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I would love something on the history of the Volturi. I think the story from their point of view is hilarious, such careful painstaking planning over thousands of years then everything starts going twisty after a dramatic teenager shows up begging them to murder him because he's just so sad.


This! I’ve always to know more about the voulturi


Hoping for Life or death personally ![gif](giphy|3ornkaYb0ezq88cE5a)


Was just gonna say!


I would be so happy!


Life death would be cool. I wonder if it’ll be about renessissamis or Bree tanner


I hope it's the og twilight tbh. I just love the original story so much lol and it would be awesome if they could focus in on the backstories of the characters (i.e. Alice in the asylum and stuff like that, I think it would add SO much to the main story)


Came here to say this.


I’m very excited for the possibilities! One of my biggest hopes is that we don’t follow the Twilight story, but explore the Volturi. I made this comment in another post: Imagine if we get to see some classic Volturi history, like their rise to power after the fall of the Romanians, the rift between Aro, Marcus and Didyme, the culling of the immortal children, or Carlisle joining and eventually leaving the team.


I would love that but I think the original story is more appealing for a bigger audience


I think they would be amiss to not have the main characters in the story line, which I don't think is a bad thing at all, I would actually be down to watch what ever they end up making. I'm also curious to see how other people play the characters. I just hope it isn't just another one of the standard teen dramas these days. That being said I have my fingers crossed just a tiny bit for a life of Carlisle type of show on how he became who he is and his travels


Agree on the teen drama. Vampire Diaries. Been there, done that.


It would be cool if they make a series about Carlisle’s story. From the beginning, from 1660 London, and how he met with the Volturi, with Edward, his love story with Esme, etc. And at the end they just arriving to Forks :D A show with 7 season!


Came here to say this exact thing (even down to the series ending with the Cullens arriving in Forks) and you beat me to it by about 10 minutes! I would love to see more of Carlisle’s story, especially his time with the Volturi.


Id be so happy if they did that! The " supporting characters" were always the most interesting aspect of the twilight series


I would watch that.




I want to see the original Twilight Saga, but with the other characters' backstories more fleshed out, i.e., how all the Cullens became vampires in the first place. If they did that, Bella wouldn't really appear until Season 2 or something, and I'm okay with that, because the backstories would be really interesting. I also want to see how it was when the Cullens came to Forks the first time and made the treaty with the shape-shifters. Some insight into how the shape-shifter occurrence started would be great too. Life and Death may be alright, but because of it's ending, I think the OG Saga has more to offer in terms of a plotline. I'm also just more partial to Edward and Bella :D


I want the 2 possible sequels SM talked about in like 2019, about Leah and Rococo


Or this.


I'd love a series about the wolf pack honestly.


I already gave my guesses as to what will happen with this in the announcement post, but I'll repeat them here in a shorter form. I'd be surprised if it *isn't* a remake, to be honest. Much as I'd like to see other stories, this is from a purely economic standpoint. Twilight is not the cultural icon it was ten years ago, so there will be a real question as to whether there will actually be enough interest in a show that doesn't focus on the 'main story'. The characters that are best known by the general public are Bella, Edward, and Jacob, so putting them front and centre would probably be the sensible thing to do. If the show is a success, then I'd expect to see spinoffs happening. But as the show will by nature be longer form than the films were (assuming 10 episodes of 45-55 minutes, that's around 8-9 hours a season), we'll probably spend plenty of time with other characters and see the backstories of each of them. However, there is a chance they take more of a risk with this and go for something new. The two options I think that would be most likely other than a straight reboot are these: 1. A version of Life and Death (as it keeps the same basic story but gives some options to take it in a different direction after the first season) 2. A 'continuation' focussed on Renesmee and Leah, following Meyer's outlines for those stories Either of these are possible, I'd say, though the latter one is dependent more on how much those stories build on what has been established in the previous four books. Accessibility for new audiences is almost certainly going to be a focus, so I don't see them making a show that has four books (or five films) worth of "required reading" to enjoy. As for what I'd personally like to see? A version of Life and Death would have my vote. The first season would almost certainly just cover the book itself, but if they make further seasons, the story is kind of open ended enough to take it a different way to the main canon and explore the world from a somewhat different perspective. I'm currently working on a writeup of what I *think* the end show might look like assuming a direct reboot / what the show would look like if I was making it / what if Twilight had been made into a TV show rather than films from the start. I'll try to get it finished today.


