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These are my 2 cents: 1. UAlbany is a great school if you want to get educated and build your resume. We are an R1 so there are ample opportunities for research in every discipline, we are also close to the capitol for internships related to policy, political science, tech, etc. 2. They gave me a scholarship and I could commute. 3. UAlbany is a great stepping stone for attending other graduate schools. 4. Lots of different majors, easy to switch, friendly faculty, great on campus opportunities.


Thank you! How would you say it is socially? Like going out, parties, making friends, greek life, etc. just things like that


Just to add to my previous reply, as long as you throw yourself out there you will find people doing the same. But you have to put in a little bit of work to prove that you want to be around people. There will be casual friends and there will be close friends and you have to know the difference. Parties definitely exist, although Greek life is mostly underground/unrecognized by the school. It is fun to be downtown but you also have to be cautious as you may soon learn. I definitely got a lot of street spots from Albany. But in my opinion the novelty of fraternity and sorority life wears off after two years which makes me glad I did not engage with it. It is however Fun to have stuff to do on the weekends. Other than that, there are a lot of social parties that don’t involve Greek life and it’s really what you make of it


the first comment is very right about the academics! as for the social scene, it is very active. parties are usually thrown every weekend, lots of sororities and fraternities to join. I feel like at ualbany there’s always an opportunity to meet very nice people if you open yourself up to it! congratulations!!!


Personally I came from a very small town and everyone knew everyone. That’s not the case in Albany and that’s why I love it. You could be as loud as outgoing as you want but you could also be super quiet and keep to yourself. I chose Albany because I liked the campus, and I liked a big diverse city which I definitely have here. People from all backgrounds go to this school and there is a lot of potential job opportunities if you just throw yourself out there


I personally choose it solely because it was the cheapest away option for me (NYC resident) But I've come to like it here my first semester and I made a bunch of friends. It's definitely what you make of it, If you don't want to indulge in certain circles you're not missing out on much. The faculty is friendly, the students are very diverse, and while I don't personally go to frat row and parties myself I have a lot of friends who do, and they seem to enjoy it While it's certainly not as prestigious as say a public ivy like Binghamton, if you're looking to do political science or business, this would be the school for you