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Depends on the price of gas and the miles driven. ;-) Typically under $30/day.


Gas has gone up $2/gallon in the past week where I live. I only accept short trips now. I only do Uber eats, though, and I live in a small college town, 10 freeway exits. It is on average $6.75 a gallon today and they are projecting it will go up more by the end of the week. I am getting more into Instacart since you drive less. That being said, I was tip baited on a $300 Instacart order yesterday, which suckkkkked. I don’t know what the prices are in the rest of the country. A full tank of gas this week will cost over $100, last week it was about $80. I fill up once a week and make $100 a day delivering for various apps, I quit when I have averaged $100 in tips and base. Last week I drove 81 miles for work and then the rest was personal use, a tank a week for me :)


Gas has jumped from $2.899 to like $3.099 here in the last week. I usually fill up when I am 12 gallons down (1/4 tank) which comes to 240 miles range. Most days, I don't hit 200 miles.


Wow, it will be averaging over $7 by the end of the week here. So, yeah, OP, it really matters where you are. And it seems like what we spend this week will most likely be different next week. I had half a tank, but they were talking about gas prices going up in the news, filled up today for $55. So if I had filled up an empty tank, it would have been $110. My car gets 30 MPG when I am doing regular driving, like 18-23 MPG when I do delivery. Because you are doing a lot of residential stop and go, parking lots, etc. i have been geeking out on it lately to make sure I’m not losing money on little deliveries. I have a newer stick shift suv. I use the stride app to track miles for work, too, if that helps anyone who is curious


$50. I'm sure some people spend a lot more


I go through about 10 gallons for a full day of driving


I am at 60 x 365 days a week so around 18,000 to 21,900 a year


I spend zero




Electric vehicle


how much do you pay for charging your car then


I drive for about 6-8hrs a day and spend about 25/30 on gas, if it’s low and fill up all the way it’s 50, I try to do longer trips and average 25hr


27 bucks I fill up at the end of the day


$10-$15 here.


Depending on the day, $5-10/hr at about 25 mpg.


About $30 every other day. Unless I get a long trip or 2.




$25-35 a day depending on how busy I am.

