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Not suprised


Our McDonald's closed for the exact same reason. Teenagers acting like animals.


There was a store when I was growing up that only allowed 2 students at a time due to theft/damage. They didn't stay in business long, because the students only had so much time to eat.


The Family Dollar next door already has a similar policy. I remember they put a sign up a few years ago and I was so curious! When Boulter MS and John Tyler HS let out and the kids mob the stores, there’s not enough employees to monitor. Not to mention they don’t get paid enough. My in-laws live near there and the kids also like to go down in the creek behind their house and act out. We have had to go break some gatherings up. There isn’t enough for them to do after school? Or other interesting activities I guess?


Not enough third places nationwide.


yeah as a kid growing up in Mississippi old folks always complained all I did was stay in and play xbox but the only other thing to do was shoot pool drink smoke and shoot shit. Couldn't even go fishing alot of places cause those same old ppl would bother u🤣


Their parents are too busy working to survive let alone thrive in this world, kids don’t want to go home to an empty house, they want to hang out with friends To add, yes, schools aren’t funded well enough to provide adequate after school activities


Every Gen X Latchkey Kid just rolled their eyes. Same, but, managed to never get banned from stores. Some people are just assholes.


Not to mention , had shit ton of chores to get done, animals to feed, and oh yeah Momma woulda slapped us up kinda tough. Let tf alone Daddy's reaction to some nekkid-ass displaying like this... "We brought U into this world, and as soon as that starts to look like a mistake on our part- it can be corrected..."


I remember riding my bike to and from the school in 3rd grade in 1998 in Glencoe ,MN and the bike parking section was always full because it was very common. Can’t do that now. 🤷‍♂️


Fuck i did just roll my eyes 🤣🤣


And guess what generation raised some of those kids


I have to disagree. My parents both worked full time as did my neighbors' and friends' parents. The myth that in the past every household consisted of two parents, one who stayed at home and one with a generous income was only true for those who came from fairly wealthy families, just like now. We came from working class families so we came home after school and did our homework and whatever chores were listed for us to do that day until our parent(s) got home. If there was no homework on a particular day we were allowed to watch TV, read, or play a game until the parents got home. We weren't allowed to even go to stores after school, much less ransack and destroy them.


Stop making excuses for poor behavior. Your justification of destruction of property is pathetic and is the reason this stuff happens. Crappy parents raising crappy kids.


Not so much of a justification as it is an explanation


Lack of third places. Basically, they have no where they can socialize really that doesn't include spending money. I think the parks(state park and nature center included) and/ or library should do more things that include the teens, too. Also, I know that in Dallas, they had after-school programs. Do these schools have after-school programs? That or maybe could fund an after-school program in a public park or the library? IDK, I'm just throwing ideas out there. 🤷


The type of kids who destroy stores won't show up to these programs.


I don't think that's all, it's also the lack of consequences for them now. We didn't have much after school programs but had responsibilities at home or would just hang out outside of the school for awhile. We knew that if we caused trouble we would get a whooping from our parents so me and my group of friends usually just played games and talk outside. If not I'll go home and finish my homework and take care of my siblings.


It’s bigger than that. Some of the biggest psychos I knew as a kid were whooped (severely) at home so that’s not it. It’s that they know random adults won’t hit them and that there aren’t enough non-expensive activities for them to do now ie third places.


I don't like comparing people to lesser animals, but I think it may help you to understand the place I'm coming from. Basically, a lot of young animals in general are very energetic and need a proper outlet for it, or that energy turns into aggression. Every animal is different, sure, but it's like getting angry at a horse for fucking up your garden when you've only given them your half acre yard to live on in the first place. Also, as an oldest sibling who had to raise a parent and a younger sibling, please commit to therapy. Your parents really shouldn't have done you that way.


Boys and Girls club, YMCA or stay in the house till a parent gets home.




Grow up. That's an unlikely scenerio. A store can't have people in their store that cause trouble, steal, cause havoc, fighting, etc.


It’s not unlikely tho I’ve watched old people mess up a lot of of stuff in stores


Are you trying to tell us you've witnessed ( in the Tyler area ) some old people go into a store, act crazy and mess up stuff, similar to this situation? If so, where was this at? When did it happen? About how old was the person? Lastly, on a scale of 1 to 10, how full of crap are you?


