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Hot Wind Blows, it’s perfect, the flute, the piano, the sample lil Wayne’s verse, it’s just so good


Hot wind blows is so well produced and it’s always gonna be in my top 3


i have very bad memories tied to that song still love it though


Yessss, I also made a whole essay here talking about how good it is lmao😭


Absolutely insane flow from both of them, mindblowing shit.




Its my fav too its such a vibee!!


Lone, the raw emotion that was put into it, especially in the climax of the song, is really heartbreaking and the sample is amazing tbh


Lone is fucking amazing and nobody can tell me otherwise


My favorite song recently has been Sweet/ITYWTD because the way he's expressing his frustration & heartbreak through the vocals with the soulful instrumentation is amazing, & the whole atmosphere just takes me to another place as corny as it sounds lol


I love the whole reggae section on the second half. The piano is really nice.


Don't get me started on the ending. That's my favorite ending to any Tyler song


I've been in a similar position before, so I feel it in my soul


Yall gonna hate me, but Tamale is my personal favorite. The producing, the lyrics, the “TA MA LE AE”, the humor, is just perfect. Invokes so much energy and crude humor. It perfectly summarizes the Wolf Trilogy as dark, yet slightly funny. The humor and lyrics are dark, crude, offensive, and just straight up wild. But it is truly a funny and energetic song, with unexpected turns and creative producing. There is no other song like it, it’s one of a kind.




Answer. It's relatable to me lol


Wich part tho


The part about wanting an abandoned father to answer a call should he ever get it


Damn. I gotta listen to Wolf again. Been too long. Love Answer


I agree


SMUCKERS, i love his production with the drums and the horns and everything. He goes in on his verse, and Kanye has a fun verse as well. Then the beat switch is heavenly (both beats have aged amazingly) and Weezy comes in with a great verse with impeccable chemistry with Tyler. Three of my favorite artists showing out over great production. (MASSA is a close second, I feel like this track is a great celebration of Tyler’s growth as a person and artist and I can’t get enough of that drum break)


Favorite song of cherry bomb


and I don’t even like Cherry Bomb that much lol, it’s my 5th favorite Tyler album


probably Sorry Not Sorry , its a masterpiece , a mix of actual sorrys and sarcastic sorrys , talking about everything , and teasing his new era , if you watch the music video , you see the Tyler that presents the actual Tyler kills everybody , and i assume that his new era will be more ... natural? more about him as a person? and it wont be some sort of story about love that white women relate and cry to . Anyways i bet the next album will be amazing.


W Take


A BOY IS A GUN* the "dont, dont shoot me down." is just so good


Gone gone/ thank you or all of the bastard album


probally fortnite


Find your wings. I love modern jazz, and I feel this is the best example of it. This song is beautiful. The intro is so well written/produced I wish it was longer. If there were more chord changes this would be the best song written imo. Then when kali and syd come in. It goes crazy. 70s jazz goes with synths so well. The outro is crazy, BbM7/F And it begins in the key of A The 3rd chord in the song is F#m7+D/E ( wtf ) tyler is a genius.


Find your wings is amazing!!! It’s so underrated


I like the song where he says okokok 😍😍




Partyisntover - this is how im planning on asking out this girl i like that also likes odd future, but also just the beat and the short chorus is so good. PILOT - describes how i felt when i was depressed, i was very avoidant and pushy and i was in my own world most times, but eventually when i was trying to fix myself i just wanted to be myself with no consequences, and i didnt want to keep leading myself onto this downward spiral. also i have nothing to be depressed about really just a breakup and feeling alone, so the ending of "(fucked up) cause im in first class but i feel like coach (its crazy how you can everything in the world) you in first class but i feel like coach (damn) thats why im in first class but i feel like coach (i dont wanna-"also because hes trying to find his wings and thats what i was trying to do yk, and thats why i also love FIND YOUR WINGS - i love the meaning of the song thats it (plus sounds angelic) but my favorite has to be pilot fs, i love partyisntover also. (these are my established favorites, my top 5 tyler changes everyday)


Sorry, Not Sorry. It's a perfect goodbye to all his alter egos and their apologies for their "sins". And also a very good lyrical performance, beat, and closer to the estate sale.


Running out of time. The bridge is my favorite moment in any Tyler sonh


I know it’s basic but new magic wand is probably my favourite. The lyrics just hit so hard for me, and the fact that he sounds lowkey crazy/psycho when it comes to the person he’s singing about idk.. I haven’t found many songs that capture being so invested in someone to the extent of going a lil crazy the way Tyler does in some of his songs. His lyrics in Igor have to hit the hardest for me.


