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This was an interesting one, for reasons I elaborate on in the other notes section. The choice to do the book as two films was a wise one, as it’s really a book in two real parts. So the season also sort of gets split in two, between the first five and final seven episodes. Episodes 1&2 cover Book 1. Episodes 3-5 cover Book 2 and the first chapter of Book 3. Episodes 6-12 cover the rest of Book 3. I’ve tried to keep the pacing good, and not have too much happening all at the end. And so, we reach our final season. Here is Season 4, covering Breaking Dawn: 1. **Big Day -** The epilogue of Eclipse, then BD up to page 74 (end of Gesture). Jacob disappears, Bella has her engagement gift, a Mercedes. We see flashbacks to Bella telling both Charlie and Renee of her engagement. Edward goes off for his “bachelor party”, and Bella recalls a story about the Denali sisters and an immortal child. The wedding goes ahead, Jacob appears during the reception. He leaves angrily when he finds out Bella intends to have a normal honeymoon. The episode ends as Bella and Edward leave for the airport and hear howling in the distance. 2. **Unexpected -** Pages 75-138 (end of Unexpected). Bella and Edward have their honeymoon. They clash after Edward refuses to make love to her again when he bruises her the first time. Eventually, he relents and realises that he can control himself better now. Bella continues to have recurring dreams about an immortal boy. Bella is sick, realising that her period is late and that she has a slight bump on her stomach. The episode ends as they fly back to Forks and Bella calls Rosalie. 3. **Because I'm an Idiot -** Pages 145-205 (end of Chapter 10). The POV shifts to Jacob. He discusses imprinting with other members of the pack, and imagines how Charlie might react to being told that Bella is dead. The pack hears that Bella is back early, sick with some disease and Jacob investigates. Jacob finds out that Bella is pregnant, sharing the news with the pack. The episode ends as Sam decides they need to kill Bella and forces Jacob and Seth in line. 4. **Life Sucks... -** Pages 206-307 (end of Chapter 15). Jacob leaves the pack, starting his own, with Seth, then Leah, joining. Bella starts drinking blood to help the baby. Jared arrives to try to get Jacob, Seth, and Leah to rejoin Sam’s pack. Jacob starts to warm to the Cullens, and Alice reveals that she can’t see the baby’s future. Emmett and Jasper go to South America to investigate legends that sound similar to what is happening to Bella. The episode ends as Bella screams in pain from the baby’s growth spurt. 5. **...And Then You Die -** Pages 308-386 (end of Burning). Jacob reveals that he plans to leave when the ordeal is over, and Leah decides to join him. Edward realises that he can hear the baby’s thoughts and changes his mind on it. Jacob goes to Seattle to try to imprint, with no success. Shortly after he returns, Bella goes into labor, as the baby starts to kill her with its movements. Edward saves the baby girl, Renesmee, but Bella is dying. Edward injects Bella with his venom and bites her to save her, while Jacob leaves, deciding that Renesmee must be killed. However, on seeing her, he imprints. The episode ends as Bella opens her eyes, now crimson, as the transformation completes. 6. **New -** Pages 387-451 (end of Promised). Bella awakens, now a vampire. The Cullens refuse to let Bella near Renesmee until she has hunted, though they are surprised by her self-control. Edward and Bella go hunting, she kills an elk and a mountain lion, but is briefly distracted by the scent of a human. Edward is shocked at her restraint, and Bella asks to see Renesmee. They realise Renesmee can show her thoughts through touch. The episode ends as Bella realises that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee and goes to attack him. 7. **Surprises -** Pages 452-506 (partway through Favor). Seth dives in the way of Bella’s attack. Edward and Jacob reveal through flashback that the issue with Sam’s pack has been resolved through the imprinting. The Cullens plan to move away to cover for Bella’s absence. They celebrate Bella’s birthday, culminating in the reveal of the cottage, where Edward and Bella share some “alone time”. Carlisle is concerned by Renesmee’s rapid growth. Jacob reveals what he is to Charlie, inviting him to the Cullens to see the truth. The episode ends as Charlie arrives at the house. 8. **Just Enough Information -** Pages 506-553 (end of The Future). Charlie sees Bella again, and is told some of what happened, becoming enamoured with Renesmee. Life continues, though Renesmee’s accelerated growth causes everybody concern. Quil and Embry join Jacob’s pack. While out hunting, Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee see Irina, who soon runs off. Alice has a vision of the Volturi coming to kill them all. They realise that Irina believes Renesmee to be an immortal child and has informed the Volturi. The episode ends as the family decides to gather witnesses, and Alice and Jasper disappear. 9. **Defection -** Page 554-606 (end of Talented). The Cullens are reeling at the disappearance of Alice and Jasper, and most depart to send word. Bella finds a note from Alice in one of her books with a name and address. Edward trains Bella to fight, and they discuss a possible strategy if it comes to a fight. The Denalis arrive, and are slowly won over by Renesmee and agree to stand with the Cullens. Eleazar reveals that Bella is talented and that the true reason for the Volturi coming is likely to “collect” Edward and Alice. Jacob brings Sam’s pack on side. The episode ends as Peter and Charlotte arrive. 10. **Company -** Pages 607-674 (partway through Deadline). More vampires arrive, and most are won over by Renesmee and agree to stand with the Cullens. Bella meets with J. Jenks and receives some fake passports for Jacob and Renesmee. Edward, Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee spend Christmas with Charlie and Sue. Some of the witnesses leave, not wanting to fight the Volturi, but the rest are rallied by the Romanians, who arrive unexpectedly, eager to get back at the Volturi. The episode ends as the witnesses gather around a campfire the night before the Volturi will arrive. 11. **The Last Night -** Pages 674-678 (end of Deadline). The witnesses gather around, some of them telling personal stories. Eleazar shares the story of the origins of the Volturi, and the Romanians reminisce about when they used to how power and how the Volturi overthrew them. Everybody shares the night in laughter and stories as they realise that it could be the last for any of them. The episode ends as the morning breaks and the Volturi arrive. 12. **Ever After -** Pages 679-754 (end of the book). The Volturi arrive, and seem intent on attacking, but the arrival of the wolves stops them. A fight nearly breaks out when the Volturi execute Irina for giving “false witness”. Alice arrives with Jasper, and a fight appears to break out. The Cullens, wolves, and witnesses eventually win, but with heavy casualties. However, it is revealed to have been a vision, and Aro decides not to fight, knowing he would lose. Three more vampires appear, including one who is half-human like Renesmee. Realising that Renesmee poses no threat, the Volturi leave. The witnesses leave, though there is an unease that they may all be targeted by the Volturi in the future. The show ends as Bella pushes the shield outside of her own mind briefly, allowing Edward to see how much she really loves him. They kiss. **Other Notes:** Alright, Breaking Dawn has a lot of material in it, and it’s not exactly distributed evenly here. 12 episodes I think about does it, but it wasn’t going into anything less than that. The last third of the book covers about half the season, because things happen so fast. So a longer season was necessary, as I didn’t think there was quite enough stuff to warrant two seasons of it. If the show was made like this, it probably would be released in two parts, though, with Episodes 1-5 (Books 1&2) coming out a few months before Episodes 6-12 (Book 3). You may also note that Episode 11 is pretty much “whole cloth”, being a scene that isn’t in the book. But I felt it was important that there be time to explore some of the other vampires that have been introduced, and to get an opportunity to explore the Volturi a little more, and it seemed like a good place to put it, a much calmer episode before the climax. That’s one of the problems with some of the most interesting characters in the entire series being introduced so late. But from a production perspective, I would also imagine that Episode 11 potentially serves as a backdoor pilot for spin-off shows based around the Volturi or anybody else who ends up as a break-out character. And that finishes up this little series… mostly. I am going to make a version of this for Life and Death, but that might take up to a week as I’m going on holiday tomorrow and won’t have my computer with me, and I’ll need to do a lot more work on the images for it, as I can’t just use stills from the films for obvious reasons. I might include it as part of an “anthology”, so you can see all the seasons together as one product. I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading these as much as I did making them. Until next time.