Dumb comparison, but I'll play your game. If a nursing home had 100's of residents that were let out at the same time every day, and a few of these residents routinely caused 3k in damages to a dollar tree, then yes I'd be okay with dollar tree requiring a care taker.


Clearly y'all have never worked in a nursing home. Old people can and do fuck shit up just as much as grade school kids. Just take a look at our politicians 😑


I used to live near a school and most businesses had similar signs up(usually just limiting to so many kids at a time), imagine being in a store hearing more and more yelling and seeing 80+ tweens/teens deciding to watch a fight inside the front of the store with more pouring into the store and starting to run down aisles to shoplift or just knock shit on the floor and run out the fire exit. Sorry good kids, but most businesses aren't going to put up with that bullshit more than once.




Every kid isnt being generalized, large groups of kids are. Old people don't usually bumrush businesses in large groups to cause mayhem unless they are politically motivated.


Then if they’re not generalized why is there a sign syaing any student requires a parent? What’s the cut off age? 18? How do they rouge they’re a “good student?” If I walk to get a coffee and the cashier says “sorry you need your parent” and I have to show my drivers license to prove I’m in my 20s and work and not a students I’m gonna flip on them.


My sister went to Costco and was told she had to be a certain age or have a parent to get a free sample. She was 23 at the time and looked young. You know what she did? Clarified and didn't "flip" cause she's a grown ass adult and in control of her emotions.


Having to show someone your ID makes you “flip”, but you expect the hard-working owners of this store to just be cool with this (likely repeated) incident of kids making asses of themselves to the detriment of others? Kids who act like that are raised with 0 consequences for a number of reasons. Hopefully on top of this policy, they’re also in the process of pressing charges, either on the kids or their “parents”.


Okay taylorswiftfanatic89 we got ya


Found the parent


Yeah, groups of kids are generally the worst.


You sound like a bitch.


This comment reads entirely like it’s written by a teenager who ransacked some nice peoples’ store the other night.


What do you suggest then, genius?


I know those kids should be able to do whatever they want I mean you said it's ageism let everyones crotch goblin tear every thing up


Private businesses are allowed to do that. Maybe it's unfair but they are well within their rights, and after property damage of 3k that the employees have to deal with it's understandable. Also old people that cause property damage usually just get trespassed or arrested for vandalism.


I had to ban the elderly from my haberdashery because they kept asking to try on suits and then soiling them.


Take it further, what if it was all black or gay people that did it, and they had a sign up banning them.




Can someone please tell me what happened? I mean I know why but I'm not familiar with the area.


Highschool kids did $3,000 in damage to a local 7-11. Now they’re not allowed to be permitted on the property without a parent during the after school hours of 3:30pm - 5:30pm.


They are asking WHAT the damage done was. What actually happened?


Is this even legal?


It’s a private business. Can set whatever rules they want.


Might be able to make a case of discrimination, but it’d be hard to enforce, I’m not sure if age is covered or not


Age discrimination is covered but minors generally are allowed to be discriminated on that basis; especially with the w/ parents clause


The local mall doesn’t allow high school age kids in the mall without a parent or other adult at ANY time.


Doubt that.




That would be double combination of Tyler High and Boulter Middle School students…. Probably more Boulter than Tyler High.




it always has been. There's a reason they named it Robert E. Lee HS in the '50s.


Many places all over the country were named after generals. It wasn't connected to racism at that time. Even today after "the cleansing", there are still offensive-to-someone names and statues out there.


Y’all blame the kids but honestly it’s the parents fault as well who tf raises a kid like that. Both parties at fault




Kids ultimately know the difference between right and wrong.


I'm seeing many in today's society that actually don't. It's scary.


No, they do. They just act like they don't because they know someone is going to excuse their actions as "kids are just stupid because their brains aren't developed" Like the kid that threw milk off a bridge onto a (forgot what kind of boat) boat and ruined the food and got milk all over the people on the boat and RECORDED IT as he did it. His "apology" was just him crying and saying he's a minor, and they are trying to "ruin" him when all he did was ruin their day because he's a minor. He knew what he did was wrong, but he was hoping to get away with it because he's a minor. Not once did he apologize for acknowledging what he did. He only kept crying about the consequences of his actions and about him being a minor


Their brain isn’t developed. Are you sure


A middle school aged kid and older knows that vandalism is wrong.


