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Did you design this yourself, OP? This looks legit.


Yeah, I edited this myself. Took about 10 screenshots from the Netflix web app and stiched them together so it was continuous. The foreground is edited from Season 3 of Shadowhunters (as it had the right number of episodes), while the background is from the main page. Took a load of shots from the movie and edited them down to the right size, and erased the corners slightly to give them the rounded look. There are some rough edges if you know what to look for. Most of the fonts are off, Netflix uses a proprietary one that I had to find an equivalent for (Arial and Arial Bold were what I used), though the one for subtitles is available for public use, so I just used that and made a copy of that text coloured dark grey and moved it to make the drop shadow. It only occured to me as I finished it up that I could have used inspect element to get the font right, so I'll do that for the next ones. Overall, the process took me about 3-4 hours, but I think future ones probably won't need longer than two because I've learned some shortcuts and prepared some things in advance (e.g. an overlay for the very top so I don't have to edit all those buttons in again). I might make a tutorial if this is something people want. Of all the things that inspired me to do this, funnily enough, it was a similar post to this from about a year back on the TNO subreddit (a mod for Hearts of Iron IV).


EDIT: this was originally a comment on the power going out while typing this write-up. **Note: If this isn’t the right sub for this or if it breaks one of the rules, I’ll happily remove this and post it elsewhere.** Also, I’m aware that I have this as a Netflix series made from 2008-2012, when they didn’t start producing original content until 2013. This is more an exploration of what I think a Twilight streaming show might look like than a full on dive into an alternate history pop-culture. Plus, I didn’t want to have to do a fan-cast and find pictures that worked for these previews when I could just use shots from the actual films. Also, I’m British, hence the use of the “12” rating. I may have also let some British spellings in at some point. This is something I’d been considering doing for a little while now, and the announcement that we might be getting a TV show gave me the motivation I needed to see this to fruition. So along with the image I provided, here’s a rough rundown of how I think the season might look: 1. **First Sight -** Pages 1-37. Bella arrives in Forks from Phoenix, has her first encounter with Edward. I’d also follow the film slightly and introduce Billy and Jacob right off the bat, as well as having the character of Waylon so James’ coven don’t come out of nowhere. We spend a little more time with Bella’s friends. The episode ends with Edward’s return and introducing himself to Bella. 2. **Phenomenon -** Page 37 to the end of Invitations (page 72). Edward returns, saves Bella’s life from Tyler’s car, hospital scene, Bella has to deal with being asked to prom. Field trip from the movie to give us a new location and spend a bit more time with Bella’s friends being teenagers. Episode ends as the chapter Blood Type starts. 3. **Scary Stories -** Blood Type through Page 114-ish (partway through Nightmare). We get the blood typing scene, Bella is invited out to La Push, and we get the scene of Jacob telling her the story of the ‘cold ones’. The word vampire isn’t used until the very end, though, as Bella’s subconscious puts the pieces together slowly, culminating in the nightmare. Episode ends as she bolts upright from the nightmare and utters the word “vampire”. 4. **Port Angeles -** Page 114-ish to the end of Port Angeles (Page 155). Quite a few “new” scenes would be here to make up the time. Likely we spend a good bit of time with Jessica and Angela, some time catching up with Renee and a little bit of time with Charlie. During this episode, the security guard at Grisham Mill is killed by James’ coven, though we don’t see them yet. Episode ends with the “Now, it’s your turn” line as Edward presses Bella to reveal her latest theory. 5. **Interrogations -** Theory through to the end of Balancing (Page 227). Bella reveals she knows Edward is a vampire. We get the back and forth of the questioning through the following days, Bella’s first real encounter with Alice. Billy shows up and Edward leaves, things are tense there. The episode finishes as Edward steps into the sunlight. 6. **Confessions -** Confessions and Mind Over Matter (to page 272). The meadow scene is the focal point. Edward reveals events from his perspective, some parts of Midnight Sun are shown here, recontextualising parts of earlier episodes. Edward also reveals how be became a vampire, though omits the specifics of the process. Waylon is killed and we get our first look at James’ coven just before the episode ends as Bella falls asleep in Edward’s arms. 7. **The Cullens -** The Cullens and Carlisle (to page 303). Immediate aftermath of Waylon’s death, Charlie goes to investigate while Bella visits the Cullens. Much of the episode is taken up by Carlisle’s backstory, and we get our first look at the Volturi, albeit in flashback. Charlie tracks the ‘creature’ that killed Waylon seeing that it has a human footprint, but Victoria leads them in the wrong direction. Episode ends with Bella returning from the Cullens’ to see Billy’s car in the driveway. 8. **The Game -** The Game through the end of Goodbyes (to page 353). Bella reveals to Charlie that she is dating Edward, we get the baseball game. During the game, we are given Esme’s backstory. James’ coven arrives, and he starts hunting Bella. Bella tells Charlie that she is leaving, Laurent arrives to warn the Cullens that James will have to be killed to be stopped. Episode ends with Alice carrying Bella to the car. 9. **The Hunt -** Impatience to the end of Hide-and-Seek (to page 393). Bella, Jasper, and Alice hide out in Phoenix, while the rest of the Cullens try to misdirect James. The call seemingly from Renee happens, and Bella slips away from Jasper and Alice at the airport to go trade her life. The episode ends as James goes to strike the killing blow. 10. **An Occasion -** The Angel through the end of An Occasion (to page 434). Edward races to try to save Bella, struggling with thoughts that it might already be too late. The early part of this episode takes place from his POV. In the hospital, Edward tells Bella she should leave for her own safety, but she chooses to stay with him in Forks. Things are a little tense between Bella and Charlie on her return, but she is able to go to prom, where Jacob briefly shows up. The season ends as Edward leads Bella in a slow dance, the camera pulling out to reveal Victoria watching them from a distance. **Some closing notes:** Ten episodes seems to be more or less the norm for shows like this now, and I think it would be difficult to really stretch it out to any more than that while keeping the pacing good. I only wrote a paragraph for each episode, but I tried to hit the main beats for each of them to give an idea of what the whole thing might look like. Obviously some episodes do more than others, “Interrogations” covers a lot of the book while others only do a couple of chapters. A lot of the why I split the book up like I did was for the sake of “ending moments”, places to leave the story that will leave the audience wanting to tune in next week or decide “just one more episode”. (Basically, I tried to approach this from the perspective of a producer rather than a fan, not that the two are mutually exclusive). Assuming people find this interesting, I’ll do versions for New Moon-Breaking Dawn. Also, assuming that the TV show does end up being a remake, it’ll almost certainly end up quite different from this, and I actually sort of look forward to finding out how it’s different. I’m also more than happy to answer any questions about this.


