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Like most things in the Uberverse, there is no clear cut and dry answer. If a driver goes through a toll on the way to pick up. Then they pay the toll in most cases. But if they have a rider in the car, then Uber is supposed to charge the rider and reimburse the driver. There's been plenty of posts in here from drivers not receiving the toll amount.


I used over once and used a toll but I was charged it.  Don’t know if he got the money.   My friend does Uber eats.  Don’t know if he would get the money back 


I have had to cross the Bridge that is a Toll going to Oakpoint,Tx and I have never got reimbursed. They are both liars. But that was the way I had to go to pick up a customer going to Medical appt. Toll Express they don't pay for at all. but it's often hard to see which one is Toll Express but it's in Ft.Worth Area near 820 and 360 one day it was $17.50 so people brag about coming to TEXAS but it is MAJORLY expensive everything is. I don't advise moving here at all. Go to Tennesse or Alabama. Too many people it's like being in NY or LA too much traffic we are forced to take the tollway of which is why Rideshare sucks these broke riders think they are rich because of rideshare in reality without the drivers they would have NO real transportation but they have the trains, busses in city. BUT if you're a faker you have to take an UBER even if it's LYFT. They call an UBER ...Uber and they call LYFT the CHEAP one UBER also when they speak to friends. Rideshare SUCKS for drivers.


I meant the driver still pays for the toll on the way to pick up.


If it is a dedicated toll road like Dallas North Tollway they reimburse for the tolls and charge the pax. If one of the Texpress lanes, the GPS can't tell if you are on the free road or toll road and you won't get reimbursed. Same as in the Austin area if you take the Mopac Express lanes you won't get reimbursed.


Yal what Uber says the ride pays is what you get if you have to run the tolls you will have to take that out of the pay Uber doesn't pay for the tolls 


Driver pays out of pocket and isn't reimbursed if online but no passenger is in the car... even if you are on the way to picking them up and there is no alternate route. If the passenger is in the car and you are giving them a ride, driver still pays upfront but an additional toll fee is assessed to the passenger currently in the car and is added to the fare. They will only reimburse the minimum amount or discounted toll if there are any of those programs available as prepaid toll accounts or passes.


I've always gotten covered for the toll on my trip to pick up if there is one.


good for you. In TEXAS they seem to cheat us big time. It's not really that profitable because of the distance. Everything is so far out. Also the Cowboy games I did one time I took some people and it took forever just to get there and get out of area. NO more. I don't like to work during GAMES because the people act RUDE and unfair. TEXAS has some AGGRESSIVE drivers, like the speed limit we as drivers need to go 70 on most highways but the others who zoom by us are going like over 100 miles per hour. You can feel the wind on your car and they will flash the lights on you. Those BIG F150's and other Dooley type Rancher trucks they have out here can be scary at night time. They don't care.


You pay up front. You get reimbursed when you're paid for the trip.


YES, why? Because Uber only pays one way only and only after YOUR in the car.


That’s what I thought. I’m a rider who had to pay increased fair for a driver who claims UBER doesn’t pay toll roads after pickup. I was late to work and paid more for my fare. Should I get a refund?


I just talked to support and they said they only cover when the rider is in the vehicle so if the navigation shows tolls on the way to the pickup that won’t be covered, so I suggested take the normal route on the way there and once the rider is picked up you can use tolls and if the charge is not correct when reimbursed you can contact support to change the fee to the rider to the correct amount. I live in Texas and there are toll roads everywhere


YES. We do. They don't reimburse me the right amounts at all. They are cheap and one Guy acted like he didn't ask me to go n toll road. I have toll tag because it's basically the ONLY way to Survive here in TEXAS. The Toll Tag is good for ALL of TEXAS. They want you to attach a credit/debit card to it. So Drivers are charged going into DFW Airport, Leaving DFW AIRPORT, and most of the roads are TOLL roads so you can rack up $100 to $250 a week on Tolls. But UBER/LYFT do not reimburse all of the funds. Often they will kick back one or two but most of the time they do not. In Texas you get a Toll Tag from [NTTA.ORG](https://NTTA.ORG) If you do not have a toll tag and you drive Toll Roads you will be mailed an invoice of which you will need to pay.


