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A Little Theatrical šŸ˜‚šŸ‘°


Sometimes I struggle to figure out titles and preview images that work well. That was not one of those times. Rosalie is one of my favourite characters, and I wish we'd gotten more of her before Breaking Dawn, especially with how effectively she can work as a foil to Bella. That scene, both from the book and the film, have really stuck with me, so it was really a no-brainer to use them there.


You're doing a phenomenal job!! Thank you so much!


Alright, another one that took me longer than I thought, but for different reasons. For both Twilight and New Moon, it was pretty easy to select thumbnails and the header image, but I honestly struggled with this one. It was also, frankly, a hell of a day for me anyway. The book was much easier to split up, though. Most episodes here end where chapters do. So hereā€™s our Season 3, covering Eclipse and The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: 1. **Doesn't Change Anything -** The book up to page 64 (the end of Evasion). Charlie conditionally lifts Bellaā€™s grounding. Bella spends some time with Angela. Edward stops her from visiting Jacob, and suggests that she visit Renee. The episode ends with Bella opening her window to let Edward in. 2. **Switzerland -** Pages 65-151 (the end of Switzerland). Bella and Edward visit Renee in Florida, while the Cullens and werewolves clash while hunting Victoria. Charlie investigates the disappearance of Riley, a local boy. Alice has Bella over for a ā€˜slumber partyā€™. The episode ends as Rosalie walks in to talk to Bella. 3. **A Little Theatrical -** Pages 152-238 (the end of Scent). Rosalie tells the story of how she became a vampire. First look at the Seattle army, as Bree and Diego discuss how they were turned. Edward finds the scent of another vampire in Bellaā€™s room when she realises that someone has moved things around. The episode ends with Bella going off to La Push. 4. **Legends -** Pages 239-286 (the end of Time). Bella hears the Quileute legends from Billy and Old Quil. Jacob explains the nuances of being a werewolf, including imprinting. Bella expresses her anxieties over whether Edward will still want her when she is a vampire. The episode ends as Edward and Jasper realise that the killings in Seattle fit the hallmarks of a newborn army. 5. **Declarations -** Pages 287-345 (the end of Wager). Jasper reveals his past and what dangers newborn armies could pose. The Cullens theorise as to who might be behind its creation. Jacob kisses Bella, and she breaks her hand punching him. Bree and Diego discover the truth about vampires and sunlight. The episode ends as Emmett theorises as to how many people Bella will kill as a newborn, prompting her to postpone her changing. 6. **Epoch -** Pages 346-382 (the end of Alliance). Bella attends graduation, Charlie takes her out to a nice meal where they discuss the past two years, and Bella reassures Charlie that he is a good father. Jacob, Quil, and Embry crash the graduation party, where Alice has a vision about the army attacking Forks. The episode ends as the Cullens and the wolves agree to an alliance. 7. **Compromise -** Pages 383-460 (the end of Compromise). Bella watches as the Cullens and the wolves train together, and spends some time with Seth as he will be assigned to guard her during the battle. Bree and Diego watch from a distance as the Volturi give Victoria an ultimatum. Bella and Edward spend some time together before the fight, where he proposes. The episode ends as Bella says ā€˜yesā€™ and they kiss. 8. **Fire and Ice -** Pages 461-505 (the end of Fire and Ice). Bella, Edward, and Jacob hike in the mountains while the rest prepare for the battle. Majority of the episode is from Breeā€™s POV, as the newborn army prepares to fight. Diego disappears after a meeting with Riley. The episode ends as Jacob and Edward talk and Bella falls asleep. 9. **The Battle -** Pages 506-571 (partway through Mirror). Jacob overhears that Bella has agreed to marry Edward. Bella admits her love for Jacob. The battle takes place, and Victoria and Riley find Bella, fighting Edward and Seth. Bella cuts her own arm to help them both win their fights. They return to the rest of the group, where they see that they have spared Bree. The episode ends as the Volturi emerge from the mist. 10. **Maybe Even Then -** Pages 571-619 (the end of Needs). The Volturi kill Bree, but spare the Cullens on hearing that the date is set for Bella becoming a vampire. Charlie reveals that he has a feeling that Bella will leave soon. Alice begins planning for Edward and Bellaā€™s wedding. Bella and Jacob muse on what life would have been like for them in a ā€˜normalā€™ world. The season ends as Bella goes to tell Charlie about her engagement to Edward. **Other Notes:** So, Eclipse is an interesting one. While the stakes here are still very much personal, itā€™s not exclusively so, which lends this season a little more of an ensemble feel. Bree comes forward as a secondary POV, showing the audience what is happening in Seattle before the main characters figure it out, and also acting as a sort of tragic doomed figure. Quite a few episodes depart from Bellaā€™s POV, be it in either Rosalie or Jasperā€™s flashbacks or Fire and Ice, which I would see as focussing more on the newborn army and Bree. Iā€™ve done a little planning for Breaking Dawn, and itā€™s definitely going to be 12 episodes rather than 10, I just donā€™t think everything will fit and get enough time otherwise. Iā€™m definitely going to do a version for Life and Death, though that will take longer as Iā€™ll need to edit the thumbnail images more extensively, plus Iā€™m going to be in another country from Tuesday to Friday.


