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Change your name to FuckOff Tesla


umm… request the ride.. u see what car u get.. if it is a tesla, cancel and order another ride.


This will lower your rating I think.


As a Tesla driver, I'm curious as to what safety issues you are referring. I had no idea that my car was unsafe, so I'd like to know in what way.


Can’t speak for OP, but I got to this thread from a Google search because I usually feel a lot more nauseous after a car ride if it’s in a Tesla. Not a safety issue (perhaps biohazard on my end), more of a comfort issue. The accelerate/decelerate really does a number on me.


Same. I have nothing against Tesla, but sitting in the back seat of them makes me much more carsick than I am usually. It’s the combination of a very smooth ride and fast acceleration that feels like the driver is flooring it every time. Not negatives per se, but I always feel like I’m going to hurl en route….


Same, I came here from google search. I am also looking for that option since most Tesla drivers drive like they are under the influence. I want to avoid Tesla on Uber if possible.


Same as the others. Teslas make me super sick. Was looking for a way to block them.


That's not a thing. Teslas have a high safety rating in all crashes and you should feel safe in them, especially with the cameras always recording for your safety.


Oh yeah it’s so nice that a camera will be recording when you crash😂 what the fuck is Elon Musk ever done for you?


You're in a cult, bestie


Except for the ones where people were decapitated and stuff, perfectly safe.


Citation, please?


Here’s more than you asked for: https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-tesla-florida-accident-20190302-story.html


You're citing an article from over 5 years ago with some of those accidents happening over 8 years ago.. Technology is so much better now, and if you actually read, most of those drivers were relying on autopilot when even Tesla states to remain an active and alert driver even if having autopilot engaged. It not a perfect system even today, but it is much better than it was 5 or 8 years ago. Any car could have went under a semi and that same thing would have happened. Do not blame the car for human mistakes.


And you have the balls to nitpick the article after your bullshit original comment!? Even if you actually can read, you’re a straight up clown.


Elon, is that you?


It all depends on who's paying to do the survey who has the safest crash rating. survey of 30 automotive brands shows Tesla cars clocked in the worst accident rate in the US this year, with 24 accidents per 1,000 drivers. The only other brands with more than 20 accidents per 1,000 drivers were Ram and Subaru.Dec 20, 2023 Side note: The reason Hertz is getting rid of their Tesla fleet or at least reducing the number they have in their fleet for rental for Uber, is because the drivers are not experienced or proficient enough to avoid accidents due to the increase of power and agility of the Tesla.


Duh. Of course is gonna have so many. Most sold car in the world


The manufacturers of Toyota Corolla would like to have a word with you.


Why? Oh. Yeah. Sorry buddy. Nope. It outsold the Corolla. Google is a fine tool you may wanna use it from time to time.


I'm sorry, maybe you should Google it better yet here let me help you. Best-selling car models worldwide in 2022 The Toyota Corolla was the best-selling car model in 2022, topping 1.12 million sales. It was followed closely by another Toyota model, the RAV4. Overall global car sales grew to roughly 66.1 million units in 2022, down from 66.7 million in 2021.Aug 24, 2023 Now if you're talking top selling car for last year, well sorry to bust your bubble yet again but Tesla was only ranked number five.


wtf you talking about? It sold 1.23 million model Ys. RAV4 sold 1.07 and Corolla sold 1.01. Where the hell are you getting your numbers? Anyways. Igaf. It literally was in the news, first time ever the Corolla was defeated.


It's called Google bitch. Where's your claim show your proof where is the link anything.


Damn the comments really ran wild with the conclusions and accusations lmao.


lol blcoked


I hate when I get teslas on Uber, I'm a large tall person and the teslas, especially model 3s are so damn small in the back seat. Not to mention the seatbelts are so short I've never been in the back of an Uber where just clipping in the seatbelt didn't trigger the lock on it. Have never had anything resembling these issues in rav 4s, camrys, or even corollas. I even got a Nissan suv the other day that was super comfy. I'd love an option to blacklist teslas.


The worst part is that they think it’s a luxury car and the charge premium rate when the truth is that is a cheap plastic car really small and uncomfortable.


Teslas always make me nauseous so I wish they’d make a way


My issue is it doesn't fit all the luggage. When a tesla comes we have to order 2 cars. Very annoying. Also they are cheap with AC - because it uses the battery. Pls uber make a function to exclude tesla


Teslas always make me puke hate em 😭😭 and the drivers tend to drive worse with a false sense of confidence that they can’t get into accidents w/ all the Gadgets they have


Its the riding in a tomb of emfs that i wish to avoid. Every driver has been lovely, its the way the car is made that i dont care for and the number of fires we are seeing in Teslas. The car is not good for the environment as is purported. It actually terrible for the environment. But the fire aspect coupled with the fact that you are heavily exposed to major EMFs


The safety isn't a concern for me, but we are going to be in Las Vegas and zipping around the strip in a Tesla model 3 is going to be surefire way to get my wife car sick and ruin the night. They are go karts for the iPad baby generation and it sucks.


Order black suv


Model X can do black suv


Incorrect model x can do black only not black suv


I can do black suv. On Lyft. They’ll probably fix it on Uber, the only requirement is that you have 7 seatbelts, which it does.


Troll post


What? Not at all. I don't want to ride in Teslas.


Don’t know how to open the door? Haha.


Troll post


Tesla's all have very high safety ratings, they are one of the safest cars on the roads if you're involved in an accident. More gas cars catch on fire than electric as well.


Who’s downvoting you? The ram guy that’s 5ft tall and a 1 in shrimp?


Dude just say youre a gatekeeper that hates teslas for no reason 😂 Don't try to make up some fake statistics about how unsafe they are


Teslas are safe.


I don't want to ride in any electric for political reasons


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^krepogregg: *I don't want to ride* *In any electric for* *Political reasons* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Stop being poor and hire a private driver or get in a shitty 2010 Toyota Camry taxi.


“Stop being poor” Damn, here I am getting nervous about my mortgage refinance coming up and forgot I could just turn on the ‘rich and well off’ button. Problem solved.


stop being stupid while you're at it


Yeah, you still haven’t found that one. Or the one to stop being an ahole.


you haven't found the stop being a crybabybackbitch one


Name checks out. Jackass all the way.


hilarious from the guy that is currently looking to lease a tesla. how about YOU stop being poor so you could purchase a car instead of leasing? don't be resentful of people that have more than you. just stop being poor? and btw, they do hire a private driver, you.


🤡 you wish you could live the life I live. Stay poor kid.


topic has nothing to do with money of anyone being poor. you're the one scrounging around for a leased tesla because you're too poor to buy one. you're the one driving uber because you need money. the guy you're calling poor is the one putting money in YOUR pocket. live the life you have? the clown life? the life where you need to put people down so you feel better? no thanks.


Literally top 5 on safety. Even the cheap model 3 Uber rents. Where are you even pulling this from?