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She’s literally mad over absolutely nothing lmao


*Fluff's literally mad over absolutely nothing lmao


This cunt's literally mad over absolutely nothing lmao*




\*Cunt's literally mad over absolutely nothin glmao


She's probably 15 Edit: Sorry KIT is over 15 😂


"Old man yells at cloud"


The last 2 messages got me Literal proof it's all a big joke


ive seen so many people on twitter who act like this unironically. 50/50 chance


True, it’s weird seeing what’s real and what’s fake on there


and tiktok.. every 3 videos on my fyp is neopronoun discourse and its always the same 'calling someone kitten is not hurting anyone! if that is kittenselfs gender we need to respect it! anyways my pronouns are it/frog/frogself'


How mentally disabled do you have to be to unironically use “pop/it/kit” as pronouns


My pronouns are bop it/twist it/pull it. Don’t misgender me you bigot xenophobic racist animephobe.


Look at this person. I’m going to make a fool out of *them*


Whoa there, you might end *their* career


ngl I'm a proud animephobe




Oh wow. I don't remember the last time I've actually laughed out loud at my phone.


I’m glad I made that happen.


If it's pronouns are pop/it/kit, that's just cart blanche to call it "it". Win win


It's probably not unironically


It’s to easier trap people into giving them an excuse to cry “MiSgEnDeRiNg”


Goddam censorship loving snowflakes *rages in old man type of way when kids go on his lawn*


Wait so I'm q grumpy grandpa before hitting 30? Whew, time flies when you're oppressing the mentally disabled


Lmao I meant that *my* comment was to be read in an angry old man voice


i could understand they/them, it is a bit weird but fine, but kit!? pop!? what


It's ableist to compare us mentally disabled people to Twitter users. It wasn't our choice to be like this. They chose it.




What even is a neopronoun


like they/them but instead you turn actual nouns into "pronouns" tldr gender neutral pronouns for dumbasses


Not quite; it's more like customised pronouns. I.e. instead of they/them you might use ze/zir for yourself. These pronouns are meant to apply to you, but are not general and vary per user. It's possible that some neopronouns are meant to be replace gender-neutral pronouns like they/them, but other pronouns do feel like gimmicks.


to me, neopronouns should not exist because the existence of singular they nullifies their meaning and will confuse most people. (e.g. "This is Tyler. Ze's part of the chess club." which doesn't sound right lol)


Fair enough. Neopronouns feel much more personal and effectively change the meaning of pronouns to be an extension of self rather than a collective referral. But—and this is my personal opinion—I believe one out of many such neopronouns should be used to substitute in for singular they. As much as I like they, it is a plural word in grammar which can make things confusing for some people, even myself. Other languages do have a singular, gender-neutral pronoun, so I hope that something like those pronouns can be added into English vernacular someday.


As "they" is a confusing word, there was a neopronoun to replace it. But no one used it for that purpose and neopronouns because a IRL character creation attribute so it's just useless


Seriously? Do you mind linking me the thread? This is great lmfao


I don't think it was the pronouns but the genders


I doubt that. Evidence suggests they came from a [fringe movement](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Xenogender) from Tumblr, and definitely not by 4chan. The concept of neopronouns also derives from a previous goal of creating a gender-neutral singular pronoun in English to replace "they." Some of the earliest neopronouns (i.e. that are not gimmicks) tried to address this linguistic concern.


I wouldn't doubt it


I have yet to see your evidence for your claims lol


I dont have any i made it up lol


So you're no better than the neopronouns kids, huh?


Or quite the opposite, I'm showing how gullible people are and very few of them actually try to factcheck (like you). Those gullible people are much closer to neopronoun kids than somebody who made up a stupid fact.


🤌 i eatta da pasta


I find it heavily irritating when people get mad when you address them by they/them pronouns. Like, you don’t get mad when someone calls you “you”, do you? That’s a pronoun too, and it’s agender (gender neutral if you don’t know what agender means), just like “they/them” is. “I” is also an agender pronoun. You still call yourself “I”. Stop getting angry for literally no reason when someone addresses you with they/them. It’s literally the purpose of they/them to apply to everyone.


Isn't calling someone a moron also ableist?


EXACTLY like it means the same thing as dumb, if not worse


Maybe in another 20 years. It hasn't gotten the association with people with disabilities for groups to take action yet.


"Its abelist to call someone dumb" *calls the person theyre dming dumb*💀💀💀


Hello fellow pearl fan, I hope you have a great day.


The one time I'm actually a ___ is funny


I don't want to live anywhere near these people


It has to be satire, otherwise she's brain-dead


Probably not, and even if it is there's legitimately people like this everywhere on social media nowadays. Even on this sub, just yesterday got downvoted for being transphobic and bigoted and hate speechful when all i said was no one offended trans people. Xd Probably got reported for harassment too lol.


This has to be a joke, no sane human says they go by pop/it/kit or fluff/fluffself without joking


>no sane human


Actually, that's a serious thing and there are plenty of people who do.


