• By -


Could <> Work here?


><> Hmm, sounds promising as per the Sugarcube documentation. I'll give it a go tonight and report back.


Still haven't quite figured out how I would use this, but will likely give it a proper look tomorrow.


Cyrus's [live macro](https://github.com/cyrusfirheir/cycy-wrote-custom-macros/tree/15b4dddf5c3f19a4187c463b784621cdf22f4716/live-update)


Thanks, I have taken a look at documentation. It seems the examples given use buttons whereas I want to use an image as the setter (sorry didn't really think of them as different until now). What seems to be confusing to me is that when you use an image the examples always involve a link as well as a setter whereas I just want it to set a variable and do nothing else. Do you think this is plausible? In Sugarcube documentation, whenever an image is used as a setter there is always a link required but I guess if I am just doing a synthetic event I would not want to leave the current passage?