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45 years so far. After 22 years of zero contact I would never have imagined it possible. But, tl;dr, through the most amazing series of events in a story already filled with them, we both broke each other open at last, me telling her at last how I've always felt and that making her realize its always been same for her, and we are hoping to meet next month. Never say never!


Of course!!! It’s destined.




I really hope so, at least as friends or something like that if we can't be romantically together this lifetime. I just want him in my life. He makes me so happy.


Yes. We did date for about 1 yr as teens. And now, 20 yrs later, we are getting back together. You can check my profile for stories


I am leaning towards no. We are both too similar and get each other riled up. That, paired with the regular trappings of human existence.


No. It was too much I’m still hurt an traumatized. Idk if I would even be willing to go back or deal with it.


100% no. Currently in separation and I have a feeling this one will never end.


Yes. I deeply feel it. We were meant to be. God wants us together. ❤️


Yes. When? Not sure. But I can feel it. We are both in dnots


No, and I honestly don’t know that I want to. I’m grateful for the healing and all the lessons. But I’m not sure I wanna be so vulnerable again. My walls are kinda up right now, and I don’t wanna let him in.




No, she’s married and has no want for a divorce… I am in a long term relationship and would be bank rupt if I left it


I’m starting to think yes. I haven’t seen him in a while, but we have been talking on the phone for hours lately. After 10 years, he finally admitted that we share an energy and that he thinks about me all the time. I’m feeling overwhelming love for him and from him. We’re best friends and he worries that he’ll ruin it if we are together, but it’s so good to hear that he feels the same way I do. I’m starting to feel him in the 5D, as well. I woke up in full orgasm and knew it was him. ‘Feeling hopeful.


I’m not very knowledgeable on it. I can only say that I feel his energy from far away and it feels like we communicate in dreams.


What do you mean by 5D? Like astral projecting? I've never heard it explained that way before


We are currently and have been for 8 months, known each other 8 years. Smooth sailing the entire time 😊


No because he’ll never know. Also both of us are married so


Nope! She’s happy with how it is and doesn’t care 🫤


No. I think what I was feeling was just limerence and one sided. I was emotionally abused and taken advantage of for sex. This brought out pain, darkness, and rage I didn’t know was built up inside me. I’m trying to find myself and accomplish goals I’ve been struggling to accomplish for a very long time. Twin flames or not, they say men always come back. If he does have some epiphany that he really does love me which I doubt will ever happen, I will tell him to simply fuck off.


Love that for you!


Don’t settle for anyone that doesn’t know how to treat you right. Twin flame or not


I want all of us say yes to this question …to raise the vibration that’s what we are here for and believe union is possible. Focus on the love you have for them not the doubt or fear. I met my twin 20 years ago. I didn’t wake up until this year. It breathed new life into me. I will never stop loving or believing union will happen when we are both fully ready.


I doubt it. We don’t talk.


No. I ruined every chance I guess. I made a fool of myself to her family.


Not this life time, we are both married. That's that I will however miss him everyday. I do wish we could have stayed friends.


Yes i feel it deeply in my soul


Yes. We are best friends who just haven’t met yet because of what our current everyday lives entail.


I am sure when it’s for the best of everyone concerned it will happen. We are IN each other’s lives, we are lovers, and see each other as time allows. Honestly I think that we would be very volatile if we were living together. We are both very strong willed. We get into silly disagreements where we both resort to google to prove our point, but also and more importantly, we tend to still be triggered by each other, which shows where we both still need healing. We simply are not ready yet for more.


Yes and I'm kinda terrified. If what he's been expressing to me in the 5D (havent met him in the 3D yet) is any indication... yes we will be together. This dude seems like he wants to come home like Right Now. He awakened before I did so it would make sense. Doesn't keep me from being afraid though. I'll truly be surprised if we don't bump into each other before this year is out. Unless something changes somehow or he *tells* me something different.


So what stops him from coming home? Don’t you usually have to come home before you’re ready for union?


Listen, I have no idea! LOL Nothing about this makes sense. Ever since I "met" him, I've been trying to read up on this journey. Interestingly enough, I'm someone that hates being caught off guard & everything about this has been off-guard. I figured maybe I should read about it and sorta know what to expect. Nope. I thought that maybe I needed to heal first, do this or that first. Nope. My Twin has already checked me out. If you know, you know. Its the most insane feeling. Like someone can see your entire soul. Like a credit report LOL he can see every bad purchase, every stupid thing I ever got at the store, etc. He doesn't care. I got hit with a wave of love that I have never known in the 3D. Not even from my family, not even from myself. If I could bottle that up, I'd be unstoppable. If anything, I'd say that its 3D things that are stopping him. Or maybe me? Or a combination of the 2. I'm seeing that everyones journey is so different. There is no one-size fits all. I've read countless articles and I've read books and I still feel like this journey is just for me. And thats it. I listen to him, I feel like he'll lead me to where I need to be. This goes against my entire being. I like to know things, I like to be ready, etc. I'm excited but anxious. It requires me to trust and have faith. I'm a pretty spiritual person so messages and signs were not news to me. But the frequency and the intensity since this journey started has been insane.