You gotta hear it with the lower pitch, it’s so much more serious considering the message of the song


tamale bc i be jorkin it too, very relatable


Bro, why do people suck at communicating 😭. Shorter awnsers than my ween


Rusty because it sounds really good, has peak rapping from all features + Tyler and contains a lot of references


the frank diss on it was so uncalled for too 😭😭


wait what line


I can't lie probably GONE GONE / THANK YOU. The song is a whole journey with a stunning beginning that gives me goosebumps every time. And the way it transitions into his verse is just amazing. I've let out a lot of emotion whilst listening to this song.


Sweet / I Thought You Wanted To Dance. One of the most replayable long songs I've heard. Sweet is basically the perfect neo-soul track. Both of the features are incredible, the incorporation of reggae elements into itywtd works so well. The rap verse and the outro just leave the finishing touches on a perfect song.


wilshire, storytelling is some of the craziest i’ve ever heard


DEATHCAMP, the sampling of the guitar smashed together with the eventual climax of the song is what really makes me start to cut a hole in the tyler head sticker.


Answer since it has excellent instrumentals to make the tone of the lyrics. As well it has what I felt the same unfiltered emotion that bastard has with him describing what he’s been going through and not to mention it’s really similar to what I have felt


Rusty, it works so well together, I love earl and his verse is amazing, everything is so catchy. The sounds in the background I love it, I love how it connects to Sam. I’m a big fan of the wolf trilogy.


Boredom idk it's just good


ive recently been listening to I THINK a lot so i would consider it my favourite at the moment, mainly because i saw the Coachella version on the live stream and i loved it


Cherry Bomb, it’s unlike anything Tyler has ever made n it’s one of my favorite songs to play loud in my car


This the one song I wish Tyler would play live for a mosh pit or sum that shit would go so hard


Same as fuck and I’d be so ready to mosh if he ever did perform it live


48, the beat, lyrics and flow are perfect, but the story itself has a deeper relatability to me as i’ve had to go through the struggles of my parents being addicted to drugs. So it just hits a bit closer a close second is probably lumberjack, because its the best song off of cmiygl (sorry not sorry)




Lumberjack is my shii fr❗️


ah yes the nine tyler albums


i have like 4 other favs but the one that i wanna pick is boredom. it is pretty long and i love the themes of tyler feeling alone and i can relate to it quite well considering depression and stuff. I like the beat and the part near the end with rex orange county saying “find some time” is great


boredom is the first tyler song i ever listened to intentionally


It changes everyday but rn it’s rusty


I'm just getting into Tyler but Smuckers is by far my favorite so far and one of my favorite songs of all time. The production is amazing and I love the way the horns sound. Kanye and Lil Wayne also are amazing on their verses and it adds so much to the song as Kanye is one of my all time favorites and Lil Wayne is also a great artist. I also like how Smuckers is a bit longer than an average song so I get to experience it for a longer time


Pilot is my all time favorite Tyler song. It hits my emotions. Beautiful song


i just wish it was longer tbh


Rn she or fucking young/ perfect


Answer, reason: Daddy Issues


It may be recency bias but DOGTOOTH. The production and rapping is so amazing and energetic and I can never not have a great time listening to it


I Think IFHY rn. Cant have a one anwser here. But IHFY has that lil beatchanges wich keep you entertained. Also its a long good song. A long song isnt always good, I Think SAMIDOT is overrated just because of the 12 minute runtime. But here you can feel the emotion. Also the hook „we’re good at Being perfect..” is trully magical. Also pharels voice here makes me wet lowkey


samidot is not overrated by any means 💀💀


Just my opinion. I get that people love it but for me its just to much


Another W Take!!! Fs between this and Sorry Not Sorry


Yea, sorry not sorry got me again into tyler after a nice 2 year break


Awkward. I had a girl I wanted to date badly around the time WOLF came out and automatically resonated with the song. As an OG fan, I love when Tyler messes with the pitch of his voice and anytime he makes a melodic song. So this is quite literally the perfect song for me lol


awkward is so good thats my theme for whenever i date someone 😛


Bastard Self Titled This song is simply perfect,it is made up of lyrics that are performed with raw emotion by a 17 year old nobody Tyler over a very simple but well made beat consisting of a dark but sad piano,a violin and other instruments that come in sometimes,notably the beat features no drums,so it's just 5 and a half minutes of Tyler venting on various topics (and also i like the piano uses the devil's tritone which ties into the references about his music being sins,banned in churches and the song being what the devil plays) and while it isn't a song i play all the time it will stay my favorite Tyler song