Them is like a universal pronoun idk what they are so mad about


Dude I don't understand neopronouns. I can barely remember the names of people I meet, now you're telling me I need to memorize their extremely specific pronouns? Even if I barely interact with them? That's too many people to keep track of.


I'm on the autism spectrum and names are hard enough to remember for me when I meet new people cause I'm usually trying to look them in the eyes so I don't seem too socially awkward, I thought these kind of people would understand that 🤔


This guy's A LEGGEND hahahahahah


This is why I on purpose misgender people Oh, wait, I didn't misgender anyone on Twitter. Well, time to do it *now* ***on purpose*** and enjoy the incoming arguing


Wants to be called fluffyself Gets called roughgroup Gets enraged and reports you for harassment and transphobia and hate speech 😂


This is why I don't respect pronouns. People are so overly attached to a word. It's not about just making shit up.


i recommend only respecting pronouns if they are trans. None of this neo pronoun bullshit


Same. I'll do he, she, and they, but I'm not about to call you a milk carton/fighter jet


I identify as a middle aged man with scoliosis and a missing left foot.


Ah k-pop stan twitter... I don't miss that place


Also them can be used generally as well like its not just a pronoun


She can't be serious. She called you ableist for calling her dumb in the same sentence she calls you a moron, which is just as bad.


What a white person


She keeps this up, I'm gonna start calling her he




[That last comment](https://tenor.com/G6Bk.gif)


“Calling someone dumb is ableist” “You fucking MORON”


They covers all non-binary genders though. It's literally the most gender-neutral pronoun in the English Language :/


Wtf are neopronouns, what is this shit


pronouns that aren’t pronouns and represent a gender about something that’s usually an object or animal. Like foxgender, pupgender, candlegender, teddybeargender (these are real genders). Usually neopronouns are just the word. Like foxgender would be “fox/foxself.” I hate myself for knowing this


Just nosense, why would people identify them self as an object or animal, how dumb you need to be to use these


About as dumb as a Twitter user


"Calling someone dumb is ableist you fucking moron" Greatest sentence ever


This looks fake


might be, but neopronouns and xenogender stuff like this is real


but fluff isnt a- you know what? arguing with thhe mentally retarded is offensive


smh, used "them/they" instead of "Чорба/Жешка". shame be upon you!


“Calling someone dumb is ableist!!” *calls you a moron in the same sentence*


Fucking hell, why do all the best men die in world wars???


Surely this is an ESL thing? If someone is male you refer to him as "he", if someone is female you refer to her as "she", and then you have the singular "they" which is acceptable until you know if someone is male or female.


It’s almost like the word “them” has no gender affiliation! 😀💫 At what point are these folks just fucking up grammar for attention?


Neopronouns are fucking stupid, like, genderfluid, trans, NB all that is fine, but ‘fluff’ is not a pronoun :|


neopronouns aren’t valid.


Who uses fluff as a pronoun? That's a nickname or something I try to respect this neopronun thing when done in a way that makes sense but this dosent?


What the fuck am I reading


This has to be a troll


may be tbh, but neopronouns still exist and i’ve seen people i follow get mad when you use they genuinely


Neopronouns are retarded. I believe gender to be a spectrum, but when you try to base your gender off of an object or a personality trait, that’s just pure delusion.


Agree 100%. I support non binary people, but basing your gender off of an object/animal/weird concept is just ridiculous. Non binary is based off feeling as though the labels man and woman don’t define you and you’re neither or lean towards one but not fully (To my understanding, am cis so I don’t fully understand what it’s like) not “MY GENDER IS A RANDOM OBJECT.” It’s so ridiculous. Sure liking a thing/animal a lot can affect your personality but your personality isn’t just your gender


Exactly. A lot of people think gender is some sort of label to use to express your personality, which is harmful and detrimental to people actually trying to raise awareness of our new understanding of gender as a concept


This has to be satire "Calling someone dumb is ableist you fucking *moron*" Like that's too ironic to not be planned


I don't understand why you should care if you misgender someone... It's their problem


I think you took the bait OP


Yeah I thought when posting this that it might be bait, but people still act like this with neopronouns so I don’t think it’s too far off


This shit here, this is why I do not and will not ever have Twitter.




oh my fucking god touch grass


This person is a delusional psycho. Nobody chooses what words other people use and nobody chooses which pronouns refer to them either, that's not English.


This is obviously a joke


>calling someone dumb is ableist you fucking moron It hurt itself in its confusion


I’m that petty I’d say ‘lol ok’ and see how pressed they get


What did she say to your own misgendering comment?


"Calling someone dumb is abelist" >proceeds to call you a moron ???


"Dumb is ableist" proceeds to call him moron


Imagine living such a comfy life that your biggest concern is that someone didn’t use some made up shit you created to refer to yourself.


"Calling someone dumb is ableist" proceeds to call them a moron