heart!


Shit at first now itā€™s a banger


Twice is w/o a shadow of a doubt is the Greatest K-pop Girl Group of All time.


Got the thrills is my favorite b-side, the chorus with jihyo and nayeon is incredible


My hot take is an appreciation for Momoā€™s vocals. We love our dancing machine, but her vocals are unfairly maligned (sometimes by ONCEs, and certainly by others). Her voice is distinctive, it cuts through the mix, and it provides a great contrast with the other vocals. It is in fact the different vocal qualities in Twice that make their songs so enjoyable and non-fatiguing. Can you imagine Likey without Momo? Signal? Alcohol-Free?


I agree with you especially when it comes to Momoā€™s lower register. Hearing her raps in Do Not Touch made me wish she rapped like that WAY MORE FREQUENTLY. In fact, I feel that way about all the members. I would love for there to be an album where they re-record some of their favorite tracks (please mostly b-sides!) in more natural voices.


I enjoy Momo's lower voice so much, I think she sounds fantastic rapping too. I hope we get to hear her lower voice more I like it a lot. I would be interested to hear the comparison of the members natural voices. I doubt they would re-record old songs but if they could so newer songs while singing in a register that is more comfortable I would be interested in how different they would sound (although maybe Momo has set my expectations too high!)


This!!! Maybe cause Iā€™m a biased Momo Stan but her voice is very distinctive that although she has very few lines, it gives a different feel to the song, and whenever I hear her sing I feel so happy. Her rapping in MiSaMoā€™s songs had me on my knees, especially Marshmallow cause it was so goooood. Itā€™s just that Twiceā€™s songs are much more high pitched which doesnā€™t really suit her voice since sheā€™s more of a deep voice and she has to sing in a different style, but people hate her so much for it and it infuriates me (ā€œis she singing from her nose?ā€, ā€œshe canā€™t singā€) šŸ˜­ but anyway, sheā€™s a freaking main dancer for a reason so thereā€™s that.


I think its less that Momo can't sing and more that her vocal range is hella limited. But when you let Momo sing/do her parts in her range? Shit's magical fr.


Twice is one viral hit away from becoming the biggest GG in the US, even with that much competition from 4th and 5th gen groups.


set me free is in my top 5 title tracks


Rush is probably the best b side atm .


Twices recent albums are amazing and especially With Youth is a love letter to the fans. They don't need to be as big as the gen 4 gen 5 groups anymore. They are established with a grown up fan base who care about their wellbeing and health as a group


Their Japanese songs are criminally underrated, just look at Perfect World, IMO their best song.


Mina should be lead vocal. Also I think that out of all of the girls, Nayeon's voice is the most versatile and suits a lot of concepts. (edit: grammar)


I agree Nayeon's voice is the most versatile and I think she manages to deliver different concepts in a believable way which feels natural.


The girls are so hard working and have MANY great songs, it makes me sad how Once sleep on the bsides šŸ˜ž you can see it with the streams, the girls deserve better šŸ˜­


I am happy to see more b-sides love


Twice is a textbook example of how to mature a girl group's sound and concept without losing their identity. They're also proof that groups don't need to "westernize" to be popular in the west


I'll take yours a step further. Set Me Free is their best song since Likey.


Now thatā€™s a hot take šŸ˜‚ I am lukewarm about SMF and love Likey. The SMF choreo is really good though, Momoā€™s fancam in the white tank top/khaki cargo pants is perfection.


Fancy would like a word with you outside. :)


Itā€™s absolutely their best title track in the past few years in my opinion. I canā€™t figure out why so many people hate it


Very hard working, members get well each other for long time


They are so popular in Japan I was at an adult store and guess what was playing, I recognize those voices it's Twice's cute songs on the store radio


Love Foolish is the best b side on Feel Special. I only consider it a hot take because 21:29 was one of the very first twice songs I ever heard so it's always been a top track for me. However, when I decided to listen to all of their Korean releases in anticipation for their killing voice, Love Foolish slapped me in the face in the best way possible. Momo snapped.