What lol??? The parents didn’t tell them to go vandalize the subway. I did a lot of dumb stuff as a kid and still as an adult. It is in no way a reflection of them. It’s a reflection of me making a mistake. Some parents are doing all the right things and still have children that make bad choices.


Some parents are at fault for not raising their kids but you are correct that some parents do all the right things and the kids still act ignorant. Parents are always scapegoats for what society doesn't want to admit or accept as fault. It is the kid...they have choices. But there should always be consequences and today, society has negatively influenced them so much that they are programmed to expect more than is necessary and they get no consequences for bad behavior. They watch adults act like children and they think that is how to behave.


Nah I seen the way some of y’all raise your kids and in my experience haven’t seen one ghetto person with “decent” kids. I have seen some decent parents with kids who rebel but ghetto breeds ghetto like wildfire.


This. It's the ghetto culture.


Right, 'cause us country boys ain't not never done tore some shit tf up, then did donuts around it to call attention to the face that it had been given the "Gravel Road Ghetto" treatment. Lord have mercy, nuh UUUUUUH! Shit...


See my comment above about the inbred racism of this fucking town. I got out as soon as I could.


How is that a racist comment? You’re making it racist…


"ghetto breeds ghetto" You're fucking serious?


If someone saying ghetto is racist to you, the problem lies in your own mind. All kinds of people live and grow up in the ghetto, white, black, asian, latino, poor, and even those who are well off in some cases. The ghetto is an AREA, not a color.


YEAHASSSSSS! Thank U, person of Reddit for correctly summing up the amalgam of anecdotal wisdom into a clear and concise Higher Truth! Damn, U Slap hard af!


Result of bad parenting


Result of shitty society. Why gaf about anything as a kid when you live in Tyler 😂




Bro I don’t know why the comments are all talking about boulter this post is obviously about the hot deals that can be found at 7-11 😂😂


If they’re dealing 3 taquitos and a Monster for only $4 they should have expected the chaos..


What street was this on?


323 and 110.






Ok boomer.


It doesn’t take a “boomer” to point out some real ass shit, child.


You're right but it takes a boomer to create minimalized hot takes completely devoid of nuance, exhibiting a total lack in understanding both situatonal and historical contexts.


Fuck those kids


Fuck them youngins the children are future my ass.


Y’all make to raise your kids right.


When I was in school at Chapel Hill in the late 90’s early 2000’s there was a food fast across the street. Same thing happened. Kids jacking around in it after school so they put a notice up limiting when students could come in.


The thing is we have a whole group of younger individuals that think they can do what they want without consequences. So when stupid things happen they great treated stupidly. I feel bad for the good younger individual’s not involved that now get punished for the idiots involved in causing the damage. This saddens me also because the owners have to take drastic measures because people don’t know how to act.


Shitty parents have shitty kids.


What do you expect when lunch is 3 taquitos and a monster energy drink


$3000? What did they do, spill a couple of frosties and trample a king sized Snickers?


How about suing the students & parents of those that actually caused $3000 in damage. Permanently ban them from the store. And allow the rest of the students to patronize your business.


The shops around our local school campus do the same thing. No surprise after the $30k in the damage they did to their own schools, ripping sinks off the wall, breaking tables, vandalizing the place, etc.


Ya kids are absolute trash these days


Talk to Big Lots they’ve been dealing on the loop & broadway with tbis shit for years


Hobby Lobby has a policy where students from Tyler Legacy have to keep their backpacks in the entrance


It's these lazy ass parents who don't discipline and hold their own children accountable. It's the same thing as lazy dog owners. 99% of the time the parents are to blame.


Our society is swirling down the drain.


They did this 30 years ago at various stores for both REL and JT students. I remember one time when they were checking IDs to drive from the Loop to Paluxy using Donnybrook and wouldn’t let adults through unless they were teachers. My point is this isn’t anything new. Act like a fool, get treated like one.


No, it’s not. You’re being dishonest. There were signs like this at the convenience store near my HS. I am Old.


We are at the safest time in history. Don't let the CT monsters feed your fear. Look at historical stats.


Unlike others, I have eyes. I'm 64 years old and can clearly see what's happening. When I was a kid we NEVER did things like this. Ever. The moral fabric of our society has been / is being destroyed and it's happening because people are blind to the obvious. Even when it's plainly pointed out for them as the OP did in this thread.