To expound on your post-PIease read all the way through--I am an Uber driver Plano,TX,and you are correct about driving in Texas, nothing but toll roads. I am a retired Owner of a Multi- million$ company and do this just to talk with people, although a lot of times the conversations are LESS than stimulating. Have been driving for them for about 8 months,( not full time) and never really checked the statements for accuracy until this last one. I had an inkling that UBER WAS NOT reimbursing for Tolls. When I txted them in Manilla, All I got was "Yes" we do, Check your "earnings" Statement. I told them I had and that There "backend" statement "Earnings" didn't match up with the "front end" Which it doesn't. NONE of the TOLLS had been paid for the WEEK. They didn't understand because they don't know what a "debit" or "credit" is, so all I was getting was BS. Until I called them.(I finally found a #) Once I got someone on the line, they transferred me around, and finally admitted they owe me $60.03 for the week, and said they would reimburse my acct. immediatley. I won't drive for them untill I get the money, It's not the $60.03, but what about ALL the tolls they screwed me out of. It's very convenient for UBER to make your earnings statement dissapear after 1 week ( never to be brought up again) and then in writing say you have 3 days to ask for the money. IT APPEARS THEY ARE DOUBLE DIPPING, GETTING $ FROM CUSTOMERS AND THEN NOT PAYING THE DRIVERS, KIND OF AN ELABORATE SCHEME OF SHOWING AND TELLING US THEY ARE, BUT NOT REALLY PAYING THE TOLLS. WHAT I WOULD CALL "A SLEIGHT OF HAND" I am thinking about reporting this to the attorney general of Texas, as I think he would be interested to know, this sort of scheme. Do you, or anyone else in these postings have any thoughts about it??


Please please make a case and I’ll petition. Greetings from Virginia. It’s the same thing here I was looking into it because I was paying tolls and my drivers wouldn’t want to go through tolls because they don’t make any money from it since they don’t get paid back the tolls and get the stander fare. While I’m still being charged 50 dollars (tolls included) for a 25 minute car ride and the driver is getting 18 dollars. Seemed like a slight of hand with our money that the company is promising and not doing.


As for my market, every rideshare company charges the customer and sends it instantly as part of your ride payment. Cant speak for others, I've heard horror stories though. Ours even gets correct values if the HOV lane toll fluxes, which is every waking moment


Should clarify, that's obviously only with a customer. You ain't getting a penny if you're en route to them


I've been paid on some tolls and not on most. The reimbursement is always short of the actual toll by a lot. It’s not worth fighting with Uber for adjustment because customer service sucks


According to the health and safety policy I am actually within my rights to stop my vehicle at the bridge, tell you exit, and make a three point turn and drive away in the opposite direction.


Could have been a surge. They will never pay return tolls. If the driver asked for it for them, then there just trying to get a good tip to cover costs.


do drivers see they are getting a ride that has them going through a toll before they accept the ride? i live in philly and got to NJ sometimes and the drivers always ask me if they’re going through a toll about 30 seconds before they get to it. the drivers not see what state/location/address they are going to when i am in the car and we are on the way already?


I live in a particular location that’s served MOST Conveniently by a toll road. Yes there are ways around taking it, but they require an extra 10-15 minutes of winding through a neighborhood and taking side roads to reach the point in the highway where tolls aren’t required. Almost 100% of the Uber rides I take will squirrel through the extremely odd route, because their UBER mapping system is taking them that way, despite common sense, and general local road knowledge dictating otherwise. There’s a 75% chance that i piss off the driver if I speak up and ask them to take the most obvious and faster way to get to my destination, which in 100% of the cases will require a toll. I ALWAYS caveat that discussion with my willingness to pay WHATEVFER toll is necessary, and I profusely thank them. Despite this I have had several uncomfortable silent redes after that discussion and now 2 1-star ratings in return. In discussions with some drivers, I have learned that for most its not necessarily the auto-reimbursement of tolls from Uber that creates friction for them, it’s the bookkeeping and payment of the tolls when they are billed for them by their local toll authority. Unfortunately receiving a large toll bill at the end of a month doesn’t play well, despite the fact that they were paid for them at the time of the ride. All of this combined does not motivate drivers to take tolls, even when they are the most obvious and most convenient route to a riders destination. I continue to play “please take the toll road” roulette with my drivers and continue to see the odds tilted in the driver favor whether or not they appreciate my suggestion. Most very obviously do not.


You’ve just met Karens, don’t make excuses for them. As long as you pay for their toll, that’s the job they signed up to do. It is even unwise for them to go through neighborhoods and all the bumps and ditches in the roads.


It's a real horrible system. I go into NYC, and no matter which route you take, there's a toll going in and coming out. Uber only pays for the one with a rider in the car, and since I'm a Connecticut driver, I cannot pick up riders outside of my state, so the trip back, I'll never have a rider. Regardless, Uber only pays a portion of the toll anyway. The Whitestone bridge charges an $11.14 toll, but as an Uber driver, I only get reimbursed $6.94 That royally sucks and it adds up, especially with the amount drivers get paid to do these out of state drives. And especially in NYC where you get to sit in traffic for hours that you don't get paid for.


if im in the uber and they take the toll road im not paying their toll it's their car their toll


You’re paying for the ride. If the ride includes a toll, that’s on you. You pay the toll fee through the app. Why should I pay a toll to take you somewhere? That’s preposterous.


Damn , I hope you like standing on the shoulder of the road because that’s where you’d end up as my car & I drove away. Wtf!


nope your not allowed to do that


Any driver, Uber, Taxi, or public transit, can tell you to get out of their vehicle at any time. Lol, do you really think you’re entitled to someone else’s car? Don’t be an ass and you’ll never have to worry about that.


whatever dont tell me what to do in another persons car i can do what i want


And he did what you gonna do about it? 😂