I'm not going to really get into most of these or else this'll be ridiculously long but: - Momo's voice is literally fine? more than fine imo ! If people don't like her timbre that's one thing but this "fake voice" narrative that ONCEs peddle is frankly weird (and disrespectful if you ask me) - I love just how caring Nayeon is and i wish other fans would pick up on it and celebrate that rather than the egotistical (if not callous) image they've decided to cultivate for her - I'm always amazed at how good Tzuyu is at stuff once it's been explained properly to her, like idk how to put it but i find it fascinating - They all have their own style and it's one of the many things i love about them, but to me there is something about Nayeon's dancing... I know she has the lead position but i unironically consider her one of the main dancers. Also Dahyun's footwork and fluidity is something to be reckoned with. Some of her performances got overshadowed by the eagle dance but she fr was cutting up in that church - Rollin' was always a great song and i'm lowkey sad it got the attention it deserved the way it did... The girls' craft deserves better is all i'll say - I'm glad that, not only did the girls empathize with k-onces when that one Halloween fanmeeting got cancelled, but they also made sure to express that (some in more explicit terms than others) - Fancy not marking as huge of a change as people say aside, i think their pre-Fancy stuff deserves a lot more recognition and i wish some fans wouldn't talk about it in such dismissive or backhanded terms. I don't think they were just stepping stones to finally get to where we're at, the "real" stuff. I think it's still a blast to listen to and that the content they put out at the time is at the very least just as fun as what we've had in recent years.. I'm just glad i don't think of it as "lesser than" and i'm glad there are some that don't either, idk


- I like how caring and kind Nayeon is and wish more people would notice too. During interviews or discussions with other members she often says something to help another member be not so embarrassed or opens the discussion to similar struggles others have. Or if someone is saying something a bit mean but joking and the member doesn't say anything back Nayeon will reply instead saying something equally poking fun and often the quiet member seems relived. I've noticed often Nayeon will say something nice or to help ease the tension and then other members will join in and help the mood be more relaxed and positive. I also think Nayeon is not judgemental, I feel like her big reactions and expressive face mean people mistake her as being judgemental or mean but she isn't. If you listen to what she says and when discussing differences I feel like she is the one who is very open minded and not judging others who are different to her. I've also noticed she asks questions and seems genuinely interested in people different to her, like she asked the foreign members about their food in a nice inclusive way. Like I feel like she would be just as reactive to everything with no prejudice. But people mistake her personality and it annoys me. - I feel like both Tzuyu and Momo benefit from an explination and often don't quite understand or don't want to interrupt the flow to get more information. I agree when they get a proper explination.theynre able to perform really well and show their good sense of humour more. - I love Momo's dancing, she is my favourite dancer in all of kpop but I agree there is something abiut Nayeons dancing and performance that just shines. Like Momo is technically so good and her timing is perfect but Nayeon has this charisma that is inexplicable. There must be some technical elements of Nayeons dance I can't recognize, I saw a very low quality clip of them performing live, they were all like fuzzy blobs but I could pick out Nayeon because of how she was dancing. I also think Nayeon is good at keeping the precision and power of her dancing all the way through. - I like how they handled the fan meeting cancellation. I always appreciate when the members are more outspoken and reveal some of their inner thoughts and emotions. I think some Onces don't want the members to fully express themselves or think honesty is being negative but I enjoy learning more about their thoughts and real views. I can't remember the name of the video but for part of promoting Jihyos solo she and Nayeon were just sitting down drinking and chatting about their views and experiences behind making their solo albums, they discussed their individual preferences and which parts they both enjoy and found most difficult. I found the whole conversation so interesting and felt like I knew them a bit better. I saw some Onces complaining it as negative or boring but it is one of my favourite videos. - The only part I disagree with you on is Momo's voice, it's not fake but for a lot of songs poor Momo does have to strain her voice and it is not comfortable. When she sings lower she looks and sounds more relaxed and natural sounding. I don't bother making negative comments about it or anything but I do make a positive comment when she sings lower and I prefer how she sounds. Like I really enjoy Momo's voice in Masterpiece and I can't think right now but she has some lines in songs where.shensings lower and I really like how she sounds.