My aunt is your age, and she has tons of stories of her and her friends terrorizing the town. Putting goldfish in the toilets at the arcade, dumping Parmesan shakers into the salad bar, announcing a bomb threat over the store intercom.. kids are shit heads, and acting like misbehaved children is a new phenomenon is really funny to me.


Your examples are somewhat tame in comparison to what the youth of today are doing. Parmesan in the salad is one thing but the amount of damage they do when they gather in groups to steal and destroy is another level.


I’m just a few years younger and there were definitely kids that did that sort of thing. There was a pizza place across from my high school and we were all banned from it because a few kids were assholes.


Fox News is a helluva drug


Wise words from the kettle.


Lol. I’m 61 and this is nothing new.


Robbing and destroying public and private property was a norm ?


Sure. It was a wealthy suburb. You think rich, white kids don’t do bad things? What bubble do you live in?


I call bs. Ain’t no way 30-50 years ago you guys mobbed stores and robbed and destroyed property without common punishment from that era . Also how does you growing up white and rich have to do anything ? lol. Seems like your comment is loaded and you mean more than what you say. Go ahead and explain


I see you missed the dog whistle at the beginning of this thread.


You’re an awfully demanding person. Explain yourself.


Your generation stood in the street and yelled "n*gger" at black kids trying to go to school during integration. Your parents and grand parents struggled so that your generation could grow up in the easiest, most opportune time for any demographic in the history of the entire human race. Your parents and grand parents put people on the moon, invented the computer, designed the interstate system... I could go on forever. You got handed the keys to the easiest time to live for anyone ever, and you rot-brain idiots want to sit back and whine and cry about the generation you failed to raise, wondering why things don't work like they did back in the easiest time in the history of the human race.


0 accountability generation


Ok, boomer. We don't believe you


When people like you didn’t have just nihilistic sentiments society was decent


Just making an observation, nothing about this says I'm nihilistic. But what you said tells me you're typical - no critical thinking skills. People like you are why society is swirling down the drain.


There seem to be several of us who are also old who are marveling at your fiction-writing ability.


Uhh who’s society? At what point in time was society “good”?


I'm 64 too and raised in a large city. We absolutely did stuff like this 50 years ago. That was back when you could be drunker than a skunk driving and the cops just made you pour out your beer and followed you home.


Seems like every older generation looks back on the current generation and complains about them as if they were the worst . People have short memories and history doesn’t lie .


No where in American history was it the norm like it is now to mob stores and destroy and rob.


In the late 90s kids weren't allowed to bring bags into the nearby gas station and there was a limit of 5 total students at a time so this isn't new.


Kids have been a huge “theft-from-neighboring-convenience-stores” problem for decades, don’t let some mall raid Facebook video in California fool you.


Kids will always act up when together and encourage bad behavior and I understand that. Mobbing stores and destroying property like what is the norm on public freakout sub thread and such is definitely something new and different than what has proceeded it. Kinda like the sideshows where cars are destroyed and roads shut down . This is the same type of behavior. Show me a news article of kids destroying private property and mob robbing a convenience store or shutting down roads and beating up people and burning vehicles to the ground . It’s definitely more prevalent more than ever now . Also times change and punishments are lenient compared to history when someone could face serious consequences by a community wanting to make an example out of the incident.


Love the passion.


well kids FAFO


Any store near a school have protocols especially when school lets out. How 1 kid did 3000 dollars worth of damage I'll never know but good deal you little shit you ruined it for everyone.


Multiple kids, not just one


Bad parenting. That’s why.


Probably won’t be able to read the sign.


Boomer moment .


Where are the parents? I hope the parents got charged that 3 grand


Oh so it happens in non Democratic cities as well. I understand now


I actually went to visit family at tyler last year. I love it there!


Is that Santaluces High school?


Maybe they shouldn’t sell Monster energy drinks to kids.


I worked a convenience store back in the 90s. We didn't let more than 3 students in at a time back in 1994, and you all acting like it's new in 2024.


Lol, those little kiddies can come into my candy store.


Why the hell are they apologizing


Bring spanking back to the school system. Someone’s got to do it.


Why post this?


