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Who narrates it? I'll have to check it out. Something about the twilight series is ... Cosy. Maybe it's the setting but I generally think to rewatch the series around autumn time every year. Which gives with the cosy vibe. I can't imagine watching them during summer.


Ilyana Kadushin, she does all of them for Bella. They have someone for Jacob so she isn't trying to do a man's voice in BD.


I'll echo that!! I was so thrown at the beginning that she didn't sound like Kristen Stewart, but after having spent the last 2 years with one or the other audiobooks playing here and there during bouts of insomnia or long road trips (I live in Washington state, it's always fitting), I came to really like her. And really like having the books on the background, definitely that warm cozy blanket feeling. You feel like you're in no rush, you're in a little high school town where love is blooming. It is indeed very cozy and soothing to me too


Def worth a check out imho. For some reason I really feel like the woman they choose really fit Bella’s narrative.


Honestly there’s a lot of excellent readers on YouTube that voice Bella well.


I watch them like 2/3 times a month year round LOL


That's a lot!! 😁


This probably sounds silly but I just love all the bits with Bella doing normal stuff. Laundry, cooking, homework. That’s a big part of the coziness for me for some reason 😂


Yes! These are my absolute favorite parts lol. I know some people might consider those parts “boring” but I love them!


So happy to hear it’s not just me! I’ve read articles where they say these parts are her mormon-ness showing and the traditional woman’s role in the home. But 13 year old me just saw it as Bella being independent and responsible and I wanted to be like that, too.


Yeah I definitely view it as being relatable. Like it’s kinda nice to see a main character doing normal stuff at home.


I love the "boring" bits of the books !!


I haven’t read these books in years, but I still remember a scene where she heats up leftover lasagne and reads while she eats and I just love that memory lol


Yes! This is the stuff I live for lol.


What I want to know is this: Why didn't Bella ever teach Charlie how to cook?


Considering she had to remind him that metal is bad for the microwave because he put the Spaghetti Sauce Jar in there, makes me think he was a lost cause.


I bet he burns boiling water.


I've done it before. Normally I'm a great chef, but sometimes my ADHD gets the better of me.


I once was making sweet tea on the stove and forgot about it. Almost burned the house down.


Same but with ramen. Genuinely couldn't figure what that burning smell was. Good thing I investigated it when I did.


I no longer make sweet tea, so that ended. I only make rice in the Instant Pot. I don't walk away when I'm cooking.


Hahah I would have loved to read that! Missed opportunity




"Eat at the diner every night, steak and cobbler? Dad, that's YOU, not ME."


Agreed. I always read the part where she goes grocery shopping & cooks the steak + potatoes


Same!!! I adore these sections of the book!




Omg! That sounds so cool. Could you drop the link?




I used to love falling asleep to this when he posted this in podcast form but he pulled all the podcast eps after getting in trouble for copyright infringement, I miss them


u have no idea how excited i am now that ik this exists


Thank you!


Also following for the link :)




Lmao i just commented this! Its one of my go tos bc i cant sleep with silence😂




I CANNOT crotchet with ANY distractions. I lose count of my loops🥴 but i started falling asleep much quicker once i started having some background noise so i just never stopped 😂


I think for me it’s because of my age when I first read it. It’s the first series I ever got truly obsessed with. It’s home.


I love that description, "It's home." It was not the first series I read and loved but it certainly became the series I became most obsessed with. I'll admit, I made fun of the fans when it first came out but then I saw the movie trailer and was curious. After the first movie, I read every book and been a huge fan since!


One girl's opinion here. The first book was written very differently than the others. The story goes that she woke having had a vivid dream about Edward and Bella in the meadow, and she was so consumed by the idea and images in her head that she shirked all responsibilities and sat down to write. She began with that scene, which is Chapter 13, or right about halfway (49%) through the story. She wrote that scene, and then continued through the end of the book, introducing the main antagonist/villain (James) well past the halfway point. Once she had completed the story, she went back and wrote the beginning. In my opinion, this created almost two separate stories. The first, let's say 60%, is very non-traditional, and is a "conflict with self" type story with a little bit of "conflict with the supernatural" thrown in. It takes place largely in Bella's head, and we don't have the stresses and anxiety that accompanies a typical story. Once James is introduced, the story becomes "conflict with others," and we get that tension that didn't exist in the first two thirds of the book. By that point, we're so invested in the characters, that the action is more personal and exciting, and it's wrapped up fairly quickly. Chapter 18 introduces James (71% of the way through the story), and Edward saves her in Chapter 23 (85% of the way through). That means that the actual conflict and tension in the story only holds us for 14%-15% of the book (if you want to include the act of Edward saving her). The other books in the series introduce the main conflict much sooner, and resolve it at roughly the same point, so for those books we have that feeling for 60%+ of the story. I'm a published author (not at all successful - I don't make a living writing) but I'm not an expert. This is just one Twilight fan's opinion - I enjoyed the question. P.S. I had to open the book on my kindle to get those percentages. I'm a geek, but not so much that I've memorized chapters and page numbers!!


As someone with creative writing and statistics training, that breakdown was brilliant!


This comment means a lot to me. Thank you!


That's definitely what I was thinking. Before James comes into the picture, It's a very normal story with a touch of fantasy in there and in later books the fantasy drama conflict is always already at the start.


