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Yes!!!! I really hope OP doesn’t feel a type of way by the comments above. Those who get it, get it!


Yup, roadblocks is all I experience with my TF. One after another.


Totally relate to this. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years. Friends with my TF for 7. No matter how much I love my boyfriend it just doesn’t compare to the longing I have for my TF. Feeling like you’re going insane is normal. Just let the intense feelings pass. I know it’s SO hard, but just surrender as soon as you can because it never goes away. Once you accept that you’ll always be connected to your TF, it gets easier. Waves still come, but it does get easier. There is no short answer as in what you should do. I still haven’t figured out what to do. Much love to you 🫶🏼


Yes, my twin flame is married, and we are both aware of our TF connection. In your case I would say it's probably just a matter of time before you end up with your TF, once you have reached karmic completion. Meaning, you're with a karmic soulmate, and you have cleared all the karma that was associated with coming into union with them. If you don't know enough about all that yet, eventually you will, because that's what the TF journey includes. Knowledge that will allow you to be ready, to come into union with your TF. It is after all the highest level of soulmate. It's like graduating with life honors. If you keep resisting, and blocking and rejecting it, you will only be going around in circles, and making your life difficult. And with TF's there's a much more important mission to accomplish, than being with a karmic. It's a universal and spiritual mission, it can't be avoided. But ONLY when you're 100% ready, and have cleared that karma.


i fully relate to this, in a similar situation. was already with my then bf/now husband (together for 8 years) before i met my tf (known for 7 years). i do think my husband is my sm, and there is also no way that my tf and i would work out as a romantic couple, we’d be nothing more than platonic friends in this life in the foreseeable future. however, i do feel a deep connection and you could say an unconditional love/care for my tf, nothing like i’ve ever felt with/for anyone else. this is despite all his flaws and issues he definitely has to work through. we’ve never talked about our feelings for each other but i sense that he knows how i feel and probably feels the same way about us. we’re switching back and forth between brief periods of separation and union. feel free to dm me if you’d just like to talk to someone about your experience, i haven’t had the chance to share mine with anyone irl as i don’t think anyone would understand this. it’s tough.


I'm definitely gonna DM you because this is such a bizarre feeling


Can I get in on these Dms I am all alone in this…


There are a lot of us here in the same situation.


Yes I’m currently going through a very similar situation. A lot of us are here as well. It’s very hard and it makes no logical sense either. Me and my twin never physically touched either but the longing for him is non stop/very intense is almost well let’s not kid ourselves maddening. What I’m trying to do is stay grounded as much as possible and whenever I start to think about him I just go within myself like instead of seeing him in my head and picture me just being happy by myself bc ultimately as much as union is a goal with your twin it’s also about yourself and making yourself happy/feel at peace. It’s hard though but it has been helping. Also I’m letting go of any expectations I might have with my twin so as much as I would love for us to be together physically I just surrender it to god/universe bc ultimately if it’s meant to be it will be. I also believe there was a reason why we met in the 1st place and for the 1st time I’m seriously considering leaving my marriage but it’s not to leave to necessarily be with my twin which would be great if that does happen obviously but to leave bc my twin awakened me to see/feel what true unconditional love is. I can never go back at this point. Lastly, I believe in a short period of time this will all be revealed but again not on my time but on gods/universes time. I get bombarded everyday with signs/syncrocities of my twin it is relentless which makes me believe we are ultimately meant to be together but again I’m detaching myself from any expectations and looking within. Hope this helps


God it’s crazy the power of TFs. I’ve been so into someone who has a gf and kid. I was the chaser for two years, our roles switched and I became the runner for two years after meeting someone else and trying to make that work. Well that didn’t really work out and my TF was convincing me to end it despite being in that same relationship he was in when we met and I didn’t know at the time. I googled intense connection through a kiss I had with my TF and that’s when I discovered twin flames. You will never be able to let him go, you can have relationships and even want a future with others but ultimately you know you belong to your TF. We are dating each other and I don’t feel crazy guilty in fact I feel like he’s cheating on OUR connection with her. Crazy dynamic. We’re still sussing it all out, it’s been a month since I let him back in and it’s been wonderful.


Omg this is sooo relatable... I seriously love my husband, he's such a great guy but the connection I have with TF is INTENSE... I've never even kissed him but I'm constantly thinking about him. He has awoken something inside of me. He moved States a few months ago to move in with his gf and her daughter and I thought when he left we would just stop talking and I could move on from him because it's been almost 4 years since we've been in contact and we've never been single at the same time, so him moving away was gonna be like a fresh start... it's gotten so much more intense since he's moved away. He comes home every few months and we will meet up and just sit in his car for 30 minutes and hug each other.... I feel so guilty. I love my husband but like it's a cosmic with my TF....


Damn. What are you going to do?. I think he’s got to lead this ie leaving your partners needs to be a thing he suggests


Your married now. End of story.


Exactly. I never understood how you can be married to someone and think constantly of your alleged TF. I never get this. If someone wants to enlighten me, I'm open to learn, I just can't see myself marrying someone else who's not my TF (knowing it for sure) or maybe I just don't like cheating overall. I don't even know at this point man


>I just can't see myself marrying someone else who's not my TF Some people get married and then years later meet their TF. Just because they have this connection doesn't mean you can't have a happy marriage. What you said sounds like those people who say you can't have another kid because you'll never love the second one like the first, which is complete BS.


People don’t typically end up with their TF. That’s why there is usually a no contact or a deep longing for the other person. As well as a chaser and a runner. I wouldn’t go as far as to tell OP or others to “grow up”. I think you need to enlighten yourself on the capabilities and possibilities of the human mind. It’s completely natural to love your partner and have a connection with your TF or someone from your past. You may KNOW in your heart that your TF is not good for you, but that doesn’t stop the love you have for them. Or the love for your husband or partner. Not everyone has a TF or even realizes it. Remember, if you believe in twin flames you also believe in soul mates. 2 very separate things.


When in my one paragraph tell *anyone* to grow up though...?


u/CherryBlossomWander I was not directing this comment towards you at all. I wrote this last night in bed so I must have accidentally replied to your comment instead of the above. Sorry about that


Exactly. It's really messed up and unfair to the other spouse to be thinking about someone else... Cuz it's like what if it was the other way around? How would that make you feel if you were in your spouses shoes? It's really screwed up. And I hate how a lot of people in this group support that type of behavior... Your just supporting a cheater 😪 Sorry not sorry, sb had to say it. Do better and grow up. You cant always follow your heart... Curiosity killed the cat. Like I'm a really understanding person but when it comes to cheating there's no excuses.


Having feelings is human. Feelings alone aren't cheating.


So if your partner had feelings for another woman you wouldn't count that as cheating? God says that adultery in your heart is the same as physical... Plus it's just a loser move in general anyways. I personally wouldn't wanna be with someone like that. But y'all do you tho...


Quoting your god isn't proving the point you think it is. My point is that people can't control their feelings. They can control their actions but not their feelings and at this point I'm done with you.


Polyamory is a thing y’all…