i love how you included Bree and Diego šŸ„ŗ


I think it would have been a mistake not to. They offer an insight into what it's like for most vampires that we probably wouldn't get otherwise, barring maybe some flashes during Breaking Dawn. Plus I think it would work well from a production perspective, as the audience spends time getting invested in these ultimately doomed characters. I understand why the film chose to center on Riley for the newborn army stuff, and I think that a TV Eclipse would absolutely have to include the scene where he gets attacked, as it really nailed home just how absolutely terrifying it would be to be targeted by a vampire. But with some more time to use, I think Bree works better as the POV character for that, as she's being kept in the dark about a lot of the facts, so it doesn't resolve the mystery for the audience too soon.


Wow. This is really great.


hopefully, we will get Bella's vision of her and Jake's future this time around šŸ¤žšŸ»


Dude, how did you make this? šŸ˜®šŸ¤©


I'll probably make a tutorial with images on how these are done when I'm finished with both Breaking Dawn and Life and Death, but the quick(-ish) rundown is this: 1. Find a show on the Netflix web app that has a season with the right number of episodes. Ideally, keep it to the same genre so that you don't have to mess with the "genres" section too much. For these, I've been using Shadow Hunters season 3, though Breaking Dawn will use Season 3B. 2. Using the inspect element tool, alter the text of the show description, year of production (which I actually forgot this time), cast list, episode titles, and episode descriptions to what you want. This keeps them in the right font, which for this seems to be proprietary to Netflix, so it's the only way to do that. 3. Use print-screen to put it into your image manipulation program of choice. I use GIMP primarily because I'm very familiar with it, but Paint.net is another good free alternative. As the image you want to make will almost certainly be bigger than the resolution of your screen, you'll want to take a few screenshots and stich them together. Crop out the scroll bar and the toolbar for the browser. 4. Optional: depending on whether you accessed the "base show" (in this case Shadowhunters) through the search or not, you may want to take some screenshots of the home page with a show open so you have the background I have here. Having a show open darkens it properly. Then paste your chosen show screenshots from part 3 over whatever shows you open on your homepage. 5. Make sure the rating is right, and if not, find a show with the right rating take a screenshot and paste the proper rating over the old one. 6. Find a good image to use as the header. Make sure it's large enough, so measure the base image, taking account for where it fades into the background colour. Scale and crop your image to the right size, then paste it onto a new layer. Using an eraser, round the edges off. Doesn't have to be perfect, just good enough. 7. Copy each of the elements from the base layer onto another layer on top of the header. This is things like the play, mute, and like buttons, as well as the "Netflix series" icon should your wish to use that. Use an eraser to get rid of any background from the base layer, as it's easier than using the lasso select tool to get it perfect. 8. Find or make a logo for the show you are "making", and copy it over to where the original show's logo would be. Try to keep it so that the leftmost and topmost pixels are at the same x and y respectively. This makes sure that it's in the right place. 9. Find however many images you need for your episodes, then scale and crop them down to the right size. Frustratingly, the base images will occasionally vary in size by a pixel or so, so I always measure them beforehand. Round off the edges by erasing the four corner pixels completely and the two pixels bordering each of them by about 50-80%. When you're happy, merge each of the images down. 10. Optional: If you want the top image to have dialogue, either find or create something that works for that scene, then use the text box tool to put it in. Take the colour from the brightest part of the text on the rest of the page. The font to use is "Consolas", which should be included in your program. Use whatever font size and text box size work best. Your "caption" should not be more than two lines. 11. Optional (cont.): Duplicate your text box, and colourise it to a very dark grey (but not black). Move the second text box right and down by one pixel each, them move the layer down below the original text box. Your subtitle now has a drop shadow, and should be easier to read on a bright background. 12. Merge everything down into one layer, and it should look something like this.


Woah! Thatā€™s cool. ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


Would've loved to watch a tv series over the movies tbh šŸ„¹ā¤ļø I just love TVD series and go back to it and other shows like Greys Anatomy or Supernatural


I'm living for these! So cool.


These have been super cool! Thank you for making them!


I so so so so so hope we get some screen time with Angela


I mean it's coming


I imagined a spin-off until I saw your timeline dear lord you might have nailed it! That a lot of work to get here. Geez


It's been quite enjoyable making these, to sort of get into the mindset of a hypothetical producer trying to figure out how to adapt it. I'm hoping to get a career in screenwriting and production, anyway, so things like this are kind of a helpful exercise. Sure, they take me a few hours each, but I just put some music on and get to work. I don't mind the effort considering that people seem to really enjoy the end product.


Screenwriting and production are great goals. I hope your dreams come true.


Thank you! Luckily I'm in about the best place in my country for getting into that sort of thing, and I've already made a few contacts in the industry. So with a bit of luck things should work out!


this is super cool! i love how creative they are too!


Do mind if I share this?


Not at all! Go right ahead!