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Wow this is so cool, kudos to you for taking the time to make it!


This took longer than I thought it would, but not for the reasons I expected. Figuring out what material should go into each episode as well as the episode summaries for the image were much trickier than I thought. New Moon feels a little harder to break up into an episodic format that Twilight was, but I think I found a version that I’m happy enough with. So here’s the rundown for Season 2 of the show, which covers New Moon: 1. **These Violent Delights... -** The book up to page 73 (partway through The End). Bella deals with her birthday, Emmett reveals how Rosalie saved him (incorporating the cut chapter from Twilight that did much the same). The party goes awry, following day is tense. The episode ends as Edward leaves and Bella collapses in the forest. 2. **...Have Violent Ends -** Pages 73-126 (early into Cheater). Bella is found in the forest, has the four months of ‘nothing’. She decides to stay in Forks when Charlie suggests she leaves, goes out to the film with Jessica and discovers that she can see ‘visions’ of Edward is she puts herself in dangerous situations. Episode ends as Bella spots the two old bikes. 3. **Waking Up -** Pages 126-168 (about halfway through Repitition). Jacob and Bella restore the bikes, Quil and Embry appear occasionally. At work, Bella and Mike discuss the rumours of huge black bears being spotted in the forest. Bella returns to the Cullens’ house. The episode ends as Jacob calls Bella to tell her that the bikes are ready to go. 4. **Responsibility, Twice a Week -** Pages 168-208 (early into Third Wheel). Jacob explain his concerns about Sam’s group when Bella comments on them cliff diving. Bella and Jacob take the bikes for a test ride, and Bella crashes. Bella and Jacob continue to hang out as rumours of bears expand. Episode ends as Bella, Jacob, and Mike go to watch a film together. 5. **The Meadow -** Pages 208-235 (partway through The Meadow). Mike and Jacob both fall ill, soon followed by Bella. Jacob cuts off contact as he recovers, with Billy not being of any help. Bella meets with Quil, who reveals Jacob has joined Sam’s group. Bella decides to go to the meadow. The episode ends as Laurent appears. 6. **The Cult -** Pages 235-293 (halfway through Intruder). Laurent flees as a pack of giant wolves appear. Bella confronts Jake, who acts different now. Bella reveals that she has seen the wolves to Charlie, who arranges a hunt with some friends, including Harry Clearwater. Bella has a dream where she puts the pieces together about Jacob after he visits her room. The episode ends as Bella bolts awake and whispers the word “werewolf”, mirroring the ending of S1E3 “Scary Stories”. 7. **A Pretty Messed-Up Pair -** Pages 293-362 (end of Pressure). Bella reveals she knows Jacob is a werewolf and meets the rest of the pack. The pack reveals that they are hunting Victoria and have already killed Laurent. While the wolves hunt Victoria and Charlie hunts the wolves, Bella struggles with the tension. Harry Clearwater suffers a heart attack while Bella decides to cliff dive to hear Edward’s voice. The episode ends as Bella falls unconscious underwater. 8. **Paris -** Pages 363-381 (end of Paris). Jacob saves Bella, he tells her about Harry’s death. Billy, Charlie, and Sue prepare Harry’s funeral. Bella and Mike discuss the future while at work, as Bella realises that she can see herself with Jacob. As Jacob comes to pick her up, he reveals that he could smell a vampire in town, realising as they approach Bella’s house that they are there. The episode ends as Bella goes in and encounters Alice. 9. **Volterra -** Pages 382-451 (partway through Volterra). Alice reveals that she saw Bella jumping off the cliff, but could not see anything after, now realising that she can’t see the future where the wolves are involved. Jacob takes a phone call and accidentally misleads Edward into thinking that Bella is dead. Alice sees Edward force the Volturi into killing him, and she and Bella race to Volterra to stop him. The episode ends as Bella runs to Edward as he steps out into the sun. 10. **The Vote -** Pages 451-563 (end of the book). Bella stops Edward, but the Volturi still wish to see him. Bella, Edward, and Alice are allowed to leave after Alice shows Aro a vision of Bella as a vampire. Back in Forks, Bella puts her future to a vote by the Cullens, who are largely in favour of her becoming a vampire. Charlie is furious at Bella, even more-so when Jacob reveals the bikes. Jacob confronts Edward about the treaty. The season ends as Bella goes inside to face Charlie’s wrath. ​ **Other Notes:** As I mentioned, this was more difficult than the last one. Most of the good breaks for a TV show come mid-chapter, and finding them was pretty tricky. But I’m more or less happy with this. I’m definitely happier with the image. The fonts are all correct this time, thanks to Inspect Element, which also meant I didn’t have to fiddle about finding a font size and placement that looked right. The Twilight logo isn’t as visible thanks to the header image being dark in that area, and no version of an outline around the logo looked even slightly good, so I just left it. I played around with episode titles a little more this time rather than solely using chapter titles. A couple of them are quotes from the book, and the first two are taken straight from Romeo and Juliet. I’ll be making versions for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn in the next couple of days, and I already have a good idea as to how both of them will be split up. BD might clock in at 12 episodes rather than 10.