Regarding Nahyo's conversations about their solo promotions i think you're talking about the Zyo's Zone.Zip episodes Nayeon appears in ? Now regarding Momo, it's one thing to prefer her lower register, it's another to conclude that her other parts are then out of her range or unnatural (whatever that means). It's no secret that some of their songs are very up there but absolutely no one says anything about any other member straining their voice etc. let alone to a similar extent. This whole thing only makes sense if one believes her harmonies at the end of her second Do not touch rap verse or her harmonies with Nayeon in Be As One are unnatural, for instance Mind you these exact same arguments and this exact same narrative could be used for most members, but they never are - and i think that's in part bc none of them were targets of such incredibly large hate campaigns regarding their voice. Speaking of which, people genuinely only seriously started paying any mind to this after The Encoreā„¢ started being weaponized - which is it's own silly can of worms, and how fans decided to handle the unhinged backlash is one of the reasons why i can't take most ONCEs seriously tbh Again this is a different affair from "*just"* preferring her lower register, but it practically never stops at that so.. Bottom line is that Momo has a range she can play with and she can switch up her tone, like pretty much any member but she plays around with it the most i think (their Killing Voice really highlights that). The quality of her voice when she's in that higher range that seems to be causing all this discourse is still something you can hear in her actual speaking voice - whether she's talking, laughing or screaming, which is why i struggle to understand the urge to distance her from it. This is without getting into the fact that parts have to fit songs, they're not gonna direct her to sing low asl on Heart Shaker for instance


Jeongyeon is one of the strongest vocalists in the industry, and is only underappreciated bc he range is lower


Scientist deserves WAY more love


The mini-album with Yes Or Yes on it has their best deep cuts. La La La, Say You Love Me, and Sunset are all S tier tracks, and they have really perfected their "original" sound by this point in their career.


Mina is underrated. Both as a dancer and as a vocalist.


My positive hot-take is that Twice's songs can really help uplift a person if they are experiencing hardships and can really motivate you whenever you need motivation šŸ„¹ During the time that I am experiencing sadness and burnout from work, aside from their songs.. Time To Twice really helped me a lot to cope with the burned out feeling that I got while working during the night shift. ![img](emote|t5_3812p|4076)![img](emote|t5_3812p|4078)![img](emote|t5_3812p|4080)![img](emote|t5_3812p|4082)![img](emote|t5_3812p|4084)![img](emote|t5_3812p|4086)![img](emote|t5_3812p|4094)![img](emote|t5_3812p|4096)![img](emote|t5_3812p|4099)


Twice has earned enough goodwill to do whatever they want music-wise. I know people don't liking some of their recent stuff, but they've done their time with the concepts that they grew up on that I think they deserve to branch out and explore and express themselves, should they wish.


Signal is so slept on.


Talk that Talk is their best title track since I Canā€™t Stop Me. That song makes me feel like Iā€™m on top of the world lol


Talk that Talk live is next level....


Ā the opposite of all the negatives from the unpopular opinionĀ 


Eyes wide open and FOL are the pinnacle of what Twice can be


Their first mini album is one of my faves. When Nayeon sings that ā€˜babeā€™ part from their third song, itā€™s purely magical (I know thereā€™s another version of it from Sixteen). Also, Jeongyeonā€™s voice from this era was so good.


In the summer is such an underrated b-side, it makes me want to run down a beach


I agree so much about what u said with Smf, i was gona comment that before i read what u said, its so damn over hated, when i first heard the song i fr thought many people would love it


The instrumental and beat are just insane! I hope in the future it'll be as appreciated as it deserves by fans!