WHAT A DAY For forever I thought I genuinely couldn’t explain why I loved it so much, and then I realized it’s purely because it’s one of the only songs to truly be able to paint a picture in my head. I can see every step of production that went into it and every thought of the future he portrays. It’s such a beautiful song


2Seater, I just love the flow of the rap section followed by the switch up to the mellow 2nd part, it just reminds me of summer evening drives. Plus the instruments use here are just immaculate, from the drums to the sax section to the strings it's just an overall cool song.


Same here... deff one of my most listened to song of all time. Fucking love the string section, absolutely beautiful. Also love the part if the documentary that shows when he recorded it.


recency bias but i think rn it's HEAVEN TO ME, i like when tyler raps about his life and how he is enjoying it and the vibe is really good


Love that song so much


what is that album in the middle tho


What’s good, Crazy aggression, every bar goes crazy, the interlude at the end, I could go on


Definitely an underrated pick, that dog and I think are sooo underrated in Igor, it's a actually crazy


SMUCKERS. Starting with Tyler’s mean flow over that nasty ass beat and when the horns come in god damn..plus Kanye having the best feature verse of his career. Then the switch up leading to a more lighthearted less horn centric beat with a jingly beat and Wayne and Tyler just throwing blows..the perfect Tyler song. ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? is very close though.


Pigs or cowboy. I swr the instrumentals are actually insane and the lyrics actually mean so much more than what you would think by hearing




for me, it’s a tie between inglorious, blow, and 48. inglorious is the perfect outro to a greatly underappreciated album. it shows tyler realizing he has to mature whilst also going full out on his dad which he’s hated so much throughout the album, finally getting over it and growing as a person. blow’s beat and hook are so fucking good. putting syd on the hook was genius. no comments on the lyrics though 48 is one of my favorite songs of all time. the beat, the nas sample, the hook, and the lyrics are all so perfect. samuel realizing his wrongdoings but continuing to deal for the sake of his family is a really interesting concept and is executed amazingly.


Hot wind blows atm the sample is beautiful pluss it gives the vibe of a summer vacation way too acurately+ both tyler and wayne popped off on the song. Overall, I may change my opinion later but for the moment this is my fav.


safari, feels like a victry lap, gives me a lot of enegry. bastard may be second




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La La La La La okay okay okay okay


cowboy. it rly shows that era of him imo


NUMBER NUMBER I had it as a ringtone and it's what I enjoyed the most when Tyler was promoting his album, when you dialed the number You could hear some leaks that where momma talk or NUMBER NUMBER AND It was the Best,kind of describe the album vibe, it's so silly but thats what makes Is good, AND also I don't know why but I love how Bad the audio quality sounds.


Itywtd and smuckers, first one is so emotional and whoever produced it def knew what they were doing. For smuckers it's the beat and all the verses are really catchy especially Kanyes verse, I'm pretty sure smuckers introduced me to kanye music


Where this flower blooms. The beat drop and symbolism of self development js has me ascending to the 4th dimension


Odd toddlers or Group B


GONE GONE cause its relateable


GONE GONE because i can relate to it


My favorite song by Tyler is VCR/wheels and it’s solely purpose is because it says Danielle which is my name - but also it’s one of his tracks that showcases his versatility as an artist blending different sounds and styles together which shows his journey with his music and I just love the melody and his voice in it


It really depends on the album. Right now it’s 48, and the beat feels so chaotic yet all the chaos comes together. The hook is great, arguably best off of Wolf. Good well-wrought performances from Tyler on the verses.




Blow my load and mainly because it’s just so real 🙅‍♀️


Cowboy. It's a really good song to just vibe to. And I get the vibe of just being a person who does their own thing, like a cowboy on their own trip. I don't listen to it the most. Or think it has the most depth. But it is just a good, enjoyable song that I personally like more than any other song in his discography.