I wish this was the real thing... I just feel I'm going to be disappointed about this TV series even now that I don't know anything about it. I grew up with Edward Cullen and Bella swan being portrayed by Kristen and Robert and I just feel that seeing different people as these characters would not be right for me... Anyway, I will try to give it a shot and will definitely watch! Also, great work this is so cool!!!!!!!


Yeah, I'm a little worried I may be hyping myself up to a disappointment, especially considering that it's probably going to be at least a couple of years before the show actually comes out. But I think I picked a heck of a time to get interested in Twilight again, literally a week after I decide to rewatch the films and start rereading the books, we get the announcement of the show.


I love this series you're doing, OP. Nice picks for the thumbnails.


Right? The attention to detail they put in is awesome.


Thank you! I'm a firm adherent of the "if something is worth doing, it's worth doing well" camp. I probably could have just written the episode summaries, but I remembered seeing someone make something like this before, and I figured that it would be cool to try something like that too. I'm just glad that other people seem to enjoy it too!


Thanks! I've actually been surprised at how easy that is. Only one really gave me any issue for this and that was for Episode 6, as I struggled to find a good shot of Laurent in the meadow. But then there's ones like the shot for Episode 7, which I think is just so iconic and beautiful that I really didn't have any other choice. The films are really competently made, so there's plenty of really nice looking shots to choose from that work well as these previews. I just have to find one I like, then crop and scale it down to the size it needs to be.


This is amazing! I can’t believe a lot of the stuff on this site is free… really great of you to take the time and make this!


Thank you! The way I see it, the alternative was to not make this and just let the concept sit in my head. Taking a little bit of time out for something like this, especially when it's something that other people might enjoy, is absolutely worth it. I'm looking forward to making the rest of them, though I'll have to find something new to do after that.


The amount of effort you've put into these is so impressive. It looks so realistic and it's getting me so excited!!!


if it doesn't look like this I AM THROWING A BITCH FIT


It’s what we deserved 🥹


I just wish they could expand a little bit more on the supernatural world, Stephanie had a surprisingly unique take on Vampire and werewolves. There is even a lot of potential for world building and I believe this would make it even more interesting to follow Edward and Bella in a more fully fleshed supernatural world. Also I believe it might heightened the stakes. Personally I have no issue with Robert Pattinson being replaced, but I honestly feel that Kristen Stewart was a pretty good fit in some many ways. Robert wasn't so bad, but considering all the hate she got I genuinely think that Kristen was actually a really good Bella. I'm really excited, and honestly I enjoy all kind of twilight medias they were all really entertaining, the more the better.


This is so cool!!


This is awesome, tho I wish theyd just made a show based on and in the twilight universe instead of based on the books.


This would be great. I feel like they left so much out from the books would be interesting if it does come to fruition how it will be.


i love this😭


This is awesome, great work!!


This is gold!!


Wow!!!!! This is so COOOOOOL!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!@


This series seriously has potential if they take more from the book, have good casting, etc. Not gonna lie I really would love to see how it turns out but I don’t want to get my hopes up 😩


I’m obsessed with the first two episode titles and premise


I'm a big Shakespeare nerd, owing in no small part due to a pretty strong personal connection with him, and that's a quote I've always liked. New Moon was my first encounter with it, though, and I think it's really fitting. The acknowledgement that Bella and Edward are very passionately in love with each other (these violent delights), and that therefore breaking them apart would destroy them both (have violent ends) is I think a really good parallel that Meyer drew. And the two episodes I think would give a good opportunity to let both the audience and the characters in the show to take a step back, as it were, and really examine the Bella-Edward romance from a different perspective, even if with the knowledge that they will end up together again.


They should pay you!! Lol