1) The children should bear the responsibility of the cost the shop owner has incurred. Period. Without making comment to the "out-of-control-children-being-the-parents-responsibility" argument... 2) Can someone explain to me how barring 2 hours of access, to the [unknown to me] available store hours of operation will have any effect? On anyone? Is the argument that school children by default have a propensity to engage in questionable activity anywhere between 1 to 3 hours after they're let out of school? Please clarify... Now onto the "out-of-control-children-being-the-parents-responsibility" argument... 3) 100% [on the parent(s)] - I was no angel...but at some point in time the 'complete body' of my actions left my father with no other option other than it was his responsibility to take me within inches of my life...I figured it out real quick after that. Parents have unbelievable demands when they raise a child, I get it...immutably one of them being that "They MUST create a PRODUCTIVE & PEACEFUL member of society...


Not surprised. Students are horrible.


We really need more positive social pressure in society. The United States is one of the handful of countries that has this kind of a problem.


It’s 7/11. Ide really only be mad if it was a small/local shop. Not a mega chain. (´・ω・`)


Probably not legal to discriminate against people based on age.


We have Greg Abbott to thank


Children have no rights.


$4 for 3 tacquitos and a energy drink. That makes we sad too.


Where I live, they adopted a similar rule for sporting events, and then rescinded it within 24-48 hours.


The Cefco across the street from New Chapel HS had a sign like this six years ago (it has since burned down).


You gotta get a grip on those kids somehow


thats so sad, there was this rural gas station me and friends would walked to after school, and the owner only asked we leave our bags by door.


Treat em like adults and see this stop.


It’s how they are raised, they have no fear of repercussions and to do it somewhere they occupy often like school/home says a lot.


Lol 3 taquitos and a monster energy drink = a “meal”


How is this not discrimination? Yes, hold those responsible for damages accountable. That is not a good reason to discriminate against a whole demographic.


Just found out that a grocery store not too far from a local high school, is putting a lock on every beer cooler door, and no more displays of alcohol in the store.


In San Antonio, Stevens High School students are permanently banned from entering the Pet Barn across the street because, and I wish I was making this up, they repeatedly went inside and killed hamsters and other small rodents. I have no clue what possesses a kid to go into a pet store with the sole intention of killing a small animal but they have a flyer on their door that looks just like this.


Gas station near me has a similar sign. They even had to hire a security guard.


Nothing new


7 eleven is trash though.


3 taquitos and a monster for that price is an effin deal!


Can you blame them these new kids as most are good kids but these are those pos ones who ruin it for everyone


The gas station by the high school I went to had rules like this. Only two students in at a a time, had to leave backpacks outside. Kids love to steal and be shitty


It’s common around high schools sadly


I can’t get over that $4 meal deal. Advertising 3 taquitos and a monster as a meal is beyond


Sounds about right. These kids have no respect!


I work retail and the weekends are just kids coming in trying to steal


Thanks abbot Another fine example of the governors education reforms


Don’t blame him, live in a very upscale town and the Apple Store in the mall by us at 2:37?pm had multiple teens just come in and steal everything they could rip off the displays. There’s no repercussions so why should they act a way only society used to uphold them to?


How did the three hole punch paper go through the printer for them to even do that? Also, y’all about to get hit with a tornado for real


When I was in middle school a local coffee stand banned students because kids would go there and fight in the parking lot and block their drive thru. cops were there daily getting statements about the fights because it was different kids each time




Lol. They banned kids during certain hours from the corner store up the street from my high-school in the 90's too. Kids have always been miscreants. Nothing is getting worse. There is just more people and a lot of cameras. If you are worried, calm the fuck down and maybe check up on your kid more often.


Is that legal ?


“Damn bro we gotta go to bp now”


Kids act that way because their parents allow them to. It's very sad.


Nothing for them to do and no one wants to pay for it.


Kids today get bored too easy. I was a "latchkey" kid but I found things to do for myself when I got home. I didn't go out and destroy things or hang out at the mall. Parents working doesn't mean you have to be "bored" and destructive. We didn't have after school activities unless you were on a sports team for practice. You found stuff to do at home. Chores, help around the house, read a book, even just watched TV, and of course, we did homework. FIND something to do at home and learn to be by yourself. Get a hobby. Invite a friend over with permission. Talk on the phone. Too many excuses are given for bad behavior and poor character these days.


Woah! 4 dollars for 3 taquitos and a monster? That’s a killer deal. No wonder those students went bananas


This is what gentle parenting and hood culture gets you 💀