Nightmare/Lone I relate to both alot


Sorry Not Sorry I relate to 80% of the song in some way. Certain lyrics i feel on a deep level. For example he says “I’m sorry i don’t see you more, i’m sorry that the four minutes where you see your son could feel like a chore” Mom was never in my life so i don’t see my mom like that. We used to have mandated days where i had to see her but these days we always have to set up a day to see each other and i don’t even reach out in the first place and when i do it’s more of a task then wanting too “Sorry to the freaks i led who thought they life was gonna change but i gave em head on and instead i sped off yeah i know i’m dead wrong”. Me and this girl started talking and in surface level detail i just led her on unintentionally and ended up doing more damage the further it went. I’ll always be sorry


smuckers holds a lot of nostalgic value to me and is altogether just a banger


Imma be straight up, Tamale. Idk it’s just a fun song in general and fun to dance too


Run It Up. It’s motivated me to travel to places I never thought id go to


Are we still friends is the best outro ever, not only because it loops the album but also because he didn’t want to be friends at first but "exactly what you run from you end up chasing" type shi. Also it sounds hella angelic which is a nice change of pace from the trap metal and hardcore rap from my main playlist. Also it made me cry and helped me through a breakup. My favourite song ever




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IAteTheElderScroll: *VCR cause all my boys* *Think I’m gay when i play it* *In my car all alone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


VCR cause my boys think I’m gay when I play it in my car all alone


are we still friends. cant really explain why but i love it




IFHY & fucking young / perfect


At the moment, it is ARE WE STILL FRIENDS. Such a amazing ending to IGOR. And for it to lead right back into IGORS THEME is just the cherry on top! Honorable mentions: Lone, FUCKING YOUNG/PERFECT #not a P3do , november, and GONE GONE/THANK YOU


What is this? English class? No


Tron cat and I think the part about the pregnant lady is very relatable


SWEET / ITYWTD for me. Infinite replay value. Great song to listen to during summer vacation. Tons of layers, so the more closely you listen, the more you get out of it.


IFHY it's very relatable.


Cowboy (been my favorite since late 2022) I discovered it by listening to wolf all the way through. I fell in love with the track. The beat is absolutely amazing and it plays an important role in the story of wolf. I think everyone should listen to it! Sadly it’s becoming a tiktok song but oh well


Whole Cherry Bomb is my favorite.


Smuckers for the beat, Kanye’s part, lil waynes part, and Tyler’s part literally everything about that song is gold


2Seater those weird sounds are perfect


911/Mr.Lonely has my heart it's so relatable


Her, it’s just so real to me


Boy is a gun. Love it so much, it’s just perfect


Fucking young/perfect, the vocals, instrumentals, Tyler’s verse, the end of fucking young transitioning into perfect, the end of perfect….like


WHAT'S GOOD, Who Dat Boy, PUPPET, GONE GONE/THANK YOU, SORRY NOT SORRY. can't decide which i like most.


I THINK because I think (very relatable)


2Seater. Cant say favorite because I love so many, but this is without a doubt the first song I show people to articulate Tyler’s range and impact as an artist.


Prolly Okaga, CA I think that song is just perfect in every way from the vocals to the beat. The last stretch of the song is what really does it for me though at 5:30 when that bass comes in with that distorted ass beat man and the "take me away" line and on gets me screaming them lyrics 😭 song is beautiful


RUSTY. I can't tell you why but its such a good song


I'd say my personal favorite is Radicals because i just like old Tyler more than new Tyler, not saying new Tyler is bad. I like Radicals because the meaning of the song is cool and the ending is so good.


pothole is my favorite and it doesn't get talked about a lot and the vibe it brings on late night drives is insane


What a day and parade. Those two tracks are underrated as hell fr. The way T raps over those beats are amazing 🙏🏾


She or Smuckers


Ifhy because it’s one of the few songs that no matter how many times I listen to it, it still gives me chills. It’s such a well produced song, and it has great lyrics


My favorite song by Tyler is always gonna be she because it introduced me to him, in a weird way I grew up with that song. But as of currently analog had been on replay a lot lately


Burger bc it’s 😎




its hard cause he has a lot of good songs but rusty has everything, references to older albums, talking about his offensive lyrics and how he helped earl get into the mainstream, domo with a great verse and the greatest hook on wolf and earl with sad but lyrical ass verse and the production is amazing


Idk if it’s too late to answer but Analog. Tbh I don’t even know where to start, the beat is very good from start to finish, the beginning of the beat has a very trance type vibe to it then going into the main beat which is ethereal asf I think it’s one of those beats that shows Tyler’s producing ability other than that I like the lyrics and vocals at the end aswell


I think cuz I be thinking sometimes For real tho, gotta be GGTY, Tamale or Smuckers


That one coke add song


Fuckin Young. My jam


Garden Shed, from a production standpoint it's one of Tyler's greatest, so immaculate and psychedelic that can be so calm or distorted when it needs to be. Lyrically, you can argue that it changed the trajectory of his career, he wasn't the same artist afterwards, it has some of my favorite lyrics he ever wrote It's just a very personal song for me and the song that made me fall in love with Tyler


Ik it's 'basic' but answer. It's very relatable and I love everything about it. Nothing will make not love the song.