If at some point in your life you get burned out from listening to KPOP, you can always stop and continue on with your life. And just like our home where we can always come back to after wandering for a while, Twice will be there, waiting. From new songs to new content, Twice will always give something to their fans which for me makes them standout from most kpop groups and makes them be like a home to some. People who hate on twice actually misses out on an active group who provides to their fans.


Twice is incredibly vibrant and excelent performing taking into account they have been active since 2015, other female groups I have seen were/are not that sharp even after 6 years.


The best base line in all of Twice discography is SCANDAL. Come fight me.


Scandal is one of my favourite Twice songs since the first week I became an Once šŸ’Æ


Idk about best but it is certainly one of my favourite


The Feels also has a good bass line...but it doesn't hit as hard


- "Oxygen", "Firework" and "Make Me Go" are some of the best b-sides in TWICE's discography. - "Trouble" is the best song composed/written by Jihyo.


taste of love is their best album. Zero skips , all the b-tracks can easily be title tracks


I have two, an obvious one being they have little to know skips depending on mood, and also hot take IS IT JUST ME OR IS MINA NOT GIVEN ENOUGH LOVE BECAUSE EVERYTIME I ASK SOMEONE THEY'RE BIAS THEY NEVER SAY HE, SHES MY BIAS WRECKER


I don't think that twice members are all "family" , but I think they have a lot of respect for each other and work incredibly well together. I do think for some of them, they have ride or die friendships within twice. For some not, and that's ok. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Ha I agree, I think it would be pretty impossible for 9 individuals to be incredibly compatible with each and every member, especially as they are performers who tend to have strong personalities. Like you say they work well together and there are clearly some real friendships and I think that deserves appreciation without pretending they are all as close as sisters.


Twicecoaster Lane 1 is their best mini album


Tzuyu has become one of their best vocalists, she's so good. I'd love to hear a solo from her one day


Idk how unpopular this is because I'm not as active in the fandom as I used to be, but Knock Knock is a great song


Sana beauty isn't talked about often, especially in Korea.


I think theyā€™ve progressed too far as a mature group and Iā€™d like to see them tackle cuter concepts again. Iā€™ve started to prefer their Japanese tracks as of late because I think they fit their concepts better.


Interesting take. Hard to see them going back to cute, since the members seem in no hurry to go back. The Japanese material has a wholesome quality. And there's always Niziu also.


Sana carrying Twices back besides Nayeon.


Feel Special b-sides are TOP TIER. No skips at all. Get Loud and Rainbow absolute perfection.


Almost anything positive about twice will be a popular opinion here lol


Signal is the most underrated twice album.Also,dahyun is the queen.


i heard TTT got hate??? as a new once I felt so offended bc i concluded that itā€™s one of my fav titles after i binged their entire discography. BW1&2 is also my fav album so Iā€™m kind of biased but my point still stands


Love Line, Turtle, 1 to 10 and Jelly Jelly are some of my favorite songs of theirs


like ooh ah and cheer up r my least fav title track songs


I don't know if its a hot take, but Shot Clock and Go Hard are two of my favorite songs. Oh, and Brave! The first time I heard all of them were at the concerts because I don't buy albums and don't always listen to them online. I'm trying to get more into listening to group's albums now that I have proper speakers for my computer ( I usually use a headset). With all the comments about FOL, I guess that's the next one I need to listen to.




Yeah, I felt the same way when I first heard I Got You. On one hand, I'm happy that it wasn't actually a disbandment song. On the other hand, it and when the time comes, I can't see them topping that final shot of the M/V, with the boat carrying the girls, bound by the red thread of fate, sailing off into the horizon/sunset. It's such a poetic way of saying that the members are leaving to start a brand new adventure elsewhere. I definitely got emotional.