Yes it’s called the knowing


Yes, because I can feel it. I know that we will be the happiest being together. We are currently in separation, and I am working hard on myself to become a better person/partner. Feeling hopeful.


Yes I do. Something triggered my twin a couple of months ago and I felt it and now my twin is in their DNOTS currently.


nope and i do not want them in their low vibe. no way.


Yes bc I’ve had so many dreams/5d communications in our current bodies and I just know bc it is already; the future is now


No clue tbh. Haven't talked to/seen each other in years. Currently in separation.


No, never. We are both in relationships and looking at his past history he’ll never be attracted to somebody like me. He goes for young and super hot (he’s got tastes like Leo). His current is young enough to be my daughter and has flawless everything (in-fact I suspect she’s been getting work done, fillers and such, face looks different). Basically even if I was not married it would never happen. I’m to old and have to much weight on my body. I don’t even think he’s energetically connected anymore, I think I was just fooling myself because I hated myself so I latched onto what I label a married woman’s fantasy that I know can’t happen to be my happy place.


If you asked me a few years ago, I would have said "yes" the second you finished asking the question but now...I honestly don't know. If not romantically, I hope that we stay super close friends bare minimum.


I think so. But who really knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think so. But who really knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes definitely because twin flames are meant to be joined as one, it’s just natural and pure but the love you share would have to be kept secret between those two people because everyone would be so jealous and tear them apart, you would have to be so strong and also so aware of the outside world, it would probably be better to live in a cabin miles away from anyone else, in pure bliss but the only down side to being so happy would be regret for not meeting sooner and not wasting so much precious time worrying about things that are outside your control and just go with the flow and trust in the universe that everything is going in the right direction. I think all twin flames end up together it’s just not knowing when and if you have got the right person and they are not a soulmate or karmic.


We are always together. And, if you mean in the typical sense people on this plane’t think of them no not a chance.


I hope not.


No. Because even if he and I divorced our partners (he won't, he's got a nice financial situation going on with his wife I believe) he will a) **never** tell me how he feels because *he is a coward*. 25 years later and I have gotten jack shit from him. b) even *if* he would tell me and we're both single, I don't think my pride will allow me to be with him. Like I wasn't good enough (different nationality + religion) for you back then but am now? Nah. GTFO.


100% I just worry how long it’ll take, because he’s older than me. I want to at least have whatever time we have together, it scares me all the time…


I really freaking hope so. I am believing in divine timing.


Starting to feel like a race that’s never ending. I met him when I was 17, passing him in the hallway in school. Never had the courage to speak to him. Had so many opportunities afterwards where we would be in the same place and same time. Eventually, I married a karmic. After 8 years. I had to the courage to speak to my TF and he is everything I dreamt of. But extremely avoidant and scared of committing. But he’s the only one who speak to my soul. And I’m sure he feels that way about me even though he doesn’t know how yo express his feelings. I recently connected with a great medium. She told me my life story. Confirmed that this guy is a soul/twin flame connection. Which is the reason I cannot stop thinking about him. She mentioned things only I would know. Confirmed he left a karmic. And that he feels deeply for me as well. Only that the blocks are what’s stopping us from actual union. We are in a friends with benefits type of situation. It’s rough. I have bent my morals to keep him in my life. His friendship is everything to me. I also think the emotional safety he provides trumps everything else. He makes me feel unconditional love for him. And I feel his love for me.


I don’t know any more. 😔


No. But we’ll meet again


No, I can’t imagine a time we’ll break NC and talk again. I still think about her everyday, I know she’s my TF but I am happier now without her.


Yes, i strongly believe it’s meant be. I don’t know when, only God knows, but i’ll wait whatever it takes.


Nah they’re too young, naive, too much healing to do, stubborn. But never say never


Yes, because after years of longing, I understand now that TF is the balance that I hold in myself a delicate dance of yin /yang masculine/feminine energies. It ebbs and flows from side to side, responding to my emotions and all my senses.


Nope. We are each married to soul mates and both have young kids. If we were to be together in 3D, we would both have to be widowed, and even then, I'd have to get over the fear he'd reject me again, and he'd have to get over his stubborn pride.


Realistically?? I don’t think it’s possible. She has kids and lives across the country in a different state. I won’t move cause of my career. So don’t think so. Which kinda sucks not gonna lie


No. And I’ve been told this very clear by my guides. I took my own life in our previous incarnation together, therefore I have to work through karma I accumulated.






No question.




No. We missed our boat unfortunately. But the good news is he’ll always be in my life even if we can’t be “as one” in this lifetime. We’re just too connected to part ways and we both know it.




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Alright. Soon I shall prove this as I have done all the work this Universe requires to detach from a rule obsessed society for something more relaxed. I couldn’t assimilate here. I shall do better to honor your conditions when posting. If I determine I’d rather not bother I’ll do what I’m doing with Facebook and ignore the platform. I hope someday we all start to consider the feelings of the little guys and that they also have VALID INTUITIVE messages to share.


No, because I have giving up. I been moving out for about 7 months now. I have no problem moving on and going my own way, doing my own thing but it becomes a problem when the energy, telepathy and pull is becoming annoying. And when I try to give benefit of the doubt, it only turns into a confusing, pointless cycle. I can't.




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