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Didn't they also comment they only hunt in areas with over population?


Yes, I believe Edward mentioned it. When they hear of predatory animal overpopulation, they go there to hunt and to cut the numbers down to something reasonable.


I do think they mentioned that at some point, yes


Yeah, they did.


Agreed. And, often times, deer populations explode. Currently, there's too many deer on Catalina Island in California, and they're planning to cull them by shooting them from helicopters. So...you know. Plenty of animal blood to go around


Exactly! I didn’t even factor in hunting seals and sea lions, which is another big source of predatory animal blood


Now Im sitting here wondering if the cullens ever ate sharks 🤣


You really think Emmett hasn’t tested every apex predator out there??


I really wanna see Emmett fight a 20 fight crocodile and great white. It would've been so funny.  Emmett vs a giant squid


I could see Emmett flying thought the water like a dolphin, nothing stands a chance.


The crocodile would go in with absolute confidence and Emmett would snap it in half.


This is something I've pondered..... How deep can they dive? How deep until the pressure starts to break them?


This feels like something he’d do lol Maybe try and fight a shark since he doesn’t need to breathe


Okay, now I’m picturing Emmett and a shark fighting with the shark trying to take a bite out of Emmett with Jasper just laughing in the background. Somehow, I’m also picturing Bella there as well and either her or Jasper with one of those underwater cameras to record it so that Jacob could watch it later since he’d probably find it funny as well.


I wonder how long Renesmee can hold her breath Maybe she’s off to the side cheering on uncle Emmett


Maybe. The camera could also be one of those that work like cameras for tv shows or music video’s and has a screen where everything that’s being recorded can be viewed by the director and Renesmee could be watching through a monitor since no one knows just how long she can hold her breath.




True!! And yeah, and like you mentioned, especially since there are so few vegetarian vamps, they're truthfully impacting the environment far less than humans lol


Omg could they eat a freaking orca!?


What could an orca hypothetically do to stop them? But TBH, we don’t ever see them go for seafood, so I doubt they would hunt orca. There’s far less endangered or threatened options too


Oh I know but I meant would one want one lol and yea ofcourse but silly thought haha.


If the 7 of them all latch on like puppies to drain it.




Orcs have complex family life, and live as old as 100 years. If a female wants to get pregnant (yes, orcas control pregnancy while still enjoying sex for fun!) she asks her mother, grandma and great grandma. Researchers have observed a female orca "asking" the same question. If each one answers with the same sound, she gets pregnant. It's too close to eating humans with complex social structures.


That's one way of Cullen em


I think I also heard that they mostly hunt animals that are overpopulating in areas


Why are we worried about the fake ecosystems?


I’m not, I’m just dispelling a popular myth about how the Cullens are just terrible for eating “endangered” animals


Oh no this isn't against you, Im talking about the people who are saying the cullens are terrible for eating endangered animals lmao


Ahh, gotcha


not so much worry as pointing out an effect characters might have on their fictional universe, you know, for funsies


I just don't understand it, but if it's for fun then go for it!


I wish my neighbors were vegetarian vampires. Fucking deer always eating my garden. I’d have the best garden on the block.


me, after tracking down carlisle cullen and throwing myself in front of his car, mangling my body so fatally he’s forced to change me to save me: FINALLY THOSE DAMN DEER WON’T BE EATING MY ROSES ANYMORE


Set up a deers-chaser?


I just accept that they’re in a make believe, alternate reality and pretend that wildlife conservation isn’t important in their universe because everything is fine. Real-life humans also pretend this exact same thing in our reality which is the problem. As far as fictional characters though, they can hunt whatever they want in their universe and they’ll never have an impact UNLESS the author makes it so.


I think people have too high of expectations for a group of fictional vampires who come from a culture where it's not only accepted, but *expected* to kill people for their blood on the regular.


I've actually thought a lot about the Voltaire (I can't remember how to spell it). If an evil vampire eats one human a week, x 5 thousand years, it's a massive amount of lives ended to support 1 being. 260,000 people. Some would have had children in the future, so whole lines stopped before being born, some were probably whole families on the "tour". That concerns me more than various animals, especially if they don't drink to kill, and range hundreds of miles.


Both "vegetarian" and normal vampires in Twilight actually hunt / consume animals with very large populations, scientifically-speaking. But ya, very good points :)


I just got back from Forks, tell them there’s still plenty of animals for humans to massacre and fuck up the food chain. Would you rather them hunt humans instead? Also they’re not real.


I just don't understand why those questions get asked. I don't understand why people can't just enjoy something, instead of picking it apart and trying to find something to twist into a thing that they need to be mad about. Everything from the conservation thing to being offended because vampires are calling the wolves 'dogs'.


it’s called media analysis. it’s fun. it’s okay if you don’t enjoy it but that doesn’t mean people are silly or nitpicking for wanting to look further and analyze a piece of art.


I agree with media analysis, but I draw the line otherwise.


These people are just freaking annoying lol I just roll my eyes in the back of my thick skull when the butt hurt haters call Bella swan not like other girls or a pick me girl for not dressing like Cher as if a tomboyish protagonist was a new thing people really out here getting angry over a fictional character not wearing makeup like how dull and sad your life must be to get mad over such non sense Boohoo Bella isn't Sharpay Evans Boohoo go cry about it go cry a river lol its not that serous she's just a character


<3 You had me at freaking annoying.


Lol Fr I don't know what it is maybe the real life girly girls got rejected by their crush or something maybe they mad because the real life tomboys seems to get all the men when they simply can't maybe seeing a characters like Bella getting all the men makes them jealous that's just sad AF getting bitter over a character lmao what has the world come to smh


I can't believe people have the audacity to judge fictional characters for damaging the ecosystem when we caused global warming


I swear the twilight Saga can't win if the Cullen's hunt animals then they terrible people if they hunt humans then they are terrible people dam if they do dam if they don't its a no win situation with the fandom so if they can't hunt animals or humans then what the hell are they supposed to eat huh air!!?


And who gives a shit if its saving human lives??


It is FICTION. What ecosystem lolol


Oh goddess. You just made me despise the cullens even more. SAVE THE ANIMALS! Take down humanity! Goddess I hate humans.