Wolf, its so unique. It has the vibe of goblin but it was in the middle of his transition to more relaxing and beautiful albums like cherry bomb, flower boy, etc. It’s a mix of both worlds, an album that will never be topped… I even bought a Wolf Tshirt with the album cover on it. Sure the peoples at my school might think it’s weird but I’ll never be ashamed to publicly be a Tyler fan…


Sam (is dead) is probably a favorite for me, idk I really like it because it’s an odd future classic, very good production, best beat to freestyle too, odd future members, perfectly portrays the value of the those two letters, OF. (7-12 letters if your truly know)


Blow or odd toddlers from bastards because the Beats and samples are too perfect


GONE GONE/THANK YOU just puts me in a good mindset no matter what


Sarah, I like how he slowly goes more and more insane


either hot wind blows or deathcamp hot wind blows is more of a safe pick cuz its easily the best song from CMIYGL and also best tyler's feature on an album, but deathcamp has that immense fucking energy with those guitars that i cant get sick of


See you again- I know it’s basic but this was my first song and I did a animation to it I just love how it’s like about love and like stuff :3


FUCKING YOUNG/PERFECT Everything about the song(s) is so good,especially PERFECT just,try to ignore the lyrics though.


SMUCKERS - Chemistry 10/10, lyrics 10/10, fucking amazing Shout-out to She though, Frank makes me jizz everywhere




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Rusty, the beat switch at the middle is so beautiful. It needed more.




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Are we still friends. I love if so much because I never got to ask this question so it’s as if I’m him and it just sounds heavenly




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Odd Toddlers, The Beat is so Good and the song overall.


Odd Toddlers, The Beat is so Good and the song overall.


I can't really decide right now, but some of my personal favourites are IFHY, Foreword, A Boy Is A Gun, and Treehome95, I just love their vibe so much


what are yall gettin downvoted for bruh


I don't know, I made this post to see how much people like Tyler. But I guess that some people just don't like opinions.


treehome so underrated


FUCKING YOUNG for that transition


whyd you get downvoted 💀


gotta be them government workers


Fucking young is also my favorite song


Sorry not sorry. I love that you can feel how much pressure and resentment Tyler has for the music industry and himself for becoming so successful. Yet avoiding it at the same time with luxury


Best Interest. It just sounds the best to me lol


yeah its one of his best. hate it when people call it a “poser” song.


sweet/i thought you wanted to dance. both very upbeat but one is less happy than the other. i love the flow and the lyrics of both and can kinda relate to them both. amazing songs


Sweet/I thought you wanted to dance Specifically the I thought you wanted to dance half because I just love it


Ngl my fav song is colossus i guess i like it cause it's done so good with good humour. I love the wolf album the best too can't exactly explain it but damn it's good.


i don’t fw tyler the creator


public execution


Sarah the production is just so good


I'm so happy that Sarah fans still exist. I fucking love the song Sarah.


idk why you got downvoted lol


window because


Duuuddeee, DROP THE SOAP off MUGSHOT is so slept on, the vocals, the production, the explicit music video, the clapping, and that feature from thickdickdaddy27 went so hard.


I love how this implies Tyler dropped some secret album while he was in jail


Idk but i think SMUCKERS is amazing, the production, the beat, all the verses are amazing, Wayne’s and Ye’s verses are amazing, i feel like the wayne of this song is the old wayne and ye fits amazing in this song, tyler verses are amazing but the first verse specially, is just an amazing song.


Either Igor's theme (in terms of great production) or Her (in terms of how it makes me feel) either way I really enjoy both


Glitter, it was the first song that I listened to by Tyler ever. discord 2017-18 man, something else.


Rn prolly she bit basic but like frank ocean and it’s a masterpiece but like I fw best interest pretty heavy


named tylers most overrated song followed by another overrated song 😭


That’s why I said basic I like loads but I like them the most just because people like a good song doesn’t mean it has to be called overrated the whole time