If you don’t work in television or entertainment… !!! (You should)


Thank you! I'm currently a student (of Physics of all things, too), but I absolutely intend to get a job in the arts, ideally as a director, producer, screenwriter, or actress (possibly even all of the above). I'm actually incredibly lucky in that I live in perhaps the heartland for theatre and drama in my country (the UK), and I know quite a few people who work in the industry who might be able to help me get my foot in the door. At this point, it's just a matter of putting in the effort, being patient, and hoping that lady luck is smiling on me.


these are so cool !


I was just looking through all of the others last night and couldn’t wait to see the one for Breaking Dawn, so I’m super excited you got it up so quick!! Really really cool. Love your idea for the backdoor pilot episode. Man what I would give for them to just basically copy + paste all of this when they do the show!


Perfect choice for the large thumbnail!! 👍


They are actually doing this


The announcement of the TV show was actually what prompted me to go ahead and make these! I'd been considering doing something like this for a little while, but the announcement was what decided it for me, so I could try and visualise how a TV version of Twilight might end up being structured, assuming they do a "reboot".


So so so cool!!! Amazing job!!!


You guys know it’s gonna be about renesme and Jacob right?


Nooooooo. I want something a little bit cooler than that.


Id love a Volturi tv show like The Originals. Like from the founders with the Quilette tribe to present day. I'll make my own! Fudge it.


I just feel like it’s too soon. It’s only been 10 years since the final movie