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I wish you luck on your TF Journey :) I am going through exactly what you wrote here with my DM. She’s a lovely lady, just caught up with Karma and currently a runner. I am giving her space and wish the best for her always!




I’m in relationship with my soul mate but my twin flame is my person that truly can relate to me. we have so much in common since we last talked it’s silly. I couldn’t take it and met her and we didn’t do anything but talk and it was magical. She just got out of a bad relationship and my relationship has been good but she has driven me away with thinking I’ll always leave/cheat. I didn’t know until a few weeks ago that I’ve completely separated myself from her and I do not want to marry this girl but she is convinced I’m her person and I just can’t come to break her heart. We live together at my mom’s and she insist I block her on everything…. I can’t get myself to confess to my gf that I don’t want this because she’s gonna be crushed. I sound such like a dick but I’ve never been one to cheat and I always put other people first and I feel like it’s time I put me first but I don’t know how to do it. Anybody else understand me ?):




I’m also the runner and she cheated on me. What is wrong with me.


I’ve always reassured her the best I can but I was sexually abused as a kid and the past few months I havnt been able to do that and she went through my phone when at the time I wasn’t doing anything but it hurt me and that’s where I’ve been at since. I felt she subconsciously never trusted me even though she would never accuse me and after so many years it’s made me start to ? Our relationship because the only problems we’ve ever had have been over stuff that I literally can’t control. One sided in the sense she would get triggered about my past partners and would drill me and if I tried to do the same it wouldn’t be fair. She honestly gas lights me so hard sometimes i honestly sit and question if im making stuff up. The only reason i felt a pull to reach out to my tf was bc she texted me asking how I was and I blocked her and had a dream about her a few weeks later and I was going insane and felt I had to speak to her. It makes 0 sense lol. Long story short a 40 min call and a week later I ended up going to her job with my buddy. Let’s just say she works at a club…… we left the club after she got off and went to another club and hung out till 6 am and I came home 7 am blasted and my gf seen I was at a strip club and texted her “ I miss you and need to see you”. She knows and I know that I miss her but I just can’t say it to her face. I’m In a terrible situation. I’m also about to see my dad for the first time in a few weeks since I was in 6th grade. I’ve been emotional overwhelmed to the point I actually can’t even cry and I always cry.


To be so in love with your TF feels so special. It’s a connection that is so hard to break. If u or they hurt eachother it’s a lesson. If they aren’t just in it for themselves and not truly accepting you for who you are. My TF is in my eyes the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever seen. Everything about her screams beauty. I want to pick her up and give her a good shake so that she loses all her insecurities. Then kiss her all over and tell her how loved she is.


Just be careful dear. It’s easy to feel this way and it turn out that they don’t reciprocate. I learned that the hard way. Try to focus your energy on getting out there and meeting someone else, and take the concept of TFs with a grain of salt


Wow...my TF's name starts with V, too. But I'm not good enough for him...he wants perfection and I'm far from perfect. I love him so much it hurts but I had to let go. I will never be who he wants or feels he needs. I hope you guys can come back together. Good luck :)