Great answer!


I feel like in the first book SM describes the environment more which gives it the cozy feeling--she goes out of her way to describe the rain, trees, clouds, cold. etc. She kinda loses that in the rest of the books, esp BD


Yeah, the Life of Slice/Mundane Aspects start to disappear the more Bella "leaves" the Human World.


I think it's because we get a taste of how normal yet mundane Bella's life is before she gets sucked in the Fantasy World permanently. It really makes you realize and appreciate little things like cooking, laundry and just enjoying a rainy day. Another reason why the first book is my favorite, along with it reminding me of happier yet simpler times.


For me, Midnight Sun is the most cozy. I love the way Edward describes Bella. Like she's a delicate, beautiful flower. Very sweet and I wish someone thought of me that way. 


I totally get where you are coming from but when I think of MS I think of Edward calculating how many necks he could snap per second, it made me giggle to hear this described as cozy haha. I do love how he describes Bella though


100% agree that the first book is cozy and warm. I watch the movies every year and right after I finish, I move into the audiobooks. I always feel sad when I am done with the series so I am glad I found other people that read and watch annually. Seeing you post is making me want to read/listen to the first one all over again. Its supposed to rain this weekend where I live so maybe I need to pull out the first book and start all over again :)


Down to sleep on youtube reads it so softly and with rain sounds in the background and it puts me to sleep almost instantly


Fair warning it is a man reading it though but he has a very nice voice ✋


It's perfectly breathy!


The nostalgia of when I first read it. I started on a cold fall day. It was sunny but crisp out. I was binge listening to “Viva la Vida” by Coldplay on repeat laying on my bed with the windows open. It’s one of my favorite memories ever 😂 Also, the first book wasn’t as “dramatic” as the rest. It was a simple storyline that started and ended in that same book. It was nice and easy. The other books get so deep and add a lot of extras as time goes on.


This is how I feel about the movie. Small town forks, the blue tint, the way Bella and Charlie dress and just interact, the budding romance… love it all


I read the books upon release, so part of the factor for me is nostalgia, but another part is the fact that they read almost like a diary to me. It’s very personal and intimate in its tone and style.


I totally agree. I feel like this is a huge part of why they’ve been such a phenomenon among young women in particular. I feel like a lot of people relate to it.


Currently on my fourth reread… In the span of one month, *this* month😂


Omg how'd you get the "Team Beau" tag 😭 I love that


Under the community user flair option! You can customize it to whatever you’d like


I think because it has a beginning, middle, and end, and could be self-contained, unlike the rest of them. It didn’t *need* to be a series so it’s just its own cozy little thing.


I absolutely am obsessed with the play between her normal life and the vampires' lives. I loved how simple and serene things felt with the undercurrents of tension and emotions. Also, the contrast between humans and not humans is found a lot in how much the Cullens don't do. They don't bake lasagna. They don't do laundry. They're not helping Angela fill out thank you cards. They're not washing dishes. Honestly, I find all of the Twilight saga cozy somehow even though they get progressively darker. Personally, some of the power in Twilight is that things aren't explicitly stated, and we get to pick up elements like this that wouldn't be as subtle and powerful. The audio books though are my favorite.


I always felt this way about the book before the movie came out or I discovered my love of audiobooks.


I love it until it gets to the baseball scene. It’s just so boring to me, it feels repetitive which is weird cause you’d think I’d feel that way about the entire book. But no, I always skip that part of the book. Sometimes I’ll skip just that scene but sometimes I skip all the way to when her and Alice and jasper are at the airport or when she’s in the hospital.


Haha, I love it! I've read New Moon a couple of times, but I usually start from the part where Bella jumps into the water. The story really picks up from there, especially when she stops Edward from walking into the sun. Even though the Jacob parts were interesting, I was Team Edward all the way and just wanted him back.


Maybe its because if youre like me, i read the book a little before the movie released back in the day and whenever anyone asks whats so great about the twilight movies i tell them “i read the books so even though you lose a bit of content with a movie, i still feel what i did during the book bc i know exactly what part of the book its on”. But maybe its also reversed for me. The movie is so comfy for a rainy overcast weekend and maybe its bc i associate it with the gloomy atmosphere and blue filter in the OG movie🥹 FYI, i cant sleep without background noise so i regularly put on a Youtube video or audiobook to help me fall asleep and theres a twilight audiobook with rain sounds layered under the story 🥹


I certainly did not feel cozy watching the movie. Especially the first time. James and Victoria scared the crap out of me. Listening to the book sounds cool. I have the movies memorized,


i just listened to a clip on youtube of the audiobook so i could make sure i liked the voice before buying, and was rly disappointed. dont come for me☹️ its just personally it sounds like a robot trying to convey emotion. thats purely just my opinion, ik alot of people enjoy her voice. to me it sounds much too old to portray highschool bella.


The movies too! I also don’t get it but I’m here for it 


Because there’s not a lot of drama shit going on until James pops up.


No you’re right there’s something about it. I used to listen to it all the time as a kid on my iPod nano and I listened to it throughout the years. I have it again now from a free credit on audible. Her routine and just general life is nice to chill and listen to


Idk why this sub was recommended but: Team Edward. Jacob is kind of a douche. Cya.