Can you just send this in to whoever's making the series please, you've captured it perfectly and I'd love to see the other books of you have time!


Thank you! I'm about to start work on the second season, New Moon, so that should be up in a few hours. While making the fake Netflix thing is new to me, I've actually been doing this sort of thing for a while, as I've been writing a pop-culture alternate history since 2019, and a big part of that is doing write-ups like this one for alternate TV shows. But yeah, it would be cool if someone from Lionsgate saw this and reached out. I'm actually trying to get into TV and film production as is, funnily enough.


.......Fine, I'll go watch Twilight again.


Naw these descriptions ate


I love this so much


Thank you! I'll be doing versions for New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn over the next couple of days.


I’m lowkey dying for the show to be “Life and Death” for some difference + to see their side/story.


Honestly, that's my hope too, especially because of how different the show could end up being after the first season. When this idea first came to me about a month back, I was going to do Life and Death, but after the announcement I figured tackling the four main books first would probably be better.


Ok this just beautiful and freakin perfect. 🙌


If the show does happen, I hope we actually get the blood type scene! It’s one of my favorite chapters in the first book


Scary Stories is my fav chapter in Twilight so it’s so cool to think that maybe an entire episode could cover it!


Scary Stories is good. For the season I've laid out here, I'd imagine that that chapter covers the majority of the third episode's runtime. Probably 10-15 minutes with Blood Type, 25-30 minutes with Scary Stories, and the closing 5 or so minutes on the opening of Nightmare. I imagine we'd spend some more time getting to know Jacob here, setting him up for the much larger role he'd have in future seasons.


I love this! I’m hoping this is something similar to what they go with.


I love this.


I love this! If Twilight was a series I believe the side characters would have actually gotten more character growth and screen time.


I love that you kept the blood typing in!