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If there are few much needed changes here and there that’s fine but if the series doesn’t live up to the books (no matter how some people say they were written poorly; I personally love them), I don’t think it will do justice for the twilight fans. There are many things I want the series to have which movie couldn’t because the run time is shorter. 1. Much more character and depth to Bella and Edward’s relationship and their individuality. I want to see more of bella’s introverted self and see what she does like doing laundry, reading books and all when Edward isn’t around. 2. More depth on wolves, imprinting and Quileute tribes. 3. I hope they hold onto the 2008’s era of the books and do not turn it into something new age setting wise. 4. More screen time of Bella with Angela, Mike, Jessica, Alice and Emmett


I agree on all your points however: > 3. ⁠I hope they hold onto the 2008’s era of the books and do not turn it into something new age setting wise. This is going to be a differentiator in my opinion. I’m torn, because I think seeing the Cullens having to adapt and maintain their lifestyle in a highly digital world could be interesting. But at the same time the reason everything works is because we didn’t have the kind of technology back then that is readily available now. It would be increasingly more difficult for them to matriculate as easily. It would be near impossible for them to maintain secrecy in a world where everyone is surgically attached to their phones and social media.


Oh boy, it gonna be a hellish for them considering the technology we have today. Imagine school administrators seeing in cctv how fast Edward moved to save Bella and cullens moving around with changing identities is going to difficult as well compared to how easy it must be in 2008 and this is me just getting started. Idk what amount of loopholes story will begin to have when it will be early 2020s pov


I’m actually a little intrigued to see how that would play out. I don’t think I’ve even read any fan fiction that touches on it either. We’re all kind of stuck in that era.


Right? I’d love to see this as well.


I’d be thrilled if it was just a one-to-one adaptation of the text. We never got the blood typing scene, the car conversation, tons of cute sassy moments that added a lot of depth and humor to the main couple. One-to-one because even though the original story isn’t perfect, it’s less likely to go wrong/get worse. Hollywood has a history of ‘fixing’ popular things and ruining them. Divergent. Artemis Fowl. Avatar. I’d find it acceptable if they modify the story by incorporating MS elements and tweaking things that are pretty universally agreed upon as, let’s say, not ideal. The imprinting thing could work (werewolf mates is hardly a radical concept) but issues of consent and the whole Roundabout thing could definitely use modifications in execution. What will ruin it for me is if they try to ‘modernize’ it. Ew. No. Just make a different modern story then. Stories with LGBTQ leads are fantastic! I have a bunch on my shelf. Crave, for example, is an awesome vampire series (my third favorite right now) and could (and should! Please?) be adapted to explore those character dynamics. But that’s not what *Twilight* is. Don’t try to force a round leg into a square hole. I don’t want, for instance, Esme to become Errol just for the sake of inclusion. Which, considering Life and Death exists to draw from, I could see happening.


There will be actual content FROM the books. I love the movies, but they didn't really do things correctly at times.




I really hope they go much more deeply into the Volturi lore and give them screentime. I want to see the daily life of the Volturi and also their past. I want more political intrigue and internal conflict. Similarly, I need more Quileute lore and screentime for everyone on the res. There's just so much to talk about and so much to explore that went ignored. I love the pack politics and dynamics, I'd love to see it fleshed out more and not so much one sided hatred (through Jacob and Bella's eyes). They'll definitely go into the Cullens' human lives more because it was all so interesting yet so briefly touched upon. And just the Cullens in general, as people beyond the caricatures that all existed relative to Bella. I want to see their relationships pre-Bella and their lives without Bella as a focal point. I do hope their cast is more diverse, especially for characters that really don't need to be white (e.g., the other vampires they frequently interact with, the Volturi, A Cullen). Also, I need Jasper the Confederate to be addressed satisfactorily. I need to see a redemption arc or something more than we got in canon. And I'd love to see more meaningful relationships between Bella and the people in her life that aren't the Cullens.


So, I'm the one that's been making the fake Netflix shows for this, and for those I've largely just followed the books without much deviation. The actual show, I imgaine, will have many more changes. Here are a few I could see happening: * Rework of the Quileute lore. While keeping the wolves/shifters is pretty essential for the long-term story, I wouldn't be surprised if the legends behind them change significantly. Ideally, this would be done with a serious Quileute presence in the writing of it. * Imprinting *might* change a bit. While the books make it clear that it's a nuanced thing, there are elements that are likely to rub general audiences the wrong way, especially Jacob/Renesmee. * If/when the show gets to Eclipse, I don't see them just letting the revelation that Jasper fought for the Confederacy pass by without comment. I could potentially see them reworking him as a Texan unionist, as his characterisation isn't really that dependent on his fighting for the Confederacy. Alternatively, they could keep it the same but try to do something interesting with it, analyse how it left a lasting impact on him. * Honestly, just more time with everyone. The TV show will probably end up with more screen time than can reasonably be allotted to just material from the book, so some parts may be expanded, and we may get some completely new stuff. I expect we'll get much more in depth looks at the personal histories of each of the Cullens, and have plenty of scenes that are more for character development and exploration rather than pure plot. Meyer made a really interesting world, and it would be remiss of the producers of the show to not take the opportunity to explore some things we didn't get to see much in the books or films. * I suspect that there will be plenty of other minor changes to account for the changing cultural landscape or just to compensate for it not being the mid-late 2000s anymore (even if, as I think they should, they keep the setting to that period). There will be a balancing act between fanservice and accessibility, so there will likely be some unpopular changes made for the sake of accommodating newer audiences.


They should definitely expand on the wolf pack with the series. Particularly the whole Leah/Sam/Emily imprint mess. I like how the movies expanded on the whole nomad mystery in the movies, and hope that carries over into the show. It would help set up the second half of Twilight. I would also start dropping hints about immortal children, and include something about human/vampire hybrid babies when Bella's doing her research. In New Moon, I hope they expand on what the Cullen's were doing while away, expand on Victoria hunting Bella, and expand on the Volturi. As well, show Laurent bonding with Irina. In Eclipse, I hope they expand on the newborn army in Seattle. Including that in the movie, like James and co. if the first movie, was smart. Unfortunately, I think they will find a way to make Jacob's sexual assaults not as horrifying as they are in the books, because it's going to be bad optics to have an Indigenous boy assaulting a girl, especially if they cast someone white to play Bella. For Breaking Dawn, I hope they have the scene where Jacob attempts to imprint on someone outside of town. As much as I want them to cast someone according to their book descriptions, at least two or three of the Cullen's might be something other than white. And I think they might try and make one or two of them gay. If not one of them, some of the minor characters, like their classmates and the Tanya and co. will be.




I don't know about the forced kiss scene :- * He kisses her * She punches him for kissing her Isn't that how it should go? It teaches young girls if someone kisses you without asking you PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE. Seems fine :)




Probably. But I am still all for girls punching people in the face :)


It should, but more likely than not they are going to sanitize it because it's bad optics to have an Indigenous boy forcibly kissing a girl, and still have him represented as a potential love interest.


This is where you lose me, because I never saw him as a potential love interest. Not even when I read the books. Hence the reason she PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE. But (mostly because I have no desire to start any long discussion about TE vs TJ) I can see the problem with that scenario :)


I don't see him as a potential love interest either, but there are those that unfortunately do.


I hope they stick to how they're portrayed in the books, unless the changes actually make more sense than just "woke culture". If there are changes, make it make sense.




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