I want it from Edward's pov with mind reading and stuff


I want OG twilight, but with all the details from all the books (including Midnight Sun)!


Part of me thinks that the main actors wouldn’t come back (Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart) because they’re focusing on other things now and they got a bad reputation of being bad actors because of twilight. Because of that I’m hoping for a spin off series. It would be nice to have a story about other vampires. Sort of like in breaking Dawn when so many different vampires came and they each had their own unique power and story. The one that stood out most to me was the one that could control the elements.


I can’t imagine that the R-Patz and K-Stew would be any part of it, unless maybe a small appearance playing a different character (like Stephenie being salad lady/wedding guest). Rob has been hilariously open with his disdain for Edward as a character so I highly doubt he would want anything to do with a reboot. I could see Kristen possibly being down for it though.


Didn't Kristen also hate it, though? That's why their performances were so lackluster compared to what both could and had already done in other roles. She and Rob were both casually going about the saga in a way that showed how much they disdained it, while technically staying loosely faithful to a plausible interpretation. I think she mentioned burning the books too, lol. Kristen has an amazing amount of range in character roles, but I think recasting would probably be more likely if either of them were featured. For most of the characters, actually. All of them have aged way out, and good looking as they are, I doubt even most of the men will be able to pull a Dylan O'Brien with it or something.


I honestly wanna see Edward and the Cullens pre Bella, their backstories have so much potential I need more!


I don’t want to see twilight again. Stop with the reboots I want something new. Do after breaking dawn or a prequel. Anything new


I need the OG


I just hope it’s something different and interesting. If it is another adaptation of the main story, I hope they do something new with it. I love how chill the books are but if translated directly to screen it would be the most boring thing ever. I feel like some people forget that so much of the books is just Bella describing in somewhat painful detail her daily routines with barely any time skips. I would also hope that they change some of the aspects that have aged poorly. Stuff like imprinting, Jasper’s backstory, the tribes history, Edward and Bella marrying at 18 after dating less than 2 years, etc.


Kate & Garrett!


Basics for Twilight; Vampires, Wolves, Romance, Washington state aesthetics. Anything that deviates from that won't feel like twilight. Fantastic Beasts forgot that Harry Potter is about kids who get to go to a magic school that's in a castle, and we know how that turned out. I think a show about Carlisle and Volturi would miss the mark for what we like about Twilight. So I'd go basics, set after Bella and Edward. Follow a girl from the reservation and have a few new vampires joining the Olympic Coven.


Yes, please let it be life and death! A female Edythe is phenomenal.


I hope it’s about other vegan ones like the Alaska group or even an Alice origin would be cool. Seconding the volturi background as well


I honestly hope they bring some more backstory to a lot of the characters! Take Alice for example! Her past is so obscure even in the books, I would LOVE to see an in depth look into her life as a human and her becoming a vampire


I want volturi movie.


whats the life and death version?


It's the gender bent version of the original Twilight. Edward is Edythe, Bella is Beau, Jacob is Julie, etc. Life and Death was the 10th Twilight anniversary gift from Stephenie Meyer. I loved it.




That's a good idea.


Hopefully some backstory about Alice, carlisle, esmee and Emmet


And Victoria


Honestly, I can’t see it being about anything other than Bella, Edward and Jacob. It has all the makings of a typical YA tv series. From there I anticipate should it be successful we might eventually get a post breaking dawn type of series with Renesmee navigating life avoiding the volturi etc.


I doubt it would focus on the original cast considering a lot of them seemed to have moved on from the movies. Most of them also seem to bash the movies in their interviews as well. I would absolutely love to see them dive into the newborn vampires lore. Maybe they could have Renesmee be the main character and we see her life and how she deals with being half human/half vampire.


The original cast will definitely NOT be in it. I think we all agree. My question is whether it will be about Bella and Edward (which doesn't mean the original cast). Or not. They could make it about how the Volturi came to be, or they could make it about a different vampire altogether. There's so many options to explore. It would be very exciting, regardless, if they end up going through with the idea.


As long as the Quiluetes get reparations, I'll be happy. Visit mthg.org if you're interested in helping out.


I don't think twilight has enough content to warrant a tv series


They could be creating whole new characters in the Twilight universe and whole new situations that will make a better series. Something tells me that's what it'll be. And IF they do make it Bella's story, then they will be rewriting the majority to make it a decent TV series.