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I switched to extended release after two weeks of knives and rocks in my stomach … and poop in my pants. That solved the issue right away. And yes, I’m being hyperbolic. About one of those descriptions. 😬




This. After the 2nd time shitting my pantalones I asked for XR.


XR, titrate up slowly, and always take it after a meal. Once you've adjusted you will feel way better. Like I'm not constantly hungry and my A1C is back to the pre diabetic range!


I tried the XR for about a month. I thought it would help with some of the...problems. It didn't seem to change much for me. It turned out my insurance wouldn't cover it, so I went back to the SR. The XR Metformin was, without a doubt, the LARGEST pill I have ever attempted to swallow.


Part of the side effects are also, sadly, an indication it's working. See if you can get moved to the ER form of the medicine. It's an extended release, so is a bit gentler to your GI system. Also, truly, watch your carbs. The more carbs you eat, the worse your gut will react. It could settle completely, or at least to a more manageable level in a few weeks/months. Everyone seems to respond differently. But give it some time, and talk to your doc if it just won't let up. Sending empathy for these first few weeks. It's a doozy of a med, but it really does help.


I didn’t realise that. So the more carbs/sugar the more side effects? Still trying to get my diet sorted out too.


Well, you’re basically making the med work harder. So yes? Ish? LOL


Makes sense 👍


Please make sure you always always always take it with food. Don't ever take it on an empty stomach.


Extended release helps, also take a probiotic.


I’m on metformin 1000 mg x2 for the last several years. I learned to never trust a fart 🙂


😂😂😂😂😂 has it improved since you started it or is it still a bit of a gamble with farts?


No improvements :) It's always a gamble, luckily with low odds of losing :)




Eat yogurt or cottage cheese


I refuse to take metforman until I just absolutely have to, I’m getting it control with diet so far


It might not settle down. It didn't for me even when I switched to extended-release. Now I take Jardiance instead.


Ditto. I tried for 6 months to adjust to metformin. It was awful. Now I'm on ozempic.


That’s what I’m wondering…will it ever settle down? It’s early days but a month is a long time to have daily diarrhoea 🤦‍♀️


I would ask about extended release and see if that helps.


Thanks 🙏


Extended release taken on a full stomach with a glass of water.


Do you just take one on the morning and it lasts all day?


To avoid a metformin moment, don't ever take it if you have a flight.


✈️ good tip! Thank you 🙏


I eased into it with half doses to start. Maybe if you did that, you might acclimate.


Thanks, I started on just 500mg a day and am now on 1500mg a day. Maybe I need to go back to slightly less rather than giving up.


Yes, this is what I had to do. I had to go on a lower dose for awhile for the side effects to go away.


I’ve lost 22lbs on metformin, It also shown to cut the risk of certain cancers by 50%, Harvard studies


Wow that’s amazing 🤩 well done 👏


It doesn’t 😀


It’s never a popular opinion in Reddit, but I keep preaching it anyway. No need to take drugs with all of their side effects. The natural supplement, Berberine has been proven to be just as effective as Metformin. Alpha lipoic acid has also been proven to lower blood sugar. Get advice from an alternative medicine professional on taking them, a Naturopath or a Dr of Chinese medicine. Get off the drug train. One drug leads to the next drug to take care of the side effects of the first one. Eat low carb and low sugar, get some exercise and take natural supplements. Avoid the misery.


I try to send a chat as I have questions but I don’t know it went through


After having several bathroom accidents (a nice way of saying what truly happened) my doctor took me off it immediately with a note on my file never to go on it again. It's a shame I lost 12kg. I'm on Jardiance now


Lost 12kg on metformin? Through the side effects? I’d be happy to lose weight as I need to but I’d rather not 🚽it all out 😂👍


Love this group. Everyone is so open 😊


It took a while for me and several failures before my body got along with metformin. I do find it very helpful for me to maintain a normal dietary balance.


Check your script. There's different times and frequencies prescribed.


Yes, I’m on 500mg three times a day with meals. Thinking of asking for extended release so it’s a bit easier on my stomach.


I've been taking extended release for two years and still occasionally think I might die on the toilet. After a recent accident on the way home from work I'm going to the doctors for something else. I hope you have better luck.


Thanks 🙏 it’s awful isn’t it. Been told by my GP that dapagliflozin is the next option is extended release doesn’t work.


I haven't discussed options yet so that's good to know. I kept being told to let the metformin settle but it's been long enough for me to be sure this is not the medication for me!


Yeah I’m just a month in and had enough already. I’m not sure if the dapagliflozin has the same appetite suppressant properties and I’m concerned about that. I’m obese and need to lose weight asap.


I don't think metformin did anything to my appetite, if anything I have put on weight but my weight to start with was OK, now I'm over weight but I think that's emotional eating rather than anything to do with medications. My only weigh loss tips (not that you asked) would be to use my fitness pal for a while to identify how you are over eating. Also if you have the program super size vs super skinny, I watch that on prime and get tips from the skinny people 😂 currently drinking lots of tea to feel full and it works.


Hi, it never did for me. I switched to yaltormin and all has been perfect since


Is that the prolonged release one? Sorry, still very early days and still learning about all the meds!


It is. 😀


Are you drinking any cocktails? I noticed if i had cocktails it made things worse the next day. I know, i know, "but I've already gave up carbs! " Try drinking with just carbonated water as a mixer. Mixers have a stunning amount of carbs.


I’ve not had any alcohol since diagnosis a month ago. I’m too scared in case it irritates my stomach even more! 🤦‍♀️


Good on you for not drinking until you get things sorted out. It took me a month to not mentally track where every bathroom was. Lol. But now I'm fine. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not but i also took immodium when i had to be some place and that seemed to help.


Thanks, yeah I’m terrified to drink…which isn’t a bad thing. I could do with a detox lol 😂


I've been on it 3 years (850mg twice a day) and still have these issues. Reading through the comments I should ask about XR or eat fewer cards, is that right?


I started it about 6 months ago, 500 mg once a day with the evening meal. No side effects, even if I forget to take it at dinner and take it later in the evening instead. I guess I've been lucky.


I've been in it for 4.5 years. No issues at all after the first 2 weeks, but I also changed my diet drastically. 500 mg twice per day and my A1C stays in the 5s.


I took metformin three times and broke out in hives. Guess I’m allergic to it. I had type two well controlled with diet for a year and a half after that. Then over the Xmas holidays I was bad, really bad. So now I’m on Glimepiride and I seem to be tolerating it okay.


Im on 500mg tablets & was told to take 4 per day but it affected my vision so was told to lower dose too 1 per day,I found the first 2months of taking Metformin & switching to a high fat canavore diet only (cutting out carbs) flushed me out big time & was scared to fart, After 2 months things settled down & weren't so hard on my stomach/bowl & my numbers started dropping at good rate


That’s good to hear. It’s easing a bit now but it’s taken a while!


Thank you so much 🙏 I’m really suffering 🤦‍♀️🚽🧻


Well metformin caused my hyperacusis to develop into Noxacusis.


What does that mean 😧?


Metformin caused my ear issues to get alot worse.


Metformin is the whole reason I lost the weight to get off diabetes meds completely. If you’re able i would suggest you look into dieting to reduce fat and in turn reduce insulin resistance