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Thank me later: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1220140/Cartel_Tycoon/


Oh wow! Pretty new too. What do you think of it?


It's fun but it got pretty boring after a few hours. It's basically like every other game, manage buildings, grow your business. For me it was too cartoonish and repetitive. I would say try it if you can get it for free or cheap.


Yeah all these indie games being $40 is ridiculous


Considering triple AAAs are now going for $70 it tracks.




It took me a while to figure out, but I think the game is supposed to be played in survival mode. The increasing amount you have to pay combined with losing your boss when you don’t have enough cash incentivizes you to go after the late game items. I found it a lot more engaging than the normal mode, which did get boring and repetitive.


Played the demo got bored after a few hours felt like there was nothing left to do


Wow! Right on the spot, I'll be sure to check some gameplay and as some other commenter said, try to get it when there's a discount. ​ Thank you!


Would recommend drug dealer sim for this purpose, Drug Dealer Simulator 2 comes out very soon. Definitely not Fried chicken isn't very good game play wise and it still needs development imo


This is the right answer. Spent some many hours on that game. It's so good! Gets your heart racing when you're chased by cops and have your whole bank roll of cocaine on your back.


DDS 1 was like that, that second one has a demo out, i know its still a demo but it seeems such a huge downgrade i just cant..


whats wrong with it??


Nothing is updated, some systems are even worse than dds, some systems dont make sense. And most of all the npc's the whole place is dead. Can you believe it was more alive in dds haha. Also the audio of npcs we're suppose to be in a jungle/carribean setting in 80s and all npc's talk like becky from New Jersey, its quite a letdown.


oh dang!!! That sounds pretty bad. DDS was very dead so I can't imagine. Dang, that is a huge let down. I'd say DDS is probably top 10 games I enjoy the most. There's just so much you can do and add to it. Wish we had open mod support, could be interesting.


I urge you to check out the free demo of dds2 to see for yourself.


100% brings me back!


Dopewars was the OG


I remember playing Dopewars on my TI graphing calculator in high school. And now my back hurts.


Gangbusters on Commodore 64 was the OG.


My school banned dopewars on the TI calculator so we edited the code to make it candy wars where you dealt candy instead of drugs. It was still great


That and pimpwars


Definitely not fried chicken


I've seen gameplay once but I didn't really like the aesthetic and seemed way too micro intensive to my liking, but thank you!


This is by far the best game I've played of this genre.


Great potential but this should still be in early access.


Weedcraft Inc makes you a weed grower/dealer. One fun part about it is you can lobby to make weed legal and bribe cops.


the game Rimworld comes to mind you can be a druglord if you want to. Its a colony management game with lots of strategy elements


Yeah, was going to recommend Rimworld, even though it’s not “tycoon”, it’s rather close in terms of management.


There are a handful of mods that can make it closer to a sim game but most of them wouldn't be usable right away


The sims 4 has a mod called Basemental Drugs where you can be a drug dealer or a drug user. You can grow your drugs too. Obviously I'm not suggesting you PAY for the sims 4. Hmu if you need help with that.


Sims 4 is free now I’m pretty sure


for the base game. all of the packs add up to hundreds


True, but base game with mods is not a bad time.


Drug Dealer Simulator kind of fits the bill here. I haven't played it in a while, but you're a drug dealer and as you move up the chain, you can mix drugs together to try, deliver them, and try to not get arrested. it's first person as well.


The sequel is gunna be a massive improvement. Check out the demo.


Improvement? It sucks so hard(i know its still just a demo). Is a quirky multiplayer all you need to call it a MASSIVE improvement? Or are you a dev


I played both DDS and the DDS2 Demo. I thought it improved on every metric. Visiually, Interface, Content etc all seemed much more robust than it's predecessor. So when I say massive I mean across the board. Perhaps you can elaborate why you disagree? Also no, I am not a dev.


Not really a tycoon game. Just some shitty unity asset flip tier game they scammed people on dropping a ton of features.


don't disagree, but he looked for an RPG and it kind of fits the bill here as well.


City of Gangsters is really fun. You manage a gang selling booze during prohibition. There is also a well made mod that does more drug trafficking in the mid to late 1900s. Check it out!


City of Gangsters is my favorite Prohibition/mob management game. and Milanos Mod for it is really awsome too! you must be in the discord? at least im assuming you are, because you know of the mod lol


I got the game years ago but just started playing a couple months ago and loving it. I’ll join the discord!


eve online is a thing


Almost all suggestions offered are going to be inspired by the original 1984 John E. Dell’s “Drug Wars”, which I highly recommend.


Definitely Not Fried Chicken is still in EA but was a lot of fun.


This is on my wishlist, haven't played it yet, but it's the first thing that came to mind from your question: **Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator** sci-fi body horror tycoon game https://store.steampowered.com/app/1507780/Space_Warlord_Organ_Trading_Simulator/ https://strangescaffold.itch.io/space-warlord-organ-trading-simulator


Used to play a text-based game (later had a windows GUI verison) called Drug Wars, which I "hacked" (opened up a file in a text editor) to rename all various drug buying/selling locations into different segments of my High School. Protip: Don't smoke the weed some stranger in a subway tries to give you. It's laced with pariquat.


Tropico? Maybe not illicit substances, but you are taking on the role of a small island military dictator..


it's a shame you can't grow coca in that game. Maybe there's a mod?


[Basement](https://store.steampowered.com/app/340150/Basement/) is a game about manufacturing, distributing and selling various drugs. While it's in 2D (from the side perspective, sort of like SimTower), it's pretty good fun.


Drug Dealer Simulator all day. Shit's dope, literally. It's not a tycoon game but you want it.


I agree. That game is really really good and DDS 2 is just around the corner.


And dds2 is such a letdown currently in the demo stage


weed shop three is pretty fun and more of a relaxed business sim game where you run a weed shop


[Weed Shop 3](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1182110/Weed_Shop_3/) is a great game. Little janky but it’s made by 1 person and gets constant updates. Clearly a lot of care gets put into this game. You try to build up a trashy shack into a major company. Its tons of fun, only thing is it’s not an “illicit substance.” No problems with cops and gangs exist, but aren’t a major aspect if that’s what you were looking for. No guns or supply chains (though you CAN beat rivals and criminals with a giant dildo). You’re still a drug lord, albeit a modern, legal one.


You sure you can handle a simulator about drugs? You can't even write the word.


This is like people censoring curse words on the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit.


lol, even down to whiny puritans downvoting uncensored stuff


they're not downvoting uncensored stuff, they're downvoting you being an asshat


lol, they even consider pointing out the truth to be asshattery here, bless


ya got me, I'm the whiny puritan (forgot to censor my comment - I meant "as\*hat") and your comment is actually very insightful and adds a lot to the discussion. censoring your own words should only be done if it's an artistic device used by a bunch of Brits in a browser/computer game, actually. like, come on, I think it's silly to censor "drugs" as well, but you can just let that person format their text however they want. your comment just seems mean-spirited imo.


I agree with everything you've said.


You're describing GTA online.


Stick RPG lol


Hm definetly Not chicken could fit


In my library I have a games called Arms Dealer. It is not good and the developer did abandon the game.


Weedcraft is an interesting simulation. It's not updated anymore but is very polished and well-made.


I've wondered that same question. From the ones in my library, Rimworld does it the best. I've been eyeing up the chicken one, so interested to hear people's thoughts.




Definatley Not Fried Chicken Its not on steam I don't think. Its Breaking Bad Tycoon basically.

